Research methods results analysis discussion recommendations
Research methods results analysis discussion recommendations
Create a report based on the research question, who am I? Your goal is to discuss yourself, your family lines or something within your family history that helps to define your identity.
Create a report based on the research question, who am I?
Create a report based on the research question, who am I? Your goal is to discuss yourself, your family lines or something within your family history that helps to define your identity. For example, in my family, a blood clotting disorder is common. It is rare, but could kill those affected by it. My father and both sisters have it. It can be traced all the way back on my father’s side to the early 1800s. This is something that I now have to think of because
I have a child. I could research this and then discuss how it has played a part in my family’s identity.
You could do this with a number of diseases or disorders such as anxiety, depression or something happier like twins.
You could also simply look at your race or ethnicity. Surprise me! Have confidence to do something unique.
You can use “I” throughout this piece.
The Setup: IMRAD
Firstly, Introduce the focus of this piece.
Firstly, Describe the methods you used to find research.
Secondly, Where did you go?
Thirdly, What types of documents were searched and found?
Further, What challenges did you face?
Moreover, Summarize your findings. That is, what did your research say?
Lastly, Analyze your results.
In this section, try to connect what you found to your understanding of identity.
For example, if you researched a genetic disorder, how does that information serve as a part of your identity?
You must adhere to CSE rules, especially the Cited References list at the end of the text. This style includes using endnotes that connect to the citations in the text of the article. The in-text citations are noted with a superscript number in the order of citation (1, 2, and 3). The endnotes are listed in the order referenced in the text. Additional citations to the same source use the same number as its first citation. PLEASE do not use any other style.