How to plan a successful birthday party – You will need to create a story

How to plan a successful birthday party – You will need to create a story

Planning a successful birthday party

For this assignment, assume you are planning a birthday party. You will need to create a story line that provides background information relevant to the event, such as who the party is for, the number of people attending, and your overall vision for the party in terms of the venue, food and beverages, and entertainment.

Assume you are planning a birthday party-You will need to create a story

For this assignment, assume you are planning a birthday party. You will need to create a story line that provides background information relevant to the event, such as who the party is for, the number of people attending, and your overall vision for the party in terms of the venue, food and beverages, and entertainment. For the event, you should assume that you would be required to contract with a minimum of three vendors to include a party venue, catering, and entertainment. You may choose to add other elements to the party, such as transportation, photography, party memorabilia, etc.
Complete the “Contract Formation Chart,” located in the topic materials. For each vendor, you must provide the following information.

Firstly, Identify the name of the vendor.

Secondly, Identify and clearly state the offer for the contract.

Thirdly, Explain the method of acceptance for the contract.

Fourthly, Explain the elements of consideration for the contract.

Furthermore,Identify the factors that affect the formation of the contract.

Moreover, Just do the one I highlight and has name Vivian under it.

Do your contract information to look more like the rest of them.

Also have to add an individual paragraph below the chart describing, in detail, the contents of each contract.

More details on how to plan a birthday party;

  1. Sit down with your child and choose a party theme.
  2. Set a date.
  3. Book a venue or entertainment, if desired.
  4. Order invitations or purchase the supplies needed for homemade cards.
  5. Set a budget.
  6. Write up a guest list.
  7. Begin shopping for gifts for the birthday kid.

Legal assessment of social work labor laws

Legal assessment of social work labor laws

This is an assignment that discusses the critical understanding of the legal assessment of social work. The assignment analyzes the law and policy impact of these services.

The critical understanding of the legal assessment of social work

A head teacher from a local infant school has made a referral about a young child, Jason. He is aged 6 years who has presented at school in a distressed state on several occasions recently. Jason has seemed hungry and talked about not having anything to eat before or after school, has also been tired and withdrawn, preferring the company of one teaching assistant to any children. He lives with his mother Dawn, and younger sister, Bella, aged 2 years. Mum has admitted to the school that she is feeling overwhelmed and experiencing depression herself. The head teacher advises that they made a previous referral for early help 12 months ago but are unaware of the outcome. The school believe that Bella’s father still visits the home.

Today Jason has come to school with a bruise on his face and will not say how it happened. The school have not been able to contact his mother this morning. When workers visit the family home they identify a number of other concerns – the family are all sleeping in one room downstairs and there are no beds for the children. Upon inspection there is little evidence of food in the kitchen but there is evidence of recent alcohol consumption and many alcohol cans and bottles on kitchen surfaces.

Jason is reluctant to talk to the social worker and Dawn explains that he was climbing on the kitchen surfaces to get into a cupboard and banged his face on a door. However a medical examination at the local A&E suggest the bruising is a non-accidental injury. Dawn denies this and becomes defensive when questioned, stating that she finds it difficult to cope with Jason’s behaviour.

Guidance on essays writing

Please find below, under each learning outcome, some key points you should consider when writing your essay:

LO1: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the legal, policy and specific assessment framework as they relate to particular areas of social work practice (for example children and families, adults, mental health)
What particular piece of legislation, policy and assessment framework are being used for this particular area of practice – focus only on 1-2 pieces of legislation
Also, what is the fundament/background  of this piece of legislation
What is assessment main purpose ?
Is covering the law/policy/assessment discussed addressing client  needs

LO2: Analyse critically how the law and policy impact upon those using social work services.
–        Evaluate if this piece of legislation has a positive/negative impact on clients  (e.g paternalism, oppression, power dynamic)

LO3: Understand and critique how social work uses law and policy when working with partner organisations and professions.
–        How multidisciplinary working is supporting application of the law discussed
–        Opportunities, challenges, boundaries in relation to multi-disciplinary working and potential solutions for improving this aspect of practice

LO4: Explore and reflect upon the significance of human rights, ethics, values and social justice when applying law and policy in social work.
–        Are the human rights, social work values and ethics elements being uphold  when applying this pieces of legislation and policies ? argument your view
–        How we can address conflicts, ethical dilemmas ?

LO5: Critically analyse the challenges and opportunities relating to risk and protection as they relate to children, their families, and adults when applying law and policy in social work.
–        Opportunities and challenges of implementing legislation and policy in organisations – e.g organisational and political barriers and opportunities; solutions for addressing these
–        Focus specifically on risk , protection and safeguarding

Current event related to gender studies media on gender socialization

Current event related to gender studies media on gender socialization

For this assignment, you will prepare a presentation on a selected current event related to gender. Select a topic related to gender that has been addressed in the media within the last year.

Prepare a presentation on a selected current event related to gender

For this assignment, you will prepare a presentation on a selected current event related to gender. Select a topic related to gender that has been addressed in the media within the last year. You will then create a presentation analyzing the topic and 2 related news stories. You can use presentation software/programs such as Prezi, Kaltura, Powerpoint, Keynote, or Youtube for the assignment. Many of these programs offer free basic membership. Please contact the instructor if you would like to use another program for the assignment. Be creative in the assignment–you can include audio and/or video clips, images, links, etc. Your presentation should be creative and visually appealing as well as incorporate each of the following components:

Prepare a presentation on a selected current event related to gender

1. Select at least 2 news articles/reports related to the topic. Provide a brief description of the topic and each of the 2 news sources. Include the source, date of publication, and other identifying details in the References section.

2. Next, evaluate the way that gender is depicted in the news articles/sources. How do the sources relate to the topic of gender in society?

3. Analyze the gender-related topic using related theories, course materials, or additional scholarly sources. For example, what do the news stories tell us about sexism in society, the social construction of gender, masculinity, femininity, gender roles, inequality, etc.?

4. Compare and contrast the 2 news stories, addressing similarities and differences in the articles/videos in their discussion on gender.

A link can be submitted instead of an uploaded assignment if applicable based on the program used. Submit in the “Assignments” section of the classroom. The due date is 11:55 pm on Sunday at the end of week #5.

You can view a presentation on gender and the media for additional analysis of how gender is depicted in the media.

This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment.

DISCLAIMER: “Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.”

Assignment 2 meets the following course objectives:

Evaluate theories that address the social construction of gender.

Examine the impact of the media on gender socialization.

Pedagogic creed by John Dewey personal philosophy

Pedagogic creed by John Dewey personal philosophy

This is an assignment that focuses on the discussion of my pedagogic creed by John Dewey. The paper also discusses the impacts of personal philosophy.

The discussion of my pedagogic creed by John Dewey

My Pedagogic Creed
Firstly, personal philosophy is the intellectual and characterological result of forces that have impacted our lives. Secondly, these forces are the dominant ideological constructs under which we were reared and in which we live, the political economic forces that impact our lives, the beliefs that come as the result of spiritual conversion and the process of sanctification, and others. Lastly, it is one of my goals in this class to challenge your thinking in many areas and to give you the chance to evaluate and reevaluate your beliefs and practices.

Your final assignment is to state and document these beliefs in an organized manner. Additionally, your model for this is based on the work of John Dewey found in My Pedagogic Creed (Links to an external site My Pedagogic Creed (by John Dewey School Journal vol. 54 (January 1897), pp. 77-80.). You will use the same categories as Dewey. What the Learner’s Nature Is What the Teacher’s Nature Is What Education Is What the School Is What the Subject Matter Is What the Nature of Method‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ Is What the Goal of Education & School Is You are to craft a minimum of ten statements within each belief category given. Each statement must begin with the words “I believe that …” Each statement must be as to a source or group of sources.

The discussion of my pedagogic creed by John Dewey

As often as possible, try to state scriptural precedent for your thought without wresting scripture from its context and thus violating the clear teaching of the passage. I realize that not every statement you create will have chapter and verse. However, some beliefs may of necessity have only chapter and verse. Each category should be in a hierarchical fashion and not as a group of disconnected thoughts. I strongly recommend that you work on this project throughout the course.

Lastly, keep a working document of the categories and add to it as you complete the readings each week. If you wait until the end it will be much harder to find and cite the sources you need. (Education in a free society: an American history by Rippa S. Ale‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍xander)

Literary element common to two short stories analysing literature

Literary element common to two short stories analysing literature

How may a reader analyze a literary element common to two short stories so as to understand meaning in (significance of) the stories? By writing this paper, you will answer this question and demonstrate the following skills for writing about literature:

Analyze a literary element common to two short stories

Instruction for Paper 2:

How may a reader analyze a literary element common to two short stories so as to understand meaning in (significance of) the stories?

By writing this paper, you will answer this question and demonstrate the following skills for writing about literature:

Also, Analyze literature for a purpose.

Furthermore, Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation in order to demonstrate reading and summary skills.

Identify a literary element common to two short stories.

Identify one to three examples from each story as evidence of the element.

Write a thesis statement that clearly identifies the common element, and what the paper will discuss about the stories and the element.

Write clear topic sentences for paragraphs that inform the reader what the paragraph will discuss.

Also, Develop paragraphs that support the topic sentences.

Organize a comparison and contrast paper by presenting paragraphs logically and effectively, using one of two methods for comparison and contrast: story by-story or idea-by-idea.

Write sentences in Standard English that clearly express ideas.

Demonstrate correct use of MLA formatting within the paper and on a Works Cited page.

Explain your writing process clearly and coherently.

More details;

What are literary elements in a story?
For example, plot, theme, character and tone are literary elements, whereas figurative language, irony, or foreshadowing would be considered literary techniques.
Why is it important to know the elements;
story has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow.

Father’s blonde hair and your mother’s brown eyes

Father’s blonde hair and your mother’s brown eyes

So, you’ve got your father’s blonde hair and your mother’s brown eyes – these are genetic traits. You and your family are also very good at sport. Is it your genes or your environment that’s responsible for your sporting ability?

You’ve got your father’s blonde hair and your mother’s brown eyes

So, you’ve got your father’s blonde hair and your mother’s brown eyes – these are genetic traits. You and your family are also very good at sport. Is it your genes or your environment that’s responsible for your sporting ability?

Assignment 1: Reflective writing responses UCYP

Berk, L. (2013). Child development (9th Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.
Berk, L. (2009). Child development (8th Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education
Berk, L. Child development (7th Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education

Description of the assessment
Reflective learning responses are a polished piece of writing to communicate your understanding of knowledge and their implications for your learning and teaching. Reflection is a common feature of both teacher education and the everyday practice of teachers.

Reflective writing response Assessment 1 requires you to consider the following statement, and then, with reference to the readings and study guide, write a response in 400 words that demonstrates your understanding of the concepts and principals involved in the topic.

So, you’ve got your father’s blonde hair and your mother’s brown eyes – these are genetic traits. You and your family are also very good at sport. Is it your genes or your environment that’s responsible for your sporting ability?

Marking criteria
Students must obtain a copy of the marking criteria sheet available from the Blackboard site and familiarise themselves with the criteria for this assessment item. The reflective learning responses will be assessed on:

Firstly,  A clear response to the reflective prompt that demonstrates understanding of the concepts and principals involved in this topic.

Secondly, Demonstrated evidence of analysis and interpretation, using readings and other credible sources

Lastly,  Academic writing skills (spelling, punctuation, grammar, paragraph structure, APA 6th referencing style)


Guide to writing Reflective Learning Responses

Base your writing style for this assignment on SCU’s Reflective Writing Guide.
Your approach to writing the Reflective learning responses can be either of the following ways. The important point in either case is that your opinion must be clearly linked to theory, in order to demonstrate that you have understood the topic sufficiently.

Method 1:
Firstly, State the reflection/opinion and give explanation and an interpretation about that reflection

Secondly,  Provide a theoretical justification for the interpretation. This adds credibility to the interpretation

Lastly, Draw a logical conclusion.


Method 2
• State and explain the theory to provide the basis for the subsequent opinion

You may also like to view this Epigenetic Infograph, from Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child, if you would like to extend your engagement with this particular assignment to include the emerging field of epigenetics.

Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing

Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing

This is an assignment that The Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing. The paper also discusses the research evaluation tool that you will use.

The Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing


Identify and also discuss three issues occurring in this community scenario (one micro, one mezzo, and one macro) impacting the clients and similar community members that point to the need to intervene as a community practitioner.

Social Work Approach

1.     Firstly, using your Community and Organization text (Bruggerman, 2014, Chapter 9, pgs. 256-274), identify and also discuss the social work approach of community organizing
Address at least three methods that are relevant to engaging and assessing the community; creating a cohesive group; engaging members to action; and negotiating and securing group needs. Summarize in one paragraph two methods on ending practitioner involvement. Use authoritative sources to support their statements.


2.     Secondly, using your social work research methods knowledge:

a.       identify and describe a research evaluation tool you will use to determine the success of your social work practice interventions.  (Give a specific example of how this this tool can be used in the situation).

b.     Briefly describe how this evaluative tool functions.

c.      Using the identified tool, identify also what you are measuring, describe your baseline how you will know your work has been effective.

d.     Lastly, give a rationale as to why the chosen tool is relevant and provide support for your measurement as a “best practice” in evaluation.

Theoretical Application: 3, 4, 5

3.     Thirdly, summarize how you would critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate your intervention at the micro, mezzo, and macro level.
4.     Fourthly, discuss how the intervention outcomes could improve social work practice effectiveness.
a.      Additionally, include at least two theoretical frameworks in your discussion of evaluating social work practice outcomes; at least one aspect of the Person-in-Environment perspective relevant to your evaluation of the outcomes of your intervention; one other theoretical perspective (choose one from Human Behavior and Social Environment, Strengths Perspective, Systems Theory, Family Systems, etc…).
5.     Lastly, explain how and why the two selected perspectives are important to evaluating outcomes of the interventions.

Paper Instructions

6.     Paper should be 5-7 pages (excluding title page and references).  There should be headings for each section answered.  Be sure to review the rubric prior to writing your paper (located in the Rubric section in Blackboard).  However, be careful to answer each section of the question asked.  Proper use of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and syntax are required.

Legalization of marijuana and its social problems

Legalization of marijuana and its social problems

This is an assignment that focuses on the legalization of marijuana and its social problems. The paper discusses some of the descriptive questions in relation to the topic.

The legalization of marijuana and its social problems

Descriptive questions try to answer questions of who, what, where, when and how. It describes a situation or a social concern.
The social problem people are talking about now days is the legalization of marijuana.

Some of the descriptive questions that research could help answer include:
Firstly, how is legalization of marijuana going to affect the lives of young people in New Jersey?  causal question
Secondly, what measures has the government of America put in place to control marijuana usage in communities after legalization?
Thirdly, what are the possible effects of legalizing marijuana  causal question
Also, how is marijuana legalization going to aggravate opium use in Newark communities?  causal question
Who has the interest in legalizing marijuana in New Jersey?
What is the short term and long-term effects of marijuana legalization in New Jersey?  causal question
How will the legalization of marijuana affect the crime rates in New Jersey?  causal
Lastly, is marijuana usage the cause of increasing crime rates in Newark?  causal

The legalization of marijuana and its social problems

Causal questions try to determine the cause or effects of one or more outcome variables.
What factors are causing the government of America to legalize marijuana?
Legalizing marijuana in New Jersey is at the peak, what will be the consumption rate of marijuana among the young people?
What are the possible health issues being addressed by the consumption of marijuana?  descriptive
Why is the government of America legalizing marijuana?
Why are policy makers interested in the legalization of marijuana?
What could be the concerns of parents in Newark City about marijuana legalization?  descriptive
The unity analysis in each following study are:
Gender roles affects one’s attitude towards abortion. The unity analysis is Gender
for example, male or female. We can have a unit analysis of Jane, James, Andrew and Victoria. In this case we know that Jane, Victoria are female, yet James and Andrew are male.

•        Large school districts have more bureaucratic rules than smaller districts. The unity analysis is school districts
for examples these school are to be listed such as in Elizabeth school # 1, school # 9, school #22 in the unity analysis column.

•        Ten-men military units have fewer causalities than fifty- person military units. The unity analysis here is military units

•        Poverty rates are lower in European countries than in the U.S. The unity analysis here is   Countries
For example, Germany, France, United Kingdom and U.S

Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence

Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence

This paper focuses on the novel is called Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence. Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence introduces us to other characters

The novel is called Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence

Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence introduces us to other characters and creates situations that many can relate to, from Hannah’s parents’ divorce, to the Engineer who is hundreds of years old and works for the Devil, to the Dark Side.

What do we take away from this alternative existence as readers and thinkers? You might want to focus on a single character who is the moral compass of the novel or just the opposite. This is deliberately vague because I want you to have the freedom to focus on the theme of your choice: evil, human relationships, loyalty, and the ways in which our lives are individual narratives. These are suggestions, not a list from which I am asking you to choose.

Length: 4 double spaced pages–1,200 – 1,500 words. Quotations (and they are mandatory) do not contribute to the length requirement.

Please remember to put your name on the essay, double space, and number your pages, not to mention proofreading and editing. Also, please create the essay as a Word document.

More details;

I receive a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was pleasantly surprise by this book. Further, I went into it not quite knowing what to expect. But the result was a brilliant little quest into Hell with Hannah. Also, her family, and a very funny little mushroom.

Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence opens, eventually, on Hannah. An eleven year old girl who has to live with her nomadic grandfather while her parents begin the process of separating. Hannah thinks that although a little ‘different’ with his lifestyle choices. There’s nothing especially exciting about her grandfather. Until the sudden appearance of a mysterious man in black who appears to call himself The Devil comes calling asking for help from an old friend.


Humanities teaching in Australian classrooms

Humanities teaching in Australian classrooms

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to reflect on Humanities teaching in Australian classrooms. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Reflect on Humanities teaching in Australian classrooms

Assignment Overview

By listening to primary school teachers talk about how they teach Humanities and reflecting on what’s happening in classrooms across Australia, you’ll be much better prepared when you enter the classroom.

This case study report requires you to examine how a group of primary school teachers have put the theories and models related to the teaching of Humanities into practice. You will produce a case study report.


Explore the case studies

Read the case studies and make notes on each teacher’s

approach to Humanities. There are three case studies.

Use the Australian Curriculum Website For Humanities and work through the assignment.

Part A: Case study report (2000 words)

The case study report should address the following points and give examples from the case studies:

1. Firstly, describe which curriculum areas are taught by the case study teachers.

2. Secondly, describe how the student cohorts affect how the teachers plan for and teach Humanities.

3. Thirdly, why are the Humanities important in contemporary schooling? Use an example to illustrate your response.

4. Fourthly, critique a single-subject approach to teaching the Humanities providing examples from the case studies to support your arguments.

5. Additionally, critique a cross-disciplinary approach to teaching the Humanities providing examples from the case studies to support your arguments.

6. What do the case studies tell you about the broader societal context in which the Humanities are taught?

7. Lastly, remaining questions—pose four questions that continue to puzzle you or that you could follow up or further research upon completion of this unit.