Theory of aerodynamics and simulations aircraft

Theory of aerodynamics and simulations aircraft

This is an assignment that focuses on the understanding of the theory of aerodynamics and simulations. The paper is also involving running of simulations in calculation of quantities.

The understanding of the theory of aerodynamics and simulations

Vehicle Design and Technology
Students are to submit an electronic copy of their completed assignment. This is via the Assignments section of Canvas and follow any specific instructions. Any change to this instruction will be advised via Canvas.
In line with Faculty policy for late submission of coursework.

In case of illness or other issues affecting your studies please refer to the University Mitigating Circumstances policy. Guidance on mitigating circumstances can be found on MyKingston:– Circumstances.aspx Please note that if you submit a piece of work you have judged yourself fit to undertake the assessment and cannot claim mitigating circumstances retrospectively.

The understanding of the theory of aerodynamics

Guidance on avoiding academic assessment offences such as plagiarism and collusion can be found on MyKingston
The following module learning outcomes and professional body learning outcomes are in this assessment:

School of Engineering and the Environment. Coursework Assessment Brief. Page 2 of 7
 Firstly, understand essential elements of the theory of aerodynamics and run CFD simulations to calculate essential quantities related to high performance vehicle aerodynamics.
Please copy and paste the marking scheme and feedback form following the cover page of your assignment in Word format.
 Secondly, presenting the work of others as your own is academic misconduct and will be subject to penalty. If in doubt you are to read the university regulations on academic misconduct: Cheating in assessment and/or consult the lecturer setting the assignment.

 Referencing and citation requirements: Thirdly, you are to refer to the indicative bibliography of the module provide in Canvas and the additional bibliographic sources suggest in the lecture notes. In addition, you must undertake your own appropriate further reading and research in relation to the matters addressed in this coursework brief. Evidence of independent reading and research will be rewarded. A list of References must be at the end of the report listing all bibliographic sources cited.”
Assessment of your submission will be based on the following weighted assessment criteria as given below which relate to the specified module and PSRB learning outcomes. Assessment criteria are in Canvas in a rubric.

Mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

Mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

This is an assignment that focuses on the mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study. The paper also requires demonstration of an argument to support the research.

Mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Firstly, develop stylistically appropriate writing that incorporates strategies for writing to a given audience, subject, and purpose   Secondly, incorporate feedback from peer review for improving the quality and effectiveness of one’s own writing   Thirdly, write informative introductions; coherent theses; well-developed, organized, and supported body paragraphs; and conclusions that are persuasive and supported by effective research   Fourthly, utilize appropriate research for developing a well-informed position through written composition
Prompt For this essay, you will identify an issue in your current major, a major you are interested in pursuing, or your field of work. You will then establish an argument and support that argument with research and relevant evidence.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: This is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Do not forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you planned out, while also stating your claim. A. Provides an overview of the issue you have selected, briefly describing main points and your argument. B. Compose an engaging thesis that states the argument that you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out.

The mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

II. Body: The body is your opportunity to describe and support your argument in depth. Make sure your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand. A. Be sure that you also write multiple paragraphs that are focused, clearly state their intent, and move logically from one to the other, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses.  B. Your body paragraphs should support your argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence from sources. There is no such thing as a right or wrong argument; the key is how it is supported and the quality of the evidence used.  C. Address and refute any opposing viewpoints to your argument. This is your chance to discredit any opposing views, thus strengthening your own.

III. Conclusion: Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you. A. Review your argument. Additionally, this section should consist of a review of your main points employed to support your argument. Think of this as your last chance to prove your point or your closing arguments. B. Your conclusion should articulate insights about your argument established through your essay. This should follow logically from your essay, referring to key points or quotes used to support your argument.

Compare a central character of Shakespeare’s play

Compare a central character of Shakespeare’s play

This is a paper that is requires the student to compare a central character of Shakespeare’s play. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Compare a central character of Shakespeare’s play

Write a short essay of approximately 1,200 words on Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” in connection with ONE of the following two prompts.  Note that in both prompts below, “central characters” means either Macbeth himself or Lady Macbeth, and you should choose one of them to focus on, not both, as trying to do both will likely result in not discussing either one in sufficient detail

Compare a central character of Shakespeare’s play to an anti-hero/villain character of your choice in another work (e.g. film, TV, etc.).  Your thesis should indicate which of the two works was more effective in fostering a degree of empathy (however minimal) for the anti-hero/ villain, and a strong thesis should give a hint as to what sorts of details motivated this reaction.
Some ideas as to what you may want to consider in your paper:

How much background is the audience given about the character, e.g. their personal history, challenges in their past, impact of close relationships, etc.?

To what extent is the character’s behavior deviant comparing to what is going on around them?
Which character causes more harm?  To whom do they cause harm (e.g. loved ones, strangers, society as a whole, themselves). Also, how extensive and/or irreparable is the damage?  To what extent are they reflective about their actions, acknowledging guilt vs. rationalizing it away?  Did they make their decisions freely, in a state of sound mind, or were they due to compromise or pressure?  Was the motivation by hate, by ambition, just oblivious, etc.?

What happens to the anti-hero/villain at the end of the story?  Does their fate seem proportionate to the harm they caused, or was it in some sense “over the top” so as to potentially cause the audience to feel bad for them despite their previous wrongdoing?

Eethnic restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing

Eethnic restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing

“You should go to an “ethnic” restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing, but not your own ethnicity, at least three times, and observe the people.  Look for the following:

“You should go to an “ethnic” restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing

These are the directions: Pretend you went to a Latinx restaurant.

“Go to an “ethnic” restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing, but not your own ethnicity, at least three times, and observe the people.

Look for the following: 
a) The interplay of gender roles and norms, observable in how people dress, their habits of speech and communication with each other, and other behaviors.  Did you see a rite of passage in which gender roles are heightened, such as a family party or a romantic date?  Sometimes, expressions of sexuality are also observable.  Often power dynamics are present in male/female relations.  How were the power dynamics expressed?  See in the Culture Counts textbook, pp. 237-252.

b) How socioeconomic class is constructed, again observable by how people dress, their speech patterns, and how they interact with each other.  See in the Culture Counts textbook, pp. 185-195.  One question you ask yourself is how are these people expressing or maybe suppressing their status and prestige?  Often people express their social status through expensive clothes and jewelry, or with their use of a smart-phone, or by the way they talk to the employees of the restaurant.

c) What ethnic groups were present?

How did people’s ethnic identity shape how they acted and interacted with others at the restaurant?  An example would be if the people spoke a certain language or dialect or dressed a certain way.  When race and ethnic differences were present, how did the people deal with each other?  Were inter-racial families and relationships present?  See in the Culture Counts textbook, pp. 198-209.

d) Maybe the forces of globalization and transnationalism factor into the particular restaurant where you are doing your observations.  Does the restaurant represent cuisine from another country? Are the customers from other countries?  How about the employees?  An example would be if you chose an Asian Indian restaurant, and it is clear that the people working there are from India.  How are they adapting themselves and their food for the consumption of mainstream Americans?  How is a tourist from another country adapting themselves to an American eatery?

Grading Rubric and Outline for the project paper: Total points possible is 100 points.

I.  The Introduction:

Describe the eatery and the kind of people you observed there.  What kind of place is it?  Where is the eatery located?  What are the typical kind of people you observe there – such as working class males, students, elderly, families, multi-ethnic or a certain ethnicity, etc?  Briefly note the highlights from your observations – that is, summarize what you observed in general about gender, class and race/ethnicity.

20 points possible, based upon:

– How well did you describe the eatery, its location, and the people there? – How well did you present the highlights from your observations on gender, class, race/ethnicity and also other relevant social characteristics?

II. The body of your paper:

This should deal with two distinct sets of observations that describe the people and analyze the interplay of social identity (gender, class and race/ethnicity) and behavior.  That is, you should have observations from two different sets of people and their interactions.  You should write the descriptive part as vignettes (short stories) describing your observations with the details.  After each vignette, provide an analysis of how gender, class and also ethnicity came into play and were expressed.

50 points possible, based upon:

– Did you cover two sets of observations? – How well you described the social situations with details important for your analysis. – Quality of the analysis – determined by how well you used the concepts of gender, class, race/ethnicity, and other relevant concepts such as sexuality or globalization in analyzing the social situations.

III. The conclusion: 

Further, what did you learn about gender, class and ethnicity from this observational project?  Additionally, how did it make you more aware of the different components of your own social identity?

20 points possible, based upon:

– Did your conclusion provide insights on gender, class, and also race/ethnicity, and what you learned about the everyday social construction of identity in America (and in Connecticut)? – Further, did you write yourself into the project by self-reflection upon how you construct your social identity?

Formatting – You should proof the paper and edit it for writing errors and quality of writing.

Wherever you quote from the textbook or other sources, you should provide an in-text citation.  An example of an in-text citation for quoted material from the textbook is – (Nanda and Warms, 2015, p. 198).  If you do quote or paraphrase from sources that are not the textbook, then add a bibliography at the end of your paper.

10 points possible, based upon: – Was the paper carefully proofed for writing errors and grammatical mistakes? Additionally, was the paper edited for conciseness and the development of sentences and paragraphs, and organized well for logical flow?  – Lastly, were citations provided for quoted material?  ”

Persuasive outline use the full-sentence outline method

Persuasive outline use the full-sentence outline method

To prepare the Persuasive outline, use the full-sentence outline method. Preview the document The outline should have enough content in order to deliver an 8-10 minute persuasive speech.

To prepare the Persuasive outline, use the full-sentence outline method

The post should be written in outline form. To prepare the Persuasive outline, use the full-sentence outline method. Preview the document The outline should have enough content in order to deliver an 8-10 minute persuasive speech.

The outline should include the following:
Specific Purpose
Central Idea (aka:  Thesis Statement or Preview Statement)
Introduction – capture attention, establish YOUR speaker credibility, and preview the speech
Body – key points (minimum of 3), transitions between main points, supporting materials from at least 3 sources including in-text references to the sources.
Conclusion – signal the end, summarize main points
Researched supporting material references (minimum 3) – include a works cited at the end of your outline, use APA format.
Identification of a presentation aid (visual)
Use persuasive techniques and language

Answer the following reflection questions, in addition to the finalized persuasive speech outline.

You can include the answers at the end of your works cited:
Firstly, what types of persuasion did you choose to include? Why? How would they best persuade your target audience?

Secondly, what challenges did you have crafting our outline? How did you overcome them?

Finally, what do you think is the strength of this outline? Why?

Hospitality career path

Hospitality career path

Based on course content, please choose and research a hospitality career path. You will need to present the sector, company, job characteristics and functions for the business of your choice.

Please choose and research a hospitality career path

HOST 1085: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism 
Final Assignment – Career Path
(Worth 20% of Final Grade)
Due: Week #14 –

Based on course content, please choose and research a hospitality career path. You will need to present the sector, company, job characteristics and functions for the business of your choice.

You may select the format of submission for this project!

Submission format choices include any of the following: 

Written Essay / Report (APA formatted)


PowerPoint (or Prezi or similar format) presentation – including voiceover

Video presentation



Provide an overview of your assignment:

Students will provide a summary (overview) of the hospitality / tourism career path research project, outlining your project and summarizing your findings and conclusion. (10 points)


In this section of the project:
Identify the tourism sector in which you would like to work (e.g. the accommodations, or food and beverage, or transportation, or attractions, or event sector, etc.)

Research elements of this sector in relation to the Hospitality also Tourism industry in Canada and/or globally

Moreover, discuss the size of the sector, its economic importance to the industry in Canada, number of people employed, overall revenue generated, growth of this sector, etc. (15 points)


In this section of the project:
Firstly, identify a company in your selected sector (e.g. Four Seasons Hotels in the accommodations sector, etc.) and research its history from founding to present

Discuss the corporate structure (i.e. national vs. international markets; public or private ownership, etc.) and also the size of the company – number of outlets, employees, revenue, etc.

Describe what competition, either nationally or globally, your selected company may face operating in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry (15 Points)


In this section of the project:
Research various occupations within this company and then select one that would be your “dream job” in this company. Further, explain why you consider this your dream job.

Moreover, what are your strengths (best skills) to do this job?

Also, what are the skills you would need to improve to do this job? (20 Points)


Lastly, grammar/Spelling/Verbal accuracy & clarity. (Note: more than 3 mistakes = 0)


(10 points)

Professional structure/formatting, visually professional, AND a separate page for citations and bibliography (regardless of the format you have selected for submission)


(10 points)

HOST 1085: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism 
Final Assignment – Career Path
(Worth 20% of Final Grade)

Article Analysis Assignment

Article Analysis Assignment

Assignment: Read the following article, which was write by a Computer Science professor at the University of California, Berkeley:

Read the following article, which was written by a Computer

ECE 390 – Section 001 Fall 2020
Writing Assignment #12: 400+ words
As we discussed in class, your name and the assignment number should be included in the file name. Your name and student ID should not be include in the text that you submit.

All assignments will be check for plagiarism through Turnitin/ithenticate.

Within the document, be sure to include the 1) title of your essay, 2) class (ECE 390), 3) section
(001 or 002), 4) the date, and 5) the word count. None of these should be included in the word count (which is easily achieved by selecting your paragraph and then going to Review->Word Count).

Minimum length: 400 words
Maximum length: 2 pages
Assignment: Read the following article, which was write by a Computer Science professor at the University of California, Berkeley:

If this article raises concerns that you share, then state those concerns and explain why you share those concerns.

If you disagree with some concerns raised by this article, then repeat the statement or statements that you find objectionable and explain why you disagree. You may also (or instead) select a present or future application of AI and discuss potential advantages of the technology as well as expected ethical concerns.

• If you uncover any sources that contribute in any way to this discussion in one or more web sites, newspaper articles, and/or any other sources (such as books and journal articles), be sure to cite them. If you do not use any additional outside sources in this assignment, then you do not need to provide any citations (however, it is generally a good idea to find and credit sources in any assignment such as this, even if it is not require). However, you should cite the article indicated above if you discuss any of the points raised in this article.

• Grades on this and future assignments will be determined in part by meeting the above standards (e.g., word count), by citing all references, and by providing a well-organized and well thought-out discussion.

• Fonts should be 11 or 12pt for each writing assignment. References, which should appear at the end of the assignment, should not be included in the word count.

Importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power

Importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power

Using The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail and the film Good Night and Good Luck write an essay that informs and persuades your audience over the topic discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power.

Discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power

Using The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail and the film Good Night and Good Luck write an essay that informs and persuades your audience over the topic discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power. The essay should be in MLA format and each body paragraph should include two or three pieces of evidence. Three different rhetorical devices will need to be typed and highlighted.

More details;

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Summary

The play is divided into two Acts. There are no delineations between scenes despite the fact that the setting shifts back and forth between the present and various periods in the past. Despite the fact that these flashbacks take place in different locations, the “setting” of the play never changes. The set is essentially a bare bones jail cell and the shifts in time. Also, place are indicated through various other means. Indeed, the entire play could very easily be performed without any notable break between Act One and Act Two. Though to do so would diminish the impact of the Thoreau’s famous retort which brings the curtain down on the first act.

The choice of the jail cell as the play’s lone scenic design is important both literally and thematically:

the “present” time relates the actual historical event in which Henry David Thoreau chose to be jailed rather than pay taxes to support a contemporary war against Mexico which he considered immoral. So in the “present” the cell literally holds Henry prisoner. But as narrative explores through fluidity of time several episodes from Thoreau’s past. The jail also becomes a metaphor for the imprisonment of ideas.

Tragic accounts of Margaret Garner

Tragic accounts of Margaret Garner

After reading both tragic accounts of Margaret Garner & Frederick Douglass, in what ways might a slave narrative (Garner’s account was written by a male) written by an enslaved woman differ from Douglass’s account.

After reading both tragic accounts of Margaret Garner

Read both tragic accounts of Margaret Garner & Frederick Douglass, in what ways might a slave narrative (Garner’s account was written by a male) written by an enslaved woman differ from Douglass’s account. Please respond in a few paragraphs making sure that you back up statements with evidence from both texts.

More details;

Who Speaks for Margaret Garner? Slavery, Silence, and the Politics of Ventriloquism

Trinidad and Tobago police – Administration branch transformation process

Trinidad and Tobago police – Administration branch transformation process

This is a report indicating the transformation process at the administration branch of the trinidad and tobago police service.

Administration branch transformation process – Trinidad and Tobago police service

Firstly, you are to write an Introduction. This section should involve what the aims and objectives of the report are and the context. Additionally,  to what the report will cover, why and your method of analysis.

Secondly,  the report should include a Literature Review. You will need to critically evaluate the sources in relation to the application of theory to practice.

Thirdly, you should indicate the Method of Data Collection, Data Analysis and Findings used in the report. You need to state and justify the method of analysis as appropriate to the aim and objectives of your project. Additionally, If using Systematic Review you will need to present full details of the search(es) with number of results and inclusion/exclusion criteria resulting in the final sample of evidence for review. You need to present the evidence (data) published in quality academic sources. You need to analyse in-depth the evidence (data) and present the fi‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ndings clearly. For systematic review and comparative analysis methods a table is useful to illustrate the findings.

Fourthly, provide a discussion which you will need to interpret your findings with reference to theories introduced in the literature review. Apply the theory to the data, critically analyse. Then, evaluate in-depth the effectiveness of theory in applied in practice. What is the unique insight from your research?


Lastly, this section should initially answer the report aim and objectives and draw together the main points from your analysis. It summarises what has been learned from undertaking this project concerning the application of theory into practice. What are the main conclusions from your project? No new information should be presented in the conclusions.


Make recommendations for improvement based upon your conclusions, clearly stating how they can add value. Recommendations should be fully feasible and justified considering costs, priority level, time-scale, resources, who is responsible, benefits and any further implications. Proposals should be actionable (‘immediately implementable’) not just a list of ideas.