Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing

Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing

This is an assignment that The Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing. The paper also discusses the research evaluation tool that you will use.

The Social work approach of Oliveras community organizing


Identify and also discuss three issues occurring in this community scenario (one micro, one mezzo, and one macro) impacting the clients and similar community members that point to the need to intervene as a community practitioner.

Social Work Approach

1.     Firstly, using your Community and Organization text (Bruggerman, 2014, Chapter 9, pgs. 256-274), identify and also discuss the social work approach of community organizing
Address at least three methods that are relevant to engaging and assessing the community; creating a cohesive group; engaging members to action; and negotiating and securing group needs. Summarize in one paragraph two methods on ending practitioner involvement. Use authoritative sources to support their statements.


2.     Secondly, using your social work research methods knowledge:

a.       identify and describe a research evaluation tool you will use to determine the success of your social work practice interventions.  (Give a specific example of how this this tool can be used in the situation).

b.     Briefly describe how this evaluative tool functions.

c.      Using the identified tool, identify also what you are measuring, describe your baseline how you will know your work has been effective.

d.     Lastly, give a rationale as to why the chosen tool is relevant and provide support for your measurement as a “best practice” in evaluation.

Theoretical Application: 3, 4, 5

3.     Thirdly, summarize how you would critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate your intervention at the micro, mezzo, and macro level.
4.     Fourthly, discuss how the intervention outcomes could improve social work practice effectiveness.
a.      Additionally, include at least two theoretical frameworks in your discussion of evaluating social work practice outcomes; at least one aspect of the Person-in-Environment perspective relevant to your evaluation of the outcomes of your intervention; one other theoretical perspective (choose one from Human Behavior and Social Environment, Strengths Perspective, Systems Theory, Family Systems, etc…).
5.     Lastly, explain how and why the two selected perspectives are important to evaluating outcomes of the interventions.

Paper Instructions

6.     Paper should be 5-7 pages (excluding title page and references).  There should be headings for each section answered.  Be sure to review the rubric prior to writing your paper (located in the Rubric section in Blackboard).  However, be careful to answer each section of the question asked.  Proper use of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and syntax are required.

Legalization of marijuana and its social problems

Legalization of marijuana and its social problems

This is an assignment that focuses on the legalization of marijuana and its social problems. The paper discusses some of the descriptive questions in relation to the topic.

The legalization of marijuana and its social problems

Descriptive questions try to answer questions of who, what, where, when and how. It describes a situation or a social concern.
The social problem people are talking about now days is the legalization of marijuana.

Some of the descriptive questions that research could help answer include:
Firstly, how is legalization of marijuana going to affect the lives of young people in New Jersey?  causal question
Secondly, what measures has the government of America put in place to control marijuana usage in communities after legalization?
Thirdly, what are the possible effects of legalizing marijuana  causal question
Also, how is marijuana legalization going to aggravate opium use in Newark communities?  causal question
Who has the interest in legalizing marijuana in New Jersey?
What is the short term and long-term effects of marijuana legalization in New Jersey?  causal question
How will the legalization of marijuana affect the crime rates in New Jersey?  causal
Lastly, is marijuana usage the cause of increasing crime rates in Newark?  causal

The legalization of marijuana and its social problems

Causal questions try to determine the cause or effects of one or more outcome variables.
What factors are causing the government of America to legalize marijuana?
Legalizing marijuana in New Jersey is at the peak, what will be the consumption rate of marijuana among the young people?
What are the possible health issues being addressed by the consumption of marijuana?  descriptive
Why is the government of America legalizing marijuana?
Why are policy makers interested in the legalization of marijuana?
What could be the concerns of parents in Newark City about marijuana legalization?  descriptive
The unity analysis in each following study are:
Gender roles affects one’s attitude towards abortion. The unity analysis is Gender
for example, male or female. We can have a unit analysis of Jane, James, Andrew and Victoria. In this case we know that Jane, Victoria are female, yet James and Andrew are male.

•        Large school districts have more bureaucratic rules than smaller districts. The unity analysis is school districts
for examples these school are to be listed such as in Elizabeth school # 1, school # 9, school #22 in the unity analysis column.

•        Ten-men military units have fewer causalities than fifty- person military units. The unity analysis here is military units

•        Poverty rates are lower in European countries than in the U.S. The unity analysis here is   Countries
For example, Germany, France, United Kingdom and U.S

Concepts from the background materials

Concepts from the background materials

For the Module 2 SLP assignment, you will continue to apply the concepts from the background materials (Avery, 2011, Chapter 4, p. 85-88) to your own experiences in the workplace.

You will continue to apply the concepts from the background materials

For the Module 2 SLP assignment, you will continue to apply the concepts from the background materials (Avery, 2011, Chapter 4, p. 85-88) to your own experiences in the workplace. Think carefully about Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model and the four leadership styles of Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. Then consider the styles of one or more of the supervisors you have worked with, and reflect upon whether or not their style changed depending on the situation.

After doing some reflecting on your own experiences, and reviewing the background materials.

Write a 2 full-page paper (excluding title and references pages) addressing the following issues:
Take a look at the four developmental levels D1-D4 discussed in Avery (2011, p.85).

Firstly, which of these levels best describes the developmental level of your supervisor’s full team?

Secondly, how would you describe the tasks required of your supervisor’s full team? Are they structured or unstructured?

Thirdly, overall, how well does your supervisor’s leadership style match with the developmental level of their team and the characteristics of the team’s tasks?

Further, consider the Situational Leadership model for developmental level and the Path-Goal model for task characteristics in your answer.

Finally, conclude with recommendations for how your supervisor could change their leadership style?

Which curriculum areas are taught by the case study teachers

Which curriculum areas are taught by the case study teachers

This is a paper that is focusing on you to describe which curriculum areas are taught by the case study teachers. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Describe which curriculum areas are taught by the case study teachers

Assignment Overview

By listening to primary school teachers talk about how they teach Humanities and reflecting on what’s happening in classrooms across Australia.

This case study report requires you to examine how a group of primary school teachers have put the theories and models related to the teaching of Humanities into practice. You will produce a case study report.


Explore the case studies

Read the case studies and make notes on each teacher’s approach to Humanities. There are three case studies.

Use the Australian Curriculum Website For Humanities and work through the assignment.

Part A: Case study report (2000 words)

The case study report should address the following points and give examples from the case studies:

1. Firstly, describe which curriculum areas are taught by the case study teachers.

2. Secondly, describe how the student cohorts affect how the teachers plan for and teach Humanities.

3. Thirdly, why are the Humanities important in contemporary schooling? Use an example to illustrate your response.

4. Fourthly, critique a single-subject approach to teaching the Humanities providing examples from the case studies to support your arguments.

5. Additionally, critique a cross-disciplinary approach to teaching the Humanities providing examples from the case studies to support your arguments.

6. What do the case studies tell you about the broader societal context in which the Humanities are taught?

7. Lastly, remaining questions—pose four questions that continue to puzzle you or that you could follow up or further research upon completion of this unit.

To support or oppose a particular stance

To support or oppose a particular stance

To support or oppose a particular stance (e.g., supporting new laws that allow medical marijuana). Where do you stand on the issue—are you for it, against it, or somewhere in between?

To support or oppose a particular stance

Sources that you can use, do not use external sources.


As you summarized the sources for your topic, you undoubtedly started to develop a position or stance on the issue. In order to help you decide what aspect of your topic you might want to take a position on, look for any of the following as you consider your sources again:
§  a problem—an aspect of your topic that people are concerned about; something that isn’t working, or something that’s creating difficulties
§   a need—an aspect of your topic that’s missing, lacking, or underdeveloped
§   a debate or conflict—an aspect of your topic where people disagree, or have proposed conflicting claims, proposals, or ideas
Looking for aspects of your topic where there are disagreements or opportunities for debate can help you to focus on ways of developing an argument to ensure that you are taking a position rather than just relaying information or facts.


Considering multiple sources to uncover facts and understand different perspectives on your topic is a critical first step in writing a stance essay. Now you need to start thinking carefully about what you want to say. Think about your own knowledge of and experience with the topic, taking your research into consideration, and then decide what the purpose of your argument will be. Your main purpose in this assignment is to persuade, but you could take a number of different approaches to create a stance, or position, on your topic.

You may decide to do any one of the following:
To support or oppose a particular stance (e.g., supporting new laws that allow medical marijuana). Where do you stand on the issue—are you for it, against it, or somewhere in between? Remember that there are always more than just two sides to any issue, so you can carve out your own position.

To propose a course of action, such as a solution to a problem or an improvement on the current situation (e.g., sex education should be taught in all public schools). Can you think of a solution or a new way of doing things that would be beneficial?

To judge whether a certain activity, situation, or belief is effective, ineffective, harmful, or beneficial (e.g., whether screen time is harmful for children). Do you have evidence that suggests a certain conclusion or judgment?

 To recommend a new perspective (e.g., overuse of hand sanitizer may make us sicker).

This can include introducing new knowledge that might change the way readers think about an issue. Should this knowledge change how we live?

After you identify the purpose of your assignment and your stance, you must also develop a solid understanding of your audience. What is your audience’s age group, gender, education level, and political orientation? Further, what are your readers likely to already know and believe about your topic? Moreover, what do they still want to learn about it? How are you going to persuade them that your stance is correct? What do they need to know to be convinced?

And this is an important question: What kind of voice and tone do you need to use to convince your readers? Once you’ve figured out the purpose of your argument, determined your stance, considered your audience, and decided on a tone, it’s time to put your argument into words by crafting your thesis statement.

Colonial rule in two distinct Caribbean islands of your choice

Colonial rule in two distinct Caribbean islands of your choice

This is a paper that requires the student to compare Colonial rule in two distinct Caribbean islands of your choice. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Colonial rule in two distinct Caribbean islands of your choice

1. Firstly, compare colonial rule in two distinct Caribbean islands of your choice (1000 words) (I chose Jamaica and Haiti, by Sydney Mintz)

2. Compare gender roles in Haiti and either one English-speaking Caribbean island or one Spanish-speaking Caribbean island. (1000 words)

To compare means to evaluate the similarities and the differences between two entities –in this case, between two societies. Therefore, you must say, explain, and evidence why two different countries are different and/or similar on a specific topic (gender roles, and colonial rule).

For these two question, you will ONLY use the course material—that is, reading assignments (see attached).

For this essay, you will use all the reading assignments we have used in class as well as class discussions (see below).

No wikipedia.  Do not use other sources, especially not “Internet sources,” unless it comes from scholarly journals and scholarly books available through the Healey Library website –and still, the class assignments are enough for you to write this essay.

General guidelines:

Organization of your paper:
You paper will contain an introduction, at least three sections, and a conclusion.  You introduction should include the subject, your thesis and, importantly, the structure of your paper –that is, the introduction should clearly say how many sections and subsections the paper contains and what they discuss.
Write clearly.
Mention your sources for each quote or argument or idea you make a reference to (name of the author, title of the book, page number, either in footnote or in parenthesis in the text).

Kate Chopin’s The Awakening book assignment

Kate Chopin’s The Awakening book assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the readings of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening book assignment. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Readings of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening book assignment

Based on your close reading of either Kate Chopin’s The Awakening or Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth

Develop an argument that analyses a particular aspect of either of these novels.

Choose one of the following questions to guide your essay:
What does the novel say about the way others see the protagonist (Edna or Lily) versus the way she sees herself? What is the significance of this perceived split between the outer self and the inner self?

How does the novel comment on gender relations in the United States during the nineteenth century?

How does the novel grapple with (pick one) social class/wealth/marriage/appearances/respect and reputation/morality?
Examine your chosen theme as it is conveyed by the plot, the characters’ actions and words, setting, and symbolism. Find a number of key quotations that deal with the theme (for example, gender relations). Analyze their language and then proceed to your thesis and composition of the essay.

The task in this paper is to show how the language used in the novel reveals something important about your chosen theme. Remember that unlike most argumentative or informative texts, such as newspaper articles, literary texts often rely on their composition. Also, use of language to create and communicate meaning as well as create impressions (both sensual and intellectual) for their respective audiences.

Please choose one of the questions listed above to construct an effective thesis. Remember your thesis should make an argument about your chosen topic. For example, it’s not enough to give examples of morality in the novel. You have to argue that the novel suggests something specific about this theme and support your argument with specific textual evidence.

Karl Marx and how he analyzed society and conflict

Karl Marx and how he analyzed society and conflict

This is a paper that is focusing on the review Karl Marx and how he analyzed society and conflict. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Review Karl Marx and how he analyzed society and conflict

Review Karl Marx and how he analyzed society and conflict. Include in your analytic review the following items: conflict and history, capitalism and class conflict, capitalism and alienation, and revolution.
1)Firstly, response length is minimum of 750 words, however, top marks are awarded for professionally written, in-depth, comprehensive responses.
2)Secondly, there is no penalty for responses that go beyond the minimum word mark.
3)Thirdly, cite your sources – textbooks only – no online sources permitted.
4)Fourthly, provide your response in the moodle field.
5)Ensure your response contains a brief introduction, the main body, and also a brief conclusion.
6)Use each analytic item of your analysis as a heading in your response.
7)Grading rubric follows a correct-incorrect metric using the below table.

Assignment 2

Review the three principles of the social structure and personality perspective. How do scholars from this perspective see society affecting interactions among individuals?
1)Firstly, response length is minimum of 750 words, however, top marks are awarded for professionally written, in-depth, comprehensive responses.
2)Secondly, there is no penalty for responses that go beyond the minimum word mark.
3)Thirdly, cite your sources – textbooks only – no online sources permitted.
4)Fourthly, provide your response in the moodle field.
5)Ensure your response contains a brief introduction, the main body, and a brief conclusion.
6) Use each analytic item of your analysis as a heading in your response.
7) Grading rubric follows a correct-incorrect metric using the below table..

Assignment 2: Q2
Please provide an evidence based discussion (material from lecture and/or the textbooks) of the principles that scholar’s use to explain “socialization as a lifelong process” – e.g., its function, purpose, consequences for the person and people(s).

1)Response length is minimum of 750 words, however, top marks are awarded for professionally written, in-depth, comprehensive responses.
2)There is no penalty for responses that go beyond the minimum word mark.
3)Cite your sources – textbooks only – no online sources permitted.
4)Provide your response in the moodle field.
5)Ensure your response contains a brief introduction, the main body, and a brief conclusion.
6)Use each analytic item of your analysis as a heading in your response.
7)Grading rubric follows a correct-incorrect metric using the below table.

Cybersecurity risks – Vulnerabilities within wireless technologies

Cybersecurity risks – Vulnerabilities within wireless technologies

The following assignment is to analyze cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities that are within wireless technologies. Examples of wireless technologies include mobile, wireless, and cloud infrastructures.

Analyze cybersecurity risks – Vulnerabilities within wireless technologies

Firstly, analyze cybersecurity risks or vulnerabilities within wireless, mobile, and cloud infrastructures. Also, also analyze disruptive technologies, to develop effective cybersecurity solutions.

Secondly, you have been selected to be a cybersecurity consultant. You have been asked to consult with the CIO of a large agricultural company who is going to implement a new wireless sensor system. This system is to measure humidity, rainfall, soil conditions, crop readiness, and disease detection.

Thirdly, assume that all of the servers that communicate with the sensors and store and retrieve data will be housed in a cloud environment. Additionally, all sensors (nodes) are outside and have little to no physical protection. The nodes run on batteries. The nodes communicate using radio signals. The sensor devices must communicate with each other and with the main servers in the c‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍loud.

Fourthly, based on readings and your own research on the Internet, prepare a report for this CIO that discusses the following:

  • unique security principles for this type of wireless sensor network,
  • the types of attacks that occur in sensor networks attacker motivation for these sensor networks

Lastly, discuss at least three specific types of attacks that can occur. Through research on the Internet, determine what you believe will be a good approach to securing this wireless sensor network that will address the unique security principles discussed. Propose a cybersecurity strategy to the CIO to protect this agricultural wireless sensor network‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

FERPA Technical Safeguards – Physical Access Controls

FERPA Technical Safeguards – Physical Access Controls

This is a paper focusing on Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards and the physical access controls recommended for the institution.

Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards – Physical Access Controls

Firstly, Imagine you are an Information Security consultant for a small college registrar’s office consisting of the registrar and two assistant registrars, two student workers, and one receptionist. The office is physically located near several other office spaces. The assistant registrars utilize mobile devices over a wireless network to access student records. The electronic student records are stored on a server located in the building. Additionally, each registrar’s office has a desktop computer that utilizes a wired network to access the server and electronic student records.

Secondly, the receptionist station has a desktop computer that she is using to schedule appointments. However, she cannot access student records. In 1974, Congress enacted the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to help protect the integrity of student‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ records. The college is hiring you to ensure technical safeguards are appropriately designed. You are to preserve the integrity of the student records maintained in the registrar’s office.

Having this is mind, write a three to five page paper for the above scenario. Analyze proper physical access control safeguards and provide sound recommendations to employ in the registrar’s office. Also, recommend the proper audit controls to employ in the registrar’s office. Then, suggest three logical access control methods to restrict unauthorized entities from accessing sensitive information, and explain why you suggested each method.

Lastly, analyze the means in which data moves within the organization and identify techniques that may be used to provide transmission security safeguards. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ resources.