Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing
Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing
This is an assignment that The Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing. The paper also discusses the research evaluation tool that you will use.
The Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing
Identify and also discuss three issues occurring in this community scenario (one micro, one mezzo, and one macro) impacting the clients and similar community members that point to the need to intervene as a community practitioner.
Social Work Approach
1. Firstly, using your Community and Organization text (Bruggerman, 2014, Chapter 9, pgs. 256-274), identify and also discuss the social work approach of community organizing
Address at least three methods that are relevant to engaging and assessing the community; creating a cohesive group; engaging members to action; and negotiating and securing group needs. Summarize in one paragraph two methods on ending practitioner involvement. Use authoritative sources to support their statements.
2. Secondly, using your social work research methods knowledge:
a. identify and describe a research evaluation tool you will use to determine the success of your social work practice interventions. (Give a specific example of how this this tool can be used in the situation).
b. Briefly describe how this evaluative tool functions.
c. Using the identified tool, identify also what you are measuring, describe your baseline how you will know your work has been effective.
d. Lastly, give a rationale as to why the chosen tool is relevant and provide support for your measurement as a “best practice” in evaluation.
Theoretical Application: 3, 4, 5
3. Thirdly, summarize how you would critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate your intervention at the micro, mezzo, and macro level.
4. Fourthly, discuss how the intervention outcomes could improve social work practice effectiveness.
a. Additionally, include at least two theoretical frameworks in your discussion of evaluating social work practice outcomes; at least one aspect of the Person-in-Environment perspective relevant to your evaluation of the outcomes of your intervention; one other theoretical perspective (choose one from Human Behavior and Social Environment, Strengths Perspective, Systems Theory, Family Systems, etc…).
5. Lastly, explain how and why the two selected perspectives are important to evaluating outcomes of the interventions.
Paper Instructions
6. Paper should be 5-7 pages (excluding title page and references). There should be headings for each section answered. Be sure to review the rubric prior to writing your paper (located in the Rubric section in Blackboard). However, be careful to answer each section of the question asked. Proper use of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and syntax are required.