Adjusting the Budget


Exercise: Adjusting the Budget

Using the sample budget for the health information management service beginning on page 269 of the textbook, Follow the instructions in the Exercise:

Adjusting the Budget (on page 272-273 of the textbook). Respond to items 1, 2, and 3 in a written document. The items are provided below: 1. What would be the dollar impact if the 5% increase planned for January 1 were reduced to 3.5% and postponed until April 1? 2. As an alternative cost-saving strategy, determine the annual savings if all hourly staff were reduced from 40 to 37.5 hours as their standard workweek. Consider the top three staff—director, compliance specialist, and registries coordinator—as salaried and thus unaffected by the workweek change. 3. Determine the total dollar impact if both of the foregoing strategies were implemented together. Remember that the pay increase affects everyone, but the 37.5-hour week affects just the hourly staff. Points Possible: 30 (10 points per question) Text Book: “Management principles for health professionals 7th edition” By Joan Gratto Liebler & Charles R. McConnell

Discuss violence the different types of violence and the relationship between violence trauma and mental health

violence This assignment is in two parts: Part A: Discuss violence, the different types of violence, and the relationship between violence, trauma and mental health. Your discussion must include the incidence of IPV ( Intimate partner violence ) in Australia and the potential impacts of IPV on the mental health and wellbeing of individuals and families. (Approximately 1,200 words). Part B: Critically examine and discuss two mental health promotion approaches to prevent IPV. Your discussion needs to analyse the role of the nurse in one of these mental health promotion approaches. (Approximately 1,000 words).

Coronary artery disease

Paper details

Coronary artery disease is a common type of heart disease and the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. In this assignment, you will explore this disease in more detail using the scenario below. Scenario: One of your aging relatives is sedentary and smokes cigarettes. Out of concern for his health, you decide to research more about this disease. To complete this assignment, do the following: Research this disease using a minimum of 2 sources. In a minimum of 1 pages (not counting the references page), address the following: Explain how coronary artery disease develops in the human body. Describe the ways that your relative can prevent the onset of this disease. Explain what treatment options exist if steps to prevent the disease fail. Include a references page at the end of your document, formatted using the APA guidelines, that lists your research sources.

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention AND ASSESSING CONTEXT AND CULTURE

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention AND ASSESSING CONTEXT AND CULTURE.


Finally, analyze the feasibility of applying this evidence to MY topic OF ADULT PATIENTS LIVING WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN, DOES EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS ON OPIOIDS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES, COMPARED TO NON-EDUCATION, INCREASE ADHERENCE TO PAIN MANAGEMENT PLAN …………… Both articles should directly correlate Topics and Objectives of Healthy People 2020 (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2014) within your chosen topic. WRITE TWO PAGE APA FORMAT PAPER .

TWO REFERENCES FROM THE TWO PEER REVIEW ARTICLES AND THE ONE BELOW. Reference: US Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). 2020 topics & objectives – Objectives A–Z. Retrieved from http://www.healthy ASSESSING CONTEXT AND CULTURE Kent and McCormack (2010) explore the importance of context and culture and their relationship to the implementation of evidence-based practice. After reading Developing Effective Research-Practice Partnerships for Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Decision Making, describe and demonstrate how context and culture affect the implementation of evidence with your population or problem of interest.

ADULT PATIENTS LIVING WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN, DOES EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS ON OPIOIDS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES, COMPARED TO NON-EDUCATION, INCREASE ADHERENCE TO PAIN MANAGEMENT PLAN. Reference: WRITE ONE PAGE APA FORMAT PAPER . Riemer, M., Kelley, S., Casey, S., and Taylor Haynes, K. ( 2012). Developing effective research-practice partnerships for creating a culture of evidence-based decision making. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 39(4), 248–257. doi: 10.1007/s10488-011-0368-6

Acupuncture as an alternate method to treat chronic pain

Acupuncture as an alternate method to treat chronic pain.


Paper details:

Write a 6-page paper on “Acupuncture as an alternative method to treat chronic pain” this will be a paper of “Review Articles” or as a “digest” or summary of recent literature. I need a minimum 10 articles reviewed/referenced.

Compare the goals of patient care and summarize similarities and differences

Compare the goals of patient care and summarize similarities and differences.Based on your knowledge about and personal experiences with the healthcare system rank all of them together from most important to least important and justify your reasons.


Paper details:

Go to the internet and review the 2019 national patient safety goals for hospital

Meaningful collaboration in health care leadership


Resources: Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy, “If You Have To Fail — And You Do — Fail Forward” Create a 4- to 6-minute video about meaningful collaboration in health care leadership. The video should be part tutorial, part informative, and should be something you would share with your colleagues at an internal professional development session or a leadership conference. I would like to get some information to discuss part tutorial and part informative. Please separate tutorial info and informative info so I know what to discuss.

Health literacy Health Information and Information Technology

Health literacy, Health Information, and, Information Technology Instructions: For this assignment, you will discuss the differences between information literacy and health literacy, and information technology skills. Give examples of each and describe the significance to the advanced practice nurse. Submission Instructions: • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling. • The paper should be formatted per current APA and 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page. • Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. • Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 Sunday. • Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.

Nursing-health disparities


Please answer this question: You are a faculty member in a school of nursing. Julia, a student that you advise planning to graduate in May confides that she is an undocumented immigrant protected by DACA. Julia recently attempted to renew her DACA status, but her application was denied due to a ‘postal service delay.’ Now, she cannot take nursing boards in North Carolina or work as a nurse after graduation. You discuss the situation with a colleague who thinks that because this student is taking the place of someone ‘legal’, she never should have been admitted to the program. Locate and summarize information that might help Julia as well as your colleagues. You should focus on presenting information and providing full analysis of the problem rather than proposing solutions. You will upload a copy or provide a link to at least 2 credible sources you reference in the post. A full citation in APA format of all sources used should be included. Watch video What is DACA? (youtube video 1.02min video) Read article and watch video Read article

Pathophysiological processes of disease

It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span. Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below. Health History and Medical Information Health History Mrs. J. is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Despite requiring 2L of oxygen/nasal cannula at home during activity, she continues to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day and has done so for 40 years. Three days ago, she had sudden onset of flu-like symptoms including fever, productive cough, nausea, and malaise. Over the past 3 days, she has been unable to perform ADLs and has required assistance in walking short distances. She has not taken her antihypertensive medications or medications to control her heart failure for 3 days. Today, she has been admitted to the hospital ICU with acute decompensated heart failure and acute exacerbation of COPD. Subjective Data Is very anxious and asks whether she is going to die. Denies pain but says she feels like she cannot get enough air. Says her heart feels like it is “running away.” Reports that she is exhausted and cannot eat or drink by herself. Objective Data Height 175 cm; Weight 95.5kg. Vital signs: T 37.6C, HR 118 and irregular, RR 34, BP 90/58. Cardiovascular: Distant S1, S2, S3 present; PMI at sixth ICS and faint: all peripheral pulses are 1+; bilateral jugular vein distention; initial cardiac monitoring indicates a ventricular rate of 132 and atrial fibrillation. Respiratory: Pulmonary crackles; decreased breath sounds right lower lobe; coughing frothy blood-tinged sputum; SpO2 82%. Gastrointestinal: BS present: hepatomegaly 4cm below costal margin. Intervention The following medications administered through drug therapy control her symptoms: IV furosemide (Lasix) Enalapril (Vasotec) Metoprolol (Lopressor) IV morphine sulphate (Morphine) Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator (ProAir HFA) Inhaled corticosteroid (Flovent HFA) Oxygen delivered at 2L/ NC Critical Thinking Essay In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mrs. J.’s situation. Include the following: Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mrs. J. Discuss whether the nursing interventions at the time of her admissions were appropriate for Mrs. J. and explain the rationale for each of the medications listed. Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition. Taking into consideration the fact that most mature adults take at least six prescription medications, discuss four nursing interventions that can help prevent problems caused by multiple drug interactions in older patients. Provide a rationale for each of the interventions you recommend. Provide a health promotion and restoration teaching plan for Mrs. J., including multidisciplinary resources for rehabilitation and any modifications that may be needed. Explain how the rehabilitation resources and modifications will assist the patients’ transition to independence. Describe a method for providing education for Mrs. J. regarding medications that need to be maintained to prevent future hospital admission. Provide rationale. Outline COPD triggers that can increase exacerbation frequency, resulting in return visits. Considering Mrs. J.’s current and long-term tobacco use, discuss what options for smoking cessation should be offered. You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.