Health Law and Policy

Paper is for a health law and policy in canada course at the graduate level (master’s) Topic idea i had was about organ donation in canada and proposal of presumed consent and what that means for consent or how policies at hospitals will be impacted or how consent is determined with minors A different topic could be health law and policies and privacy laws something with maybe health data being transmitted and sometimes saved in US servers along with the PHIPA.

mindfulness or mindful meditation for health

mindfulness or mindful meditation for health

You will research mindfulness or mindful meditation for health using the google scholar, current media sources and historical information to develop a four page paper discussing the topic. All sources that you use should be cited in the reference page in APA format. You should have a title page, four double spaced content pages at least and a reference page. You need to organize your paper such that the introduction presents your issue and how you are going to cover it in the paper and it what order. Your main body of the paper will roll out in the same order that it was introduced in the introduction and your conclusion will once again present the issue, an overview of the main points that you made and some concluding thoughts and comments.

Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes Type 2

This is an APA thesis paper.

Please add the in-text citation and add the references that you used in APA.

Please follow the instruction below for the body of my thesis.

Options The Background and Landscape sections serve as the preamble to this policy analysis and puts the research problem in context.

The options section is the heart of your paper. It is the analysis and should be detailed.

Each option should be weighted equally. Be sure to use the factors in box 3.2 in analyzing each option (Tietelbaum & Wilensky, 2013, p. 260). Tietelbaum and Wilensky (2013) suggest “three to five alternatives for your client to consider” (p. 259). Your team should provide the positive and negative aspects (i.e., pros and cons) for each alternative.

This is what the authors deem “a balanced analysis”. They also suggest selecting between three and five criteria to run the pro vs. con analysis. Some criteria include: cost, Return-on Investment, political feasibility, etc. It is important to remember that your client’s values and his/her ability to make (or not make) decisions (i.e., power) must be kept in mind when making your final recommendation. Organizing your list of options logically is extremely important.

The first sentence in each “Option” subsection should clearly describe that option. When analyzing each option consider the following:

• Cost: How much does each option cost?

• Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost versus the value of each option

. • Political Feasibility: Are the options viable?

• Legal Implications: Are the options legal? What are the ramifications?

• Administrative Ease: How difficult would each option be to implement?

• Fairness: Does each option treat individuals affected fairly?

• Timeliness: Can each option be implemented in a timely reasonable fashion?

• Targeted Impact: Does each option actually target the problem/population involved (Tietelbaum & Wilensky, 2013, p. 260).

Option 1. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Option 2. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Option 3. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Option 4. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Your team may choose to insert brief tables in this section to illustrate how the team assessed each option. Make sure to keep the table content concise and brief, as tables are supposed to supplement your narrative. You might want to refer to the analytic side-by-side Table 13-2 appearing on page 261 of Tietelbaum and Wilensky’s textbook.

ICU COST in a 20 bed unit

ICU COST in a 20 bed unit

Dear Students: Attached is an Excel Spreadsheet of a “valid and reliable” data set of potential ICU costs in a 20 bed unit. The ICU director has goals that she must meet on an annual basis to keep her annual contract. You are the associate director in charge of research and she has asked you to answer the following based on the data of an average amount per day (each is worth 1 extra point for your overall grade – you must provide the correct answer within 10% of the exact number): 1. Will she meet her goal of $500,000 profit for the year – If yes, by how much – If no, by how much? [You can use the data as a monthly amount that can be extrapolated x 12 for an annual amount] 2. What are the percentage of days that DRGs are covering costs in the ICU [You can use the data as a monthly amount that represents the entire year] 3. What is the percent of variation explained by the process of care (part 1), and the structure of care (part 2). [You can use the data as a representation for the entire year. I suggest SPSS or SAS to complete the multiple regression – hint: you can use pearson MR] 4. What is the greatest single predictor of total costs and is it statistically significant at p<0.01? * Note: Please let me know if you would like me to scan the chapter on multiple regression from the book if you need it or can’t find how to do it.

The ethical implications for Samantha a natural health practitioner

This is a paper that is focusing on the ethical implications for Samantha a natural health practitioner. The paper also discusses the legal ramifications in the case study in the assignment.

The ethical implications for Samantha a natural health practitioner

This assessment requires you to read the case study below and fully answer each of the following questions:

Question 1
What are the ethical implications for the health practitioner in this case study?
Identify the key factors the health practitioner needs to consider in this scenario
Explain why you believe these issues are unethical, using relevant literature to support your decision/s

Question 2
What are the legal ramifications involved in this case study?
Identify the key factors the health practitioner needs to consider in this scenario
Explain why you believe these issues may have legal ramifications, using relevant literature to support your decision/s

Case study
Samantha is a natural health practitioner working in her own private practice.  Recently her neighbour and friend Margaret approached her and told her she was suffering from a terminal illness, and asked Samantha to help her with treatment.  Samantha had always liked Margaret and was very keen to help her, and so she agreed.  Samantha would regularly go to Margaret’s house after-hours and provide treatment, as well as help her with cooking and cleaning.  As the weeks progressed, Margaret’s health deteriorated and her son Jack moved in to help with Margaret’s end-of-life care.  Samantha and Jack established a good rapport, and Jack showed
an interest in Samantha’s treatment practices – soon becoming a client himself.  Quite often Samantha would join Jack for a glass of wine and dinner after treating Margaret, and they would stay up late discussing their personal lives.

Ensure that you include a reference page and a cover page for the assignment. All sources use for this assignment should be in the reference page. Also, cite the references in the paper as it is a requirement.

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie. She is in the office for a follow-up visit by herself. Josie reports, “I think my symptoms are 80% better on medication. But I do still worry and obsess, particularly at work.

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie

Based on the discussion, be sure to decide what medication you prescribed to Josie at that first visit. Use that medication as needed in this paper.

Review the case study and then answer the questions that follow.

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie. She is in the office for a follow-up visit by herself.

Josie reports, “I think my symptoms are 80% better on medication. But I do still worry and obsess, particularly at work. I am also getting horrible anxiety attacks, where I freeze and am not able to move. It has happened about once a week since my last visit.

“…. Ah…. I hate to admit this. Ummmm…. This is confidential, right? The last one at work was during a code blue.

“…. But yes, overall, I feel much better. The medication is working in general. It’s just, occasionally that I feel like that. I’m tolerating the medication well but I have noticed dry mouth and a decreased sexual drive. And, um, yeah, you can imagine the friction that is causing in my relationship with Robs.

“So, what I’m thinking is, could I have Xanax? Or maybe Ativan? I know those are really good for anxiety like this. I think they’d really help me.”


From your perspective as Josie’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions in a-page double-spaced paper (not including the reference page) and in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based references.

1-Compare and contrast at least four medications that Josie could take “as needed.” Please include generic/brand name, pros, and cons for each medication.
2-Are there any additional questions that you would want to know and/or labs that you would order before prescribing an “as needed” medication?
3-Which pharmacological treatment would you choose? Please include rationale, starting dose, tapering schedule (if any), how the medication works, major drug/drug interactions, and patient education.
4-What community and support resources would you provide to Josie?
5-Would you refer Josie to therapy? If so, what type? Please provide evidence for your decision.

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

This is a paper that is focusing on the Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper in detail.

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following: Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage of the child. Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.

Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would develop mentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Explanation of a specific health-related matter, disease, disability

For your first assignment, write a brief explanation of a specific health-related matter, disease, disability, procedure, etc. Your explanation may have a practical purpose; in fact, it will help to imagine how real people might use your explanation.

Explanation of a specific health-related matter disease disability

For your first assignment, write a brief explanation of a specific health-related matter, disease, disability, procedure, etc. Your explanation may have a practical purpose; in fact, it will help to imagine how real people might use your explanation. Your audience will be people with no specific medical training, and especially no training in the field to which your topic belongs. However, while they do not have specialized training, they are not necessarily uneducated. You do not want to talk over their heads, but neither do you want to appear in style or attitude to be condescending to them.

The topic you explain in your paper must be technical enough that an average reader would not be able to understand it without your help. You must choose at least one section of your paper and provide an explanation of a highly technical aspect of your topic, and write the explanation so that any member of the general public can understand it.

            Try to imagine your readers as specifically as possible.

Perhaps they are people who are so affected by illness, trauma, or anxiety that they cannot think and read at their normal levels. They are friends or relatives of a patient who is afflict with an illness or who is undergoing procedures they need to understand. Perhaps they are simply members of the general public who have, for whatever reason, developed an interest in the topic.

Base your explanation upon material written for a technical or professional audience, such as a journal article, or several such articles (the reference librarians at Shields and the other libraries can help with this requirement, and I will say more about sources in class).

You will have to design your language, sentence structure, and format to make the material accessible to your audience, and will also need to provide background information and definitions. In writing about a technical matter to people outside your field, it usually helps to anticipate and address questions—particularly “how” and “why” questions—that they may have. Try, also, to adopt as concrete a language as possible, perhaps using analogies to help you support abstract points and ideas.

As you choose to include or omit bits of information, keep in mind what the reader needs to know. Feel free to add a sketch, diagram, photo, chart, or any other kind of illustration. Whatever you do, please do not try to recycle a paper from another course. Such a paper will not fit the topic, and will thus have an ill-focused quality about it that will inevitably produce dullness and a bad grade. As our course information sheet explains, for citing outside sources, we will use the CBE/CSE Name-Year System. You will need citations in the body of your paper, and a separate “References” page at the end.

The Cosmetic Surgery Center service delivery to patients

This is a paper that is focusing on The Cosmetic Surgery Center service delivery to patients. The paper also provides links to use in researching the assignment paper.

The Cosmetic Surgery Center service delivery to patients


You just started working as a Health Service Manager within one of the following health care industries.  First choose an industry below to discuss the questions that follow:
a.   Ambulatory Surgery center
b.  Pharmacy
c.   Physician’s Office
d.  Cosmetic Surgery Center
e.   Laser Eye Center
f.    Dental Office

Your boss has asked you to write a report detailing how the demand for your product(s) is impacted by various economic factors.  In writing your memo, be sure to include your name and also in the subject line identify the health care entity you chose above. In order for your boss to easily review your memo, please include section headers to correspond to the questions below.

The Cosmetic Surgery Center service delivery to patients

Answer the following questions relying primarily on the course readings and also other resource material presented in this class (do not cite any other outside sources).
Course material below plus PowerPoint lesson review (attached):

3.  Thirdly, describe a product or service your company provides to your patients
4.  Fourthly, evaluate the demand curve for your product and relationship between the price of your service/product and the quantity demanded.

In this evaluation, be sure to identify:
Firstly ,whether demand is sensitive (e.g. elastic) or less sensitive (e.g. inelastic) to changes in the price and evaluate why this relationship might occur.
Secondly, include a discussion of how the existence of health insurance would impact the elasticity of demand.
Thirdly, define “substitute” goods and identify potential substitutes for your product/service. Also, evaluate how does the existence of a substitute impact the demand for your product/service.
Lastly, define “complement” goods and identify potential complements for your product/service. Additionally, evaluate how does the existence of complement goods impact the demand for your product/service.
Identify and also discuss the economic factors that might lead to a shift in the demand curve for your product/service?

Buddy Wiser neural structures and processes of the nervous system

This is a paper that focuses on the Buddy Wiser neural structures and processes of the nervous system. The paper also provides further instructions to follow in writing the paper.

Buddy Wiser neural structures and processes of the nervous system

Buddy Wiser is at a party and decides to drink some beer.  He’s studying the label (a picture of a pig) on his 3rd or 4th bottle when he hears a balloon pop.  He startles, drops the bottle on his bare toe, screams in pain, and gets quite anxious about it.  The next week when visiting a farm, he is reminded of the whole incident, as he passes by the pig sty.
Discuss the neural structures and processes of the nervous system involved in the behaviours described above. Range from the neurobiological and synaptic mechanisms to the neural pathways.

– watch all the recordings!! and check the lecture slides, and read the readings then basing on the relevant materials from these you need to answer the essay question(which is below in red), however, you need to answer this question with referencing the lecture materials. Also, the essential readings, thus the references the lecturers have put, you need to put as well(of course only the ones which are relevant for the answer), so you need to answer the essay topic based on the lecture contents, with references provide in the lectures

– Furthermore, you will need to do a little bit of independent research, finding about 3- 5 extra references which fits the essay. For example a modern theory on why this process is happening which the lecturer did not include and seems relevant. (of course this should be only briefly mentioned, or something which the lecturer mentioned briefly. Also, you further researched it, show some originality. (these need to be academic references, eg from google scholar, sciencedirect)

– The essay as any high – quality university level essay needs to have an introduction(it should include what the essay will be about. E.g The following essay will first analyse the auditory processes in Buddy Wisers behaviour. Then long term potentiation. Finally fear and anxiety, something like this, of course more detailed and academic) a main body and a conclusion.