Magnet Hospital Assessment

Description Magnet Hospital Assessment Instructions 1. Magnet Recognition Program (Links to an external site.) – The ANCC Magnet Recognition Program was created for health care organizations who truly value nursing talent. Magnet Recognition is not merely an award, or a badge of honor. It is steadfast proof of a hard-earned commitment to excellence in health care, with contented nurses at its heart. 2. Look at the Magnet information 3. Find the 5 components of the Magnet Model 4. List each component, and a brief description of each. Then write an assessment of how your workplace meets these criteria, and how they could improve. Include ways in which you could personally help move your facility toward Magnet ideals. If your facility is not a hospital or would not qualify for Magnet designation, you can still evaluate it on those characteristics and make suggestions 5. Include a cover page and a reference page in APA style. Your reference will be the ANCC website. Be sure to cite your descriptions of the model components. This paper should be at least 500 words.

Computer use in healthcare

Describe the different types of computer information systems that may be present within a healthcare system, how they affect each other, and why they are important. -Describe how the computer information systems either improve and/or hinder patient safety in the current healthcare systems. -Describe how computer information systems effect continuity of patient care. -Feel free to also give examples and experiences that you have experienced in your role as a member of the healthcare team to this point.

Infectious Disease Trends

Understanding diseases present within the community allows public health nurses to prioritize health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Analyze infectious diseases by: Associating three of the most current infectious diseases with Healthy People 2020 objectives (Influenza, Measles and one more) 3 slide presentation Cite a minimum of three scholarly sources. Include an APA-formatted reference page. Also need in text citations. (please go to this link for one of the references)

Clinical Process Improvement and Improving Patient Satisfaction in Health Care: Why Hasn’t More Progress Been Made


Each student will prepare a research paper, based on one of the topics assigned during the first week of class per the course outline below. The research paper will include a cover page, a table of contents, a statement of background and objective, a description of associated research, analysis, conclusions and recommendations, and a bibliography. Not including the cover page and table of contents, the research paper is to consist of at least nine, but not more than ten, pages, double-spaced in Times New Roman 11 point font. The research paper must include at least five annotated, independent reference citations. The research paper will be graded on quality of research, analysis, mastery of the subject, persuasiveness of recommendations, and overall effectiveness of writing and composition.

Hospital acquired MRSA

Hospital acquired MRSA


Paper details:

Literature review paper on hospital acquired infection (MRSA). Using the PICOT question as guide for paper. Supporting whether the use of hand hygiene affects outcomes, and if hand washing or hand sanitizers are equally effective or if one is more effective than the other. Include sources from Appendix A, which must be included in paper. Draft of paper attach, please do not use all sources as listed. Use sources included in appendix.

Case Study in Health Care Financial Ethics Summary

Case Study in Health Care Financial Ethics Summary


Paper details:

Case Study in Health Care Financial Ethics Financial Ethics in healthcare is not always a clear cut issue. Current laws, licensure and accreditation standards and other laws and loopholes, allow for many variations of corporate structures for care delivery, insurance reimbursement structures and payment rates, provider salary and employment arrangements and other financial factors.

The following Case Study is meant to give you an idea of the complexity and issues associated with some very specific physician/outpatient based models of care delivery and the various ethical issues surrounding these models. Please review the Case Study below and prepare a 3-5 page summary of the Case. Your summary should include a brief background of the main issues of the case as well as your specific response to the Case Recommendation/Discussion Points listed at the end of the Case.

This Ethics- Case Study Assignment is due in Week 8. You will find the Dropbox for this assignment in Week 8. Case Study in Health Care Financial Ethics August 1, 2019 Dr. Johnson and his three partners are all independent physicians who have a small private group practice office site where they perform minor gastrointestinal procedures such as endoscopies, colonoscopies and other minor outpatient procedures. Dr. Johnson and his partners are all also on staff at three local hospital’s where they perform their more complex procedures such as biopsies and minor tumor or lesion removals. At present time, Dr. Johnson’s group participates in multiple health plans including the local Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plan, Medicare, Medicaid and numerous other Commercial Health Plans (with 3 primary commercial insurance plans) thus making these plans the top six payers for the Johnson groups patient base. One of these commercial plans is Uni-Care Insurance, which is a large commercial plan owned and operated by the Uni-Care Health System, which is also owns and separately operates a large integrated health delivery system and is thus a direct provider of health care services, including owned/employed physicians, outpatient centers and acute care hospitals. For the last several years, Dr. Johnson and his partners have been reconsidering their future and whether or not they would like to 1) remain independent, 2) become a partners or employees in a larger group practice or 3) whether to become a joint venture doctor practice/partner with a larger health system or 4) become direct employees of a larger health system. If they choose options 1 or 2, not much will change in terms of their ability to accept all current patient health plans, except that they will be able to take home higher salaries as a result of lower economies of scale costs in the case of option 2 and higher insurer payments due to the larger groups ability to negotiate better payment rates with all commercial health plans. If they choose option 3 with Unicare (Option 3A), they will be forced to accept only Unicare commercial insurance and to eliminate their participation in their other two current commercial plans. Their base pay will be virtually the same but they will receive higher benefits and more paid time off being part of this larger joint venture project. If they enter a joint venture with a different health system (Option 3 B), they will receive higher pay, higher benefits, more paid time off, but patients will be forced to payer slightly higher co-pays and co-insurance due to the nature of the contracting arrangements of the JV with commercial plans such as Unicare. Patients will, however, in both Joint venture options (3A and 3B) be in a health care settings that are more “enforced” in terms of JCAHO quality, and stricter regulations on the quality of care than in an independent practice setting. If they choose Option 4 with a large system (Option 4A), much will stay the same as currently in place in terms of their pay, benefits, time-off, except that the health plan will offer quality and productivity base bonuses to the physician. Much of this “bonus” money is feasible as under Option 4 the physician’s outpatient practice will be re-established as a “hospital-based” outpatient provider which receives higher payments than an outpatient physician office for Medicare and other large commercial plan patients. Patients will see higher co-pays with Medicare and all commercial plans as they will now pay 2 copays, one for the technical component of outpatient procedures done in this new “hospital-based” outpatient site, and one for the professional office visit itself. Option 4B is the same as Option 4A except that the new hospital-based outpatient site will only accept the Unicare Commercial plan, Medicare and Medicaid. CASE RECOMMENDATION/DISCUSSION In the context of provider/clinical factors what are the pros and cons of each Option? In the context of financial ethics, what are the pros and cons of each Option? Discuss the problems you see with current reimbursement systems, such as Medicare and Commercial contracts that differentiate between “hospital-based” vs. “physician office-based” payment mechanisms. Do you feel these payment variations are justifiable? Be sure to explain your answer. How does this case promote or deter from social welfare and defined by Jesuit principles and values? Explain your answer. Based on all of the above, what should the Johnson group do? Assuming you are a patient advocacy consultant, what actions would you take, and with whom, to “balance the scales” in terms of patient rights and patient needs. Discuss the anticipated counter-arguments that will likely occur from those you approach for this desired change and what a middle-of-the-road compromise plan may look like.

Commercial insurance and risk financing in a hospital or nursing home

Commercial insurance and risk financing in a hospital or nursing home


Paper details:

Purposes served by Commercial Insurance and other methods of Risk Financing in a heath care entity such as a hospital or nursing home. Each student will submit a report identifying a healthcare entity that would have a need for risk financing and preparing a plan of action to accomplish that end. This paper should be spaced at 1.5, in Times New Roman 12 point font.

Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on the health care industry

Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on the health care industry


Paper details:

In regards to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1991 and its impact upon the health care industry. Each student shall be assigned the responsibility of summarizing the above referenced legislative initiative and shall provide one example of its impact upon a specific healthcare organization. The paper shall be spaced at 1.5 and shall employ a Times New Roman 12 point font.

Pediatrics are not just little adults

Pediatrics are not just little adults


Paper details:

paper that explain the difference between a child vs to an adult assessment. In this case I will discuss Traumatic Brain Injury.. It needs to be focus on the differences in between. Example: a difference between a child and an adult if we are taking about the integumentary system the skin for the child is thinner than the adult so if a child get burn the skin can be damage in a greater scale compare to the adult. This is just an example. This paper will talk about traumatic brain injury. I will attach the article. Please do not add any other article, work with the one that i submitted.

Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility

Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility

s Assignment 1: Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility Jamie is a 3-month-old female who presents with her mother for evaluation of “throwing up.” Mom reports that Jamie has been throwing up pretty much all the time since she was born. Jamie does not seem to be sick. In fact, she drinks her formula vigorously and often acts hungry. Jamie has normal soft brown bowel movements every day and, overall, seems like a happy and contented baby. She smiles readily and does not cry often. Other than the fact that she often throws up after drinking a bottle, she seems to be a very healthy, happy infant. A more precise history suggests that Jamie does not exactly throw up—she does not heave or act unwell—but rather it just seems that almost every time she drinks a bottle she regurgitates a milky substance. Mom thought that she might be allergic to her formula and switched her to a hypoallergenic formula. It didn’t appear to help at all, and now Mom is very concerned. Cases like these are not uncommon. The mother was concerned and thinking her daughter may have an allergy; she changed to a different formula. However, sometimes babies have immature GI tracts that can lead to physiology reflux as they adapt to normal life outside the uterus. Parents often do not consider this possibility, prompting them to change formulas rather than seeking medical care. As in the case study above, GI alterations can often be difficult to identify because many cause similar symptoms. This same issue also arises with adults—adults may present with symptoms that have various potential causes. When evaluating patients, it is important for the advanced practice nurse to know the types of questions he or she needs to ask to obtain the appropriate information for diagnosis. For this reason, you must have an understanding of common GI disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease (PUD), and gastritis. To Prepare • Review this week’s media presentation on the gastrointestinal system. • Review Chapter 35 in the Huether and McCance text. Identify the normal pathophysiology of gastric acid stimulation and production. • Review Chapter 37 in the Huether and McCance text. Consider the pathophysiology of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease (PUD), and gastritis. Think about how these disorders are similar and different. • Select a patient factor “gender” Consider how this factor might impact the pathophysiology of GERD, PUD, and gastritis. Reflect on how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on this factor. • construct a mind map for gastritis. Consider the epidemiology and clinical presentation of gastritis. To Complete Write 3-pages paper that addresses the following: • Describe the normal pathophysiology of gastric acid stimulation and production. • Explain the changes that occur to gastric acid stimulation and production with GERD, PUD, and gastritis disorders. • Explain how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of GERD, PUD, and gastritis. • Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected. “Gender” • Construct a mind map for gastritis. Include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, as well as the diagnosis and treatment you explained in your paper.