Recording session involving acoustic instruments

Recording session involving acoustic instruments

This is a paper that is focusing on the creation of a planning document for a recording session involving acoustic instruments. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

A planning document for a recording session involving acoustic instruments

This assessment allows you to demonstrate your understanding of recording principles. You are asked to submit a planning document for a recording session involving both acoustic instruments and instruments requiring DI into your DAW/system.
You should include the following:

Microphone choices for each instrument with explanations for your choices, why they are relevant to your session (genre, sonic qualities, physical characteristics).

You should include diagrams of how you would position sources and microphones in the space to take advantage of/deal with the physical nature of the room.

Consider surfaces, room size, phase considerations, the nature of the instrument/amplifier etc.

Schematic diagram detailing the proposed audio signal routing including technical specifications e.g. sample rates, phase considerations, microphone types, cables/connections the type of information transmitted, for example: MIDI, digital/analogue audio, balanced, unbalanced.

Monitoring requirements for engineer and performer/s

Justification of equipment, based on specifications, applications and genre

Signal conditioning and gain stages with relation to instrument/line and mic levels

Inclusion of microphone choices and techniques, direct injection for at least two diverse sound sources

Discussion of your planning for the session; personnel, set up time, process.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Why you think that these are viable alternatives

Why you think that these are viable alternatives

Identify why you think that these are viable alternatives.  Consider the following. What are the pros and cons associated with each?  What are the outcomes that each alternative will produce if chosen?

Identify why you think that these are viable alternatives

Identify why you think that these are viable alternatives.  Consider the following.
What are the pros and cons associated with each?  What are the outcomes that each alternative will produce if chosen?  Detail what resource(s) the company possesses and must initiate in each alternative for success.  Furthermore, how do these alternatives impact the company’s value creation?  What could the potential financial opportunities, or challenges, can occur from these alternatives.  What might be the impact on the Vision/Mission and the cultural and social images of the organization?

More details;

Advantages and Disadvantages of Small-Business Ownership

Starting a small business is a matter of self-selection and self-determination. While the founders of small businesses still are a part of the society they live in, their business ventures can allow them to step into an alternate reality, part of a social order in which each person—regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, birth or circumstances—can achieve their fullest potential and receive recognition for their achievements.There are very few things in life that can compare to the experience of creating your own business. As investor and former entrepreneur James Caan expresses it: “Nothing will ever replace the thrill of creating a profitable company from scratch.”

A small business owner has an extreme amount of latitude in both business and lifestyle choices, from developing the business concept and operating environment to defining success. The benefits—measured in impact, revenue, or infrastructure terms—are essentially unlimited. Perhaps the most nebulous, but important, benefit of being a small business owner is the freedom to choose your business’s purpose and goals.

The flip side is that you own the decisions and the results of those decisions. Evasion is not an option: you can’t say, “it’s not my job,” point fingers, shrug or check out. Additionally, as a small business owner, you will probably be risking your own (and, perhaps, friends & family) capital. Essentially, you’re flying without a net. There’s no guarantee of a regular paycheck and no paid or subsidized benefits (including a retirement plan, holidays, or perks). Further, you’re responsible for business development, business planning, HR, IT, and every other function as well.

Freedom from an employer’s expectations comes at a cost: you’re responsible for setting and managing expectations—for yourself and others—and also for making the magic happen.

Authors’ perspective on writing as work

Authors’ perspective on writing as work

For this 3-4-page paper, you will utilize the close reading and research skills we’ve practiced thus far to present your interpretation of one of the texts we’ve read in weeks 7-13.

You will utilize the close reading and research skills we’ve practiced thus far

For this 3-4-page paper, you will utilize the close reading and research skills we’ve practiced thus far to present your interpretation of one of the texts we’ve read in weeks 7-13. These include:

Sherwood Anderson, “The Egg”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz”
Ernest Hemingway, “Soldier’s Home”
Virginia Woolf, “A Room of One’s Own”
Bertrand Russell, “In Praise of Idleness”
William Sansom, “The Long Sheet”
Jack Kerouac, excerpt from Dharma Bums
Joyce Johnson, excerpt from Minor Characters
Joseph Mitchell, “Joe Gould’s Secret”
Joan Didion, “Slouching Towards Bethlehem”

This essay should be a research-based paper that uses outside sources to argue for a specific interpretation of your chosen text. The paper must include an argumentative and interpretative thesis that is supported by quotations from the text. You are welcome to choose any facet of a text that interests you, but you may also work from one of the prompts I have listed below. Your essay should not be a summary of the text. Assume that your reader is familiar with the story and refrain from merely telling me what the story is about. This paper is also not an opinion piece. Refrain from evaluating the story (telling me whether it is good or bad). Instead, focus on describing and analyzing why and how the story works. You are encouraged to email me or set up a Zoom meeting to discuss your thesis.

PROMPTS You may take as the subject of your paper any of the prompts listed on this sheet.

Please do not write an essay that simply regurgitates exact conversations we’ve had in class on the discussion board. Note that each of these prompts introduces a topic in bold followed by example questions that you might explore in several texts. You are meant to choose one text to write about (don’t try to answer all the questions listed). You can also use the example questions as a model to adapt the topic to a different text.

1.      Explore the theme of economic class in one of the texts listed.

How does Fitzgerald use the concept of unlimited wealth to critique class and/or race relations? What role does class play in Joan Didion’s portrayal of the counterculture of the 1960s in “Slouching Towards Bethlehem”? What are the benefits and/or limitations of Bertrand Russell’s plan for a 4-hour workday, and how might those benefits/limitations look different for lower vs. upper classes?

2.      Consider the role of gender in writing and work. How does Virginia Woolf critique the obstacles that aspiring women writers face? How do Joyce Johnson or Joan Didion use their position as outsiders to critique the male-dominated counterculture?

3.      What role do narcotics and drugs play in our conception of “slackers” or “loafers”—those who refused to work? How does Joan Didion criticize the drug culture of the 1960s in “Slouching Towards Bethlehem,” and how does this criticism relate to hippie politics and art? Were the Beats, like Johnson and Kerouac, pro- or anti-drug, and why? How did altered states of consciousness affect their creative output?

4.      What can we tell about each authors’ perspective on writing as work?

What is the relationship between Joe Gould’s homelessness and his massive writing project? How did Jack Kerouac survive as a wanderer/hobo while he was writing his novels, and how is this related to race and gender privilege?

ü  You must turn upload your essay to the ICON dropbox on Friday, Dec. 4 before midnight.
ü  Essay #2 is worth 200 points, which is 20% of your final grade.
ü  I will use the rubric that is included with the Essay Planning Sheet Instructions posted on ICON when I grade your essay.

Rastafarian Subculture

Rastafarian Subculture

This paper focuses on Rastafarian Subculture. a clear research question (which subculture you are going to research and/or any specific questions you would like to raise for your paper, but you can keep it general if you wish).

This paper focuses on Rastafarian Subculture

Your paper should have the following:

–a clear research question (which subculture you are going to research and/or any specific questions you would like to raise for your paper, but you can keep it general if you wish).

–Why did you picked this subculture?

–How did you research this subculture for your paper? Did you talk to them? Did you go to events? Further, did you go to relevant shops? Did you watch some/several YouTube clips? Also, did you refer to their websites or publications? — You need to be very specific here. The deeper your research is (using multiple methods), the better your grade will be. However, I understand if your research was limited to online due to the virus outbreak.

–What did you find from your research ?What are their values, norms, and beliefs? How do they define their “authentic members”? Is it based on their race, class, gender or something else? Were there any elements of resistance, deviance, rebellion, that used to be found in the older subcultures? Also discuss their external appearance.

–Why would you call them a subculture?  How are they different from the mainstream culture? What are some of the things they do that the mainstream society does not do?

— Include your final thoughts in the conclusion and discuss how you would continue this research further if you were to do in-depth research after the coronavirus settles.

— At the end, include references/bibliography (make sure to cite in the content of your paper)

–Add just a few images (if you include too many, it would take me ages to download and open your file so just a couple of images are fine)

–the length of your paper 1200-1600 words (double-spaced) just for the content, excluding references/bibliography and images.

-As the course title includes a word “Fashion”, I want you to pick a topic/subculture that has a distinct look/appearance for your research paper which you will be submitting at the end.

This paper focuses on Rastafarian Subculture

HERE ARE SOME OF MY NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS FROM CLASS TALKING ABOUT MY SUBCULTURE  (i live in NY and I’ve visited Jamaican numerous times. I have family that lives out there. Also my boyfriend and his family are Rastas. I would like to use some of these facts in my paper to help with my research methods


-Marcus Garvey, sparked the Rastafarianarian subculture

-They don’t follow a  formal church or (dagma) religion

-You have to believe that haille  selassie was one of a long line of prophets (Rastafarians follow the word of selassie)
-They believe in everything natural

-There vegans because they want to stay healthy and stay close to the earth.. they usually eat Ital
Rasta is different from the mainstream because it does not stick with familiarity.

Rastafarian Style:
-Jamaican grunge

-Inspired by African culture but with a street flare to it

-Women wear a lot of African prints, handmade wraps and skirts

-Big part of their looks is jewelry.. beads, leathers goods, and sandals

-Men wear a lot of Graphic ts with lion because it represent the king of jungle and in their photos many men will have there hand facing down but in front as it is the paw is the strength of the man

-The men wore plalatzo pants with aztec prints, African prints
Sometimes with basic t shirt and a vest over it

-Lion paw

-Fishnets tank-tops (red cello green)

selassie bon fire.. prayer ritual
Rastafari group “Bad Brains”

Small photo of selassie and Rastafarians

The funny thing about a Rastafarian is you might not know they are a Rastafarian unless they tell you


-im very interested in are the Rastafarians. I have always found their way of  life very interesting and I actually know a few Rasta people myself. Diving deeper into their way of life I find it super interesting in the way the think. How their speech echos their protest against oppression and authority. I also find fascinating their locs  and how they are negatively view in our society yet it doesn’t effect how they view themselves or the meaning behind them. As far as their style they dress very relaxed and usually wear fabrics that come from their homeland or a Caribbean island.

-Since the 1930s Rastafarians have grown in its congregation and are geographically located across the world. From the clothes they wear, their hairstyles and also the diet in which they follow all have had a significant impact on the authenticity of Rastafarian life.

-Rastafarians are the ultimate Freedom fighters of sexism, racism, classism, colonialism, and cultural misinformation. Therefore they do not not judge its members based on age, gender, or social status. Rather real authenticity of Rastafarians are based on specific interpretation of the bible as well as following the words of Selassie. This came to be when Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican Activist who created one of the first black nationalist movements prophesied, “look to Africa where a black king shall be crowned, he shall be the redeemer” That king was Haile Selassie.

Security Plan Security Strategy Recommendations Build DMZ

Security Plan Security Strategy Recommendations Build DMZ

This is a paper that is focusing on the development of a plan for security posture at Sifers-Grayson. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Development of a plan for security posture at Sifers-Grayson


Now that the After Action Reports have been analyzed, the consultants must develop a plan for improving the security posture at Sifers-Grayson. This will be in a Security Strategy Recommendations document. The security strategy will be based upon multiple layers of policies, processes, and technologies that, when implemented, will be used to defend the Information Technology enterprise from both internal and external threats and attacks.

Note: see for a discussion of the differences between these two security strategies: layered security and defense-in-depth. You will need this information for the Security Strategies section of your paper.

Two defensive security strategies have been chosen by the senior members of the team.

1. Defense Strategy #1: Build a DMZ for the R&D Center. The DMZ will host servers accessed by the engineers while teleworking and while reaching back to the R&D center from the test range. The DMZ will require the following: (a) business class routers, (b) business class firewalls, and (c) intrusion detection and prevention system.

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). For definitions and diagrams see and

2. Defense Strategy #2: Implement Enterprise-wide Protective and Detective Measures to defend against both internal and external attackers. These measures will include (a) controlling access to software documentation and source code, (b) implementing enterprise-wide identity management, and (c) implementing either a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool or a Unified Threat Management (UTM) tool.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Edna or Lily protagonist’s perception versus the way she sees herself

Edna or Lily protagonist’s perception versus the way she sees herself

This is a paper that is focusing on the Edna or Lily protagonist’s perception versus the way she sees herself. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Edna or Lily protagonist’s perception versus the way she sees herself

Based on your close reading of either Kate Chopin’s The Awakening or Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth

Develop an argument that analyses a particular aspect of either of these novels.

Choose one of the following questions to guide your essay:
What does the novel say about the way others see the protagonist (Edna or Lily) versus the way she sees herself? What is the significance of this perceived split between the outer self and the inner self?

How does the novel comment on gender relations in the United States during the nineteenth century?

How does the novel grapple with (pick one) social class/wealth/marriage/appearances/respect and reputation/morality?
Examine your chosen theme as it is conveyed by the plot, the characters’ actions and words, setting, and symbolism. Find a number of key quotations that deal with the theme (for example, gender relations). Analyze their language and then proceed to your thesis and composition of the essay.

The task in this paper is to show how the language used in the novel reveals something important about your chosen theme. Remember that unlike most argumentative or informative texts, such as newspaper articles, literary texts often rely on their composition. Also, use of language to create and communicate meaning as well as create impressions (both sensual and intellectual) for their respective audiences.

Please choose one of the questions listed above to construct an effective thesis. Remember your thesis should make an argument about your chosen topic. For example, it’s not enough to give examples of morality in the novel. You have to argue that the novel suggests something specific about this theme and support your argument with specific textual evidence.

Stressor or problem from a scenario discussion

Stressor or problem from a scenario discussion

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to document a stressor or problem from a scenario discussion. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Document a stressor or problem from a scenario discussion


Review the fictitious case study below. Based on this scenario, complete the following:

Document a stressor or problem the client discussed in the scenario.
Using CBT as your evidence-based practice model, plan one intervention that could help your client with her stressor.
Clearly articulate why you chose this particular intervention and the CBT concept(s) that support your choice.

Document a stressor or problem from a scenario discussion

Case Study:

Hannah Johnson is a 24-year-old Caucasian female who was referral to you for outpatient therapy by her primary care physician. Hannah sought treatment from her physician for symptoms of depression and anxiety following an intense argument with her boyfriend of 6 months, which caused him to break-up with her. She informed her physician that she has been having panic attacks daily for the last five days since the break-up. She also stated that she had called into work “sick” each day because she had no motivation, felt “hopeless,” had insomnia nightly, and could not stop crying. Hannah denied feeling suicidal.

Hannah asked her physician for medication to “make the pain go away.” Her physician prescribed her seven pills of .5mg Xanax to take at night, as needed, with no refills. She was told by her physician that what she really needed was therapy to help her address her depression and anxiety and that a quick fix from a medication would not be a long-term solution.

Her physician had seen her request medication numerous times “to make the pain go away” when she was facing the ending of a relationship. At her intake session with you, Hannah disclosed that she had a history of failed romantic relationships and “hated” being single. She described herself as “a romantic” and “fell in love easily,” but her relationships never lasted more than six months. She described her past relationships as “exciting and intense at first” but full of drama as the excitement wore off. Also, she also stated she felt extremely anxious, abandoned, and depressed when her relationships ended.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages

Risk of Nuclear Power Plant – Fukushima Daiichi plant Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

Risk of Nuclear Power Plant – Fukushima Daiichi plant Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

This is an essay paper focusing on the risks of a Nuclear Power Plant Facility comparing to the Fukushima Daiichi plant incident that happened some years ago in Japan.

The Risks of a Nuclear Power Plant Facility – Fukushima Daiichi plant

Firstly, you are  going to identify some of the risks of a Nuclear Power Plant Facility. Then, you are to research on the nuclear disaster that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan on March 11, 2011. All nations that depend on nuclear power have been forced to reevaluate the potential risks they face from continued use of nuclear power.

Secondly, this Case Assignment considers how risks are defined, assessed and managed in light of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster. Before you begin to answer the questions stated below please review the following sites to become familiar with the issues regarding radiation and the use of nuclear power. Knowledge @ Wharton (2011, March 30). U.S. Energy Policy after Japan: If Not Nuclear, Then What? Retrieved on August 29, 2016 at IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency (2016).

Topics in Focus. Retrieved on August 29, 2016 from After reading the information from these sites you must review the required reading for this module before responding to the Case Assignment.
Upon reading the above information, answer the following questions:

  • Explain the concept of “risk” for the layperson. (Consider what “risk” means in general terms.)
  • Define and explain risk management. Is risk management in the context of a nuclear power facility still relevant after a disaster has occurred?
  • Describe the most important policy issues concerning the use of nuclear power that have emerged from the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. Discuss how these policy issues are related to risk assessment and our ability to more effectively define risks. (This is a key question for this assignment.)
  • Explain the differences between risk assessment and risk management. You should approach this assignment from a very practical and logical perspective

Editorial paper article analysis Critical thinking and ethical implications

Editorial paper article analysis Critical thinking and ethical implications

This is a paper discussing an Editorial paper article analysis focusing on the critical thinking and ethical implications on the chosen article.

Editorial paper article analysis – Critical thinking and ethical implications

Firstly. examine the process involved with problem formulation. Then, apply critical thinking to problem identification. Also, evaluate ethical implications of a decision. Prompt: Choose an editorial article (An editorial is an article that presents the writer’s opinion on an issue supported with facts) from the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal.

Secondly, browse the library and choose an editorial that addresses a business issue that interests you.

Thirdly, write an essay describing the following: What are the premise(s) in the article? Also, what evidence is presented? Is it credible? Can you independently verify the evidence presented? Address the counterargument in the article? Does the writer represent a p‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍articular interest? How is language used to develop the argument? Do you detect any errors in knowledge, evidence, or thinking? Does the writer use any types of appeals or commit any fallacies? Overall, how compelling is this article?

Lastly, be certain to carefully research your analysis using at least 3 credible sources with proper APA citations. Your submission should be 4-6 pages in length minimum and should be a thorough representation of your ability to critically think through the steps above. The paper should be in APA format style. Citation of the article and a brief summary of its contents

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) into civil airspace

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) into civil airspace

This is an assignment that is focusing on the Integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)safely into civil space. The assignment provides a discussion like what are the types these air crafts.

Integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) into civil air-space ( Class: A; B)

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍o define existing safety standards, operational deficiencies and required improvements within the scope of safe unmanned aircraft operations in civil space Defined Objectives

Firstly, review types of unmanned aircraft. What are the purpose of unmanned Aerial Vehicles? How do these vehicles work compared to the others available? Complete the analysis of present requirements and provisions ( ICAO and EASA, UK CAA) applicable to the unmanned aircraft systems. Then, Review safety systems applicable to the aircraft enabling to avoid collisions (partially data has been collected) 4. Review systems, which are potentially suitable for unmanned aerial vehicles Collect data for the same 5. Review opinion of industry professionals by performing open safety survey.

Secondly, review standard operating procedures applied by air traffic controllers and operators.(Research is completed based on independent interviews of air traffic controllers and operators, requires analysis and supporting presentation)

Thirdly, def‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ine existing hazards and risks of UAVs in civil airspace. Also, what are the effects of these risks in the civil air space? (partially data has been collected in the form of surveys and interviews, requires analysis and supporting presentation).

Lastly, review existing risk mitigation techniques. Collection of data to be on surveys and interviews. It requires analysis and supporting presentation

Conclude safety findings and provide effective recommendations ( PENDING) NOTE 1: You are welcome to adjust the Thesis objectives as long as we meet the research aim. NOTE 2: My College ( UK, Cranfield University) has strict regulations on the referencing and formatting rules ( 30% of the grade) ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

The assignment to follow the provided writing guidelines.