Nursing and leadership in the health care community

Answer the following questions and relate your responses to Nursing and leadership in the health care community. Provide your responses with a minimum of 1 reference each. 1 Power, influence, advocacy, and authenticity are all functions of leadership. View the video: “Morale and Discipline: The Mind of a Leader” at: Discuss how strong leaders apply power, influence, advocacy, and authenticity to motivate those they lead. 2 One model of leadership being adopted by many organizations, disciplines, and vocations is servant leadership. Describe this model. Identify two reasons why these groups are adopting this model. 3 Read “Core Principles and Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care,” by Mitchell et al., from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies website. URL: In the assigned article, “Core Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care,” the authors state that “the incorporation of multiple perspectives in health care offers the benefit of diverse knowledge and experience; however, in practice, shared responsibility without high-quality teamwork can be fraught with peril.” Describe the perils that the authors say lead to uncoordinated care and unnecessary waste and cost. How do communication and interdisciplinary collaboration prevent adverse events? 4 Consider your current work environment and your role as a member of the health care team. What can you do to encourage collaboration and demonstrate stewardship?

Healthcare Informaticist Report

“The Report” Consider that you are a Healthcare Informaticist.

You have been asked to evaluate the current internal workflow and make a recommendation regarding the workflow, communications, protocol and software required in order to select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity.

This report will consist of filling out the SBAR Process Improvement template provided, 5 pages MAX. APA FORMAT. By completely filling out the SBAR template, be sure the below are addressed: Describe the “real” or hypothetical work environment, provider objectives and current information systems configuration, as well as any unmet needs or issues. Situation Background Assessment Recommendation Much of the information required for this assignment is available from the Web and industry journals (e.g., Modern Healthcare, Healthcare Informatics, Hospitals & Health Networks, etc) and your course text. You may also wish to request product literature from vendors or obtain it through your own or another organization. Although not required, you may also wish to interview one or more individuals with relevant experience and expertise. Be sure to provide appropriate APA interview citations.

Healthcare consumerism influencing marketing

Description Marketing is essential to the healthcare industry for branding and growing health systems. In this assignment, please examine the impact of consumerism in choosing a primary care provider in Saudi Arabia. Review the following article (attached) Al-Briek, A., Al-Barrak, A., Al-Johi, K., Al-Anazi, M., Al-Ateeq, M., & Masud, N. (2018). Factors that influence patients in choosing their treating physicians in the private sector in Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Public Health, 6(4), 173-181. Retrieved from Please analyze the following substantive requirements: -Describe what consumers are looking for in a provider in Saudi Arabia. -Evaluate the data presented and any information that would be valuable that is not present in the study. -Assess how healthcare consumerism plays (or should play) a role in the marketing strategy of provider facilities in Saudi Arabia. -Provide two recommendations on how to market the healthcare facility. -Recommend how to monitor the data to ensure your marketing approach is working.

Today’s Healthcare Environment: The Wall of Silence Scholarly Paper

Description Please follow all directions and make sure to answer all questions/ topics asked. I need level 1 & 2 headings. APA format. Refer to nursing profession. The Wall of Silence by Gibson and Singh (2003) will be read. Please read the book and based upon the content, and additional sources complete the assignment as described. This assignment will provide the approach for connecting The Wall of Silence, the course content, and personal and professional experiences. A scholarly paper that addresses all four sections of the book will be completed. The book should be cited and included on the reference page with other necessary sources as evidence of understanding the course material and content. Based upon Gibson and Singh Part 1 and 2: Gibson and Singh provided alarming statistics based upon the IOM’s 1999 report of 100,000 deaths per year due to medical errors. According to Gibson and Singh, this translates to 275 deaths due to medical errors every day. Based on the number of deaths known, and considering the potential number for unaccounted deaths, reflect on the book and address the following: 1. Part 1 of Gibson and Singh details 10 patient-family accounts and their experience with medical error. Select one of the cases and discuss the following areas: a. Summarize and provide an overview of the selected case. b. Describe the type of error that occurred in the case (examples include: medication errors, misdiagnosis, a delay in treatment, cross contamination, failure to take the necessary precautions, surgical errors, unnecessary treatment, missed warning signs, etc.). c. Discuss the underlying cause of the selected medical error that occurred in the selected case. d. Compare one or more quality or safety initiative that now exists that could have prevented the error? (Cite the source where the initiative, guideline or protocol was found). 3. Discuss the role of nurses in developing a culture of safety interdependent upon a professional code of ethics. a. Explain some of the reasons nurses fail to report errors and describe potential consequences to the nurse, patient, facility, and system associated with failure to report. b. Discuss some of the reasons that have resulted in the nursing shortage and the subsequent effects on patient safety, quality of care, and the potential for errors in the health care system. c. Explain the importance of quality improvement as the process pertains to improving the quality and safety of patient care. 4. Support entries with quotations from the book as needed and with additional literature and sources from the course and the library. Based upon Gibson and Singh Part 3 and 4 The culture of cover-up is contradictory to our professional code of ethics. Gibson and Singh provided a detailed overview of why medical errors occur and they provided rationales behind the culture of cover-up in the health care environment. They described potential methods of regulation and reporting to better inform patients and consumers about their health care providers. Gibson and Singh also devoted an entire chapter to the use of technology making health care safer. Consider the importance of developing competency in nursing informatics and technology in healthcare. How might these systems impact nursing practice now and in the future? 5. Describe the meaning of the ‘culture of coverup’ and the consequences to patients, families, the public, and healthcare facilities. 6. Explain how healthcare consumers can access and investigate potential providers or facilities before making selections about health care providers and facilities. 7. Explain the benefit(s) for healthcare organizations that initiate voluntary reporting systems for internal use and how the information and data collected can be utilized for quality improvement project(s) to continually improve the safety of health care provided to patients.? 8. Describe the need for healthcare providers to use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making? How does technology support safety at health care facilities? 9. Gibson and Singh compared the current health care system to less flawed, safer industries, like aviation. Compare and contrast safety and quality in health care when compared to the aviation industry? 10. Support entries with quotations from the book as needed and with literature and sources from the course and the library (see requirements in # 15) 12. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion. 13. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper. 14. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used. 15. Include a minimum of 4 professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old. 16. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the application of Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is used to help reduce the anxiety and fears in pediatric intensive care patients. Make sure you include all elements. The application section towards the end of the paper needs to describe specific ways to apply what was learned that another APN can put into practice. Broad statements will not be sufficient. Need to know specific content of programs and/or scales may use to teach and/or assess learning.

Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Assignment: Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders Decision tree interactive media pieces.

As you examine the patient case studies in this module’s Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting symptoms of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders. To Prepare Review the interactive media piece Reflect on the patient’s symptoms and aspects of the disorder presented in the interactive media piece. Consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with the symptoms of the patient case study you were assigned. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this patient. Reflect on potential co-morbid physical as well as patient factors that might impact the patient’s diagnosis and treatment. Write a 1 -page summary paper that addresses the following: Briefly summarize the patient case study you were assigned, including each of the three decisions you took for the patient presented. Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidence-based literature. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your response with evidence and references from outside resources. What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case study you were assigned? Support your response with evidence and references from outside resources. Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples. interactive media piece Alzheimer’s Disease BACKGROUND Mr. Akkad is a 76 year old Iranian male who is brought to your office by his eldest son for “strange behavior.” Mr. Akkad was seen by his family physician who ruled out any organic basis for Mr. Akkad’s behavior. All laboratory and diagnostic imaging tests (including CT-scan of the head) were normal. According to his son, he has been demonstrating some strange thoughts and behaviors for the past two years, but things seem to be getting worse. Per the client’s son, the family noticed that Mr. Akkad’s personality began to change a few years ago. He began to lose interest in religious activities with the family and became more “critical” of everyone. They also noticed that things he used to take seriously had become a source of “amusement” and “ridicule.”Over the course of the past two years, the family has noticed that Mr. Akkad has been forgetting things. His son also reports that sometimes he has difficult “finding the right words” in a conversation and then will shift to an entirely different line of conversation. SUBJECTIVE During the clinical interview, Mr. Akkad is pleasant, cooperative and seems to enjoy speaking with you. You notice some confabulation during various aspects of memory testing, so you perform a Mini-Mental State Exam. Mr. Akkad scores 18 out of 30 with primary deficits in orientation, registration, attention & calculation, and recall. The score suggests moderate dementia.

American Government on Health Care and National Security

Part 1 First Essay: Healthcare (750 words) Assignment Instructions This is part one of the class project assessments. See the attachment for more details of the overall project. An important purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it.

Complete a research essay on the government and healthcare. Remember this is being written for the president to read. The U.S. healthcare system has been a controversial topic for decades. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay: 1. Identify a current issue being debated about the American healthcare system. 2. Explain two competing solutions to this problem.

3. Evaluate which one is preferable. 4. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government). 5. Address the responsibilities of each of the three branches of the federal government. Part 2 Second Essay: National Security (750 words) An important purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. Complete a research essay on the government and national security. Remember this is being written for the president to read. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay: 1. Identify a current issue being debated about American national security. 2. Explain two competing solutions to this problem. 3. Evaluate which one is preferable. 4. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government). 5. Address the responsibilities of each of the three branches of the federal government. REQUIREMENTS: • 750 word target length (about three pages), not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used.

• Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings. • Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution. • Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it’s APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian. Part 3 Power Point Presentation (10 slides) Assignment Instructions This is the last piece of your class project. Imagine the presentation has been approved by the president and will be publicly published to sell the president’s ideas. Take your research from the essays and present it in a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint. There is no need to purchase additional software to complete the assignment. REQUIREMENTS • A title slide and reference slide. • Each topic will have a four-slide minimum to explain the problem, illustrate the competing solutions, and explain why one is better. • At least one use of animation and one sound should be used within the final product. • Be sure graphics are readable.

Community Needs and health Screening Initiative


For this Assignment you will pick one recommended screening from United States Preventive Task Force A and B Recommendations using this link An initiative is a project, an event, so something in the community is ideal.

Please include the following suggested level one headings so content is clear and easily identified.

Theory or Conceptual Model Choose a theory or conceptual model that you think might work for your initiative and explain the theory or model here.

Screening Purpose

Discuss why it is important to screen for this condition.

This is where you address your community assessment and the reason for this need in your community/ population choice. Support your stance with statistics and information, ideally related to the location and population.

**Location should be Marion County Indiana** Population Clearly address the demographics that are being screened; where they live, state, county, ages, races included etc. Screening Activity This section is what you are doing at the screening and should completely align with the screening guideline for the condition.

Also all health promotion screenings include some brief prevention education component. Outcome Goals Bullet a few specific goals here. What do you hope to accomplish with your screening? Location Briefly explain where you are doing this.

Health Fair in Marion County as an example, BUT must be Marion County Indiana. Think about what kind of facility or area you will need. Include comments explaining how this location meets the needs of your target population and screening choice. Cost This is the cost for you to develop and conduct the initiative. It is best displayed as a brief Word table showing what it costs you to conduct the screening; paper, equipment, rental s etc.

Volunteers are fine, but everything is not free. Must demonstrate a cost estimate for a community screening intervention that is realistic and takes into account financials. If there is a cost for the attendees that should go here as well. Summary Provide a summary of your screening, general benefit to the community and why it is important.

This Assignment is focused on preventive screening applications in the community, workplace or school settings. A person should be able to read the paper and understand fully what it is screening, where, when, the costs and how it is supported in the guideline.

CLC – Evidence-Based Practice Project: Intervention Presentation on Diabetes

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant to nursing practice. Create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation on the study’s findings and how they can be used by nurses as an intervention. Include SPEAKER NOTES for each slide and additional slides for the title page and references. Include the following: >>>1.Describe the intervention or treatment tool and the specific patient population used in the study.<<< 2.Summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. The research presented must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and nursing practice. 3.Provide a descriptive and reflective discussion of how the new tool or intervention can be integrated into nursing practice. Provide evidence to support your discussion. 4.Explain why psychological, cultural, and spiritual aspects are important to consider for a patient who has been diagnosed with diabetes. Describe how support can be offered in these respective areas as part of a plan of care for the patient. Provide examples. You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. >>>hello this is a group project, my part is #1 please let me know if needed anything <<<< assignment idea – Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A Review of Available Systems. Abstract:Continuous glucose monitoring offers patients with diabetes a new option for monitoring their glucose levels on a regular basis, without the need for perpetual finger-sticks and myriad supplies.

Diverticulitis disease

It needs to have information about “Diverticulitis” a digestive system disease, and explain what is about and also add new information such as new treatments or medicine for it. Only use .gov or .edu sources (reliable sources only) I have some examples you can use (see the links) or you can find others. 4 pages for the paper and the 5th one for sources.