How might Kolbert improve her rhetorical strategies

How might Kolbert improve her rhetorical strategies

This is an assignment that discusses How might Kolbert improve her rhetorical strategies to address her audience. The paper also discusses using the Kolbert book.

How might Kolbert improve her rhetorical strategies

The Sixth Extinction, An Unnatural history by Elizabeth Kolbert (book) Chapter 1 (Golden Frogs of Panama)

I. Introduction:

A. Use your introduction to establish the rhetorical context and to provide a brief summary of the author’s argument. Remember your ideal audience is not familiar with the text, and so they need you to establish some pertinent facts before they can understand your rhetorical analysis.

B. Thesis Statement/Claim: Make sure your thesis answers these questions: How does the chapter you’ve selected attempt to persuade its audience? What is its overall rhetorical strategy? What is admirable or commendable in the text that you could imitate in your own academic writing? How might you use it in a later paper for either this class or another course that you are taking or are planning to take? Or, if you find the rhetorical strategies in the chapter problematic, what is problematic about them? Also, how might Kolbert improve her rhetorical strategies to address her audience?

II. Body:

Repeat A-C for as many body paragraphs as needed Although the terms we have introduced are important for understanding rhetoric, I am more interested in you demonstrating your understanding of these concepts rather than merely deploying the vocabulary. “Kolbert uses ethos” is a weak argument that doesn’t tell me you understand the concept nor does it tell me how he “uses” ethos. Rather it is better to say something like this: “Early on in the introduction, Kolbert develops her authority as a researcher in order to gain the trust of her audience by…” Rather than focusing your attention on a formula, work on crafting interesting, thoughtful, specific ideas.

How might Kolbert improve her rhetorical strategies to address her audience

Show your understanding of rhetoric by explaining the quality of the author’s persuasive techniques. You do not need to explicitly use terms like ethos, pathos, and logos. Topic sentence w/transition: What will this paragraph discuss?

A. Evidence/Examples:

Provide context for your argument summaries and paraphrases in your own words and sentence structure, as well as some brief, correctly integrated direct quotations.

B. Explanation/Commentary/Analysis:

Explain the example and how it has to do with the author persuading their audience of their thesis/claim. In other words, connect your evidence to your own thesis/claim.

C. Concession/Counter-claim & Rebuttal:

At least one paragraph must provide refutation for an opposing argument against at least one of the main points presented in the body. Often, this can be done within the body paragraph in which a controversial claim is made. III. Conclusion: Examine ideas presented in your essay. Your conclusion should avoid merely restating your thesis. Your conclusion should also answer the question “so what?” Why is what you have told you reader important?

Negative effects of uranium boom

Negative effects of uranium boom

Write an analytical paper detailing four individuals who were negative affected by the uranium boom and testing in Utah. Who or what entity was responsible for the harm that befell these people?

Individuals who were negative affected by the uranium boom

Utilizing only Raye C. Ringholz’s Uranium Frenzy: Saga of the Nuclear West, Write a 2-3 page paper, analyzing the following question: The book Uranium Frenzy details the halcyon days of uranium mining and caution-be-damned testing of nuclear weapons in Nevada that negatively impacted Utahans.

Firstly, Write an analytical paper detailing four individuals who were negative affected by the uranium boom and testing in Utah.

Secondly, Who or what entity was responsible for the harm that befell these people?

Thirdly, Did they seek or find justice for their injuries?

The following are notes on Developing Your Argument and Crafting Your Essay:

1. This is an analytical paper as an argumentative essay. As such please make sure to develop a thesis (what you will argue) and place it in the introductory paragraph. Also, every argument you make should have specific examples from the book to make your point more persuasive; these would include specific people, laws, court cases, groups of people, towns, etc. that were impact ed by the uranium frenzy.

2. Please note that this should not be a “book review” that recounts the narrative in the book. Also, If you have any questions please contact me. Additionally, I can look over an outline or rough drafts to make sure you are on the right track.

3. Further, Do not use outside sources of any type; all examples should come from the book Uranium Frenzy.

4. Additionally,  Keep direct quotations from the book to a minimum. If quoting please quote in this manner: “The boom only lasted for two years, and was a wild ride.” (Ringholz, 220) [this is not a real quote from the book, just for example]
5. Lastly, Please keep personal examples to a minimum

Contrast and compare between Augustine and Pelagius

Contrast and compare between Augustine and Pelagius

This is an assignment that discusses the contrast and comparison between Augustine and Pelagius. The paper also discusses the biblical interpretations of salvation.

The contrast and comparison between Augustine and Pelagius

Select a scripture verse or a passage
Show the contrast and/or comparison between Augustine, Pelagius, St. Prosper, Aquinas, Calvin’s position(s) and also their Biblical interpretation of Salvation
As you read about St. Augustine, St. Prosper, Pelagius, John Calvin and Thomas Aquinas and their particular interpretation of Salvation, consider the following:

I. The Historic Context
Firstly, what was the time period in which these theologians were writing? (e.g., 16th Century Europe)
Secondly, what were the spiritual (church or religious factors of Roman Catholicism or the Reformation that influenced their writings and interpretations of Scripture?) (e.g., Traditions, Rites, [Edicts]Rules by Popes, Cardinals, Bishops), Socio-economic and spiritual conditions in Europe (e.g., poverty, fear of damnation, a wrong view of the person of God [The Trinity], The politics of Rulers, Princes, Kings, Persecution of so called heretics, etc.)

II. Biblical Context/Tools

Remember, focus on the context of the verse; both Old and New Testaments.
Use contrast and comparison of these authors
Look for similarities and also differences in the author’s positions on salvation. Additionally, what are they?
Show where you agree with their position on salvation or where you disagree; are you for or against. Be brief but specific [give chapter and verse in the assigned textbook(s) references and Biblical passages to support or reject their particular view.

Your paper must contain 1) the title page, 2) the table of content page and 3) the bibliography page.  You must use at least 5 sources.

Sample Outline/the Table of Content

I. Introduction
Your introduction must contain a thesis statement
II. Historical Context
A. Socio-economic conditions during the time of John Calvin
B. Religious/Ecclesiastical Conditions of the time
C. Political Conditions during that time
III. Biblical Context
A. Context of the Passage in the Old Testament
B. Context of the Passage in the New Testament
C. Similarities and also Differences of John Calvin’s view’ of Predestination with other theologians (Augustine, Pelagius, Thomas Aquinas, St. Prosper, etc)
IV. Analysis
This section should also cover your agreement or disagreement with John Calvin’s view on Predestination with solid reasons and evidence from the scholarly sources.
V. Conclusion

Any and all research or reflection papers MUST be written using the MLA Manual of Style or APA or Turabian. Your Professor prefer the Turabian format
You can access OWL to find examples of both papers, works cited pages, and how to create in-text citations of references. Go to OWL @Purdue University. Leo University also has an online learning lab. will also help you create citations by filling in the appropriate blanks.


Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her

Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her

This assignment focuses on Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her and wants her to stop following him. Some people might say this is cruel of him, while others think his directness is actually a form of kindness.

Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her

Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her and wants her to stop following him. Some people might say this is cruel of him, while others think his directness is actually a form of kindness.

What do you think? If you were Demetrius and you had to tell Helena you did not love her, how would you choose to do it?

More details;

How does Demetrius explain his love for Helena?
It gets overuled by Theseus, so now Hermia is allowed to marry anyone she wants too. How does he explain the return of his love to Helena? His love for Hermia melted and now loves Helena. He compares it to sickness when he was in love with Hermia, and now he return to health and loves Helena.

How does Demetrius feel about Helena?

Demetrius is in love with Helena, who is thrilled at the turn of events and doesn’t really question why his regard has changed. He says only that his love for Hermia has faded and he now loves Helena. So the pair are marry in a triple wedding with Hermia and Lysander and the Duke of Athens and his bride.
How does Helena react when Lysander and Demetrius both claim to love her?
How does Helena react to Demetrius and Lysander when they say they love her? She thinks they’re making fun of her. Helena says, “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” about Hermia.
What does Helena mean by it is not night when I do see your face?
What does Helena mean by “It is not night when I do see your face”? A- You are such a good person; your face shines like a light. B- I know you’ll protect me from scary things in the night. C- I love you so much; you make the night seem bright.

Importance of criminalistics and forensic science in criminal justice

Importance of criminalistics and forensic science in criminal justice

This is an assignment that discusses the Criminalistics and forensic science importance to criminal justice. The paper also focuses on its scope and importance to the system.

The Criminalistics and forensic science importance to criminal justice

Criminalistics and forensic science
This is an assignment that focuses on the criminalistic and forensic science importance to the criminal justice.
The essay should be typed, written in APA format to include in-text source citations and use a minimum of four sources of material from outside the class.

Assignment overview
Criminalistics and forensic science has grown both in scope and importance to the criminal justice system. There is no question that it compliments and aids in traditional investigations. However, as it has become more advanced and technical, has it come to have more importance than the traditional methods of investigating such as questioning eyewitnesses, interrogating suspects and determining information from street informants?

The Criminalistics and forensic science importance to criminal justice

In your answer, specifically address the following issues:

Explain how the use of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defense of the accused.
Discuss how forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.
Discuss whether courts and juries now place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.
Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science and your reasons for the argument.

These are the outcomes that are expected in this assignment
The usage of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence. This is in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defense of the accused.
The forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.
The courts and juries now place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.
Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science and your reasons for the argument.

Juvenile delinquency in the United States criminal justice system


For your analytical term paper please choose an issue concerning juvenile delinquency in the United States. You must define and describe the issue in detail and comment on your perspective on the issue and how the issue (problem) can be solved.

Choose an issue concerning juvenile delinquency in the United States

For your analytical term paper please choose an issue concerning juvenile delinquency in the United States. You must define and describe the issue in detail and comment on your perspective on the issue and how the issue (problem) can be solved.

The term paper should be at least 10 pages long and should include the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography.

Ensure that your work conforms to proper use of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Your paper should read like a very well written journal article.
The following are suggested outlines for your term paper:
A). Introduction (Problem statement. What? Why? How?)
B). Literature Review (Review of the extant literature on the subject, Why? How? Find a Hole; Look for Debates).
c). Research Design (Methods applied to obtain materials for your paper, How? Research Procedures, kind of data.)
d). Research Findings –evidence of the importance

More details;

Firstly, What are the biggest challenges facing the juvenile justice system right now?
The Problem:

These are commonly called “status offenses,” and they include truancy, running away, curfew violations, and underage liquor law violations. these cases, 82,400 (or nearly 60 percent) resulted in young people being adjudicated, or found guilty, of committing a status offense.

Secondly, What factors contribute to juvenile delinquency?
Leading Contributing Factors To Juvenile Delinquency

Firstly, Poor School Attendance. Poor school attendance is one of the top factors contributing to delinquency. …

Secondly, Poor Educational Standards. …

Thirdly, Violence In The Home. …

Fourthly, Violence In Their Social Circles. …

Further, Peer Pressure. …

Moreover, Socioeconomic Factors. …

Also, Substance Abuse. …

Additionally, Lack Of Moral Guidance

Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard

Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard

This is an assignment that focuses on the comparison of the Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard. The paper also requires reading of previous responses.

The comparison of the Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard

Using the outline you created last week, write your comparison essay.

“compare/contrast essay comparing one of the characters in ‘Everyday Use’ with Louise Mallard in Chopin’s “Story of an Hour.”

Firstly, make sure you have read any comments I have returned to you about your outline before writing this essay. This essay will be a minimum of 1500 words.  Your commentary should also be the largest part of your essay, and the concrete detail should be minimal.  A rule to remember is that for every ONE piece of concrete detail, you need THREE sentences MINIMUM of explication.
If you only need part of a sentence as concrete detail, then do not use the whole quote.  Choosing long quotes may add to the word count of an essay, but will result in a lower grade because the essay should be mostly your original thoughts.  Make sure you follow the MLA format.

1. Firstly, review information on MLA format (Links to an external site.), In-text citations (Links to an external site.), Works Cited entries (Links to an external site.).

2. Secondly, view sample essay (Links to an external site.) and sample works cited list.

Comments on Previous work:

1.     For Reader’s Response: Everyday Use: I like that you were able to incorporate quotes from the story in your essay. This will be an important skill as you begin writing your essays in the course. Just check the format for internal citations:

2.     For Reader’s Response: Chrysanthemums: You have incorporated some of the information but are missing many of the required characterizations. Additionally, Remember the Citations issues, as this affects the grade. Refer to the links above and in the previous point and link them in word directly. Remember it is MLA

3.     Comparative Essay Outline: This is really a rough draft rather than an outline. The purpose of an outline is to provide a concise overview of the main ideas of your essay. Also remember you’ll need to use MLA citation to provide internal citations for all quotes/paraphrases and a works cited list at the end of your essay. Your citation is inaccurate and affected your grade.
4.     Don’t forget to refer to the PowerPoints and use the terms in the literary Analysis terms as well as the elements of fiction when doing the comparative essays. Also identify and explain why you consider a character – meaning antagonists and pantagosnist. etc.

5.     Once done, check your paper for syntax errors and grammar mistakes.

6.     Points on Thesis Statements:

Thesis Statement


Lastly, here are some rules for constructing a thesis statement:

1.  The thesis statement is a complete sentence that lets the reader know what the paper will be about.
2. The thesis statement cannot be a question.
3. The thesis statement must be an opinion or an attitude and not just state a fact.
4.  The thesis statement should be the last sentence in the introductory paragraph
5. Lastly, do not state the obvious in the thesis statement. This means DO NOT WRITE:
I am going to write about my reasons for not wanting to move from Florida.

Define and discuss the ethical dilemma from practice

Define and discuss the ethical dilemma from practice

Identify, define and discuss the ethical dilemma from practice that will be used in the final paper. A case that has ethical implications or: An analysis of ethical problems emerging from organizational functioning and Operations or organizational policy.

Identify define and discuss the ethical dilemma from practice

1) A case that has ethical implications or:

2) An analysis of ethical problems emerging from organizational functioning and
Operations or organizational policy. The proposal will:

Firstly,  Identify, define and discuss the ethical dilemma from practice that will be used in the final paper.

Secondly, Present a comprehensive description of the issue, explaining all relevant facts and explicitly stating the central ethical dilemma(s).

Thirdly, Analyze the issue selected, from all sides of the issue.

Also, Discuss the values that conflict as part of the ethical dilemma: what are the opposing personal, professional and agency values at play, why they conflict, who are the parties involved.

Further, Provide a synopsis on how the dilemma is influencing your professional development.

Lastly, Provide a preliminary literature review of articles that are helping you think through the issues, consisting of at least 2 annotated references.


More details;

An ethical dilemma or ethical paradox is a
decision-making problem between two possible moral imperatives, neither of which is unambiguously acceptable or preferable. The complexity arises out of the situational conflict in which obeying would result in transgressing another.
What is an example of a ethical dilemma?
Some examples of ethical dilemma examples include: Taking credit for others’ work. Offering a client a worse product for your own profit. Utilizing inside knowledge for your own profit.
What should you do when faced with an ethical dilemma?
When addressing something as complicated as an ethical dilemma, remember that you should consider things very carefully before taking any drastic action. Make sure that you‘re aware of all sides of the story, and confide in people close to you for their advice and opinions.


Creative Project Art Creative Writing Performance

Creative Project Art Creative Writing Performance

This is a Final Assignment – Structures of Difference (15% or 15pts). As discussed within both our lectures and texts, we have come to understand that social categories such as gender, race, class, and sexuality

Final Assignment – Structures of Difference (15% or 15pts)

As discussed within both our lectures and texts, we have come to understand that social categories such as gender, race, class, and sexuality are socially constructed and are therefore understood and employed differently in their respective cultural and historical contexts. Given our ongoing objective in engaging with the historical (and contemporary) trajectory of these configurations, our final assignment will take up the issue of difference both literally as well as figuratively.

Situating difference within the location of its occasion (time, place, etc.), we will be approaching these constructions in a manner that both addresses and contests projects of belonging. That is to say, that rather than exoticizing/fetishizing difference or calling for assimilative identities/communities. There is something for valuing difference AS difference.
In your final assignment, you will be taking this initiative to task by drawing from the ongoing work and assignments that we have completed up until this point.

Thinking about social categories of difference and the power structures that inform/impact them (past and present), you will need to select a concept (listed below) and contemporary artist that engages with your thematic selection in their practice. After selecting both your theme and artist, you will need to select 2-3 artworks that you feel best exemplifies/contests/complicates your chosen concept.

A Substantial Creative Project (Art, Creative Writing, Performance, etc.):

This will need to be accompanied by a 4-5-page critical paper that relates the project back to the concept/artist of your choice (if you elect to go with this option, choosing an artist to inform the project alone will suffice).

Thematic Choices:

–  Sex/Gender Binaries

Regardless of your choice, your final assignment on the visualization of difference will need to utilize and EXPAND ON the concept of your choice, discussing not only HOW it is exemplified in the context of the artist/work that you have selected, but also how it engages with the “cultural order” of difference.

with option two (2), you may elect to include reference photos if appropriate, however, if you are not specifically referencing any artworks, listing the artist alone will suffice.

BOTH options will require that you use at LEAST 3-4 academic/scholarly sources.

Core readings for this unit Oedipus Hamlet or Antigone

Core readings for this unit Oedipus Hamlet or Antigone

To complete this essay, you must choose at least 2 of the core readings for this unit (Oedipus, Hamlet, or Antigone), identify the ways in which their heroes are different or similar

Choose at least 2 of the core readings for this unit (Oedipus, Hamlet, or Antigone)

To complete this essay, you must choose at least 2 of the core readings for this unit (Oedipus, Hamlet, or Antigone), identify the ways in which their heroes are different or similar, and analyze what this shows us about the nature of the tragic hero. Ultimately, the question you’re seeking to answer is “How, if at all, has the tragic hero changed over time (as it is represented in the texts we’ve considered)?” You may use any other readings, including short stories, information from class discussions, as well as supplemental research.

Questions you might want to consider in this essay
The questions below are not exhaustive, but they might be a good starting point for your thought-process about this topic.

Firstly, what is the view of human nature presented in the text?

Secondly, what features of the text are similar or different to each other?

Thirdly, what other texts of the same time period follow similar trends in the author’s ideas of human nature?

Fourthly, what other texts of the same time period contradict the author’s ideas of human nature?

Further, what social and/or cultural influences affected the author or the text?

Finally, what political forces shape the world the character lives in or the world the author wrote in?

Formatting and Length: As always, please use MLA format and citations. MLA format is typed, double-spaced with no extra spaces between lines, 12 point, Times New Roman font. Your name, my name, our class title, and the date of submission should be in the top left corner. There should be a header with your last name, (comma) page number. At the end of your essay should be a Works Cited page, which does not count towards your word count. The length of the essay should be 1,500 words.