Research methods results analysis discussion recommendations

Research methods results analysis discussion recommendations

Create a report based on the research question, who am I? Your goal is to discuss yourself, your family lines or something within your family history that helps to define your identity.

Create a report based on the research question, who am I?

Create a report based on the research question, who am I? Your goal is to discuss yourself, your family lines or something within your family history that helps to define your identity. For example, in my family, a blood clotting disorder is common. It is rare, but could kill those affected by it. My father and both sisters have it. It can be traced all the way back on my father’s side to the early 1800s. This is something that I now have to think of because
I have a child. I could research this and then discuss how it has played a part in my family’s identity.

You could do this with a number of diseases or disorders such as anxiety, depression or something happier like twins.

You could also simply look at your race or ethnicity. Surprise me! Have confidence to do something unique.

You can use “I” throughout this piece.


The Setup: IMRAD


Firstly, Introduce the focus of this piece.


Firstly, Describe the methods you used to find research.

Secondly, Where did you go?

Thirdly, What types of documents were searched and found?

Further, What challenges did you face?


Moreover, Summarize your findings. That is, what did your research say?


Lastly, Analyze your results.


In this section, try to connect what you found to your understanding of identity.

For example, if you researched a genetic disorder, how does that information serve as a part of your identity?

You must adhere to CSE rules, especially the Cited References list at the end of the text. This style includes using endnotes that connect to the citations in the text of the article. The in-text citations are noted with a superscript number in the order of citation (1, 2, and 3). The endnotes are listed in the order referenced in the text. Additional citations to the same source use the same number as its first citation. PLEASE do not use any other style.

Utilitarianism Duty Ethics and the Revelational Christian Ethic

Utilitarianism Duty Ethics and the Revelational Christian Ethic

Thread: In this course you have spent a considerable amount of time studying metaethics, examining various ethical theories that promise to provide you with a methodology for determining right from wrong.

Thread: In this course you have spent a considerable amount of time

In this course you have spent a considerable amount of time studying metaethics, examining various ethical theories that promise to provide you with a methodology for determining right from wrong. These included a simple “list” metaethic, Virtue Ethics, Natural Law Ethics, Ethical Egoism,
Utilitarianism, Duty Ethics, and the Revelational Christian Ethic, as well as related metaphysical views such as Social Contract Theory, Moral Realism,
Divine Command Theory, and Divine Nature Theory.

Now it is time for you to decide for yourself how you are going to distinguish what is moral from what is immoral. Utilizing one or more of the theories that we studied (excluding moral relativism, which we have already determined is false). Please construct your own metaethical theory and present it to the class.

In a post of 500 to 600 words, systematically describe what you think is the best way to approach ethics.

Secondly, Your goal is to explain how we can know what makes an action moral or immoral. In doing this you must interact with the ethical theories that you have studied in class. Either adopting one of them or combining several of them that you believe to be complementary.

You may add additional elements that you have come across in your research from other assignments/readings. Be careful that you do not adopt theories that contradict one another.
In your thread, explain your theory and give a rationale for why you think yours is the best approach. Your argument(s) for your approach must be carefully-considered, logical arguments, not just “I feel like that would be best” or “that’s what I was raised to believe.”

Further, Do not stray into a lengthy discussion of applied ethics. Be sure that this assignment focuses strictly on metaethics. Save applied ethics for your next Discussion Board.

Additionally, Be sure to carefully define your terms. Also, You are to support your position with rational arguments, fitting examples, and expert sources. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian format and will not count towards the total word count.


Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments

This paper is on CYBS 7355 Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments. In Unit 4, you completed “Lab #4: Using Ethical Hacking Techniques to Exploit a Vulnerable Workstation” and were able to compromise a remote Linux host using the VSFTP_234_backdoor vulnerability.

CYBS 7355-Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments

1. 100 Points – In Unit 4, you completed “Lab #4: Using Ethical Hacking Techniques to Exploit a Vulnerable Workstation” and were able to compromise a remote Linux host using the VSFTP_234_backdoor vulnerability. Follow the steps below to complete this exam question:

Firstly,  Re-start Lab #4 and then open/re-do your Nessus Vulnerability Scan report submitted in Section 2, Part 2. This vulnerability report identified several “High” severity vulnerabilities, which could allow a hacker to gain remote access.

Secondly,  Repeat the steps in Part 3 (ignore Part 1 and Part 2!) of Lab #4 to search Metasploit for a new High exploit associated with an additional vulnerability (there are at least six!)

Thirdly, Exploit a new High vulnerability to gain remote access and compromise the remote Linux target again (NOTE: Do not use the same
VSFTP_234_Backdoor exploit! You already demonstrated that in Unit #4!!!)

Fourthly,  Provide a screenshot proving you have gained “root” access (prove using if configure, who am I or user id command.) All screenshots must show date/time.

Further, IMPORTANT NOTE: Getting “root” access on the local VM you are logged into locally to launch the attack from is not considered success. You must gain access to the remote target!

Moreover,  You will need to conduct research to find the answer. The tools and methods you use to research are your own, I care only about the result.

Extra Credit:  Also, 10 bonus points if you can get a Meterpreter session onto the remote machine (screenshot with timestamp required)

Extra Extra Credit: Lastly, 15 more bonus points if you send me a .txt file of the password hashes from the remote machine! (Upload to Unit 6 folder with exam)

CYBS 7355-Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments

2. 50 Points – Penetration testing requires a very deliberate approach, to provide a thorough and safe result. Your textbook describes one methodology/framework, but there are several more widely used methodologies such as the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
(OSSTMM), Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES), and MITRE’s increasingly popular Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common
Knowledge (ATT&CK) framework. Select either OSSTMM, PTES, or ATT&CK and explain the importance of using a formal testing methodology.

Finally, Clearly define what occurs in each phase of your selection and the significance of each phase.


CYBS 7355-Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments

3. 50 Points – During the last 5 weeks, you have been exposed to numerous testing tools, as well as the phases in which the tools would be used.
Research the following five (5) tools below that could be using during a penetration test:
A. Nmap
B. Wireshark
C. John the Ripper
D. Maltego

E. Recon-ngFor each tool, answer the following questions:

Firstly, What does the tool do?

Secondly, Why is the tool favored by attackers for badness?

Thirdly,  How can the tool be used by a Defender for good?

Fourthly,  What risk does the tool present if used incorrectly on the organization?

4. 50 Points – The University of Dallas’ Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has asked that you use your extraordinary Google skills to assist him. He’s concerned about two things:

A. The UD Banner Web AppDev team system may be creating unnecessary risk for the university. He has asked you use Open Source Intelligence
(OSINT) to see if you can find any public information regarding the non-production TEST and DEVL databases for both Banner Forms and the Banner
Web (4 items in total). Find the URLs of these items (provide screenshots of URLs) and any other information you can. (**CAUTION: Use only OSINT, and do not attempt to exploit any sites!**)

B. He’s also concerned that his boss, the CIO, wanted him to attend the 2017 Tower Awards and to report about what was said concerning the UD
Cyber security program. He missed the event and desperately needs your help.

Lastly, Can you find the press release from event and identify the recipient who spoke regarding the University’s cyber security program, and provide the specific cyber security quotes from the speech?

Inferences population variances concepts and terminologies

Inferences population variances concepts and terminologies

This is an assignment that discusses the inferences and population variances concepts and terminologies. The paper also demonstrates the concepts and techniques in course readings.

Inferences and population variances concepts and terminologies

The purpose of this assignment is to:
Explain various concepts and terminologies related to making inferences about population variances.
Compute estimations and test for a population variance.
Compute estimations and test for comparing two population variances.


In this assignment, you are to demonstrate your understanding of concepts, tools, and/or techniques covered in the course readings and class activities for this week. You will demonstrate this through completion of selected practice exercises at the end of assigned chapter readings. Additionally, you will work on the problems within your group by discussing and sharing your thoughts about each problem, but you have to submit your own individual assignment. You will also submit your peer evaluation form with your assignment.

You are to be thorough in your responses. As you do this, constantly ask yourself (and reflect) on how you would apply the same statistical concepts and techniques to any other project or to your upcoming dissertation. Even if the questions in the exercises are worded as yes/no questions, you are expected to provide an explanation and justification for your answers. As a doctoral student, you are also expected to provide evidence and explanation for your responses and claims, and show supporting work for all your answers.
Note: You may also utilize Smarthinking tutoring to help you with this assignment.


1.   Make sure that you have also accessed all resources in the Week 3 Preparation object before starting this assignment.
2.   View this video tutorial on how to import an Excel file into SAS studio.
3.   You can post questions regarding this assignment or other Week 3 assignments in the Week 3 Doctoral Dialogue learning object.
4.   As a group, you will work on the weekly Practice Assignments, but you will submit your own individual submission. Also, you will evaluate each other’s participation to the group dynamics using the rubric provided.
5.   Make sure to be thorough in your responses.

Victorian age literature general characteristics

Victorian age literature general characteristics

This is an assignment that focuses on the Victorian age literature general characteristics. There are four key characteristics that are in this discussion.

The Victorian age literature general characteristics

The Victorian age
‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍Below are the instructions from my professor, the text book we are using is The Norton Anthology of English Literature 10th Edition Volume D The Victorian Age. I am leaving the choice of item 1-4 (below) and the 3 writers from the text to prove the item up to the writer of my essay. The literature of this era expressed the fusion of pure romance with gross realism. Though the Victorian Age produced great poets, the age is also remarkable for the excellence of its prose. The discoveries of science have particular effects upon the literature of the age.

These are the four general characteristics:

1. Firstly, literature of this age tends to come closer to daily life and reflects its practical problems and interests. It becomes a powerful instrument for human progress. Socially & economically, industrialism was on the rise as well as various reform movements such as emancipation, child labor, women’s rights, and evolution.

2. Moral Purpose: Secondly, the Victorian literature seems to deviate from “art for art’s sake” and asserts its moral purpose. Tennyson, Browning, Carlyle, Ruskin – all were the teachers of England with the faith in their moral message‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ to instruct the world.

3. Idealism: Thirdly, it is often as an age of doubt and pessimism to consider. The influence of science is felt here. The whole age seems to be caught in the conception of man in relation to the universe with the idea of evolution.

4. Fourthly, though the age is characterize as practical and materialistic, most of the writers exalt a purely ideal life. It is an idealistic age in which the great ideals such as truth, justice, love, and brotherhood are emphasize by poets, essayists and novelists. Note: Items 3 and 4 are not necessarily contradictory. There is a paradox in action. You may wish to explore that paradox as an additional option and call it characteristic no.

5. Lastly, choose one of the above and write a three-page (3 page) essay using selections from the texts that demonstrate the characteristic. Remember it takes more than 2 data points to indicate a trend. You will also need to choose 3 different writers to show there was a prevailing tendency toward the characteristic you choose. Additionally, explain fully how the characteristic is shown by detail explication of the works you choose.

Peloponnesian War who started the war?

Peloponnesian War who started the war?

In the Peloponnesian War, who started the war? And why? (Answer with reference to specific passages, citing Book and Paragraph Numbers] Was Pericles a good leader?

In the Peloponnesian War who started the war?

Firstly, In the Peloponnesian War, who started the war? And why? (Answer with reference to specific passages, citing Book and Paragraph Numbers]
Secondly, Was Pericles a good leader?

Thirdly, Were the Athenians right to refuse to allow Melos to remain neutral?

Fourthly, What does Machiavelli think of Agathocles?

Further, Were Britain and France justified in declaring war on Nazi Germany? (Answer with reference to Just War Theory, the Revisionist Theory of the Reductive Individualists, and your own views).

Moreover, Was the United States justified in fighting a war in Vietnam? (Answer with reference to Just War Theory, the Revisionist Theory of the Reductive Individualists, and your own views).


More details;

Firstly, Who won the Peloponnesian War and why?
Athens was forced to surrender, and Sparta
won the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC. Spartans terms were lenient. First, the democracy was replace d by on oligarchy of thirty Athenians, friendly to Sparta. The Delian League was shut down, and Athens was reduced to a limit of ten triremes.
Secondly, What happened in the Peloponnesian War?
The War fought between the two leading city-states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta. Description: The Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.) took place between the Athenian empire and Peloponnesian league lead by the Spartans. … The war ended on 25 April 404 B.C. when Athens surrendered.
Lastly, How many died in the Peloponnesian War?
In 430 BC, a plague struck the city of Athens, which was then under siege by Sparta during the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC). In the next 3 years, most of the population was infected, and perhaps as many as 75,000 to 100,000 people, 25% of the city’s population, died.


Legal and ethical issues that underpin Mia Masterson

Legal and ethical issues that underpin Mia Masterson

This is an assignment that focuses on The legal and ethical issues that underpin Mia Masterson. The paper also discusses the action that nurses in the case study.

The legal and ethical issues that underpin Mia Masterson

Case study 1: Mia Masterson (No 4 Wellbeing street)
You are a registered nurse working in a local maternal and child health clinic. New parents David and Julian present with their 6 week old daughter Mia for a routine child health check. On assessment Mia appears to be developing well. Her height, weight and head circumference are within normal range. Mia is currently receiving formula via a bottle. During your consultation you notice that Mia is due for her first round of routine immunizations. You inform David and Julian of this. David states that Mia will not be receiving any immunizations. David adds that vaccines are merely as toxin-based propaganda for large pharmaceutical companies to make money. Julian further informs you that his niece was diagnosed with autism not long after having one of her vaccines and that he and David will not take the same risk with Mia.

Task description:
Students are to read each of the three case studies provided below .
For each of the three case studies, students are to provide evidence-based responses which address the following 4 points…
1) Firstly, identify the legal and ethical issues that underpin the particular case study. 2) Secondly, discuss the international, national, state, organisational and scope of practice legislation/guidelines that pertain to the case study and which would inform your work as the registered nurse in such a scenario. 3) Thirdly, explore what action (if anything) will you need to take as the registered nurse in this case study? 4) Lastly, how can you, as the registered nurse provide holistic patient and family centered care in this scenario?


Assignments should adhere to academic writing principals.
Students should use either Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman font styles.
Please only write in the third person for this assignment.

You must use the above headings to structure your assignment.
A minimum of 10 references should be for this assignment.
Assignments should be first submitted through the URKUND portal in Canvas. Please review your URKUND result and make appropriate amendments (if required) prior to your final submission in the Assignment 1 portal on Canvas to avoid plagiarism.

Marking and moderation
Marking and moderation processes will be actioned in accordance with university policy.
Prior to the start of marking, a sample of 2-3 assignments will be individually marked by all members of the marking team.
Final marks and comments will then be discussed amongst the group to standardise the assignment expectations and marking process.

Additionally, all assignments will be marked blind to student names (student IDs only visible).
All fail marks plus a cross section of all other marks (pass, credit, distinction and high distinctions) across all classes will be moderated.
Where there is a discrepancy between the marks awarded by the first and second marker, the average mark will be awarded.
If there is a student grievance around the marking, a third person will mark the assignment.

Naturalistic fallacy discussion from DeNicola’s moral philosophy

Naturalistic fallacy discussion from DeNicola’s moral philosophy

This is an assignment that focuses the naturalistic fallacy discussion from DeNicola’s moral philosophy. The paper also formulates a clear statement of the problems and issues.

The naturalistic fallacy discussion from DeNicola’s moral philosophy

Naturalistic Fallacy
What is the ‘Naturalistic Fallacy’? Does avoiding it require us to avoid adducing any facts in support of a moral claim? If not, can we designate some facts as especially relevant to our attempt to justify a moral norm or law? Give examples. [For this essay topic you are advised to read and use Chapter 13 from Daniel DeNicola’s Moral Philosophy: a Contemporary Introduction in addition to the weekly readings (Attached) plus any other sources you deem relevant] Guidelines In your essay, you should strive to achieve three GENERAL GOALS

a) To formulate a clear statement of the problems and issues involved, giving the reader a sense of their interest and philosophical importance. The reader should not be left wondering “Why should I care?” In the course of doing this, you should exhibit an accurate interpretation of any texts on which your dis- cussion is based, including theses advanced & arguments adduced to support them. Puzzles & dilemmas are good starting points.

The naturalistic fallacy discussion from DeNicola’s moral philosophy

b) Additionally, to provide a carefully argued critical perspective of your own on the central ideas under discussion. “Of your own” does not mean “completely original with you”: but it does imply that you have adopted a position and are prepared to explain and defend it. (If the position does come from someone else, cite the source.)

c) To arrive at an assessment of the issues, based on a discussion in which you should put forward the best possible defense of the posi- tion you think is the most satisfactory. You are not, however, to arrive at a settled conclusion. Presenting your own position can quite well mean presenting a forceful dilemma which you are unable to solve. Many an A paper (and many a published one) is valuable precisely because it throws into sharp relief ambiguities and difficulties of interpretation and argument. You might even present a multiplicity of incompatible perspectives, between which, for well argued reasons, you cannot decide. In structuring your philosophy essay, you might be guided by the following:

1. Introduction: Firstly, state what your argument or inquiry is going to be, and briefly indicate your method of attack.

2. Exposition: Secondly, set out the views, theses or claims that you will be advancing AND/OR examining. You may construct the paper either around a thesis of your own, or around the views held by authors of your readings. In either case, other views should be brought in as foils for your own discussion. Make sure you support your claims about your authors’ views by precise citations. But DO NOT quote extensively: instead, paraphrase. Cite page references to the text so that your readers can check up on you.

The naturalistic fallacy discussion from DeNicola’s moral philosophy

When discussing another author’s argument, be sure to exhibit the structure of the argument: Premises, unexpressed assumptions needed for the argument to go through, and conclusion(s). Pick out any crux of interpretation: define any special terms, and discuss any alternative definitions that might be appropriate. Sharpen any difficulty found by suggesting contrary alternative interpretations. If something is unclear, don’t gloss it over: draw attention to it. That way, you will get points even for what you don’t understand! 3. Discussion: Criticism of the views expounded in part

2. Thirdly, consider possible objections (perhaps taken from our authors, if you are highlighting a thesis of your own), and do your best to defend yourself or your author(s) against them. If an author(s)’ argument is bad, explain why: Is one or more of the premises false? (This makes the argument unsound.) Does the conclusion not follow? (This is what it means to say the argument is invalid, if it is intended to be deductive. If not, the premises may just be poor reasons for the conclusion). Sometimes the best you can do might be to point out that the view you are criticizing has highly implausible consequences. Also, does the argument rely on assumptions that are unacceptable, or arbitrary, or debatable? Does the argument contain crucial ambiguities? (In 2 and 3, use the methods suggested in Writing Critical Summaries)


4. [Only if you have started by considering other people’s views]: Constructive Section: Here you may set out your own assessment of the issues in question, and show how it escapes the criticisms that you have leveled against the author(s) considered. You should also defend your view against any obvious objections that might be or have been leveled against it. 5. Conclusion: Here you can also briefly recapitulate the gist of your argument and restate the central “message” that your paper has attempted to establish.

English translation of the Psalms LXX version

English translation of the Psalms LXX version

Compare the English translation of the LXX version of Psalms 91 (NETS 91) WITH THE NRVS translation of the same Psalm (M92) what the major differences in the two versions (MT and LXX)? What poetic elements are present in the MT version?

Compare the English translation of the LXX version

Firstly, Compare the English translation of the LXX version of Psalms 91 (NETS 91) WITH THE NRVS translation of the same Psalm (M92) what the major differences in the two versions (MT and LXX)? What poetic elements are present in the MT version?

Note that the second part of the question should be the major section of your assignment.
You need to write a detailed analysis of the poetic elements of psalms 91 , drawing upon the notes given in lectures and related articles.


My Refuge and My Fortress

1Praise of a Song, by David. He that dwells in the help of the Highest, shall sojourn under the shelter of the God of heaven.

2He shall say to the Lord, Thou art my helper and my refuge: my God; I will hope in him.

3For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunters, from every troublesome matter.

4He shall overshadow thee with his shoulders, and thou shalt trust under his wings: his truth shall cover thee with a shield.

5Thou shalt not be afraid of terror by night; nor of the arrow flying by day;

6nor of the evil thing that walks in darkness; nor of calamity, and the evil spirit at noon-day.

7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8Only with thine eyes shalt thou observe and see the reward of sinners.

9For thou, O Lord, art my hope: thou, my soul, hast made the Most High thy refuge.

10No evils shall come upon thee, and no scourge shall draw nigh to thy dwelling.

11For he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12They shall bear thee up on their hands, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13Thou shalt tread on the asp and basilisk: and thou shalt trample on the lion and dragon.

14For he has hoped in me, and I will deliver him: I will protect him, because he has known my name.

15He shall call upon me, and I will hearken to him: I am with him in affliction; and I will deliver him, and glorify him.

16I will satisfy him with length of days, and shew him my salvation.






Panama Canal Project Failures of the French Effort

Panama Canal Project Failures of the French Effort

This paper focuses on The Panama Canal Project Failures of the French Effort. Write a 3-page, double-space paper (plus cover page and bibliography) on the article entitled, “The Panama Canal Project Failures of the French Effort.”

The Panama Canal Project Failures of the French Effort

Write a 3-page, double-space paper (plus cover page and bibliography) on the article entitled, “The Panama Canal Project Failures of the French Effort.”

Additionally, use the course book and the resources attached for background information.  The paper will also be double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 12 with 4 citations. At the conclusion of the paper, describe ways that you can apply this information in your workspace.

More details;

French Panama Canal Failure (1881-1889)

Under the charismatic leadership of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the French attempted to construct a sea-level canal in Panama.  DeLesseps, who had been successful in building the Suez canal against all odds, assured everyone that building a canal in Panama would be easier to make than the Suez Canal.  However, after $287 million in expenditures and also more than 20,000 deaths, the French attempt failed. The debacle was blame on poor administration and corruption, but the main causes more likely were yellow fever and malaria.


Jules Dingler, Director General of the French Company, arrived in Panama with his wife, son, daughter and her fiancé in 1883. He ordered a mansion built for his family and also their imported horses, at an estimated cost of $100,000. Within a few months, his daughter died of yellow fever, followed by his son, his daughter’s fiancé. Finally, his wife. Broken in mind and spirit, Dingler shot his stallions and returned to France without ever having occupied his lavish home, known thereafter as
la follie a Dingler (Dingler’s folly).

Director General of Works and Chief Engineer Jules A. Dingler (sitting to the left with an umbrella) with a group of french engineers. Within a month after their arrival in Panama in 1886, thirteen of thirty enginners died, presumably of yellow fever. The Latin American Library, Tulane University.