Benett and Levy article while building in ‘Disgust’

Benett and Levy article while building in ‘Disgust’

The aims are the replication of the Benett and Levy article while building in ‘Disgust’ and another variable. If you Read the Benett and Levy ( paper along with some of the work by Graham Davey and then also watch the video of the analysis should give you a pretty good idea of what the research question is. Analyze the data, you need descriptive statistics, correlations and partial correlations

William Allison’s American Military History

William Allison’s American Military History

Read William Allison’s American Military History, pp. 285-299.

Read William Allison’s American Military History, pp. 285-299. The following essay should be based on that reading assignment. During the Korean War, the line dividing the areas controlled by UN forces (primarily US forces) and the enemy repeatedly move up and down the Korean peninsula, until the war ended and where the line between North and South Korea had existed in the first place. Write an essay that explains these turning points or swings in momentum. What are the significant effects of this war on the US military?

Transportation Problem and Solutions

Transportation Problem and Solutions


Read the following 3 chapters: How We Adapt (p48-65), How We Move Better (68-87, and How We Grow Economic Opportunity for All (92-107) from Beyond Traffic 2045. pdf I will attach later. How We Adapt: Prepare one well-written paragraph that conveys how the environment is changing and influencing transportation and transportation infrastructure. Prepare a second well-written paragraph that conveys how we (society, the transportation industry, governments) are adapting to these influences. How We Move Better: Pick one technology described in this chapter – one that interests you. Describe how you think that technology can alleviate one or two problems identified in the How We Move and How We Move Things chapters. Be as detailed as you can, i.e., if you can quantify improvement and support it with rationale, then please do. (1/2 page). How We Grow Economic Opportunity for All Pick an economic, social or socioeconomic (look this up if you don’t know exactly what it means) aspect from this chapter that caught your attention; perhaps something you hadn’t thought about before. First describe the aspect; then, suggest some ways in which this aspect can be alleviated or improved (1/2 page).

Juvenile Deliquency and Criminal Justice System

Juvenile Deliquency and Criminal Justice System

Juvenile Deliquency ( Use sources provided in the instructions ONLY) The idea of this project is to review real data about children that is used to develop policies for children. You may use data from 2016, 2017 or 2018. This is a typical assignment for the development of programs for children and requires some critical thinking,data collection and problem solving . YOU WILL NEED TO CUT AND PASTE LINKS. You will look at demographic data, then data reports about incarcerated children and then the alternatives that are suggested by advocacy groups such as the Annie E. Casey Foundation. There are rich resources at your fingertips. Analyze some of what you read and make recommendations for programs that would be alternatives to incarceration or that suggest successful prevention. Be creative BUT link to what others have found to be successful! There is no point to learning what you have learned this semester if you can’t think of ways of advocating in the best interest of children! What are the conditions of children according to indicators as discussed in 2016″kids count” data book and the “2016 updates.”. Review the US and either NYS or the state you call home Review Annie E. Casey foundation report “the case against incarceration for kids.” Identify the key problems discussed by the authors. Review the articles in the NYS Department of Children and Families website (juvenile justice and pdf file on recidivism are a good place to start). Are these findings consistent with the findings of the Casey foundation? How do they compare? Finally review program policy directions. What recommendations would you make to prevent delinquency or to treat delinquent youth. How do your suggestions compare with your book’s recommended programs or those of the sources below –especially Annie E. Casey suggestions. Equivalent of 5-7 pages on the discussion board to respond to these questions. Post response to 2 classmates. Sources indicated below are rich information sources and should be explored and used. Additional sources are accepted. 2017 updates publications Parents with children who are in the labor force,868,867,13 demographics, economic well being, education, family well being, safety and risky behaviors. Annie e. casey: “2016 data book” suggestions for policy directions US and state profiles for childhood indicators. Annie e casey foundation—the case against incarceration for kids NYS office of children and families youth in care report You may need to go first to NYS Office of Children and Families, then Juvenile Delinquency then Youth in care annie e. casey foundation –alternatives to prison for children. Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

Animal behavioural response to the environment

Animal behavioural response to the environment

Description I had a lab about investigating the behavioural responses of an invertebrate to an external environment stimulus. I chose to experiment with the illumination environmental factor ( which is light ). I used a list of equipments in this practical which consists of ( 2x choice chambers/ stop clock / black cloth/ light meter ( lux meter )/ sticky tape ). 1) The chambers were used to make a control out of the Woodlice to the experiment and the other chamber to experiment their responses towards the light. 2) the black cloth was used besides the sticky tape to make half of the chamber as a dark place and the opt her half of the chamber for the light to come through ( so we can see the response of the Woodlice picking which part to settle in. 3) the stop clock is used to set a fixed time for the Woodlice to settle in a place. 4) the light meter is used to measure the light and to measure the dark place that I set on the other half of the chamber. I marked the left side as the light side and the right side as the dark side and and set the stop clock limit for 3 minutes. * I will be adding some pictures in the attachment file area that addresses the data collected in the lab and some references and the format of how the report should be structured. * there should be 10 controls which should be on the left hand side of each of the 2 pictures and 10 variables on the right hand side of the pictures. I have attached as well the practical document if that would help you but on the last page where it says ( Practical write up 1 of practical proftolio ) is the part where it explains how the report has to be structured.

Fire Budgeting

Fire Budgeting

Fire Budgeting  You are the fire chief. The city manager, a former fire chief has asked for a staff report on whether the city should consider going to medic engines and eliminating the rescue ambulances. The previous city he worked in used a third party service to staff BLS ambulances services through a private company, saving thousands of dollars and eliminating worker compensation claims by 75%, and reducing overtime by 30 %. Explain the advantages/disadvantages and the potential cost saving if any or cost increases in your report/presentation. Please add charts or graphs. Minimum 3 though please. This is a Fire Finance class so go into depth about numbers and why. I really appreciate you helping me with my essay. Thank you.

Influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan

Influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan

“The influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan”

The paper is going to be about “The influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan”. I already wrote a rough draft which is 5 pages of first insight. I would like you to add more detail on this paper such as

1, More direct and clear thesis statement on first paragraph. And explain what is the main idea of this essay.

2, Little bit more detail in introduction.

3, More detail info of relationship between Ukiyoe and Buddhism in Main body 1. (further more info of Buddhism perspective required)

4, More detail info of relationship between Haiku and Buddhism (I want to including the topics of dharma and karma. If its hard to add on this paragraph, you can add on different part of essay.)

5, More detail and clear conclusion on the last paragraph. I am international student so please be aware not using difficult and professional term on this essay. But it does not have to be too basic.

Sources have to be from academic article, please use any type of academic article if you needed. I need to submit total 9-10 pages so please add 4-5 pages as a final version of essay.

Professionalism and social media

Professionalism and social media

Professionalism and Social Media Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates. Inappropriate or unethical conduct on social media can create legal problems for nurses as well as the field of nursing. Login to all social media sites in which you engage. Review your profile, pictures and posts. Based on the professional standards of nursing, identify items that would be considered unprofessional and potentially detrimental to your career and that negatively impact the reputation of the nursing field. In 500-750 words, summarize the findings of your review. Include the following: 1. Describe the posts or conversations in which you have engaged that might be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing. 2. Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing at work and in their personal lives. Include discussion of how personal conduct can violate HIPAA or be considered unethical or unprofessional. Provide an example of each to support your answer. 3. Based on the analysis of your social media, discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals. Describe areas of your social media activity that could be improved. 4. Write a one-page double spaced introductory cover letter in which you explain your professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths as an applicant. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance PLEASE MAKE THE COVER LETTER IN A SEPARATE PAGE.

Comparing Female Video and Film Stars

Comparing Female Video and Film Stars

Comparing Female Video and Film stars using Laura Mulvey’s concept of the Male Gaze

Description Introduction, Chapter 1 – Defining Laura Mulvey’s concept of the ‘Male Gaze’. Chapter 2 – A Historical comparison of the images of Lady Gaga and Marilyn Monroe, how far have we come? Chapter 3 – Define historical contexts Marlin Monroe, and Lady Gaga. Conclusion. List of Images. Bibliography. Please feel free to amend the text that is provided but please take account of the audio files as well.

Personal Wellness Reflection Essay

Personal Wellness Reflection Essay

PERSONAL ASSESSMENT PAPER Your final assignment is a Personal Assessment Paper. This is to be an integrative paper summarizing and synthesizing what you learned from the personal wellness assessments you completed during the semester and from tracking your behavior on My Fitness Pal. The paper will include an overview each assessment, report of your outcome, reflection on what you learned and why it is important, and a summary of how this will influence your future actions. This paper must be substantive in depth and personal in nature. It should have an introductory paragraph, a paragraph for each assessment topic, a summary paragraph stating personal insights and future plans. This paper must be more than 10 pages in order to cover all the assignments adequately. You will submit your paper to the course dropbox BEFORE the due date and time. All submissions should be .doc or .docx. (If I cannot open the document, the grade will AUTOMATICALLY be a 0.) Please do not submit jpg, gif or .pages. It is recommended that you use to check your grammar and spelling. Proofread ALL of your papers before submitting. Check the rubric at the end of these instructions for the order of paragraphs, as points WILL be deducted for not following ALL the instructions. PAPER OVERVIEW Please use the Number and Name of each Assessment as a Subheading for each paragraph. First Paragraph (or more): Introduction to Wellness: what does wellness mean to you and why is it important. Paragraphs 2 – 20: Personal Outcomes and Reflections from EACH Assessment Overview of each assessment, report of outcomes and personal reflections/implications for EACH ASSESSMENT including one paragraph summarizing NUTRITION outcomes from My Fitness Pal and one paragraph summarizing PHYSICAL ACTIVITY outcomes from My Fitness Pal. This is the main body of paper, at least one strong paragraph (>3 sentences) must be devoted to each assessment topic and each paragraph should include….. a. Subheading: Name of the Assessment b. Overview of assessment: explain purpose and why the topic is important c. Report of your personal outcomes on each assessment d. Identification of personal strengths/weaknesses e. Identification of changes that you could make to improve/enhance Last Paragraph: Summary of what you learned and implications for future actions (final paragraph). This assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your understanding and application of the components of fitness and wellness in your own life. Be sure to retain all of your work throughout the semester, as it will crucial to the writing of your final Personal Wellness Reflective Paper. Overview, outcomes and reflections of the following assessments MUST be included 1.2 (p. 36) Wellness Lifestyle Questionnaire 1.4 (p. 43) Resting Heart Rate and Blood Pressure 1.5 (p. 44) Dimensions of Wellness – Setting Your Goals 10.1 (p. 384) Self-Assessment Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factor Analysis 12.1 (p. 454) Stress Events Scale 12.2 (p. 459) Stress Vulnerability Questionnaire 2.1 (p. 53) Exercising control over Your Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment 2.3 (p. 75) Setting SMART Goals MFP My Fitness Pal – Nutrition Outcomes 4.2 (p.160) Disease Risk Using Waist Circumference and BMI MFP My Fitness Pal Physical Activity – Outcomes 6.2 (p.234) Exercise Readiness Questionnaire 9.1 (p. 334) Personal Reflection on Exercise and Exercise Enjoyment 9.2 (p. 373) Personal Fitness Plan 11.1 (p. 433) Are You Taking control of Your Lifestyle to Prevent Cancer? 11.12 (p. 435) Assessing Your Risks for Cancer 13.1 (p. 487) Addictive Behavior Questionnaire 13.2 (p. 502) Alcohol Use Questionnaire 15.1 (p. 546) Life Expectancy and Physiological Age Prediction Questionnaire