Euthanasia – medically assisted suicide

 Euthanasia – medically assisted suicide


Paper details:

Your paper will analyze an important contemporary moral issue.You will review both sides of the issue you choose, and determine your own stance. Paper is minimum of 1600 words. Cite 2 outside sources including at least 1 academic journal article. Typed in size 12 times new roman font.

Transformation in Public Health

Introduction Carefully Read: Wiley, L. F., & Matthews, G. W. (2017). Health Care System Transformation and Integration: A Call to Action for Public Health. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 4594-97. doi:10.1177/1073110517703335 View CMS video on MIPS: Introduction to the Merit-base Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

Introduction to the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). (2017, February 9). Retrieved from YouTube: CMSHHSgov: Case Study What role should public health play in the healthcare system? What strategies can public health leaders use to ensure that their unique perspective is heard by health care administrators? What skills do public health leaders require to engage in dialogue with the health care sector and how can public health education support those skills? Are there examples that can be drawn on to develop a set of best practices for engagement with the health care sector? What impact does MACRA have on the current healthcare system? How should this program change provider behavior towards patients?

Health Care Facility

Health Care Facility


This assignment should be as comprehensive as possible about the health care facility.

It is important to include a statement of the purpose of the practicum and where it will be conducted. A discussion of the health care facility’s mission, goals, values, philosophy, and services that are relevant to the project should be documented. A summary of the organizational structure and the decision making process used throughout the facility should be delineated.

You must also complete a SWOT analysis in paper 1. Students should also present a summary of other facility/departmental data such as the type of personnel, the facility’s funding and the financial stability of the facility, etc. It may also be important to document relevant data about similar health care facilities in the service area, as well as social, economic, or demographic data as well as political factors and any significant trends. Paper should be double spaced , index included. My position is a medical biller and I started August 19. description of job will be attached along with a sample paper from previous student. 10 pages

Quality and performance Improvement in Healthcare 7th edition by Patricia L Shaw

Select a specific historical event described in the chapter and demonstrate how this event has shaped current performance improvement or quality improvement or quality initiatives in the modern era. Remember for something to be historical, it has to have happened some time ago in order to see its influence. This should not be more than one page double-spaced, be sure to utilize APA format and submit as a Word document. This is in Chapter one

The book: Quality and performance Improvement in Healthcare 7th edition by Patricia L Shaw

Healthcare analytics


Please answer the following questions: 1. Politicians often make statements like the following: “We are going to provide the best-possible health care at the lowest-possible cost.” This sounds like a great optimization problem, but this goal is nonsense when stated this way. Why? 2. Suppose that you have a sack that contains 19 black marbles and 1 white marble of identical size. You reach into the bag, close your hand around a marble, and withdraw it from the bag. It is correct to say that you are 95% confident that the marble in your hand is black. Read the following statements and choose the one that is equivalent to your “95% confidence” statement: a) This particular marble is 95% black and 5% white. (Maybe it has white spots!) b) This particular marble is black 95% of the time and white 5% of the time. (perhaps it flickers!) c) This particular marble doesn’t have a single color, only a probability. Its probability of being black is 95%. d) The process by which I got this particular marble can be repeated. If it were repeated many, many times, the resulting marble would be black in about 95% of those trials. 3. Enter the following 3 data sets into Excel and find their respective regression line formulas and R2 values:

Health care : Technology and Health Care Delivery

Question 1– Explain telemedicine, and describe how it is typically being used in either a rural or an urban setting at the present time.

For the setting you chose, what are telemedicine’s overall strengths? What are its overall weaknesses? Next, select an allied health profession and describe how telemedicine is now or could affect patient care in that field.

In your responses to colleagues, select posts that discuss different settings and professions (if possible) and offer a fresh perspective or a novel approach as to how telemedicine could be more fully used. question 2– Select a current or emerging trend in the delivery of health care or in professional practice from the allied health perspective in one of the following areas: (1) health care reform, (2) provider shortages, (3) practice trends, (4) leadership challenges, or (5) health IT. Provide a summary analysis of the trend, expected impacts on health care delivery or professional practice, and your assessment of the pros and cons.

Heart Failure

Assignment Content Resources: Literature Review section of Draft 1 of your proposal, Ch. 6 of Issel (2014), and Ch. 9 (pages 111-116) of Longest (2015) Conduct an in-depth critical review of health care programs similar to those from your Literature Review section of your proposal. Identify ideas relating to the program topic that present theories on the effectiveness of program intervention and evaluation strategies. Write a critical review and analysis of two or more peer-reviewed articles. You may also use examples of similar programs discussed in scholarly readings. The review should be no longer than 1,225 words. Apply and integrate concepts from the course readings in your analysis.

Include the following in your critical review. Use scholarly resources to support your viewpoint for each: A comparison of the programs A description of why some program intervention and evaluation strategies are more effective than others.

The stated or perceived program evaluation theories behind each of the programs An analysis of whether your program is in alignment with similar programs in terms of program purpose, program theory, interventions, stakeholders, resources, goals, and objectives A summary of the learning garnered in this assignment that can be applied to the development of your own program evaluation plan Conclusions addressing what you will be adding and/or revising to the Literature Review section of your proposal Potential goals and objectives to include in your proposal

Program Evaluation : Evaluating the role of key learning theories in ECHO: A telehealth educational program for primary care providers. Progress in Community Health Partnerships”

Provide response to the following question In the article “Evaluating the role of key learning theories in ECHO: A telehealth educational program for primary care providers.

Progress in Community Health Partnerships”, the authors discussed that the purpose of this study was to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the University of Chicago ECHO hypertension curriculum (Socolovsky, Masi, Hamlish, Aduana, Arora & et al, 2013). According to Socolovsky, Masi, Hamlish, Aduana, Arora & et al (2013), they were able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the University of Chicago ECHO hypertension curriculum by interviewing providers that participated in a 6-month pilot intervention. Additionally, this study was conducted to help them with determining the impact of the key learning theory principles on the ECHO model and this was used as a method of helping them with identifying ways that they can increase the efficiency of including the theory principles into the hypertension curriculum.

In this study the researchers explained that patient who resided underserved communities tended to have higher rates chronic diseases that were complex. Furthermore, patients with these types of complex chronic diseases were being managed by providers in community health centers, in which these providers may or may not have the level of experience that is required to help provider the optimal level of treatment to these patients (Socolovsky, Masi, Hamlish, Aduana, Arora & et al, 2013).

The findings from this study was that providers in the community health centers who completed the ECHO hypertension curriculum had more confidence in providing the level of treatment to those patients with resistant hypertension. References: Socolovsky, C., Masi, C., Hamlish, T., Aduana, G., Arora, S., & et al (2013). Evaluating the role of key learning theories in ECHO: A telehealth educational program for primary care providers. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 7(4), 361

ist & describe the responsibilities of a Medical Assistant and why a person would chose this career path rather than an LPN PA or RN

List & describe the responsibilities of a Medical Assistant and why a person would chose this career path rather than an LPN, PA or RN. Explain the certifications that a Medical Assistant is eligible for through national and/or state exams. Are you planning on sitting for an exam, if so which one & why? Research the Scope of Practice of a Medical Assistant according to your STATE. List any education, practice, and/or certifications that your state requires.

Adjusting the Budget


Exercise: Adjusting the Budget

Using the sample budget for the health information management service beginning on page 269 of the textbook, Follow the instructions in the Exercise:

Adjusting the Budget (on page 272-273 of the textbook). Respond to items 1, 2, and 3 in a written document. The items are provided below: 1. What would be the dollar impact if the 5% increase planned for January 1 were reduced to 3.5% and postponed until April 1? 2. As an alternative cost-saving strategy, determine the annual savings if all hourly staff were reduced from 40 to 37.5 hours as their standard workweek. Consider the top three staff—director, compliance specialist, and registries coordinator—as salaried and thus unaffected by the workweek change. 3. Determine the total dollar impact if both of the foregoing strategies were implemented together. Remember that the pay increase affects everyone, but the 37.5-hour week affects just the hourly staff. Points Possible: 30 (10 points per question) Text Book: “Management principles for health professionals 7th edition” By Joan Gratto Liebler & Charles R. McConnell