Is there validity in Universal Health Care

Is there validity in Universal Health Care?

no more than 4 pages APA format give me a educated answer. Consider things like what will happen to our society in this country? Please keep in mind we live in a capitalist country where we sell health. On that same note employees of all different backgrounds in this health care system have build their lives around this infrastructure example (mortgages,cars, profession, companies). Also would we loose the incentive of bringing the most brilliant to cure diseases because of this move? These are all situations that are part of this topic and questions you should answer in your paper. BOOK TO USE DELIVERING HEALTH CARE IN AMERICA 7TH EDITION. Leiyu Shi, Douglas A. Singh

Policy Change Strategy- Childhood Obesity in Alaska

-Describe a strategy to bring about a specific policy change starting with identifying opportunities for change and ending with a policy change. -Identify opportunities for change – why here? Why now? -Identify policy change sought – what would this look like? -Describe strategy for policy change process – this will include a step by step description of the process by which the glimmer of a new idea becomes existing policy. -Describe strategy for implementing new policy (assuming adoption). The adoption of a policy is just the beginning – how would it go from text to fact in the community.

How can health literary education among nurses impact patients understanding with discharge

How can health literary education among nurses impact patients understanding with discharge


Paper details:

This research paper is to focus on the understanding of discharge instructions among the patients provided by the nurse. Making the nurse aware of the tools that can be used example new vitals tool and proper simpler language to be use so that the patient can understand their discharge paper work. Please see started paper and abstract and adjust as needed also attached is all articles,example papers and guidelines. a total of 20 pages but just paying to get it started. After paper will be adding Wednesday. I AM REQUSTING draft paper of first 10 pages in 8 days then second 10 but November 1st.

Medical errors – wall of silence

Medical errors – wall of silence Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details A scholarly paper that addresses all four sections of the book will be completed. Submit the entry by the posted due date. The entry requires the use of APA (see rubric). There is no length requirement for the entry however, to earn all potential points each student must a) have read the book, b) applied the course material as necessary as demonstrated through citing/referencing of course materials, and c) addressed all the assignment criteria. The book should be cited and included on the reference page with other necessary sources as evidence of understanding the course material and content. Based upon Gibson and Singh Part 1 and 2: Gibson and Singh provided alarming statistics based upon the IOM’s 1999 report of 100,000 deaths per year due to medical errors. According to Gibson and Singh, this translates to 275 deaths due to medical errors every day. Based on the number of deaths known, and considering the potential number for unaccounted deaths, reflect on the book and address the following: 1. Part 1 of Gibson and Singh details 10 patient-family accounts and their experience with medical error. Select one of the cases and discuss the following areas: a. Summarize and provide an overview of the selected case. b. Describe the type of error that occurred in the case (examples include: medication errors, misdiagnosis, a delay in treatment, cross contamination, failure to take the necessary precautions, surgical errors, unnecessary treatment, missed warning signs, etc.). c. Discuss the underlying cause of the selected medical error that occurred in the selected case. d. Compare one or more quality or safety initiative that now exists that could have prevented the error? (Cite the source where the initiative, guideline or protocol was found). 3. Discuss the role of nurses in developing a culture of safety interdependent upon a professional code of ethics. a. Explain some of the reasons nurses fail to report errors and describe potential consequences to the nurse, patient, facility, and system associated with failure to report. b. Discuss some of the reasons that have resulted in the nursing shortage and the subsequent effects on patient safety, quality of care, and the potential for errors in the health care system. c. Explain the importance of quality improvement as the process pertains to improving the quality and safety of patient care. 4. Support entries with quotations from the book as needed and with additional literature and sources from the course and the library. Based upon Gibson and Singh Part 3 and 4 The culture of cover-up is contradictory to our professional code of ethics. Gibson and Singh provided a detailed overview of why medical errors occur and they provided rationales behind the culture of cover-up in the health care environment. They described potential methods of regulation and reporting to better inform patients and consumers about their health care providers. Gibson and Singh also devoted an entire chapter to the use of technology making health care safer. Consider the importance of developing competency in nursing informatics and technology in healthcare. How might these systems impact nursing practice now and in the future? 5. Describe the meaning of the ‘culture of coverup’ and the consequences to patients, families, the public, and healthcare facilities. 6. Explain how healthcare consumers can access and investigate potential providers or facilities before making selections about health care providers and facilities. 7. Explain the benefit(s) for healthcare organizations that initiate voluntary reporting systems for internal use and how the information and data collected can be utilized for quality improvement project(s) to continually improve the safety of health care provided to patients.? 8. Describe the need for healthcare providers to use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making? How does technology support safety at health care facilities? 9. Gibson and Singh compared the current health care system to less flawed, safer industries, like aviation. Compare and contrast safety and quality in health care when compared to the aviation industry? 10. Support entries with quotations from the book as needed and with literature and sources from the course and the library (see requirements in # 15) 11. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 5 to 7 pages excluding the title and reference page. 12. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion. 13. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper. 14. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used. 15. Include a minimum of 4 professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old. 16. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations

Abuse In Nursing Homes


Write annotations for the two non-scholarly sources. Turning research question into a thesis statement. A strong thesis statement. Annotated Bibliography. Research question should be open-ended. Develop a thesis statement that summarizes the research findings. Provide annotations and references for the two scholarly journal articles and ebook.Use search engine to select two non-scholarly sources that pass the CRAAP Test and address research questions. Create APA reference for the non-scholarly sources. Write annotations for the two non-scholarly sources. Include references and annotations for the sources.

Develop a thesis statement based on research question. two appropriate non-scholarly sources using a search engine such as google or bing. Must use 2 scholarly articles one e-book and two non-scholarly sources. 2 paragraphs long address the points brief description explanation or example to support answers.

PARAGRAPH 1 SHOULD INCLUDE: what kind of source is this? what is the thesis or main claim of the source? what credible and authoritative is the source for research question? what limitations if any was noted in the source? how does the source help answer the research question? PARAGRAPH 2 SHOULD INCLUDE: How adequately does the source support it’s thesis?, how current is the information in the source relative to research question?, how credible and authoritative is the source for research question?, what limitations if any noted in the source?, how does the source help answer research question? YOU CAN USE: A NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE ARTICLE, ARTICLE FROM PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION WEBSITE OR TRADE JOURNAL, ARTICLE OR REPORT FROM GOV. (WEBSITE), BLOG POST WRITTEN BY EXPERTS ON TOPIC.

Health maintenance with PCOS

Health maintenance with PCOS

Prior to the chat, each student must read the required readings for this unit. During the chat, you will be required to describe one position statement or issue brief and discuss how the ACNM Code of Ethics and/or the Universal ethical principle(s) may apply to the topic or delivery of care. Also, describe which of the Hallmarks of Midwifery the position statement illustrates or applies. Finally, you will need to reflect on how the position statement etc. will guide your practice as a nurse-midwife. Each presentation should be completed in 3-5 minutes. A brief discussion will follow each student’s presentation and should be focused on the ethical issues addressed. A PPT. presentation is required. Students are expected to be familiar with the ACNM documents chosen by other members in their group in order to substantially participate in the discussion. Now here’s the tricky part….each student in your group must choose a different position statement to present. 4-5 slides in addition to the title and reference slides are suggested. If additional slides are added, please consider limiting those to graphic displays. Step by Step Instructions. Choose an ACNM position statement that addresses an ethical topic that you are interested in. Briefly share the key points of the position statement with your teammates. They should be familiar with your statement so you do not have to read it word for word unless it is very short i.e. 1-2 sentences. Please do not use this time to provide a lengthy lecture about this the topic. If the position statement is long, then bullet the salient points. Only share what you must to make describe the stance of the position statement. ( One slide) Identify which of the universal ethical principles or the ACNM code of ethics are implied or relevant to the position statement that you choose. i.e. non-maleficence, paternalism, social justice, autonomy etc. (One slide) Identify which of the Hallmarks of Midwifery (Hallmarks are found in the ACNM Core Competencies document) the position statement utilizes or illustrates. (One slide). Finish with a reflection on how you foresee the ACNM position statement and the associated ethical implications/hallmarks or midwifery may guide your practice. (One slide) Slides should use bullets rather than full sentences to avoid excessive wordiness. Feel free to be creative. Try to limit the word count per slide to 20 words. Use of pictures are worth one thousand words! PLEASE NOTE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUBMIT YOUR SLIDES IN ADVANCE OF YOUR TEAM’S SCHEDULED GOOGLE CHAT. You may submit your ppt. into the appropriate drop box, in canvas after the chat. It is always wise to create a pdf. for submission. One extra point may be earned for substantive participation in the chat.

Emerging/Current Health-Care Issue Death by Measles

Review the case study “Death by Measles.” •Review Trevor Noah’s video on traveling from Africa during the Ebola crisis. The purpose of this paper is to examine an emerging/current issue in health care. Potential topics are but not limited to the following: •Reemerging outbreaks such as measles or Ebola •Human trafficking •Violence in health-care settings •Medical tourism •Consumer-directed health care •Assisted suicide •Medical marijuana •Mandatory vaccinations •Eldercare •Abortion •Personalized medicine Research, examine, and analyze your issue with thought, sensitivity, and reflection. Your paper must have the following elements: 1.Identify the resources/protocols that a hospital/health provider would need to consider and have in place to address the issue (e.g., HR policies, staff training, etc.). 2.Explain the leadership and managerial responses and/or responsibilities. 3.Discuss the cultural impact. 4.Describe the legislative actions or government agencies that may be involved (e.g., CDC, AMA, ACA, etc.). 5.End your paper with a summary of your research and a conclusion to what you have found.

Culminating senior Experience on Implementation of Change in a Hospital setting amongst nursing staff

 Culminating senior Experience on Implementation of Change in a Hospital setting amongst nursing staff


Paper details:

This is the early weeks of the group assignment I need to write up at least Two pages regarding the WHY behind our idea of implementation of team turning for patients at risk for skin breakdown such as those inpatient/critical care setting.

This is the part of the assignment I’m responsible for this week. The 2 -3 pages needs to address all these questions pasted below: Also you can use these two sources I submitted and additional one u discover that will support it. The sources need to be American non foreign nursing journals etc Why is the change necessary?

1. The Group needs to establish a valid reason for the change, and those involved with planning and implementing the change must be aware of the reasons. The reason for the change must be clearly articulated by the group’s members. A shared vision for why the change should occur is crucial. Can you tie it to the facility’s mission statement? If the employees are not with you?….

. 2. Discuss the pros and cons of the change building a strong argument why it is needed. 3. Outline the desired outcomes and how they will be measured (evaluation).

Cleveland Clinic Hospital in Weston

Obtain the organizational chart for the organization next to your name. . For each organization, describe the following: (25 points each questions) My organization name is: CLEVELAND CLINIC HOSPITAL IN WESTON This is a research paper and i want all these 4 questions to be answer based on this hospital policy ” Cleveland clinic hospital in weston.” Also please no plagiarism do your best to answer the questions. So please go on the hospital website to help you. I will attach an example of somebody else work that have a different hospital. Do your best on this paper thank you. 1. The mission statement of the organization 2. Where is nursing placed on the chart 3. What type of hierarchical structure does it resemble? How decisions about nursing issues are likely to be made 4. Does the organization have a philosophy for nursing? If so what is it/ If not, how do you think the nurses are encouraged to make decisions?

Discuss why the Ottawa Charter and The Jakarta Declaration are important turning points in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion. What are determinants of health?

As a new health educator, you have just been asked to write an article for your health department’s newsletter. The article should be about the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, with a focus on determinants of health. Case Assignment Please write a paper that addresses these points: Discuss why the Ottawa Charter and The Jakarta Declaration are important turning points in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion. What are determinants of health? How do they influence health? Please provide at least 3 examples. How are determinants of health being addressed in Healthy People 2020? Assignment Expectations Length: 2-3 pages