Strategic environmental analysis system

Strategic environmental analysis system

This is an assignment that focuses on the creation of a strategic environmental analysis system. The paper requires consideration of the essential analysis frameworks.

The creation of a strategic environmental analysis system

Individual Assignment:
Assignment Question:

Firstly, you have been asked as a consultant to assist a client in the creation of a strategic environmental analysis system. Secondly, what do you consider to be the essential analysis frameworks in the external and organizational environments? And why? Critically discuss the elements of each framework.


Consequently, please focus on the assignment, answering all parts and use theory selectively to support your arguments. You may also quote from industry/company/financial press sources. Please also make sure your referencing of all sources is to an established convention and standard. If in doubt use “Harvard” referencing. You need to consult with at least 15 academic references to develop your argument.
Marking criteria Knowledge of the subject area, including academic debates and any recent or
anticipated developments

Structure of answer, including the coherent development of arguments and the use of an introduction and conclusion
Focus on the question asked, including the ability to determine what is relevant and the omission of superfluous information/material
Also, use of appropriate sources, including journal articles, books and authoritative reports
Originality of interpretation, including depths of analysis and the ability to present arguments based on sound reasoning
Standard of presentation, including the use of language and grammar, layout of the text, footnote referencing, bibliography and adherence to the stipulated word limit

Submission and writing guidelines

Ensure that the paper is at least four pages long using the Times New Roman font style. Additionally, the paper should be double spaced using font size 12. Ensure you add all the references in a different page from the rest of the assignment.

Creation of an organizational analysis and design plan

Creation of an organizational analysis and design plan

Creation of an organizational analysis and design plan for an organizational concern or behavioral challenge that is critical IN my organization- A HOSPPITAL SYSTEM. Assume I Am the person in charge—the one with the power to make the changes or making the presentation to the executive board.

Creation of an organizational analysis and design plan

Firstly, Creation of an organizational analysis and design plan for an organizational concern or behavioral challenge that is critical IN my organization- A HOSPPITAL SYSTEM.

Assume I Am the person in charge—the one with the power to make the changes or making the presentation to the executive board.

Secondly, Identification of the ethical dilemma: highlight key points of the case including challenges and dilemmas FACE IN HOSPITAL SYSTEM.

Thirdly, Define the organizational context from a management perspective of a HOSPITAL

Fourthly, Define the organizational context from a leadership perspective OF A hospital SYTEM

Further,  Analysis: discuss the problems and leader’s/company’s strategy of HOSPITAL SYSTEM

Recommendation: offer alternative solutions via plan of action of hospital
Action plan with respective theories in ethics and leadership of Hospital SYTEM

Action that needs to be taken (make sure these are tangible actions, and not pure theory) and their ethical considerations. See if you can get your management to help with implementation.

Action Plan (also provide a timeline—there can be some long term items; must have short term tasks within the next 30 days) including resources required.

Measurements (how will I establish return on investment, return on people, organizational health such as retention and absenteeism) IN MY ORGANISATION A HOSPITAL SYSTEM

§ Repeat this as needed for each recommendation

Note   Reference page: Minimum of three scholarly resources from the library and from within the last ten years.

More details;

What is Organisational context?
Organizational context is defined as the characteristics of the organization including the firm’s size, degree of centralization, degree of formalization, and managerial structure.


Lifestyle Diseases in the Modern Era of Medical Revolution

Lifestyle Diseases in the Modern Era of Medical Revolution

Lifestyle Diseases in the Modern Era of Medical Revolution. For this assignment, you will write your own Ted Talk, on any subject you choose. You should have a goal for this TED Talk: Do you want to inform? Do you want to inspire? Do you want to motivate? Do you want to create change? Do you want to comfort people?

Lifestyle Diseases in the Modern Era of Medical Revolution

For this assignment, you will write your own Ted Talk, on any subject you choose.
You do not need to be an “expert” in the topic. You should care deeply about your topic, though. Choose a topic you can research and discuss with passion and conviction.
You should have a goal for this TED Talk:

Firstly, Do you want to inform?

Secondly, Do you want to inspire?

Thirdly, Do you want to motivate?

Fourthly, Do you want to create change?

Further, Do you want to comfort people?
The talk must be at least five paragraphs of text, and it should be about 1,000 words. You will ONLY submit the written essay, NOT a recording.
However, to review and polish your work, it would be a great idea to record yourself delivering the talk. When you read your essay aloud, you will likely discover wordiness, awkward phrasing, and lack of flow. This process will help you refine your writing.


A strong introduction is crucial.

Firstly, Draw in your audience members with something they care about. If it’s a topic the general audience thinks about a lot, start with a clear statement of what the idea is. If it’s a field they never think about, start off by invoking something they do think about a lot and relate that concept to your idea. -If the idea is something fun, but not something the audience would ever think about, open with a surprising and cool fact or declaration of relevance (not a statistic!). If it’s a heavy topic, find an understated and frank way to get off the ground; don’t force people to feel emotional.
Secondly, Get your idea out as quickly as possible.

Thirdly, Don’t focus too much on yourself.

Fourthly,  Don’t open with a string of stats.


In presenting your topic and evidence:
• Make a list of all the evidence you want to use: Think about items that your audience already knows about and the things you’ll need to convince them of. Order all of the items in your list based on what a person needs to know before they can understand the next point, and from least to most exciting. Now cut out everything you possibly can without losing the integrity of your argument. You will most likely need to cut things that you think are important. Consider making this list with a trusted friend, someone who isn’t an expert in your field.

• You must do research for your essay, using reliable sources (as reviewed in week 8), and you can also conduct personal interviews for your source materials.

• Spend more time on new information: If your audience needs to be reminded of old or common information, be brief.

• Use empirical evidence and limit anecdotal evidence.

• Don’t use too much jargon, or explain new terminology.

• (Respectfully) address any controversies in your claims, including legitimate counterarguments, reasons you might be wrong, or doubts your audience might have about your idea.
• Don’t let citations interrupt the flow of your explanation.


• Find a landing point in your conclusion that will leave your audience feeling positive toward you and your idea’s chances for success. Don’t use your conclusion to simply summarize what you’ve already said; tell your audience how your idea might affect their lives if it’s implemented.

• Avoid ending with a pitch (such as soliciting funds, showing a book cover, using corporate logos).

• If appropriate, give your audience a call to action.

Financial report healthcare industry situational analysis

Financial report healthcare industry situational analysis

Part 1: Find one-two articles that are healthcare industry related to two or more of the financial reports listed: balance sheet, statement of operations, statement of changes in net assets, statement of cash flows.

Part 1: Find one-two articles that are healthcare industry

Use the following questions below as a template and address all questions within your written assignment.
This paper requires correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format. I Note that research publication dates should be from September of 2014 to the current date.
Part 1: Find one-two articles that are healthcare industry related to two or more of the financial reports listed: balance sheet, statement of operations, statement of changes in net assets, statement of cash flows.

Find a hospital or health care facility (or the one you work at) and review their financial statements. The article(s) must be current within two years.

Part 2:

Of the financial reports you chose to review, describe the major facts. Explain what the financial report(s) tell you about the current financial environment.

Part 3:

Firstly, Compare the similarities and contrast the differences of each article. In what ways are they different?

Secondly, In what ways are they similar? Appraise the implications of each of the financial reports you chose for the hospital or health care facility you are reviewing in Part 1.

Part 4:

Firstly, Recommend two or three key potential growth needs.

Secondly, Formulate and justify 3 or more strategies for your recommendations. Is the hospital or healthcare entity in financial jeopardy?

Thirdly, What types of debt is the facility facing?

Include in your paper:Organize your paper according to the four parts above and provide subheadings for each part.

Further, A brief summary of the article (One paragraph; 4-6 sentences) including a summary and mission of the health entity you chose.

Also, An explanation of the two different financial reports.

Additionally, Address all requirements for all 4 parts.

Moreover, explain the most important consideration from your research/analysis—a major point you do not want to forget, and why.

Lastly, Use ALA style for all writing, citations, and references. Provide in-text citation where appropriate (APA), APA

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Look up news articles about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act enacted in 2010 (both for and against the legislation). Then answer the following questions:

Articles about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Look up news articles about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act enacted in 2010 (both for and against the legislation). Then answer the following questions:

1) What are major inequalities related to health in the U.S. as they affect less powerful groups in society?Also apply what you learned from the required readings in your response.

2) What is the role of the state (i.e. federal government) in creating and perpetuating these inequalities?Please be specific.

3) Finally, After reading about it, do you think the PPACA legislation is helpful in terms of health inequalities? Lastly, Explain your answer.

More details;

What is the purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?
(It’s sometimes known as “PPACA,” “ACA,” or “Obamacare.”) The law provides numerous rights and protections that make health coverage more fair and easy to understand, along with subsidies (through “premium tax credits” and “cost-sharing reductions”) to make it more affordable.
How has the Affordable Care Act impacted the healthcare industry?
Tax credits for small businesses. The Affordable Care Act aims to help small businesses to get health insurance for their workers. Small businesses were to receive help in funding the cost of providing health insurance. New tax credits made it more affordable for them to buy health insurance for employees.
Additionally, What major health disparity for the working poor exists in the United States?
The United States has among the largest income-based health disparities in the world: Poor adults are five times as likely as those with incomes above 400 percent of the federal poverty level to report being in poor or fair health.



Health Information Technology and quality of patient care

Health Information Technology and quality of patient care

How does Health Information Technology improve the quality of patient care? Specifically, I will focus on current systems and how they impact the quality of healthcare delivery, patient safety, and decreasing medical errors. (Limit research to hospitals only)

Health Information Technology improve the quality of patient care

Firstly, how does Health Information Technology improve the quality of patient care?

Specifically, I will focus on current systems and how they impact the quality of healthcare delivery, patient safety, and decreasing medical errors. (Limit research to hospitals only)

More details;

Many industries have lowered costs and improved quality through investments in information technology. The health care sector, however, has been slow to follow suit.

Many providers lack the computer systems necessary to track a patient’s care or coordinate it across all the providers a patient may see. Yet, information technology can improve the quality of care patients receive by averting medical errors, improving communication and boosting efficiency.

Furthermore, the federal government has stressed the value of health information technology (HIT) in helping providers to share information quickly, monitor compliance with treatment guidelines and measure and improve their own performance. In 2009, Congress approved $29 billion for a national HIT infrastructure with the aim to spur health care providers to adopt information technology more widely in their everyday work.

Technology helps contribute to patient-centered care by fostering communication between providers and patients via online portals, text messaging, and email. It also increases access to information such as online medical records, which can improve self-monitoring and patient convenience.

Additionally, Does health information technology improve quality of care?
Many industries have lowered costs and improved quality through investments in information technology. Yet, information technology can improve the quality of care patients receive by averting medical errors, improving communication and boosting efficiency.

Keto Diet on the society

Keto Diet on the society

This essay is focusing on a Analysis on Keto Diet on the society discussing on the convergent and divergent evolution theories. Then, Analyze the keto diet for any scientific evidence to supp‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ort its effectiveness.

Discussion and analysis on Keto Diet on the society

Dieting plays a huge role in the society. Everyone wants a piece of the action. Keto diet is becoming common to everyone currently. People are involving themselves in the various diet on the keto diet list. Many dietaries are available to choose from if someone wants to change their health; e.g., lose weight. Often times, diets are promoted with claims of great success.

Investigate the diet for any scientific evidence to supp‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ort its effectiveness.

Firstly, try and describe the basic nature of the diet including the reasoning for how it works. Inquire on the dietary for any scientific evidence to supp‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ort its effectiveness.

Secondly, discuss the evolution theories

Design a controlled experiment to test the effectiveness of the diet. Provide an inquiry on the dietary in addition to what is convergent and divergent evolution? Describe in detail what is the distinction between convergent and divergent evolution theories. What impact does these evolution approaches play in regards to society.

Discuss on whether the keto diet is a result of convergent or divergent evolution. Use in-text citation and provide source references for at least 3 sources. The textbook can be one source.

Current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum

Current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum

This is a paper that is requiring the student to research the current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

The current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum

Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum. Include the following:

Firstly, examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the human experience when caring for patients.
Secondly, explain how understanding the health-illness continuum enables you, as a health care provider, to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing.
Thirdly, reflect on your overall state of health. Discuss what behaviors support or detract from your health and well-being. Explain where you currently fall on the health-illness continuum.
Fourthly, discuss the options and resources available to you to help you move toward wellness on the health-illness spectrum. Describe how these would assist in moving you toward wellness (managing a chronic disease, recovering from an illness, self-actualization, etc.).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assesses the following competency:


5.1. Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum.

Case study on resistance to antibiotics

Case study on resistance to antibiotics

For this week’s discussion we will look at a case study on resistance to antibiotics. The case study examines resistance to the most commonly used antibiotics.

Look at a case study on resistance to antibiotics

For this week’s discussion we will look at a case study on resistance to antibiotics. The case study examines resistance to the most commonly used antibiotics.  For this week’s discussion you will have the opportunity to collect and also analyze data and discuss your results.

Read through the attached case study and answer any 4 questions using your textbook and the internet as resources. Make sure to let us know what question # you are answering.  Write your post in a narrative format based on your answers to the questions.

More details;

About Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance happens when germs like bacteria and fungi develop the ability to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. That means the germs are not killed and continue to grow.

Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat. In most cases, antibiotic-resistant infections require extended hospital stays, additional follow-up doctor visits, and also costly and toxic alternatives.

Antibiotic resistance does not mean the body is becoming resistant to antibiotics; it is that bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotics designed to kill them.

Antibiotic Resistance Threatens Everyone

Antibiotic resistance has the potential to affect people at any stage of life, as well as the healthcare, veterinary, and agriculture industries, making it one of the world’s most urgent public health problems.

Each year in the U.S., at least 2.8 million people are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria or fungi, and more than 35,000 people die as a result.

No one can completely avoid the risk of resistant infections, but some people are at greater risk than others (for example, people with chronic illnesses). If antibiotics lose their effectiveness, then we lose the ability to treat infections and control public health threats.

Many medical advances are dependent on the ability to fight infections using antibiotics, including joint replacements, organ transplants, cancer therapy, and treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, and also rheumatoid arthritis.

Patient safety and organizational culture

Patient safety and organizational culture

What are the current patient safety characteristics of your organizational culture? Identify at least three aspects of your culture that need to be changed with regard to patient safety, and suggest strategies for change.

Current patient safety characteristics of your organizational culture?

What are the current patient safety characteristics of your organizational culture?

Identify at least three aspects of your culture that need to be changed with regard to patient safety. Suggest strategies for change. Apply one MSN Essential to your discussion.

More details on the assignment:

Key elements of a culture of safety in an organization include the establishment of safety as an organizational priority, teamwork, patient involvement, openness/transparency, and accountability (Lamb, Studdert, Bohmer, Berwick, & Brennan, 2003).

What is the culture of safety in healthcare?
A ‘culture of safety’ describes the core values and behaviors that come about when there is a collective and continuous commitment by organizational leadership, managers and health care workers to emphasize safety over competing goals.
Which characteristic promotes a culture of safety within a health care organization?
In addition a safety culture is characteristics are core values and goals, non-punitive responses to adverse events and errors, and promotion of safety through education and training. A safety culture requires strong, committed leadership, along with the engagement and empowerment of all employees.
What are the characteristics of safety?
A strong safety culture has a number of characteristics in common:

Firstly, Communication. Communication is most effective when it comprises a combination of top-down and bottom-up interaction.

Secondly, Commitment.

Thirdly, Caring.

Fourthly, Cooperation.

Furthermore, Coaching.

Moreover, Procedures.

Also, Training.

Additionally, Tools.

What is positive safety culture?
Organisations with a positive safety culture involves communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures.”
How is culture of safety measured?
Safety culture is generally measure d by surveys of providers at all levels. Available validated surveys include AHRQ’s Patient Safety Culture Surveys and the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire.