Social Contract Theory Moral Realism Divine Command Theory Divine Nature Theory

Social Contract Theory Moral Realism Divine Command Theory Divine Nature Theory

Thread: In this course you have spent a considerable amount of time studying metaethics, examining various ethical theories that promise to provide you with a methodology for determining right from wrong.

Thread: In this course you have spent a considerable amount of time

In this course you have spent a considerable amount of time studying metaethics, examining various ethical theories that promise to provide you with a methodology for determining right from wrong. These included a simple “list” metaethic, Virtue Ethics, Natural Law Ethics, Ethical Egoism,
Utilitarianism, Duty Ethics, and the Revelational Christian Ethic, as well as related metaphysical views such as Social Contract Theory, Moral Realism,
Divine Command Theory, and Divine Nature Theory.

Now it is time for you to decide for yourself how you are going to distinguish what is moral from what is immoral. Utilizing one or more of the theories that we studied (excluding moral relativism, which we have already determined is false). Please construct your own metaethical theory and present it to the class.

In a post of 500 to 600 words, systematically describe what you think is the best way to approach ethics.

Secondly, Your goal is to explain how we can know what makes an action moral or immoral. In doing this you must interact with the ethical theories that you have studied in class. Either adopting one of them or combining several of them that you believe to be complementary.

You may add additional elements that you have come across in your research from other assignments/readings. Be careful that you do not adopt theories that contradict one another.
In your thread, explain your theory and give a rationale for why you think yours is the best approach. Your argument(s) for your approach must be carefully-considered, logical arguments, not just “I feel like that would be best” or “that’s what I was raised to believe.”

Further, Do not stray into a lengthy discussion of applied ethics. Be sure that this assignment focuses strictly on metaethics. Save applied ethics for your next Discussion Board.

Additionally, Be sure to carefully define your terms. Also, You are to support your position with rational arguments, fitting examples, and expert sources. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian format and will not count towards the total word count.


International trade and international political economy

International trade and international political economy

Why Theory Matters in IPE? Discuss theory in general and its important functions in our thinking and analysis. Explain each theoretical succinctly.

Why Theory Matters in IPE?-functions in our thinking and analysis

Firstly, Why Theory Matters in IPE?

Secondly, Discuss theory in general and its important functions in our thinking and analysis.

Thirdly, Explain each theoretical succinctly.

Fourthly, Reveal your position on how theories work and discuss:

Lastly, Why is this perspective the most convincing one for you?

More details on What is IPE theory?

What is IPE theory?
International political economy (IPE), also known as global political economy (GPE), refers to either economics or an interdisciplinary academic discipline that analyzes economics, politics and international relations. … Political economy is a very old subject of intellectual inquiry.
Why international political economy is important?
The purpose of International Political Economy is what drives and explains events in the world economy. The markets of the world economy are not like a local street market in which all items can be openly and competitively traded and exchanged. Equally, politicians cannot rule the global economy.
What is liberalism in international political economy?
International Political Economy of Liberalism. At the international level, liberals believe that a fundamental. harmony of interests exists between as well as within countries. Liberals, thus, contend that global welfare will be maximized if all individuals.
What is political economy approach?
Political economy may draw upon sociology, economics, and political science to define how government, an economic system, and politics influence each other. This approach combines the ideals of classical political economists and newer analytical advances in the field of economics and politics.
What do you mean by international trade?
International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. In most countries, such trade represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP). Carrying out trade at an international level is a complex process when compared to domestic trade.

Human rights in UAE

Human rights in UAE



According to human rights organizations, the government of the UAE violates a number of fundamental human rights. The UAE does not have democratically elected institutions. Also, citizens do not have the right to change their government or to form political parties.

There are reports of forced disappearances in the UAE. Many foreign nationals and Emirate citizens have been abducted by the UAE government and illegally detained and tortured. In numerous instances, the UAE government has tortured people in custody (especially expats and political dissidents) and has denied their citizens the right to a speedy trial and access to counsel during official investigations.

Flogging and stoning are legal forms of judicial punishment in the UAE due to Sharia courts. The government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The local media are to avoid criticizing the government, government officials or royal families. Freedom of association and freedom of religion are also curtailed.

Human rights in UAE

Despite being elect ed to the UN Council, the UAE has not signed most international human-rights and labour-rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) abuses many international human rights conventions and laws through a high intolerance of criticism leading to arbitrary arrests, its involvement in the war in Yemen and labour abuses towards migrant workers.

In fact, the Human Freedom Index 2017 ranked the UAE 116th out of 159 countries, behind Qatar and Lebanon. The UN also raised concerns about the human rights situation in the UAE in January 2018. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a report highlighting the suppression of freedom of expression and the undue influence of executive authorities and security services on the judiciary.

Argument Effectiveness and Why We Crave Horror Movies

Argument Effectiveness and Why We Crave Horror Movies

This essay entails an analysis of a Written Argument Effectiveness and Why We Crave Horror Movies. Written Argument Effectiveness discusses the effects which help one to understand what they have read in an artilcle. It helps one to analyze an article which is written already.

Written Argument Effectiveness Why We Crave Horror Movies

Firstly, compose an essay analyzing the effectiveness of a written argument—using the vocabulary from this unit–particularly ethos, pathos, logos, kairos, and target audience; and one of the approved essays from your Monsters textbook:Stephen King, “Why We Crave Horror Movies”This essay should be a minimum of 1300 words—not including title, heading, or Work Cited.The use of formal standard American academic prose.

Secondly, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, without the extra spaces between the paragraphs, and with the appropriate heading (Template attached). Having an interesting and appropriate title. Formal argumentative thesis statement. This advertisement is effective in its persuasive argument because. Fully developed paragraphs including an introduction and a conclusion.

Thirdly, each student will write TWO argumentative essays on the course material. Both essays should be similar in format, but will differ slightly in terms of content.

Also, the first essay should be more focused on an explanation of a specific concept and its relationship to the larger history of ideology and ideology critique. The second essay should be more focused on using a concept we’ve covered in class to conduct your own ideological analysis of a cultural text of some kind

Lastly, have a clear, unified, and specific thesis where you offer your conclusion. Whether or not this communication was effective.
In conclusion, use a clear organizational strategy. Points from greatest to least or least to greatest works well.
Use the standard vocabulary we have established in this class.
State your opinion and validate (back it up) with evidence from the essay. Cite your evidence using correct MLA style.

Comparing and contrasting the perspectives of evolution Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer

Comparing and contrasting the perspectives of evolution Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer

Respecting evolution, compare and contrast the perspectives of Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. Outline Chomsky’s Influence on Behaviourism and Psycholinguistics.

Respecting evolution, compare and contrast the perspectives

Firstly, Respecting evolution, compare and contrast the perspectives of Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer.

Secondly, Outline Chomsky’s Influence on Behaviourism and Psycholinguistics.

Thirdly, Describe and explain Witmer’s contribution to the field of clinical psychology.

More details;

Charles Darwin & Herbert Spencer

Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, revolutionized biology with his theory of evolution through the process of natural selection. Herbert Spencer was the major philosopher of biological and social evolution. Spencer’s work significantly influenced 19th century developments in biology, psychology, sociology and anthropology. While Darwin was influential in the fields of natural history and geology, his theory of evolution created great controversy. He changed the way people thought about the role of humans in the natural world. Although these two men made advancement in the theory of evolution they had contrasting views regarding anthropological study.

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who first solidly established the theory of organic evolution, in his work, The Origin of Species. Darwin was born in Shresbury, Shropshire on February 12, 1809. His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a famous English scientist and poet. In 1825 the young Darwin went to Edinburgh University to become a doctor. The same year, however, he transferred to Christ’s College in Cambridge in order to become a clergyman. During this time he befriended a man of science, John Steven Henslow. It was Henslow who recommended him for the unpaid position of naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle.

Darwin set sail on December 27, 1831 to study the Pacific coast of South America and the Pacific Islands. His other duty was to set up navigation stations in the area. He also studied the geology and biology of these areas. Upon his return in 1839, Darwin married his cousin, Emma Wedgewood, and was admitted to the Royal Society. He moved to Downe, Kent in 1842, and was plagued by ill health until his death. He apparently transmitted Trypanosomiastis from frequent bug bites in the Pacific. Darwin died on April 19, 1882 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Defining transgender gender non-binary or agent

Defining transgender gender non-binary or agent

Reflection paper by defining transgender, gender non-binary, and/or agent. Please watch and write a three page reflection on the following videos INCLUDING one more of your choosing about an individual transition story. So, you should watch four videos in total:

Defining transgender, gender non-binary, and/or agent

Reflection paper by defining transgender, gender non-binary, and/or agent. Please watch and write a three page reflection on the following videos INCLUDING one more of your choosing about an individual transition story. So, you should watch four videos in total:




Fourthly,  A video narrative of your choice about an individual transition story

You should start your reflection paper by defining transgender, gender non-binary, and/or a gender (any terms you need to complete your reflection) using the Identity Terms and Stanford Encyclopedia resources posted on Blackboard.
As you continue to write, be thoughtful about the terms you are using throughout your paper and make sure they relate accurately to the people you are referencing.

Then, utilize the Stanford Encyclopedia reference and any other resources you find helpful (media and popular writing, academic articles, newspaper and magazine reporting) to construct a timeline of important developments in Trans*/transgender American history (one page). Your timeline should begin as early as possible. It depends on the earliest reference or piece of information you find and continue to the present.

More details;

Transgender, often shortened as trans, is also an umbrella term. In addition to including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex (trans men and trans women), it may include people who are not exclusively masculine or feminine (people who are non-binary or genderqueer, including bigender, .
What are the steps to becoming transgender?
For transgender and transsexual people, this process commonly involves reassignment therapy. This may include hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery. With their gender identity being opposite that of their birth-assigned sex and gender.


Reviewing Current Organizational Policy–What are we currently doing

Reviewing Current Organizational Policy–What are we currently doing

Review the Current Policy – What are we currently doing, why are we doing it this way, what is the public’s perception of the policy? Assess how well it is or is not working.

Review the Current Policy–What are we currently doing

Firstly, Review Current Policy – What are we currently doing, why are we doing it this way, what is the public’s perception of the policy? Assess how well it is or is not working.
Statement on the Necessity for Change – What circumstances (e.g., changes in government, leadership, stability, etc.) have changed that make a new approach advisable or necessary?


Firstly, Discuss the alternatives to the current policy option by enumerating and explaining each policy option in turn.
Pros and cons of each policy option should be discussed next.

Secondly, Identify the political, economic, and security implications for each option.

Thirdly, Each policy option should be compared and contrasted to the other options as well as to the current policy.

This is the most important part of the paper. Also, You may wish to compare your options using a chart.


Clearly identify which option will be recommended and which options will be discounted.
Clearly lay out the argument for why that option is better than each of the others. Give details and examples if it has worked or background on the parts that have worked. In other words, explain why this option is the chosen one, without giving your opinion. All reasoning should be based on facts, research, previous practices, etc.
Write a detailed recommendation for specific steps on how and when to implement the recommended policy option.
Appendices (you may not need one, but likely you will. Remember these papers will vary): The following items should be included as appendices to a policy paper.

Video project analysis

Video project analysis

This is an assignment that focuses on the major concepts in the chapters to the video or project analysis. The paper also requires writing on bonus chapters.

Major concepts in the chapters to the video or project analysis

Application Paper
Chapter 9
Firstly, you will apply the Chapter 9 major concepts to the video or project: continuous process, just-in-time inventory control, lean manufacturing, operations management, production management, quality. Type your answers in here. Simply type directly over the instructions and begin your paper. Your work must be 10-15 sentences in length, and you must apply all chapter major concepts completely and correctly. Also, all work must be in your own words and may not be copied from another source.

Chapter 17
Secondly, you will apply the Chapter 17 major concepts to the video or project: accounting, annual report, assets, balance sheet, cash flow, financial statement, income statement, liabilities, statement of cash flows. Type your answers in here. Simply type directly over the instructions and begin your paper. Additionally, your work must be 10-15 sentences in length, and you must apply all chapter major concepts completely and correctly. All work must be in your own words and may not be copied from another source.

Chapter 18
Thirdly, you will apply the Chapter 18 major concepts to the video or project: budget, debt financing, equity financing, financial management, operating budget, venture capital. Type your answers in here. Simply type directly over the instructions and begin your paper. Additionally, your work must be 10-15 sentences in length, and you must apply all chapter major concepts completely and correctly. All work must be in your own words and may not be copied from another source.


Bonus Chapter A
Fourthly, you will apply the Bonus Chapter A major concepts to the video or project: business law, contract, product liability. Type your answers in here. Simply type directly over the instructions and begin your paper. Your work must be 10-15 sentences in length, and you must apply all chapter major concepts completely and correctly.
Bonus Chapter B
Lastly, you will apply the Bonus Chapter B major concepts to the video or project: business intelligence or analytics, information systems, Web 2.0, Web 3.0. Type your answers in here. Simply type directly over the instructions and begin your paper. Your work must be 10-15 sentences in length, and you must apply all chapter major concepts completely and correctly.

Project-based inquiry course Education Report

Project-based inquiry course Education Report

This project-based inquiry course builds towards your Education Report that is based on the ideas you find to be most intriguing from this course, and how these ideas transform into educational practices.

Project-based inquiry course builds towards your Education Report

This project-based inquiry course builds towards your Education Report that is based on the ideas you find to be most intriguing from this course, and how these ideas transform into educational practices. Which ideas and practices make the most sense to the kind of teacher you wish to be? Why are you drawn to these ideas and practices in education?

We will debate and discuss many ideas and practices throughout the course. Your notes, readings, responses and discussions are designed to assist you in the development of your Education Report.


Firstly, Drawing on your reading responses, class discussions, and your presentation, describe (in detail) 3 ideas about education that you find most intriguing.

Secondly, Where did these ideas come from?

Thirdly, Compare and contrast these ideas.

Fourthly, Describe each idea. Why are these ideas intriguing to you? For each idea, what and who does education seem to be for?

Further,  What does each suggest about educational practices (curriculum, pedagogy, structures and human relationships)? Have you ever encountered or observed these practices in your life? Explain.

Ø What does each idea suggest to you about teaching and learning?

Ø Do these ideas and practices fit into you vision for yourself as an educator? Explain. I WILL NE A NURSING EDUCATOR IN THE FUTURE PLEASE RELATE IT TO THAT
The written project should be in formal style (no bullet points, proper citations) and no more than 9 (doubled-spaced) pages in length.


What does each suggest about educational practices (curriculum, pedagogy, structures and human relationships)? Have you ever encountered or observed these practices in your life? Explain.
What does each idea suggest to you about teaching and learning?
Ø Do these ideas and practices fit into you vision for yourself as an educator?

Customer involvement advantages and disadvantages

Customer involvement advantages and disadvantages

Considering the concept of customer involvement, discuss the evident advantages and disadvantages of significant customer involvement when an organization’s leaders are designing key process strategies and managing internal business and/or manufacturing processes.

Concept of customer involvement-advantages and disadvantages

Discussion Board
Discuss the following topical questions. Be thorough in your response.
1.    Considering the concept of customer involvement, discuss the evident advantages and disadvantages of significant customer involvement when an organization’s leaders are designing key process strategies and managing internal business and/or manufacturing processes.
2.    The application and use of data analysis tools are discussed in Chapter 2.

Based upon your own experiential learning, or from your reading of the textbook, select at least three of these data analysis tools for discussion.

Justify your selection based upon perceived importance of these individual tools, or your prior use of these data analysis tools in the workplace.
Further, please note that I work in the healthcare industry in cancer research.

Also, when answering the questions that ask about my workplace, please consider where I work.

Finally, use APA format for any quotations or citations you use to support your response.


More details;

“Customer engagement is the degree and depth of brand-focused interactions a customer chooses to perform.” The Smile Team. We feel this definition accurately addresses both the quality and quantity of engagements that your customers have with your brand are equally important.

What is consumer involvement?
Consumer involvement is defined as a state of mind that motivates consumers to identify with product/service offerings, their consumption patterns and consumption behavior.
Why is it important to engage with customers?
Customer Engagement is the emotional connection between a customer and a brand. Highly engaged customers buy more, promote more, and demonstrate more loyalty. Providing a high-quality customer experience is an important component in your customer engagement strategy.