Events that shape a personal belief

Events that shape a personal belief

Prepare / deliver a speech on a true story about an event that happened to you that has helped to shape a personal belief. A story has a clear beginning, middle and end. It is about a single event.

event that happened to you that has helped to shape a personal belief

Firstly, Prepare / deliver a speech on a true story about an event that happened to you that has helped to shape a personal belief.

Secondly, A story has a clear beginning, middle and end. It is about a single event. A story, for example, is NOT an autobiography, a list of places you visited on a summer trip, or experiences you might have had at work.

A story is one particular event in your life, your experience when you visit one place on a summer trip or one event that happen to you at work. For example, a first date, seeing the Grand Canyon, dealing with an irate customer at work, the birth of a child, crashing a bike, getting a tattoo, waiting on a famous person, are all experiences that would work for this assignment.   No outline or visual aid is a requirement for this presentation.

Be specific. Consider the moments when your belief was formed or tested or changed.

Further, Think of an experience and tell us how that particular event shaped your personal belief. Your story need not be heart-warming or gut-wrenching—it can even be funny—but it should be real. Make certain your story ties to the essence of your daily life philosophy and the shaping of your belief.

Be brief. Make certain you can name your belief. If you can’t name it you might not be talking about a belief. Make certain you are focusing on one belief and not a stream of consciousness.

EU anti-discrimination law Court of Justice Advocate General

EU anti-discrimination law Court of Justice Advocate General

This essay entails a resaerch paper on the EU anti-discrimination law and the roles performed by the Court of Justice Advocate General. EU anti-discrimination law enables that the rules are followed despite the class or political level of the one in prosecution.

EU anti-discrimination law Court of Justice Advocate General

Firstly, upon completion of the course,  write a paper on a simulated legal case in the area
of EU anti-discrimination law. In this paper, you should assume the role of an Advocate General at the Court of
Justice of the European Union in relation to a preliminary ruling. You will, therefore, advice the Court on how to
resolve the case.

Secondly, in your response, you are expected to mimic both the logic and style of Advocate General at the
Court of Justice (in the part of the AG’s Opinions, regarding the assessment of the case), as well as the Court itself
(demonstrating the knowledge and consistent comprehension of the Court’s case-law, discussed during this course.

Also, your response should be a maximum of 3 pages (Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12,
Line Spacing 1.0 point, Margins: Normal [2.5cm all sides], including footnotes if needed (consistently following
Demonstrated knowledge of central concepts of EU anti-discrimination law.

Thirdly, ability to identify and utilize relevant case law of the Court of Justice Clear style of narration and logical structure  Ability to logically formulate your legal answers, mimicking the arguments of the Court of Justice and the style of its Advocate General(s) as closely as possible to the current reasoning of the Court in its recent case law.

Lastly, Ms. Kowalska has been working as a flight attendant for the air company ‘Niebo’ for 5 years. She adopted a baby boy from an orphanage 2 years ago. Although her child did not have any permanent disabilities, he suffered from numerous diseases. Therefore, to care for her child, Ms. This arrangement permitted her to allow sufficient time for her child’s medical care.

Natural Law Gun Control Valid or Invalid Argument

Natural Law Gun Control Valid or Invalid Argument

This is a paper that discusses the Natural Law Gun Control valid or invalid Argument. The paper also mentions the various laws that are available in the land.

The Natural Law Gun Control valid or invalid Argument

1. Firstly, an action is morally right because it is consistent with natural law.

2. Secondly, natural Law is the set of rules guiding human beings to be fully what they are by nature: human beings.

3. Thirdly, Gods plan is that human beings be happy and live in harmony with each other.

4. Human beings have a natural right only to what contributes to harmony in the human community.

5. An action is morally wrong if it violates harmony in the human community.

6. Gun control laws contribute to harmony in the human community.

7. Therefore, gun control is morally required.

Assignment requirements

• It is expected that your assignment will meet college-level writing standards regarding grammar (punctuation, sentence structure), paragraphing, organization, etc.

Be sure all the following are in the assignment: — whether the argument is valid or invalid and why — whether the argument is sound or unsound and why — Explain the first premise (could include an example) — Give at least one very good reason ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍in support of your judgment (true, false) of the first premise — Give, explain, and refute at least one good objection to your judgment of the first premise. — Explain the second premise (could include an example) — Give at least one very good reason in support of your judgment (true, false) of the second premise. — Give, explain, and refute at least one good objection to what your judgment of the second premise. (If there is a third or fourth premise, do the same as for the first and second premise.)

• Lastly, you are not merely reporting your opinion; you are explaining it and defending it as true. Rationality requires that you change your opinion if, after you start doing it, you realize that the better reasons are on the opposite side. • Whether it’s legal or illegal is not the same as whether it’s moral or immoral. • Support your opinion about the truth or falsity of the conclusion by appealing to the only authority all of us recognize: reason (not the bible, the Quran, the Constitution, the l‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍aw, etc.)

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

This essay entails a paper on the Third Reich resistance and the results that followed Nazi-led genocide of European. Third Reich resistance occured after the oppression of the slaves by the elites to the slaves. The people formed movements which resulted to the deaths of many people and family separation.

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

Firstly, History & Memory Paper Assignment 2 All papers should be four-five, double-spaced pages. Please note the policy for grade reduction of late papers on your syllabus. Papers should: Present a complete introductory paragraph that defines the focus of the paper and includes a clearly articulated thesis. Include topic sentences for each paragraph of the paper that substantiate your overall thesis.

Also, draw on the requisite number of sources, as stated in the questions below. No outside (non-assigned) citations are allowed. • Cite relevant evidence. Please feel free to draw upon the pictures that are included in lecture outlines. “Evidence” includes your sources of information as well as the source of any particular quotation you reproduce. o We are not particular about the style of citation you use (i.e. Chicago vs. MLA etc.), but do expect you to be consistent and accord with scholarly standards. • Include discussion of any conflicts in interpretation that emerged in your chosen sources and indicate which point(s) of view you find most compelling and why.

Spell check and include page numbers. Please answer one of the following questions: (1) Why did the perpetrators involved in the  Jewries carry out their actions? In your answer, draw on and analyze three of the following assigned sources: Jan Gross, Neighbors, Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, Daniel Goldhagen “Police Batallion 101,” and Primo Levi, Gray Zone.


Secondly, nder what circumstances did resistance to the Third Reich and its racial and genocidal policies take place? What forms did resistance take? Your answer should define “resistance” and draw on and analyze three of the following sources, as represented on the syllabus: Stoltzfuss, “The Limits of Policy,” Primo Levi, “The Gray Zone,” Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, Daniel Goldhagen, “Police Batallion 101,” Jan Gross, Neighbors, Etty Hillesaum, “A Letter from Westerbork,” in Cohen and Stein, eds.

Thirdly, tracks in the Snow: Recollections of a Macedonian Partisan.” Essay should focus on last half of course but can draw on earlier material in addition to that required, above. Last half course: Cohen and Stein, eds., “Tracks in the Snow: Recollections of a Macedonian Partisan.” • Stoltzfuss, “The Limits of Policy,” • Primo Levi, Gray Zone. • Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, • Daniel Goldhagen “Police Batallion 101,” If you guys have any questions, just message me. Thank you!

Benefits of political stability Citizen political affiliation

Benefits of political stability Citizen political affiliation

This essay entails a paper on the Citizen political affiliation and the different Benefits of political stability. The Citizen political affiliation helps a person to be able to take sides and be able tomake decisions.

Citizen political affiliation Benefits of political stability

Firstly, regardless of political affiliation, every citizen has a stake in healthcare policy decisions. Hence, it is little wonder why healthcare items become such high-profile components of presidential agendas.

Also, it is also little wonder why they become such hotly debated agenda items.

Secondy, in Part 1 of this module’s Assignment, you were asked to begin work on an Agenda Comparison Grid to compare the impact of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidents’ agendas on the healthcare item you selected for study.

Consecutively, In this Discussion, you will share your first draft with your colleagues to receive feedback to be applied to your final version. To Prepare: Review the Resources and reflect on the importance of agenda setting.

Lastly, consider how federal agendas promote healthcare issues and how these healthcare issues become agenda priorities. Review Part 1 of the Module 1 Assignment.

In conclusion, complete the requirements for this Discussion. Post a draft of the Agenda Comparison Grid you completed for Part 1 of the Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheets or Talking Points Brief Assignment.

Small Business Administration analytic and practical skills

Small Business Administration analytic and practical skills

This essay entails  the United States Small Business Administration in the analytic and practical skills to venture in such areas. Small Business Administration ensures that the government protects all the firms that are below the average set limit for a bigger firm.

Small Business Administration analytic and practical skills

Firstly, the purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts in a real life situation and in
the process, develop analytic and practical skills.

Secondly, the data are from the US Small Business Administration yearly report from 2007. The first column shows
ranges of firm size for the different categories (firm size refers to the number of people employed by a given
firm). For each firm size range, you will find the number of firms that fit within that range as well as the total
number of people employed in that range. For example, in the 5-9 employees range, there are a total of
1,060,250 firms and 6,974,591 employees divided among those firms.

Thirdly, you must find the midpoint of the firm size range shown in Column A. Do this by finding the average between
the minimum and maximum of the range. For the final category (5,000 and up), use 20,000 as the midpoint.
Parts of this project can be completed earlier in the course as the topics are covered. Doing the part that relates to
the current material as it is covered will help you keep the project on track instead of having a large volume of
work to do at the very end.

A successful report should contain the following elements:

Forthly, determine the correlation between each of the pertinent data labels and justify why this correlation should be
calculated and interpret the correlation you found. You can show correlation visually as well, but you must
include the numerical calculations. Since Column F. Mean Pay Per Employee is calculated from Column D

Also, column E has the average annual wages for an employee of that firm size. So for the firms with 5-9 employees, on average, an employee earns$31,889.98 annually in wages. Column F shows the amount of revenue received by the firms in the given size.

Lastly, continuing with our example, in the 5-9 employee category each firm made on average $1,079,870. Column G
shows the revenues a company makes per employee they have. For the firms with 5-9 employees, each
employee brought in about $164,157.33 in revenue for the firm. Column H shows the total amount a firm spent
on wages to employees.

In conclusion, for a firm with 5-9 employees, the firm would spend a total of $63,401.86 per year on wages to employees.

Hemingway and Arizona Women in Victorian Culture Quarterly Review

Hemingway and Arizona Women in Victorian Culture Quarterly Review

This essay entails a paper on the Women in Victorian Culture which will compose of the Hemingway and Arizona Quarterly Review. Women in Victorian Culture embraces travelling in differnt parts of the country and have adventure. It also supports the women for such tours and cater for all their requirements

Women in Victorian Culture Hemingway and Arizona Quarterly Review

Essay must be 2500 words (including Works Cited pg) with 6 secondary sources in order to pass. ? Must be written in MLA form (i.e. 12pt font, Times New Roman, Double- Spaced, proper citation of sources and Works Cited pg., etc.) ? 4 of the 6 sources must be articles from literary journals or chapters from books that are at least 8 pgs long. ?

No more than 2 sources can be from the same publication (i.e. only 2 articles from The Arizona Quarterly or The Hemingway Review) ? No more than 2 sources from the same author, scholar, or critic (i.e. only two articles from Melinda Brooks, Ph.D.) ?

Have at least 2 sources dated after 1980 (All 6 may be post-1980) ? No Cliffs Notes, Spark Notes, Encyclopedias, Wikipedia,, etc. type sources. (The Bloom, Twayne, or Cambridge critical companion series are fine, but can only use 1 of them). ? Must quote/cite at least once from each of your 6 sources. No more than 3 times from any one source. ? Must quote from the story at least 6 times – no more than 12. ?

At least 2 of your 6 sources must be about the story (i.e. about “Soldier’s Home” – {2 of your sources can, however, be outside of the author and story: for instance a historical source about the Jazz Age or about Women in Victorian Culture} ? Need at least 2 Block quotes in Essay (no more than 4); and must paraphrase/cite at least 2 times. ? Have an Thematic Introduction and a Thesis Statement somewhere by bottom of pg 1 or top of pg 2 at the latest.

Evaluation of test materials and procedures by test procedures

Evaluation of test materials and procedures by test procedures

This is an assignment that focuses on Evaluation of test materials and procedures by test developers. The paper also applies concepts of a selected test.

Evaluation of test materials and procedures

I‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍n Unit 2, you selected one standardized test that has relevancy to your academic and professional goal. Also, focus on the first four elements of the Code for selecting a test. In Unit 5, you focused on the fifth element of the Code, which involved analyzing the evidence for technical quality of your selected test. Also, in Chapters 7 and 8 of your Psychological Testing and Assessment text, you have been learning about test utility, test development, item analysis. Also, using tests in a variety of settings and with a variety of test takers.

In this assignment

Firstly, you will apply those concepts to your selected test for the Code’s sixth, seventh, and eighth elements. The Code (2004) states that test users, “(6) evaluate representative samples of test questions or practice tests, directions, answer sheets, manuals, and score reports. 7) evaluate procedures and materials used by the test developers. As well as the resulting test, to ensure that potentially offensive content or language is avoided; and (8) select tests with appropriately modified forms or administration procedures for test takes with disabilities who need special accommodations.”

For this assignment

Locate a minimum of five resources pertaining to your test’s construction, item development. Procedures utilized in construction to minimize offensive content, and provisions of modifications and accommodations for test takers.

You will not need to have a copy of your test to complete this assignment. You may use many different types of references and sources to obtain this information about your test. These references may include journal articles, literature reviews, MMY reviews, and publisher websites. Information gathering and evaluation of these elements may require a keyword search within each relevant review and research article. It may be helpful to do keyword searches within those documents with the following words: format, fair, fairness, bias, and appropriate.

Evaluation of test materials and procedures

Subsequently, this particular assignment requires a deeper search and provides a broader range of sources to fulfill the minimum references. In almost all cases, you will be able to locate some level of information on these elements. For some newer test editions, literature may be scarce. Refer back to the Lists of Tests by Type document to see which tests are approved for supplementation with articles that address earlier editions of the tests. If the “Combined Review Allowed” column is marked “Yes,” you can supplement your review with articles addressing the designated prior version of the test. Note: In future courses, you may use the Capella library‘s Inter library Loan service to obtain articles outside of the collection.

In the event that you cannot find articles covering a newer test edition, please refer to the List of Tests by Type document in the resources. If you are struggling with locating sufficient information about a particular test in regard to an element in this assignment. Then, you will need to cite the references or reviews involved in your search. Identify this element as problematic for your selected test as it lacks sufficient documentation in the literature.

Experience machine that would you any experience

Experience machine that would you any experience

This paper focuses on “Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired. Superduper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book.

Suppose there were an experience machine that would you any experience

Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired. Super duper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you would be floating in a tank, with electrodes attached to your brain. Should you plug into this machine for life, preprogramming your life’s experiences? If you are worried about missing out on desirable experiences, we can suppose that business enterprises have researched thoroughly the lives of many others.

You can pick and choose from their large library or smorgasbord of such experiences, selecting your life’s experiences for, say, the next two years. After two years have passed, you will have ten minutes or ten hours out of the tank, to select the experiences for your next two years. Of course, while in the tank you won’t know that you’re there; you’ll think it’s all actually happening. Others can also plug in to have the experiences they want, so there’s no need to stay unplugged to serve them. (Ignore problems such as who will service the machines if everyone plugs in.) Would you plug in? What else can matter to us, other than how our lives feel from the inside?”

More details;

Consider Robert Nozick’s thought experiment of the experience machine. Compose an essay in which you address the question of whether it matters that you spend your entire life in the machine. To answer this question, consider a life that you consider worth living. Does it matter whether things actually happen? Or is it sufficient to merely have the experience.

Be sure to focus your essay around the reasons you give in favour of your position (your thesis can even be a blend of yes and no, if you like).

State whether your argument is inductive or deductive, and say why.

Finally, consider at least one objection to your view, and respond to it.

(NB1: You may wish to discuss the conditions under which you would use the machine. Use the appropriate argument forms, if necessary.)

(NB2: Importantly, this is NOT an essay about Hedonism. The issue here is not whether Hedonism is true or false, or what scholars think about this thought experiment. The central issue of the assignment is:



Pedagogic creed in terms of learners beliefs

Pedagogic creed in terms of learners beliefs

This is an assignment that discusses my pedagogic creed in terms of my learners beliefs. The paper also discusses the learners nature to the teacher’s nature.

My pedagogic creed in terms of my learners beliefs

My Pedagogic Creed
P‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ersonal philosophy is the intellectual and characterological result of forces that have impacted our lives. These forces are the dominant ideological constructs under which we were reared and in which we live, the political economic forces that impact our lives. Also, the beliefs that come as the result of spiritual conversion and the process of sanctification, and others. Your final assignment is to state and also to document these beliefs in an organized manner. Your model for this is based on the work of John Dewey found in My Pedagogic Creed (Links to an external site My Pedagogic Creed (by John Dewey School Journal vol. 54 (January 1897), pp. 77-80.).

My pedagogic creed in terms of my learners beliefs

You will use the same categories as Dewey. What the Learner’s Nature Is What the Teacher’s Nature Is What Education Is What the School Is What the Subject Matter Is What the Nature of Method‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ Is What the Goal of Education & School Is You are to craft a minimum of ten statements within each belief category given. However, each statement must begin with the words “I believe that …” Each statement must be as to a source or group of sources. As often as possible, try to state scriptural precedent for your thought without wresting scripture from its context and thus violating the clear teaching of the passage.

Lastly, i realize that not every statement you create will have chapter and verse. However, some beliefs may of necessity have only chapter and verse. Each category should be in a hierarchical fashion and not as a group of disconnected thoughts. I strongly recommend that you work on this project throughout the course. Keep a working document of the categories and add to it as you complete the readings each week. If you wait until the end it will be much harder to find and cite the sources you need (Education in a free society: an American history by Rippa S. Ale‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍xander)