Knowledge and skills required for life

Knowledge and skills required for life

One of the biggest challenges we face in school education is to identify and develop the knowledge and skills required for life in the 21st century.

Identify and develop the knowledge and skills required for life

One of the biggest challenges we face in school education is to identify and develop the knowledge and skills required for life in the 21st century. This is an ongoing curriculum challenge. We know that in some cases the current school curriculum is not addressing the needs of a 21st century learner and this is easily ascertained by looking at the decline in mathematics literacy.

There are many possible reasons for this decline: past iniquities have not been addressed, disciplines are taught as bodies of facts , concepts are taught in isolation, assessment instruments are poor, poor teaching, unprepared learners. A possible solution is that we could adapt the curriculum so that we can teach for understanding (deeper, conceptual knowledge). We must begin to discourage ritualized learning.

Write a research based essay of approximately 900 words, describing how you would make your teaching more visual in order to deepen learners’ understanding of concepts taught in mathematics. You may choose one or more arguments to illustrate your arguments. You must read and cite at least SEVEN articles and use APA 6 style of referencing.

Your essay must address the following:

Firstly, what is your understanding of visualization in mathematics education?

This must be based on your readings (do not copy and paste from your readings but use the readings to inform your interpretation). Also, do not simply state an opinion.

Secondly, is this type of teaching sustainable? Please elaborate.

Thirdly, will visual strategies overcome past inequities and language barriers? How?

Lastl, do you believe that visualization should play a more important role in the curriculum? Why?

Social Problem Analysis from The Wire film characters

Social Problem Analysis from The Wire film characters

This is an assignment that focuses on the Social Problem Analysis from The Wire. The paper also focuses on the characters  from a season 4 of the wire.

The Social Problem Analysis from The Wire

Social Problem Analysis from The Wire
For this assignment, you will describe and analyze one character (or a defined “set” of characters) from Season 4 of The Wire in a way that seeks to answer, or at least shed light on some focal question or questions you have about the characters/events/situations at the center of this sprawling drama.

While almost any character may be analyzed; keep in mind this paper is intended to help you gain insight on Social Problem Analysis. I recommend that you pick one of the four main characters of season four (Dukie, Namond, Randy or Michael). If you would like to focus on a different character, that’s OK; but you might want to check in with me and discuss how to structure your analysis.
All papers MUST include three core components:
1)     Firstly, DESCRIBE the character in the following three ways:
a.     Secondly, describe his or her social status and general economic situation.
b.     Thirdly, describe his or her personality/character traits,
c.      Lastly, describe his or her family situation.

The Social Problem Analysis from The Wire

2)     IDENTIFY a SOCIAL PROBLEM that you believe affects this character or that you feel we can gain insight on by examining this character.
a.     Define the social problem
b.     Describe this problem, particularly in terms of how we are seeing it manifested in The Wire. Here feel free to move beyond the character you are describing, to bring in impressions drawn from various scenes in the Wire, as well as outside data (if you like, not required) that give us a broader picture of the problem.
3)     ANALYZE the social problem. Identify at least TWO “independent variables” that you feel are a connect to the problem or cause the problem. In other words, explain why the problem exists, and why it is manifested in West Baltimore the way we see it manifested in the show.


Here is a link to a list of books and novels that are relevant to the issue of Social Problem Analysis:

Here is a link to an excellent database on films and documentaries about a wide variety of social issues and social problems. The database is into a range of different categories and subcategories. You can get quite specific.

Below are a number of analytic grids to help you get your mind going on your paper. These are NOT official parts of the assignment. They are resources to help you prepare your paper. Use them if you like, but don’t feel obligated to use them.

Interconnectedness of communities and ecosystems they are part of

Interconnectedness of communities and ecosystems they are part of

This assignment consists of two parts. 25% of the grade will come from a column graph showing the average number of days in a chrysalis for each temperature. The graph does not have to be computer-generated, but should be neat, accurate, and properly labelled.

25% of the grade will come from a column graph showing

This assignment consists of two parts.
1. 25% of the grade will come from a column graph showing the average number of days in a chrysalis for each temperature. The graph does not have to be computer-generated, but should be neat, accurate, and properly labelled. It will need a descriptive title. Also labels for the X and Y axes. Finally, the graph should accurately reflect the data. Don’t overcomplicate the graph. Although the table shows detailed data, the only data you need for the graph are the three temperatures and three averages!
Below is an example of a simple column (or bar) graph. This particular graph shows the number of students preferring four different juices; you will be plotting the average number of days in the chrysalis for each temperature: cool, room, and warm. For your graph, you will have three “bars” or “columns.”


Question two

2. 75% of the grade will come from a paper of between 1000 and 1500 words, a minimum of 1000. The first part of the paper will focus on an analysis of the data to draw an informed conclusion about the experiment. This section will include ideas about how and why different temperatures affect the speed of metamorphosis. It should also include information from at least one similar study that validates or invalidates your conclusion and it should be cited at the end of the paper.

The second part of the paper will focus on the effects of a changing climate on, not only insects, but also the communities and ecosystems they are part of.

The paper should conclude with your ideas about the interconnectedness of all species in a community. Also, communities in an ecosystem, etc. This section should use two references. You may use one from the papers listed below. You may also use your textbook as a reference.

Part of this assignment (valued at 5 points) is to visit the Stone Writing Center for help with your paper (either in person in the White Library or online) at some stage of writing your paper. I should get confirmation of your visit directly from the SWC, but you may want to pick up a confirmation from them in the form of an email or a SWC Tutorial Verification

Activist individual who stood up for a cause

Activist individual who stood up for a cause

Prompt: Identify an activist or an individual who stood up for a cause. Identify their background and how it led them to the path they chose. What events transpired prior to them standing up for a cause?

Identify an activist or an individual who stood up for a cause

The Activist I want you to write about is Hillary Clinton
Prompt: Identify an activist or an individual who stood up for a cause. Identify their background and how it led them to the path they chose. What events transpired prior to them standing up for a cause? Identify the change they were able to instill because of their actions. What stood in their way? What did they have to lose?

Must have/include:
Four pages + a work cited page (MLA FORMAT)

Answers the prompt

Cannot be the predictable choices (Gandhi, MLK,Lincoln, Parks, Mandela

Chavez, Steinhem, etc).

Use three to four resources that are CREDIBLE

Must organize in categories/headings

Avoid being a biography

Heasings for essay

Introduce your topic- use a good hook

Write about the background of your activist- this may be a little biography

Events Prior

Describe the events that lead to this person who stands up for something

Stands In Their Way

What obstacles stood in their way

Loss and Gain

Directions: You will write a 1200 word research paper on a person of your choosing.

This person must satisfy the prompt. The researcher must include at least three- four sources cited in MLA Format.

What losses and what gains did they have to go through

Change That Their Actions Instilled

What change has taking place since they have stood up

“Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’

“Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’

Please read the following paper “Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts, Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’: An Analysis” and write 250 words summary

“Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts, Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’

Please read the following paper “Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts, Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’: An Analysis” and write 250 words summary

More details;

Misyar marriage between Shari’ah texts, realities and scholars’ fatawa: an analysis

Marriage is a sacred bond in Islam that ties a man and a woman into a lifelong relationship of love, compassion, mutual understanding, respect and security. It is a firm pledge that one makes in the name of Allah for one-another. ‘Misyar marriage’, ‘Convenience marriage’ or Travelers’ marriage’ is a new form of marriage practiced widely in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other gulf states. The ‘Misyar bride’ sacrifices some of her marital rights, such as expenses, fixed duration, and an abode.

The scholars in Islam have different opinions about this form of marriage. Some of them supported it vehemently, as it could reduce the number of ladies without husbands; while yet others strongly oppose it, as it sounds like part-time wives, which has no roots in Islamic heritage.


The present study therefore aims to explore the real status of ‘Misyar. Or convenience marriage’ in the texts from the Qur ‘an. The Prophet s Sunnah, the practices of his rightly guided Companions. Also, the Fatawa of the traditional and modern scholars.

It will analyze them in the light of the current realities and situation prevailing in many countries of the Muslim world. The study adopts a critical yet objective approach in dealing with the issue. It is believe that the study will help the Muslim men and women to have clear insights on the issue. Based on the Shari ‘ah texts, scholars’ Fatawa and present day realities.

Determine the context who when where and why

Determine the context who when where and why

Determine the context (who, when, where, and why).  This basic information is often presented in the introduction of your essay. Who is giving the speech? Who is the audience? When is the speech given?

Determine the context (who, when, where, and why)

Carefully examine the text (read, listen, or watch – depending on the text).

Determine the context (who, when, where, and why).  This basic information is often presented in the introduction of your essay. Who is giving the speech? Who is the audience? When is the speech given? Where is the speech given? Why is the speech given? What is the purpose of the speech? What does the speaker/author hope to achieve?

Decide if you think the text is successful. Did the author/speaker successfully achieve his or her purpose? This will be the foundation of your thesis. The success (or lack thereof) of the text is the backbone of your argument.

Examine the CHOICES the author/speaker makes. Here are some examples of choices: Does the author use ethos?  Does the author use pathos? Does the author use logos? What word choices does the author make?  What examples does the author give? Then, consider the effects of these choices on the audience. This is the information that will make up the body paragraphs. How do the author’s choices contribute to the success (or failure) of the text? Make sure to find quotes/specific evidence of these choices to use in your paper.

Essay 2 Topics

Option 1:
Texts: “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” “UN Speech on Education,” Obama’s “Prayer Breakfast,” or Trump’s “Prayer Breakfast” (you may also choose any of the other speeches included in the textbook)

Choose one of the above texts to analyze and then construct an argument concerning whether or not the text is successful in achieving its goal.

To do this, the first point you must establish is what you consider the purpose of the text? (You will likely include this in your introduction) Then, decide if the text is successful. Why or why not? What rhetorical techniques does the author use to achieve their goal?

Effects of the the Holocaust on the Jewish people

Effects of the the Holocaust on the Jewish people

An essay on the Holocaust and how it affected the Jewish people with scholarly and reliable sources. At least 3-4 sources needed

Holocaust and how it affected the Jewish people with scholarly

An essay on the Holocaust and how it affected the Jewish people with scholarly and reliable sources. At least 3-4 sources needed

More details;

The Holocaust in contemporary culture

Dancing on thin ice

Picture the following scene: an ice-skating rink. The lights are dimmed, but a spotlight seeks out a couple in the middle of the ice. Instead of sequins and sparkly spandex, though, both are dressed in concentration camp striped pyjamas, with Stars of David on prominent display. Music begins slowly and haltingly to only become louder and more powerful. To the strains of the theme tune of the acclaimed Italian film La vita è bella (1997), the couple begin to perform a Holocaust-themed ice-dancing revue that features pretend shooting, guard dogs barking, and that ends with the sound of machine gun fire. Throughout the performance, both skaters smile broadly. Their emotional dance ends in raucous applause from the spectators and a perfect score from the ring-side judges.

No. This is not a tasteless imagine scenario. It is a very real performance that featured on the Russian reality show Ice Age in November 2016. The skaters were the former Olympic ice-dancer Tatyana Navka and her partner Andrew Burkovsjy – and maybe, just maybe, the performance would not have received quite so much media attention worldwide if Tatyana Navka had not happened to be the wife of Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Although studio audience and show judges seemed to ‘enjoy’ the performance – one can only hope that the judgment was based on its athletic and not its ethical value – it received strong condemnation in the international news media

Historical and current economic condition in Colombia

Historical and current economic condition in Colombia

Introduce the historical and current economic condition in Colombia. Identify if the country is an example of economic success or failure. Also discuss the theoretical perspective like Modernization theory, marxist-inspired approaches,

The historical and current economic condition in Colombia

Firstly, introduce the historical and current economic condition in Colombia. Identify if the country is an example of economic success or failure. Also discuss the theoretical perspective like Modernization theory, marxist-inspired approaches, globalization theory.

Secondly, explain how poverty in the country has been addressed.

Thirdly, how do you evaluate the efforts to alleviate poverty in Colombia?

More details;

The economic context of Colombia

Economic Indicators

For the latest forecasts on the economic impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic, please consult the OECD Economic Outlook Interim Report Coronavirus: the world economy at risk (March 2020) and the IMF’s policy tracking platform Policy Responses to COVID-19 for the key economic responses from governments.

Thanks to its market size, the extent of its natural resources (coffee, emeralds, oil and coal, among others) and a historical reputation as an exemplary debtor, Colombia has experienced a stable and solid growth for most of the past two decades. However, the country was affected by the fall in oil prices, as oil accounts for nearly 50% of its total exports. Still, GDP grew by 3.3% in 2019, mainly supported by stronger investment growth, and accommodative monetary policy. According to the updated IMF forecasts from 14th April 2020, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19, GDP growth is expected to fall to -2.4% in 2020 and pick up to 3.7% in 2021, subject to the post-pandemic global economic recovery.


Comprehensive Guide To Product Design

Comprehensive Guide To Product Design

Please discuss an instance when you felt a product was not design to fit your personal body type. Share this product and how it failed to meet your needs. What recommendations do you have for the designer?

Discuss an instance when you felt a product was not designed to fit your personal body type

In our first unit lesson, we discuss the importance of considering human variability in the design process. When designing products such as airplanes, which are in use by global populations, variations in overall body size and shape provide a challenge for designers. Please discuss an instance when you felt a product was not design to fit your personal body type. Share this product and how it failed to meet your needs. What recommendations do you have for the designer?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

More details;

A Comprehensive Guide To Product Design

Nowadays, it is coming to mean digital products as well. Apps and websites are modern products.

When it comes to building great products, design is the most important “feature.”

We’ve moved into the stage where product design dominates — it’s what sets companies apart and gives a real edge over competitors.

Whether you’re a designer, developer, product manager, program manager, marketing manager or project manager, it’s essential to understand (and have a reference guide to) the product development process in order to create your best work.

In this article, I’ll focus on the main principles and approaches that will help you to design great products. I’ll start with global things (like what product design is all about) and work down to the individual phases of product design (such as research, ideation, testing and validation).

What Is Product Design?

Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity, clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.


Robinhood adds cash management features

Robinhood adds cash management features

The group selected an app and website based company called Robinhood. The company was formed by two students, roommates, and classmates at Stanford University. Baiju Bhatt and Vladimir Tenev graduated

Group selected an app and website based company called Robinhood

The group selected an app and website based company called Robinhood. The company was form by two students, roommates, and classmates at Stanford University. Baiju Bhatt and Vladimir Tenev graduated and moved briefly to New York state to create technology for hedge funds.

After witnessing trading companies on Wall Street upcharge day to day people to initiate every trade, the partners returned to California to build their dream. Robinhood was in April 2013 in Menlo Park, California. But the company offers job opportunities in more locations. Headquarters are still located in Menlo Park, CA this area is used to employ corporate employees.

More details;

Robinhood Review

Robinhood adds cash management features though its fees no longer set it apart

Robinhood’s claim to fame is that they do not charge commissions for stock, options, or cryptocurrency trading. Due to industry-wide changes, however, they’re no longer the only free game in town.

The firm’s target customer base is young people new to investing. They are draw to the app by advertising that leans heavily on words such as “free” and “democratization.”

By and large, this tactic has succeed, drawing in 10 million accounts held by an unknown number of customers. But what happens to them when they outgrow Robinhood’s meager research capabilities. Or get frustrate by outages during market surges?

We’ll look at Robinhood and how it stacks up to more established rivals now that its edge in price has all but evaporated. The firm is adding services, such as cash management and recurring investments, in an effort to attract new customers, and hang onto the ones who signed up during the pandemic.