Intervention RTI and Multi-tiered Systems of Support

Intervention RTI and Multi-tiered Systems of Support

Write a response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) are common programs that provide a framework for assessment, delivery of instruction, provision of supports, and guidelines for referrals for eligibility in special education.

Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) are common programs that provide a framework for assessment, delivery of instruction, provision of supports, and guidelines for referrals for eligibility in special education. Tiered instruction and support programs are often implemented on a school or district-wide level.

The law requires that teams document efforts to support students in general education settings before they can be referred for special education evaluation. Not all students who struggle have a documented disability or meet eligibility requirements. Teachers and staff must address screening and assessment to identify the needs of students.

Make data-driven decisions regarding delivery of instruction, needed supports, and referrals when necessary for additional supports and services. RTI is a framework that includes general supports for all students. Supports that are more specific for at-risk students, and identification of students who need interventions that are more intensive.

Firstly, Create a 15-20 slide digital presentation providing an introduction to Response to Intervention (RTI) to new educators.

Secondly, Within your presentation, provide:

Thirdly, An overview of RTI, to include an explanation of the RTI tiers.

Fourthly, An explanation of what factors determine appropriate student placement within the RTI tiers.

Fifthly, How the RTI model can help meet the needs of students with and without disabilities.

Furthermore, Five examples of research-based intervention strategies across multiple RTI levels. It is  for students with and without disabilities who are struggling in English language arts or mathematics.

Moreover, A title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Lastly, Support your presentation with the topic readings and two additional scholarly resources.

Intercultural communication proposal basic aims of investigation

Intercultural communication proposal basic aims of investigation

This essay entails a paper on the different Intercultural communication proposal and the basic aims of investigation to deliver in the research conducted. Intercultural communication proposal enables one to compare between different cultures and their incluence to the community.

Intercultural communication proposal basic aims of investigation

Firstly, please write a research proposal around the following topic/idea Intercultural communication across different cultures and social groups to enhance learning.

Secondly, we understand that it can be difficult to formulate research plans for a proposal well in advance of carrying out the work. What we encourage you is to formulate your ideas clearly and to take great care over your proposal. You should expect to draft your proposal several times. Ideally, seek comments on it from people able to discuss it with you before submitting your application.

Thirdly, word limit Your proposal should be around 1000 words. This does not include any references or bibliography. You are encouraged to refer to relevant literature. You may include a set of references as well as a proposal of the length described above. Your proposal should include: a title for the project a description of the research context in which you aim to work.

Also, you should refer explicitly to work which is similar to that which you are planning or which is influential on your ideas. And you should include the details of this work in a bibliography or list of references. A discussion of the research questions or hypothesis that you intend to address, along with a justification for them.

Lastly, what makes the problem or questions interesting and important? It is likely that your supervisor will suggest changes or developments to your research. Therefore you give the ideas that you explain in your proposal during the course of your

How can technology create Virtual appliances like network and machines

How can technology create Virtual appliances like network and machine

This is an assignment that discusses on How can technology create Virtual appliances like network and machines. The paper also describes the various techniques that a provider can establish bills to different users.

How can technology create Virtual appliances like network and machines

Below are guidelines for this assignment that you are to figure out:

Virtualization technology is the pillar of infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It refers to the logical abstraction of physical resources, such as compute, network, and storage that enables a single hardware resource to support multiple concurrent instances of systems or multiple hardware resources to support single instance of system. Explain how such technology is to create Virtual appliance, Virtual Network, Virtual Machine, Virtual Switch, and so on. 2. Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service. Describe the techniques used by the provider to establish bills for the different users (Measured Services). 3. The term “software multitenancy” refers to a software architecture in which a single instance of software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. Systems designed in such manner are often called shared (in contrast to dedicated or isolated).

A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to the software instance. With a multitenant architecture, a software application is a design to provide every tenant a dedication share of the instance – including its data, configuration, user management, tenant individual functionality and non-functional properties. Multitenancy contrasts with multi-instance architectures, where separate software instances operate on behalf of different tenants (Wikipedia). Explain in details the principle of software multitenancy in the cloud.

Lastly, in writing this assignment follow the APA style. Include at least three sources in gathering information. Times New Roman, 12 size, and use Double Space.

Location-based social application app

Location-based social application app

A company that has developed a location-based social application and is considering moving that application to the cloud is seeking your assistance.
The service allows people can check in to share their location and exchange tips regarding travel.

A company that has developed a location-based social application

Firstly, A company that has developed a location-based social application and is considering moving that application to the cloud is seeking your assistance.The service allows people can check in to share their location and exchange tips regarding travel.

Secondly, You are informed that the company presently has approximately forty million individual users of this application worldwide as well as over one million businesses subscribers.

Thirdly, The company routinely analyzes its data, which contains over four and a half billion records.

Research Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure and write a detailed comparison to guide them in their decision.

Further, You may draw on both the providers’ own published information as well as third-party reviews and analysis.

The following points are of particular interest to the organization:

Firstly, Object storage capabilities and pricing.

Secondly, Global multi-region presence and redundancy.

Thirdly, Support for hybrid cloud connectivity to on premise systems.

Fourthly, Managed relational database services.

Furthermore, Security features.


More details:

What is company interest?
Company Interest means the interest of a Member in Profits, Losses and Distributions.
What are location based social networks?
Location-based social networks are social networks that use GPS features to locate you and that let you broadcast your location and other content from your mobile device. Yeah, location-based social networks are a little creepy.
What is a location based application?
Location-based services (LBS) use real-time geo-data from a mobile device or smartphone to provide information, entertainment or security. Some services allow consumers to “check in” at restaurants, coffee shops, stores, concerts, and other places or events.

Iconic and cultural symbolism and its relevance today

Iconic and cultural symbolism and its relevance today

The purpose of this Essay is to further study iconic and cultural symbolism, and its relevance today. The intent of the Essay is to delve deeper into YOUR history and background now that you have learned more about others.

Study iconic and cultural symbolism and its relevance today

Icons of YOUR Culture
The purpose of this Essay is to further study iconic and cultural symbolism, and its relevance today. The intent of the Essay is to delve deeper into YOUR history and background now that you have learned more about others.

More details;

A cultural symbol is a physical manifestation that signifies the ideology of a particular culture or that merely has meaning within a culture. Cultural symbols can be religious or spiritual, or they can represent the ideology or philosophy of a culture’s language, values and traditions.

What is a symbol in culture?
Symbols are the basis of culture. A symbol is an object, word, or action that stands for something else with no natural relationship that is culturally defined. Everything one does throughout their life is based and organized through cultural symbolism. Symbolism is when something represents abstract ideas or concepts.
Why are cultural symbols important?
A symbol has meaning within a culture, because of a shared understanding of what the symbol signifies. Stories, traditions, history, and cultural norms contribute to the meaning of a symbol. … At the most basic level, symbols are important because they help people craft meaning in their interactions with one another.
What is an example of cultural values?
Cultural values are the core principles and ideals upon which an entire community exists. This is made up of several parts: customs, which are traditions and rituals; values, which are beliefs; and culture, which is all of a group’s guiding values.


Mechanisms of self enhancement are in social psychology

Mechanisms of self enhancement are in social psychology

This is an assignment that discusses what mechanisms of self enhancement are in social psychology. The assignment also discusses the application of equity theory.

What mechanisms of self enhancement are in social psychology

Question 1
Firstly, pick a field in which social psychology IS IN USE: Law, Business, or Health and Well-being. Explain how social psychology explains 1 area of these applied fields. For example, in Law, Jury Decision Making. (50 pts ( Pick and also explain a theory/concept of social psychology that would apply to one of the above fields (25 pts) / If you worked in that field how would you specifically apply the theory/concept/principle in your workplace (come up with an example) (25 pts)).

Question 2
Secondly, explain what the mechanisms of self-enhancement are. Pick 1 and explain a situation in which it would be used. (50 pts (Define mechanisms of self-enhancement and explain what they are in your own words (15 pts) / Individually define 5 of them and explain each one in your own words (5 pts each for a total of 25 points) / Additionally, explain how 1 of the mechanisms in a situation that it would be used (10 pts)).

Question 3
Thirdly, discuss the application of equity theory. First explain it, and then pick a domain in which it has been used and explain how it applies. (50 pts (Explain Equity Theory (25 pts) / Pick a domain in which it has been used and apply it (25 pts)).

Question 4
Fourthly, the nature v nurture debate influences our understanding of every behavior. What is the nature argument for aggression? Also,what is the nurture argument for aggression? Feel free to use research, theory, and other evidence as explained in any of the course texts. (50 pts (Explain the nature argument (include min. 2 sources) (list 3-4 of the major points) (15 pts) / Explain the nurture argument (include min. 2 sources) (list 3-4 of the major points) (15 pts) / Based on this evidence what do you think the best explanation of aggression is? (20 pts)).

Question 5
Lastly, previous research on conformity has shown that adolescent alcohol use is profoundly influenced by peers. “The Myth of Conformity” article didn’t come to the same conclusion. What did they find, and why did they find different/ conflicting results from previous research. (50 pts (What did the article find (15 pts) / Why did it find this? What’s the explanation for this phenomenon (15 pts) / Also, find an article that argues the opposite from this article and contrast them (20 pts)).

Deployment and administration of windows server 2016

Deployment and administration of windows server 2016

This is an assignment project that discusses the Deployment and administration of windows server 2016. This project paper is for a course in Intermediate Networking (ITS 405).

The Deployment and administration of windows server 2016

Deploy and Administer Windows Server 2016
The Portfolio Project is due at the end of Week 8—the last week and module of the course. This assignment is a means for students to display their mastery of the material, and to also provide a creative and realistic way in which to apply knowledge from ITS405.
Firstly, create a detailed, organized, and unified technical solution given a scenario described in the document Portfolio Project Scenario linked inside module 8 folder.
Additionally, your solution should draw on the content presented in the course. The outline below lists points/topics to cover. You are also free to provide additional, related information.

Provide technical and justification reasons for each choice, citing resources as appropriate. Provide rough estimates of scheduling and manpower required for deploying your solution. You may summarize the schedule and manpower at the end of the document, or include it separately for each section.
The Windows Server 2016 operating system should be for all aspects of the solution.
Your solution should cover the following four numbered areas and associated bulleted items listed under each:

Deployment and Server Editions

Firstly, how many total servers are needed? Which roles will be combined?
Which edition of Windows Server will be for each server (e.g., Standard, Data)?
However, should servers be a virtualization using Hyper-V?
Where will each of the servers be located (which of the two sites)?
How will the servers be deployed?


DNS namespace design (e.g., domain name[s] chosen split DNS for internet/intranet, zones)
How will DNS be handled for the second site?

Active Directory

Number of AD domains and names of those domains
Will there be any Read-Only Domain Controllers?
How will the second site factor into domain controller placement? How will AD sites be configured?

File and Printer Sharing

What shares might be needed? (Consider also some of the reasoning supplied in the relevant chapter of the textbook.)
The, how will quotas/FSRM be configured? (Consider all aspects, such as thresholds, altering, file screens, and reporting.)
Also, will a DFS namespace be implemented?

Your submission will:

Be in written format, 6-8 pages in length (not counting diagrams).
Also, include at least one diagram illustrating your chosen Active Directory design with DNS namespace hierarchy.
Cite and discuss no fewer than three credible sources, other than course readings and media. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these sources.
APA Style


Ethical problem and ethical dilemma specifically on your organization

Ethical problem and ethical dilemma specifically on your organization

This is an assignment that focuses on the identification of an ethical problem specifically on your organization. The paper should also focus on either a current or a past organization that you have worked at.

The identification of an ethical problem specifically on your organization

MGT 400 Ethics in Law

Week 2 Assignment

Identify and analyze specific ethical problem in your current or past organization. Pick a problem of manageable size.  The nature of the ethical problem is up to you but make sure there is an ethical component to the problem since you will be analyzing it.  Remember, this is an application exercise not a history lesson or presentation of abstract course material. This is a mini-paper, which means it should be only 3-5 pages long (12 point Times New Roman, double-spaced).  Brief does not mean superficial.  You will have think carefully to best use the concepts from the course to help you answer the questions.  Make sure you consult the grading rubric as you prepare your mini-paper and prior to submission.  The grading rubric will be used to grade your mini-paper.

In narrative form, address the following areas:
What is the nature of the ethical breakdown)?
Also, what about do you question ethically?
What about the situation do you find acceptable?
How common is this problem?
What guidance does the organization provide?
What action would you recommend?

Assignment paper writing and submission guidelines:

Lastly, the assignment paper should focus on the APA guidelines and format. The paper should be at least 3 pages to five pages long. Ensure that you cite the paper using APA citation guidelines. It is strongly suggested that you use these questions as sub-headings in your mini-paper to ensure you address each area and that the instructor can locate specific material expected to address each of the questions.

FAR and Contract Provisions for Protection Imagine that you are a contracts officer for the Department of Energy

FAR and Contract Provisions for Protection Imagine that you are a contracts officer for the Department of Energy

The FAR and Contract Provisions for Protection. Imagine that you are a contracts officer for the Department of Energy (DOE). You have been ask to review bids from contractors who have developed a new widget for saving the American public twenty-five percent (25%) on their energy bills.

Imagine that you are a contracts officer for the Department of Energy

The FAR and Contract Provisions for Protection.

Imagine that you are a contracts officer for the Department of Energy (DOE). You have been asked to review bids from contractors who have developed a new widget for saving the American public twenty-five percent (25%) on their energy bills.  Once an award is made, the contractors will receive the contract, which includes provisions to minimize risks and define rights and obligations, from the Department of Energy. Review Federal Acquisition Review (FAR) “52.246-1 Contractor Inspection Requirements”.

Firstly, you may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Secondly, Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

Thirdly, Evaluate the importance of the standard default clause. As a contracts officer for the DOE, suggest two (2) ways in which you could combine the standard default clause with the FAR’s delay provision for the protection of both parties to the contract.

Further, provide a rationale for your response.

Also, Speculate on the impact that a contracting officer’s changes to the payment terms within the contract would exert upon both the government and the contractor.

Next, suggest the most secure method for making a contractual change. Justify your response.

As a contracts officer for the DOE, suggest two (2) improvements that you would make to the inspection procedure in order to make the procedure more efficient.

Lastly, Provide a rationale for your response.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Firstly, Explain the government’s intellectual property rights policy.

Secondly, Compare and contrast the consequences and remedies of “termination for default” and “termination for convenience.”

Lastly, Use technology and information resources to research issues in procurement and contract law. Write clearly and concisely about procurement and contract law using correct grammar and mechanics

Comparing two websites what defines a good visual web design

Comparing two websites what defines a good visual web design

Discuss what defines a good visual web design by comparing two websites. Notice that since a website visualizes its content or text, there must be a complementary relationship between good content and good visual design.

What defines a good visual web design by comparing two websites

LOOKING AT DESIGN ELEMENTS ON THE WEB: Discuss what defines a good visual web design by comparing two websites. Notice that since a website visualizes its content or text, there must be a complementary relationship between good content and good visual design.

Browse among your favorite websites. Find one that you think is creative and well done, and another that is not done so well.

1.   Look at the layout of each.

Secondly, Is your eye drawn to the most important text or image?

Thirdly, Is it clear what you should be looking at? Is it visually appealing?

2.   Look at the navigation (the menu that tells you how to go from one web page to another within the website.)

Secondly, Can you find the navigation bar?

Thirdly, Is it labeled in a meaningful way?

Fourthly, Do you actually know where to click?

Further, Can you get to where you want to go with the help of this navigation bar?

3.   Look at the images (either graphic art or photographs.)

Secondly, Are they an integral part of the website’s message?

Thirdly, Are their positions on the page related to the importance of the image?

Also, Is the image necessary or superfluous to the page?

What message is communicated about this website by the choice of images?


4.   Look at the colors.


Do they communicate an emotion or an idea?

Are they appropriate to the content of this website?

Do they create a response in the user that works well with the purpose of this site?

5.   Look at animations. Do they distract or enhance your experience of the website?

Do they communicate more effectively than the still images? Why?

6.   Look at relationship between text and images.

Do they work together or contradict one another in any way?

In the space provided, compare and contrast your “good” website and your “bad” website. Remember to include the web address for each and discuss each site in terms of the six questions asked above.

Type your answer in the box below. When you have finished, run spell check and proofread your work, then copy and paste the text to the course forums.



Class Participation- 250 words minimum

1.   Visit eBay and search for a high-ticket item such as fine art, rare books, and collectible memorabilia. Click on any items that interest you and read the descriptions.

Do you get a sense of the audience the seller is targeting?

Does the seller use any keywords to describe the item or make the pitch? How does the seller persuade or motivate the customer to buy?

2.   Search for lower-ticket items (“everyday” items with a low starting price).

Read the descriptions of individual items. Do these descriptions differ from the “high-ticket” descriptions?

Do you get a different sense of the intended audience?

What details does this seller include? How is this description similar to the high-ticket item? How is it different?

Discuss how sales language differs between a collectible item and an “everyday” item – why do you think this is.


A discourse community is a group that “speaks the same language.” For medical professionals use and understand medical terminology. Scientists use and understand scientific terminology. Even grammarians use terminology such as “linguistics” and even “grammar,” but these terms may have little to no meaning or a completely different meaning to non-members of that discourse community.

Name a discourse community to which you belong and provide at least five examples of terms that are understood by members of your discourse community. Explain the terms so that non-members will understand their meaning. 250 words minimum

Discuss a discourse community to which you belong and explain five terms that are unique to that group?