Virtual child is doing in terms of behavior

Virtual child is doing in terms of behavior

This is an assignment that entails you to describe how your virtual child is doing in terms of behavior. The paper looks into the different changes that a child goes through.

Describe how your virtual child is doing in terms of behavior

The Child
Part A (The Child): Describe how your virtual child is doing. Be sure to discuss any significant changes in your child’s behavior. Include at least three different changes that your child has been through during this part of the program. Also discuss any challenges or problems your child is currently facing (overweight). You need one challenge or problem your child is facing and if the program doesn’t specify one, then you need to think about what type of challenge or problem he or she might be facing depending upon the age of development and what is going on in his or her life. Be sure to label each of the three changes and also label the problem or challenge.‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍

Part B (Parenting): Describe the kinds of decisions you are making in regards to your child. Explain how these decisions combine to form a kind of parenting style (authoritative). Discuss how you think those decisions are impacting your virtual child or how they would impact your child if he or she was real. Be sure to label the parenting and then its influence.

Part C (Concept application): Describe how any aspect of what you reported above (from Part A or Part B) fits with what we have know about parenting styles. Select one concept (authoritarian parenting style) and explain it and then apply it to your child’s development. Be sure to label the concept and the application.

The paper format is to be in APA format and style. The paper should be four pages long. Please include references from at least three sources that you will use. APA formatting and citation to be emphasized in the paper.

Melnyk and in Burns and Grove books read applicable chapters

Melnyk and in Burns and Grove books read applicable chapters

Read applicable chapters in Melnyk and in Burns and Grove books to formulate your first partial draft of chapter 1. Label the paper subheadings.

Read applicable chapters in Melnyk and in Burns and Grove books


PROMPT.A. Guidelines for Assignment: Chapter 1 Partial Draft.

Read applicable chapters in Melnyk and in Burns and Grove books to formulate your first partial draft of chapter 1. Label the paper subheadings.

Firstly, Identification of Phenomenon of Interest or Problem (2 paragraphs)

Secondly,  Background of the Problem (1 paragraph)

Thirdly,  Purpose Statement.

Lastly,  Burning clinical question and PICOT.

PROMPT.B. Guidelines for Assignment: Critical Appraisal and Synthesis Table.

Read applicable chapters in textbooks on the review of the literature and critical appraisal. From your search of the literature related to your clinical problem, select one study (meta-analysis recommended) that captures the essence of your intervention. Write a critical appraisal of that particular study. Then, include a synthesis table that identifies 5 studies that support your change in practice for the specific problem. Include the following

1. Critical Appraisal-Select one study and write a one page critical appraisal.


2. Synthesis Table- Include a synthesis table with 5 studies that you have identified from your search of the literature.

Guidelines for Assignment: Powerpoint Presentation.

Firstly, Prepare a 6 minute professional Powerpoint presentation of your evidence based practice project that includes problem or phenomenon, background, significance, purpose statement, PICOT, evaluation of evidence, and recommendation for practice change.

Secondly, Presentations evaluation will using the Rubric for Scoring Powerpoint Presentations.

Also,  Submit completed PowerPoint presentation via web campus.

Furthermore,  It is required that students are present for each other’s presentation, participate, be attentive and ask questions with respect for clarification and feedback that may help the student presenter to improve EBP project.


Additionally, The presentation should be legible from at least 5 feet away. Thus, it is recommended that the font size be at least 28 point and that each slide includes only three points.

Also, The presentation should be visually pleasing to the eye (colors, spacing, and pictures). Information follows a logical flow.

Explanations should be clear and concise.

References citations are appropriate and complete according to APA 6th edition. There are no spelling or grammar errors.

Study title should include names of author and institution/school with which primary author is affiliated. Student is prepared and obviously rehearsed.

Speak clearly and maintains eye contact.

A rating of an overall impression, including how the person spoke about the topic.

Practice your presentation, presentation time is no longer than 6- minutes long.

Lastly,  Summary includes overly significance (applicability and relevance to practice, policy, and/or future research)

Anatomy and Physiology that is of interest to them

Anatomy and Physiology that is of interest to them

The objective of the term paper is for students to explore a topic involving Anatomy and Physiology that is of interest to them. Write your paper using the following guidelines:

Topic involving Anatomy and Physiology that is of interest to them

The objective of the term paper is for students to explore a topic involving Anatomy and Physiology that is of interest to them.
Write your paper using the following guidelines:

1. Introduction:

Introduce the topic and explain why it is of interest to you. Why is this topic important and relevant?

2. Systems affected:

What parts of the body are affected? What are the physiological implications? Be detailed in your explanation.

3. Who is affected:

Which segment of the population is at risk? What is the current treatment? What is the prognosis for recovery?

4. Conclusion:

What would you conclude from the research you have done?

Secondly, What did you learn that was of particular interest?

Also, What does the future hold for better outcomes?

What are the early signs of lung cancer?
The most common symptoms of lung cancer are:

Firstly, A cough that does not go away or gets worse.

Secondly, Coughing up blood or rust-colored sputum (spit or phlegm)

Thirdly, Chest pain that is often worse with deep breathing, coughing, or laughing.

Fourthly, Hoarseness.

Furthermore, Loss of appetite.

Moreover, Unexplained weight loss.

Also, Shortness of breath.

Lastly, Feeling tired or weak.

What are the 4 types of lung cancer?
The main subtypes of NSCLC are adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. These subtypes, which start from different types of lung cells are grouped together as NSCLC because their treatment and prognoses (outlook) are often similar.
How long do you live after being diagnosed with lung cancer?
Lung cancer is often not detected until it has spread. Life expectancy for cancers is typically expressed as a 5-year survival rate (the percent of patients who will be alive 5 years after diagnosis). Overall, the 5-year survival rate for lung cancer is lower than other cancers, at 18.6%.

Visual Writing Prompts Weebly

Visual Writing Prompts Weebly

Start by immediately identifying the Visual Writing Prompts (Weebly) you are most interested in exploring from a topical standpoint. However, your task is to then propose from this first sentence how this much more general question relates to your own field of study, developing your own unique GUIDING RESEARCH QUESTION (GRQ) and related inquiry questions.

Start by immediately identifying the Visual Writing Prompts (Weebly)

Start by immediately identifying the Visual Writing Prompts (Weebly) you are most interested in exploring from a topical standpoint. However, your task is to then propose from this first sentence how this much more general question relates to your own field of study, developing your own unique GUIDING RESEARCH QUESTION (GRQ) and related inquiry questions.

See the Weebly prompt as a topic of discussion starter See your own GRQ as a more specific question of subject matter that is within that topic Therefore, you will be transforming the question or guidelines in the Weebly prompt to fit a more specific set of inquiry within your field of study.


Weebly prompt

For instance, if I was a Sociology major and chose the Weebly prompt, “Is it important to know where your food comes from? Defend your answer”—I may turn that question into a specific inquiry into “food deserts” and the impact they have on lower class communities. My GRQ may then be:

Firstly, How are food deserts impacting health and economic ability of lower class communities?

Secondly, Your GRQ is to be thought-provoking, not an open and shut/yes or no.

Thirdly, Your GRQ is to illustrate your own desire to critically think about these topics and pursue data and information that can help you make a debatable argument.

Also, Your GRQ allows you to ask more specific questions, too, so that you don’t feel “stuck” thinking you have to find predetermined answers.

Further, Your GRQ is a start to researching for argument, not the answer and the analysis.

Also, other important contextual details to include in your intro: Identify your field of major and summarize topics covered that reference the question (foreshadow the question) Identify, concisely, your personal main interest in this prompt’s topic. Restate the prompt question, and then: Identify if the question is empirical or ethical based, at its heart. What are possible answers that you have at the outset? State at least two “opposing” broadly specific answers. Then, state your original answer, along with a justifying reason.


Second section: Background Knowledge


One to two paragraphs in length. Answer the following questions bullet point questions without restating the questions. Integrate the key words into your explanations.

Make cohesive transitions, rather than being robotic about answers. Be descriptive, and cite sources if you are citing data or “facts”. Contextualize your beliefs and “opinions” with where they are rooted. What do you already know or think about the subject matter/question asked in the writing prompt? Where does that knowledge come from? What are similar interests?

What confuses you, and how does that relate to your Guiding Research Question?


Third section:

Methodology/Disciplines and Databases | One to two paragraphs in length Based on the GRQ that you have developed.  The questions that relate to seeking answers that support that question’s inquiry, which academic disciplines (Musicology, Sociology, History, Gender Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Mental Health, Biology, Criminology, Etymology, and more) are the most logical places for you to start off your research? In your answer, identify at least two different academic disciplines you want to find scholarly articles within. Additionally, explain how either the GRQ or one of your questions that spawns from it relates to an identified discipline. Express your thinking—make inferences based on what you know or believe. For instance, let’s revisit how are food deserts impacting health and economic ability of lower class communities?

Sociology, of course, is important because I am looking into community impact. So, I will need to state how important it is to search sociology databases for sources that discuss food sources and community.  I think it must be harder for those in poor communities to get affordable quality natural foods.  Which then makes it harder to save money, etc.

Health field databases are important—though it seems obvious—because I want to figure out how “food deserts” impact health. I think—think!—food deserts may lead to more obesity and disease, so I must inquire! In your methodology, you may also explain specific types of sources you hope to find. To help you both imagine and descriptive those “types of sources”—read chapters 6-10 of Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (Blackstone). These chapters outline various kinds of qualitative and quantitative secondary sources you will most be looking for within the disciplines to provide support for your essay.

Methods of incorporating herbs and spices with anti-bacterial qualities

Methods of incorporating herbs and spices with anti-bacterial qualities

This is an assignment that discusses the methods of incorporating herbs and spices with anti-bacterial qualities into traditional foods. The paper also discusses the food safety concerns of the future.

The methods of incorporating herbs and spices with anti-bacterial qualities

Herbs and spices
Firstly, all cultures use herbs and spices for giving their dishes the unique cultural characteristics which many people come to identify with that culture. These food flavorings play another role which is not much considered, food safety. Many spices and herbs have antimicrobial qualities that protect consumers from some foodborne illnesses. In living conditions where there may be no way to keep/store foods at the appropriate temperatures and poor sanitary conditions are common, the health benefits of these ingredients move far beyond the scope of flavor.


Promote the use of whole foods to prevent foodborne illnesses found in developing countries. Objective: Formulate possible uses of whole foods to promote food preservation in the Caribbean/South American or Asian countries.


Apply foundational knowledge of foodborne pathogens. Describe methods of incorporating herbs and spices with anti-bacterial qualities into traditional foods. Discuss possible broad-scale uses of herbs and spices in food safety for the future. ACEND Com‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍petencies: 1.1 Applies an understanding of environmental, molecular factors (e.g. genes, proteins, metabolites) and food in the development and management of the disease. 3.3 Applies principles of food safety and sanitation to the storage, production, and service of food.


Lastly, reflect on the nutritional and public health of people from Caribbean/South American or Asian countries. Construct a situation that reflects high-risk circumstances for foodborne illness in a specific Caribbean/South American or Asian country. [Create a short scenario] Describe circumstances that illustrate ways in which spices and herbs and fermented foods can be used to improve food safety as well as other food safety principles for the peoples of the country you chose. Subsequently, discuss the greater implications of the use of whole food ingredients (spices, herbs, salt, etc.) in improving food safety in the future. Also, consider the role of fermented foods in food preservation. Incorporate 4 references ****AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (AMA) format NOT APA**

Women and gender studies readings covered in course

Women and gender studies readings covered in course

This paper focuses on Women and gender studies. The specific objective of this assignment is to show your understanding of the readings covered in course and listed under ‘Topics and Readings’ in the course syllabus.

Women and gender studies-the readings covered in course

The specific objective of this assignment is to show your understanding of the readings covered in course and listed under ‘Topics and Readings’ in the course syllabus. It is also designed to assist you with the development of your essay writing skills, with attention to clarity in the presentation and organization of ideas, and to the accuracy of the representation and documentation of other writers’ ideas and arguments.

Choose an issue and/or topic discussed in class and/or covered by the weekly readings. Please provide a coherently developed and focused essay (2400- 3300 words) typed, double-space, 1-inch margin), on this or a related topic, in which you draw on at least three different readings listed on the course syllabus AND a minimum of four outside sources, and show your knowledge and understanding of them. Also, you are expected to use extensive outside source material. Using these class readings and any additional resources (library materials, journals, magazines, internet documents, or case law), you will provide an overview, analysis and/or discussion on a clearly focused topic, argument and/or thesis.

Consider the following questions when engaging with each reading:

Firstly, What is the main argument of the reading?

What are the social justice implications?

How does this reading ‘fit’ relative to other readings in the topic section?

Secondly, What underlying assumptions does the author make?

Thirdly, Can you identify a particular theoretical position of the author? Describe it.

Fourthly, Is the argument convincing on its own terms? How do we judge between theories and approaches?

Further,  What is missing?

Lastly,  Can you link this material to global events or national policies?

Religious significant ritual event in documentary

Religious significant ritual event in documentary

Find a documentary that describes a religiously significant ritual event. Conduct online observations on the ritual by watching a documentary (and/or an actual recording of a religious ritual). See the hand-out’s below to take notes while/after completing your online observation.

Documentary that describes a religiously significant ritual event

Find a documentary that describes a religiously significant ritual event. Conduct online observations on the ritual by watching a documentary (and/or an actual recording of a religious ritual). See the hand-out’s below to take notes while/after completing your online observation.

Firstly, to find and watch a documentary/a video of an actual service on the ritual you have chosen (see websites below to find an appropriate one to watch).

Secondly, you can use YouTube to find documentaries. However, you need to be careful in choosing a video on YouTube.

Thirdly, try to look for trustable sources, i.e. National Geographic, History Channel, University-based sources, etc.

You need to find four academic articles that are on your topic or related to your discussion.

Finding articles on FIU library website. Click on the link below. Then from the search box choose Article. Then type your key words and click on search.

You need to choose two articles we have discussed in class and use them in your discussion as a way to frame your analysis.

How to write your research article:

Your first paragraph should be an introduction to the project. Start with a more general focus (i.e. the significance of myth and ritual in religion) then narrow down to focus on your topic choice.

Second paragraph will be a brief review of the religion itself. The origin of the religion, key beliefs, rituals, symbols, etc.

By third paragraph you will start discussing the ritual of your choice in this religious tradition. The rest of the paper will be on the ritual itself. First start describing your online observation like an anthropologist. Then you will link it the articles you found/you read in class. You have to talk about:

Firstly, the type of the ritual (periodic vs. occasional, social rites of intensification, and/or a rites of passage)

Secondly, the significance of this ritual for this group -The myth behind this ritual.

Thirdly, the structure of the ritual, how it is performed -The symbols used, their meaning, and their use to convey certain messages.

Fourthly, the purpose and the function of this ritual.

Lastly, actors (what type or religious specialists involved), Participants, Scene, Altars, etc.

Histopathology laboratory investigations on given information

Histopathology laboratory investigations on given information

This is an assignment that discusses a histopathology laboratory investigations on given information. The investigation is focusing on the ALD and NAFLD.

A histopathology laboratory investigations on given information

I. Assessment Requirements

Firstly, you are to produce a high quality, fully referenced essay on the topic given below. Ensure you use published primary literature to support your arguments. Also, make use of images and tables to convey as much information as possible.

The word limit is 2500 words, +/- 10% (i.e. minimum word count of 2250 and a maximum of 2750). This excludes figure legends, tables, titles and references.

II. Assessment Scenario/Problem

•        A patient is under investigation for liver disease. Critically discuss the histopathology laboratory investigations available, and the information this can provide to the histopathologist. Select Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and also Non-alcoholic Fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as medical liver diseases and contrast the laboratory findings in these two selected diseases, highlight similar findings and how different findings allow the diseases to be differentiated.

(most important point is highlight similar findings and how different findings allow the diseases to be differentiated also Make use of images and tables to convey as much information as possible.

Avoid background information, focus on the science behind the laboratory investigations and the cellular pathology of the disease.

Ensure that in this paper you use Harvard reference (minimum reference 30) and UK style

Additionally, include appropriate diagrams, preferably original images.  However, do not use websites as a source of reference.  This is M level work, and should be presented at the standard of a published journal article.
Subsequently, conduct advanced research or equivalent, technical or professional enquiry; comprehensively understands, designs and also applies appropriate research methodologies and techniques; communicates results of research to peers in an appropriate manner.

Finkelman 2016 pp 111-116 – Watch the tutorial below

Finkelman 2016 pp 111-116 – Watch the tutorial below

Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116. Watch the tutorial below. You are required to complete the assignment using the template. You will cite the textbook and one scholarly source for each of the two models.

Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116-Watch the tutorial below

Directions: Use this form to complete the Week 5 Nursing Care Models Assignment: Nursing Care Models Worksheet (Links to an external site.)
Firstly, Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116. Watch the tutorial below.

Secondly, Complete the assignment using the template.

Thirdly, You will cite the textbook and one scholarly source for each of the two models.

Fourthly,  Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles (Links to an external site.)

Also, Review the information provided in the library on how to locate and copy a journal permalink.

Furthermore, Observe staff in the delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability.

Additionally, Identify the Model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model

Review and summarize one scholarly resource (not your textbook) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.

Review and summarize one scholarly resource (not including your text) relate to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observe d in the practice setting.

Discuss the nursing care model from step #9, and how it could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.

Summarize this experience/assignment and what you learned about the two nursing care models.

Submit your completed worksheet no later than 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday by the end of Week 5.

Can protection orders truly prevent intimate partner violence

Can protection orders truly prevent intimate partner violence

Topic: Analyze whether or not protection orders can truly prevent intimate partner violence. Change Question Word count: 450-500

Analyze whether or not protection orders can truly prevent intimate partner violence

Topic: Analyze whether or not protection orders can truly prevent intimate partner violence.

Change Question Word count: 450-500

Use the following source: Family and Intimate Partner Violence: Heavy Hands by Denise Kindschi Gosselin, 6th edition

More details;

Do Orders of Protection Actually Shield Domestic Violence Victims?

In December, 2017, Madonna McGuire was killed in her Florida home by her estranged husband, who then killed himself.

Shaekeya Gay was shot to death in August 2017 outside her job in North Carolina by her estranged boyfriend of two years, with whom she’d lived. He’s now facing charges for her murder.

In June 2016, Stephanie Goodloe was shot and killed by her ex-boyfriend in the bedroom of her home in Washington, DC. He was arrested and charged with murder.

Cassie Wagner was murdered in Oregon in September 2014 by her ex-boyfriend of 11 years.

Aside from being examples of incidents of domestic violence that ended tragically, the above situations have another fact in common: In each case, the victim had a protective order against the man who ultimately ended her life.

So, if you were an abused woman and read these kinds of stories, would you even bother getting such an order against your abuser?

It’s easy to see why the victims of domestic violence may see getting protective orders as a waste of time. But although there are limits to the protections such orders offer. They’re still valuable tools that can help keep victims safe.

Protective orders—also called orders of protection or restraining orders, depending on the jurisdiction. They are intended to restrain the person to which they’re issued from harassing, attacking, stalking, threatening, contacting or coming near the target of the abuse as well as her home, workplace, school, etc. These orders can also extend such protections to children and even pets in some cases and states.