Description GLOBAL MARKET OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT FOR CANCER INSURANCE Cancer is a leading cause of premature death. Major types of cancer include skin, lung, stomach, breast, and prostate cancer. It is a life-threatening disease that is often difficult and expensive to treat, with medical bills running into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In many countries, people buy health insurance to pay the costs of medical care. Health insurance companies such as AFLAC and American International Group (AIG) specialize in supplemental policies to cover specialized cancer care. Managerial Challenge Given limited resources, managers must identify the most appropriate countries to target with their products and services. Because decisions about which markets to enter can be very challenging, managers conduct research on the available choices. Initially, managers systematically narrow the number of potential target countries using Global Market Opportunity Assessment. In this exercise, your challenge is to assess markets for supplemental cancer insurance in various countries. Background Companies and governments often provide citizens with basic medical insurance. However, these policies may not fully cover the high cost of life-threatening ailments such as cancer. Moreover, most people lack comprehensive health insurance against cancer. Thus, people often purchase supplemental health insurance. A sizeable market for comprehensive cancer insurance exists around the world. There are numerous health insurance companies that offer cancer insurance. When seeking to sell insurance abroad, these firms need to find out what countries offer the best sales prospects. Because the choice of potential markets can be overwhelming, managers use Global Market Opportunity Assessment (GMOA). Task In this exercise, your task is to conduct a Global Market Opportunity Assessment to identify the most promising country to target for sales of supplemental cancer insurance. You will examine variables that can help you estimate the size of relevant industry sales within each of four possible target countries. Your assessment of each target country will be based on industry-specific indicators of demand for cancer insurance. PART 2: GLOBAL MARKET OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT FOR CANCER INSURANCE Expanded Background Companies often provide their employees with basic medical insurance. These policies may not fully cover the high costs of specialized cancer treatment. Some national governments provide heath insurance to their citizens. Such policies may not pay medical expenses for major illnesses above a certain cost level. Many countries lack well-developed health insurance programs. Many people either lack coverage or worry about losing insurance if they lose or change jobs. Worldwide, the vast majority of people lack comprehensive health insurance against cancer. Consequently, there exists a sizeable market for specialized cancer insurance in countries around the world. Health insurance companies such as AFLAC and American International Group (AIG) specialize in supplemental policies to cover specialized cancer care. Supplemental cancer insurance is usually sold through insurance agents and insurance brokers. A typical agent establishes a sales office that can be easily visited by insurance customers. Occasionally, agents contact potential customers directly by telephone or in their homes to sell insurance. Insurance is sometimes sold over the Internet. Task and Methodology When seeking to sell cancer insurance abroad, there are several issues that a company needs to address. What countries offer the best prospects? In which foreign markets can supplemental cancer insurance be profitably sold? The choice of potential countries can be overwhelming. To address this challenge, managers employ Global Market Opportunity Assessment (GMOA) to identify the most appropriate countries to target. In the first stage of GMOA for supplemental cancer insurance, the researcher would typically conduct a country screening to filter out the most promising country markets. The most important variables to research at this stage include market size (usually assessed by examining each country’s population); growth rate (typically the growth rate of each country’s population); and market intensity (the buying power of each county’s residents in terms of income level). At this stage of GMOA, the researcher would ordinarily consider all possible countries worldwide. However, in this exercise, we simplify the task by narrowing the list of countries to the following four: China, Brazil, South Africa and Czech Republic. For each of these four countries, your task is to assess industry market potential to estimate the size of likely industry sales, that is, the likelihood of sales potential for supplemental cancer insurance. Specifically, for each of the countries given, you should research the following variables:

Training for Parents on prescription dug abuse on adolesence

Prepare an outline draft for your final training design project.

Be sure to include titles of at least 3 training modules of approximately 30-90 minutes in length in addition to the introductory and closing modules (total 5). You have already completed and may edit and use your training title, need statement, goal, synopsis, objectives and the module you created.

For each module, please provide a module title, duration, brief synopsis, 1-3 objectives, 1 or 2 methodologies, name(s) of handout(s) if any, and 1 or 2 procedures. Module 1 below has been sketched out for you, but you will need to fill in the details. Then follow that same pattern for the others.

Operations Management – Case Study – Clear Eyes Cataracts Clinic

Operations Management – Case Study – Clear Eyes Cataracts Clinic

Read the ClearEyes case and provide a written analysis that includes answers to the following questions. Your paper should be typed, in paragraph form, 12 point font, double-spaced. You should provide a thorough analysis that includes answers to the above questions. Your paper should be a minimum of 3-5 typed pages. 1) Use the process flow diagram exhibit to calculate capacity utilization for each category of staff, and for intake, surgical, and examination rooms. What is the clinic’s capacity per year? 2) By what percentage would patient volume and capacity utilization change if ClearEyes cut in half of the patients who complete intake but fail to show up for surgery? If the clinic could increase customer yield as described above, would it need to add any staff or room capacity? If so, how much? 3) How much would pretax profit change if this increase in yield were accomplished? 4) What actions could ClearEyes take to increase yield? Be careful to recommend actions, rather than results of actions such as “reduce ptient anxiety about the operation”. 5) What course of action would you recommend to Connors?

Supply Chain Management SCM: AbbVie Biopharmaceutical Company

Supply Chain Management (SCM): AbbVie (Biopharmaceutical Company). “The challenge for hospitals is to align the supply chain to the care delivery model.” Working as part of a team, this report will involve research on a unique topic within healthcare SCM:

• A specific topic of healthcare supply chains that is rather novel and disruptive; • A driver of supply chain performance in healthcare organizations; • Research into a preeminent company that support logistic functions within healthcare supply chains, the job they perform and how their role has evolved and is predicted to evolve; You can start by establishing a broad research question such as: a. What are effective ways to reduce supply chain costs based on new technologies? b. What are the benefits and outlays using a group purchasing organization (GPO)? How can it be implemented? c. How do healthcare organizations manage risk in the supply chain? What are relevant forms of risk? Then drill down on a disruptive element, a specific company example, or a driver of performance.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


Paper details:

Have to have the Disease State what is the disease? Prevalence/Incidence of the disease Populations affected by the disease Treatments Pharmacology Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) Non-Pharmacological Treatment Pharmacological Treatment Counseling Points

Purdue Pharmaceutical – Opiod lawsuits

Purdue Pharmaceutical – Opiod lawsuits (and at least one huge settlement)


Paper details:

Define the legal environment that is applicable to the business world. Review basic business law concepts Describe the litigation system in the United States Apply legal concepts to business to business scenarios Analyze the differences between major forms of intellectual property protection, and current ethical issues that arise under intellectual property law Identify antitrust issues in business decisions Analyze what a contract is, how a contract is formed, the types of law that govern contracts, the elements of common-law contract formation, and defenses to contracts Identify various forms of business structure Evaluate employment laws affecting business Define ethical environment that is applicable to the business world. Identify means to avoid alter ego liability Evaluate how the Sarbanes Oxley Act applies to business

Incidence of breast cancer in certain environments/communities

Description 1. Use at least 10 of the scholarly articles on your topic to create the first part of your unique annotated bibliography . Be sure you are using formal citation style. Each annotated bibliography entry must be on each work that you find. Remember: these 10 or more articles from library sources must be relevant to – must clearly center on – your chosen topic. In each entry you must explain how this work/article specifically concerns the women’s health issue that you chose. 2. Your Annotated Bibliography that you are turning in as your Desk Study Part 1 assignment must include a minimum of 10 entries and you must use formal citation style. In *each* (meaning, for everyone) of the 10 or more entries in your annotated bibliography, you must be sure to do the following: explain, in your own words, the main point of the article describe how this article relates to your chosen topic; in this section, be sure to include at least 1 direct quote per entry and recall that direct quoting requires formal in text citations state whether the article is most heavily an elaboration of the Statement of the Problem, a Design Study, a Review of the Literature, or an Analysis of Data. * An “article category” refers to how you are choosing to best/most accurately categorize/describe each of the articles you are citing in your Desk Study Part 1 and 2. These are the article categories from which you should be selecting for each of your 10 sources (5 for DS Part 1 and 5 for DS Part 2): * Statement of the problem: Use this if the article most evidently, clearly introduces/summarizes/conveys the problem being studied/examined/analyzed. Choose this if the article primarily and most strongly addresses the issue at hand (which is your DS Project topic). * Design study: Use this if the article’s authors’ study design — their approach/research methods used to analyze/study the topic at hand — is featured most heavily in the article. This means that the article primarily describes and presents the methods used to arrive at the results presented (methods could be field work, surveys, interviews, etc.). * Review of Literature: Choose this if the article is primarily and most heavily a review of the existing literature on the topic at hand (your selected Desk Study project topic). If you choose this category, you’re reporting that the article is best described as a work that offers readers a review of the scholarship published on your topic. * Analysis of data: Select this if the article is mostly useful to you because of the analyses of the data it includes. In other words, the article is most heavily a presentation of the analysis/interpretations of the statistics/collected information from the studies carried out on the topic at hand (your DS Project topic). 3. explain why you think that each article qualifies as that type of piece (see previous bullet); explain your justification for this designation 4. write 3-5 sentences per annotated bibliography entry (your annotated bibliography entries must be in alphabetical order by authors’ last names, of course) use formal citation style (this refers to paper headers, title, in text citations when directly quoting from the works 5. include a formal References page at the end of your assignment, double-spacing throughout, etc.) in addition to the annotated bibliography entries (your References list must be in alphabetical order by authors’ last names, of course)

In Intensive Care Units how effective is using hypochlorite-containing disinfectant bleach solution compared to ultraviolent light to disinfect patient rooms reduce the risk for Clostridium difficile (C-diff)?

PICOT question is, “In Intensive Care Units, how effective is using hypochlorite-containing disinfectant (bleach) solution compared to ultraviolent light to disinfect patient rooms reduce the risk for Clostridium difficile (C-diff)? I have include the references. You will need to pick 4 references out of the reference that I have on the attachment. I have attach the rubric with all the requirements that are need to be include in the paper. There is Part A and Part B.

HIV Case Study

Linda is a 28-year-old female in a discordant relationship with her boyfriend of 1 year. Linda is 12 weeks pregnant based on her last menstrual period. She is engaged in HIV-care and is naïve to antiretroviral therapy (ART) because her CD4 cell count is 538 per mm3 and viral load is 8,300. No tobacco, alcohol, or illegal or illicit drug use. Physical examination: Normal, healthy 28-year-old gravid female. She is overweight with a body mass index of 28.2. Laboratory and other tests: Genotype is pan-sensitive without HIV mutations. Ultrasound at her 2-day follow-up estimates she is 15 weeks pregnant.

What are the Public Health Service Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents guidelines for HIV-positive pregnant females regarding starting ART? What antiretroviral medications are recommended as first line? Which drugs should be avoided? Provide a rationale for all answers. What education does Linda need regarding her medication? Are there any risks to the baby during labor? What should be done for the baby at birth if he/she tests positive for HIV? What will the providers need to do in terms of monitoring the baby? Instructions Prepare and submit a 3-4 page paper [total] in length (not including APA format). Answer all the questions above. Support your position with examples. Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria. Submit the following documents to the Submit Assignments/Assessments area: Case Study: HIV Patient

The Triple Aim of Health Care

The Triple Aim of Health Care


Paper details:

The subject for this paper is the Triple Aim of Health Care.

You should include the history and purpose of the Triple Aim, the progress that has been made to date on each aspect and the current affect it is having on health care delivery. This paper is to be in APA 6 th edition format. The papers are to be 5 pages of text. All papers are to be submitted into the assignment section using safe assign in Canvas no later than midnight of the day due. Writing is a focus for this class. A writing assessment rubric will be used when assessing your paper. This is included in canvas. Please review it carefully.

Text for the paper does not include title page, abstract or references. Each paper is to have a minimum of 5 refereed (scholarly) references. The textbook may be used, cited and referenced in the reference sheet but does not count as one of the minimum 5 references. These references should be 2010 to present. If the textbook is used incorporate concepts from class, canvas and the text into the paper. The paper is to be written in 3 rd person, with text double spaced in 12 font and with one inch margins.