Aging and Medical Care

Aging and Medical Care Writing Exercise

After watching the videos entitled “Cost of Dying” and “Shortcomings of the Medical Model” and reading the consumer reports article on aggressive medical care and the overtreatment in the US article, please write a 4-7 page paper using the following directions.

  • Your paper should be in paragraph form and written like an actual paper (i.e. no short answer responses).
  • Your paper MUST include a reference page with all of your sources in APA format.
  • Your paper should also include in-text citations. (You should give credit in the body of the paper any time you use someone else’s thought or ideas, even if you paraphrase.)
  • You must use the resources provided.
  • You must find a minimum of 1 additional source and include it in your paper and reference page. You can use more, but you must find at least 1 more.
  • I am fine with using first person, it is your argument, but remember your argument should be backed up by research and evidence.
  • You should avoid unscientific resources like Wikipedia!
  • If you do not include a reference page, you will automatically receive a zero.
  • If you do not use in text citations you will automatically receive a zero.


Many people believe that more is better and that this extends to health care. There are many pieces of evidence presented in the videos and articles that address this issue. Please consider this perspective in the light of the evidence presented. In your consideration, be sure to include evidence (such as does it lead to better quality of life? longer life? how do most people wish to die?). Using the evidence presented, present a thoughtful argument for or against aggressive health care. Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion. In your paper, make sure to address the following topics.

  1. What is the medical model and why does the doctor in this video feel that the medical model is failing? (consider the goals, as presented and how it is accomplished).
  2. What is presented as the human development model and how does it differ from the medical model? How might it compliment the medical model?
  3. How might the human development model help people with the process of dying?
  4. How does the current state of health care and insurance maintain and contribute to the problem (consider all evidence provided in the videos and the article. what is the evidence about geography? availability of medical equipment and medical care, how doctors/hospitals are paid, consumer attitudes, and so on.)
  5. What is hospice care and palliative care?
  6. What are other end of life care options that could help individuals during this time?


The following resources are the same resources that are found on blackboard. They are listed here as a backup.

Video Links:

Research articles:

Click link to open resource.

Click link to open resource.

The last chapter in your text book might also be a good resource, especially to discuss hospice and other end of life options.

Discussion about Cultural Health and Awareness. Cultural Competence.

Patient-centered Outcomes Research (PCOR). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)


Assigned Readings and Media

Must read and watch all of the following

Edberg, M. (2013).  Essentials of health, culture and diversity: Understanding people, reducing disparities.  In R. Riegelman (Ed.) Essential Public Health series.  Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 12 (pp. 159-162; stop at the section about the Kleinman/Benson Person-Centered Approach to Cultural Competence.)

Must also read:

Institute of Medicine 2002 Unequal treatment What health care system administrators need to know about racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare

Must also watch:

  • What is cultural competence? [2:43]

CLASAlliance (2012, July 23).  What is cultural competence and why is it important?  Retrieved from

Must also watch:

  • Managing Your Prejudices [6:19] NOTE: there is a link to the 45-minute version of this presentation, if you are interested. Watching the full 45 minute presentation is optional.

Price-Wise, G. (2009, September 7).  Cultural competence: Managing your prejudices.  Retrieved from

Helpful resources for this assignment

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (Links to an external site.)

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a number of resources on the topic of cultural competence.  This link takes you to the SHARE Approach (there is a PDF version available on this site if you want to save it for your files, use it for your Reflection Paper, etc.).  According to AHRQ, “the SHARE Approach is a 1-day training program developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to help health care professionals work with patients to make the best possible health care decisions. It supports shared decision-making through the use of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR).


Week 13 Discussion

This week I want you to dig deep into the material and your own thoughts, attitudes and experiences as you prepare for and participate in this discussion board.

After completing the assigned readings (i.e., the chapter in the textbook and the report brief published by the Institute of Medicine), reviewing the web sites and watching the videos, respond to the following questions:

  1. Of the definitions of cultural competence described in the textbook (p. 160; Box 12-1) or in the video presented by CLASAlliance (2012), which one resonates with you? Why?
  2. What is your interpretation of the connection between cultural competence and the issue of health disparities?
  3. How do the CLAS Standards (textbook, p. 160-161; OMH web site) work to minimize the gap between cultural competence and the issue of health disparities? Be sure to use oneof the 14 Standards as an example in your response.


10 Antidotes Paper


You will write about 10 different antidotes, for example, N-acetylcysteine, …etc mention the
advantages, disadvantages, indications and why it is important.
No Figures or Tables.
Number of references: 3-5
Plagiarism: Do not exceed 20%
Font: size 12
The margins are 2 cm from right, left, up, and down
Line space: 1.5

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Assignment 


Criteria: 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points


1 Point 0 Points Points Earned Total possible points
1. Research articles Articles were:

1) Submitted to med surg instructor by established deadline.

2)  Two approved articles submitted with final paper.

3) Research based

4) < 5 years old


Three criterion met Two criterion met One criterion met No criterion met   4
2. Introduction Paragraph     1) Purpose of paper is clearly stated

2) Significance to healthcare is clearly stated

One criterion met No criterion met   2
3. Summary of Research Articles One paragraph for each research article (2 total). Must contain:

1) sample size

2) Purpose of study

3)Description of study



Three criteria met Two criteria met One Criterion met No criterion met   4
4. Implications for Nursing Practice 1) Clearly describe how the findings impact nursing practice

2) Make specific recommendations for nursing practice/practice changes based on research findings.

 One criterion met;

One criterion not thorough or clearly described

Both criterion are present but neither  are thorough or clearly described Only one criterion present. No criterion met   4
5. Conclusion     1) Restate problem

2) Summarize main points of paper

One criterion met No criterion met   2
6. Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling 1) Sentence structure clear.

2) Correct grammar

3) Correct punctuation

4) No spelling errors

 (1-2 Errors) (3-4 Errors) (5-6 Errors) (Greater than 6 Errors)   4
7. APA Format (7th ed.) APA format (7th ed.) used appropriately:

1) Title page

2) Page numbers

3) In-text citations

4) Reference page

(1 Error) (2 Errors) (3 Errors) (Greater than or = 4 Errors)   4
Total Points Earned   28
Calculation of grade = total points earned/total possible points X 3 points    




This is a short essay answering the following two questions.

1. The human body is composed of several distinct fluid compartments. Identify the body fluid compartment that is most important in controlling the homeostasis of the human body and explain why it is best suited to perform this task.

2. Analyze and explain how the muscular system structure and function helps to maintain homeostasis in the human body.

Neurophysiology Assignment

Neurophysiology Assignment. Grading Rubric

Name                                                                                       Total                  

Formatting (10 pts)

Typed and double-spaced with no split columns? (10 pts)

Introduction (25 pts)

Provides appropriate and concise background information on disease with specific relation to Nervous system [brain region(s) affected, neurotransmitter system alteration etc] (17 Pts)

Included appropriate references? (4 pts)

Comprehensible and grammatically correct? (4 pts)

Neurophysiological Evidence of Pathogenesis (25 pts)

Included neurophysiological evidence(s) relating to the pathogenesis (15 pts)

Relevant references included (5 pts)

Comprehensible and grammatically correct? (5 pts)

Reference to Hille Chapter (15 pts)

Provided relevant reference to the Hille chapter(s) (discussed at least 3 chapters’ material). (12 pts)

Comprehensible and grammatically correct? (3 pts)

Treatment strategy (15 pts)

Mentioned at least 2 agonist or antagonist and related it to neurophysiology (action potential and current-voltage graphs). (12 pt)

Are all cited references listed and all references listed used in the paper? (3 pt)

References (10 pts)

Is the minimal number of references (8 ) listed? (2 pt)

Are all cited references listed and all references listed used in the paper? (3 pt)

Is all relevant information (authors, date, journal, volume, page numbers) listed? (3 pt)

Correct in-text citation and consistent formatting? (2 pt)




Healthy People 2030 Discussion

The topics have already been grouped into 4 categories and you must include a discussion related to one topic from each group in your submission.

Community Health Topics:

Access to Health Services

Education & Community Programs

Environmental Health

Food Safety

Global Health

Hearing, Sensory, or Communication


Injury & Violence Prevention

Medical Product Safety

Public Health Infrastructure

Preparedness (CPR etc)


Preventive Care Topics:

Blood Disorders and Blood Safety

Healthcare Associated Infections

Health Communication & Health

Information Technology

Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Occupational Safety & Health


Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sleep Health



Disease Management:

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, & Chronic Back



Chronic Kidney Disease


Disability & Health

Dementias & Alzheimer’s Disease

Heart Disease & Stroke


Older Adults

Respiratory Diseases

Substance Use

Tobacco Use


Family & Youth Health Topics:

Adolescent Health

Early & Middle Childhood

Family Planning

Immunization & Infectious Diseases

LGBT Health

Maternal, Infant, & Child Health

Nutrition & Weight Status

Oral Health

Physical Activity

Social Determinants of Health


Nurse Patient Interview Reflection Paper

Assignment: Interview Paper Guidelines
Purpose of Assignment: The Interview Paper provides the learner with opportunities to:
• Interview an older adult to examine their life and daily activities.
• Apply theories of communication and interpersonal relationships.
• Reflect on the interview and its effect on your future nursing practice.
• Use the nursing process to identify nursing diagnosis and interventions.
Outcomes: The learner will:
• Write a formal paper addressing the elements/topics listed above.
• Evidence skills in communication and writing in a critical, reflective manner.
• Submit a paper that conforms to the specified guidelines and requirements.
Guidelines: To prepare for the Interview paper assignment, the learner will:
• Identify an older adult (70 years of age or older) and conduct a face – to – face
• Grant permission from the older adult to record (audio recommended) interview
• Maintain HIPPA requirements and only use interviewee initials (Do not record identifiers
manually or via audio).
• Destroy all notes and audio recordings upon completion of the assignment.
• Understand that the “N317 Interview Paper Rubric” will be used to evaluate/grade the
• Utilize correct APA format/style and correct grammar/syntax/spelling in writing paper.
• Ensure the paper is at least 6 pages and no more than 8 pages in length (doublespaced); this count excludes cover and reference pages.