Pathology disease diagnosis and the necessary laboratory findings
This is a paper that is focusing on the Pathology disease diagnosis and the necessary laboratory findings. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.
Pathology disease diagnosis and the necessary laboratory findings
Q1. Firstly, what is the main Pathology for this disease? Who primarily gets it and why? 15 points
Q2. Secondly, how is this disease diagnosed and what are the necessary laboratory findings specific to this disease? Please include blood work, radiology and necessary clinical tools for proper diagnosis in the medical community? 10 points
Q3. Thirdly, are there any significant signs and symptoms common to this disease? Are there similar disease’s that might get confused with this disease? Compare how you would rule in or out the differences between the different diseases similar to this one?
You must write this in essay format and then you can include a grid for compare and contrast 25 points MINIMUM OF 40 SENTENCES FOR THIS QUESTION
Q4. Fourthly, is there a genetic component to this disease? And what is the like hood that it will be inherited? 10points
Q5. Lastly, how is this disease commonly treated in the medical community and what is the prognosis after treatment? Please include if there are any natural therapies amongst the medical community? (Natural therapies: massage, exercise, nutrition etc.)15 points
Case Study Assignments:
Format: 7-8 pg’s, typed (single-sided, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1” margins on all sides) paper.
– Sources: 2 sources other than textbook. WIKIPEDIA is not an acceptable source.
– Citations on a separate reference page
– Additionally, in-text citations (annotation) throughout the paper. Please see THE OWL (online writing lab at Perdue) for help. The writing center can help you with this.
– Each question must be answer thoroughly for full credit!
– Please send your paper electronically the night before to and a hard copy turned in the next day.
However, if Plagiarism is found, a grade of zero is given, no re-writes granted.
Referencing a TEXTBOOK example:
1. Hofmeister, Patricia, year of publication of book, title of the work, place of publication, City, State, volume or edition, publisher name, Page Number