The understanding in corporate governance in organization

This is an assignment that focuses on the understanding in corporate governance in organization. The paper involves answering two sections on the topic.

The understanding in corporate governance in organization


1) Firstly, key theoretical perspectives underlying the remuneration of executive directors in major national or multinational firms; 2) Secondly, the institutional requirements and guidance as to the setting of executive director remuneration for quoted companies in the UK; 3) Thirdly, major issues and controversies arising in respect to executive director remuneration in recent years;

4) also then against this contextual background proceed to outline the nature of executive director remuneration in one major UK listed company, identifying and interpreting changes in the nature of remuneration over the past 10-15 years, how these were communicated to stakeholders, and any specific issues relating to that remuneration and its manner of determination which you consider to be insightful and relevant. Relevant material will be available from a whole variety of sources including lecture and class notes and handouts, books, journal articles, Blackboard, and also wider ranging internet sources.

A1. the role of corporate governance in firms where there is separation of ownership from control; A2. the importance of corporate governance in sustaining competitive advantage. A3. how to think about governance through the identification and analysis of the firm’s business model.

B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills B1. Firstly, assess the role of capital markets in aligning the interests of managers with those of owners; B2. Secondly, understand the relationship between strategy and the role of board structures in corporate governance; B3. Thirdly, evaluate how executive compensation arrangements align the interests of managers with those of owners C. Transferable and Generic Skills C1. Communicate complex ideas and also arguments fluently and effectively; C2. Critically evaluate qualitative and quantitative information.

You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company

You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company in preparation for your Midterm Exam.  Your goal is to develop an understanding of Ford’s current business strategies, challenges and the industry and market segments in which it competes.

You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company

Midterm Exam Preparation:
You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company in preparation for your Midterm Exam.  Your goal is to develop an understanding of Ford’s current business strategies, challenges and the industry and market segments in which it competes.  In particular, you should concentrate on Ford’s recent (2018) decision to cease production of most models of sedans for the North American market.

Below are some sources that can get you started but you will need to supplement your research beyond these initial sources:
Ford website:

Mergent Online: Ticker is F

Ford made bold decision to stop making sedans: How it’s…

Ford accelerates cost-cutting plan, will drop most U.S. sedans

Also, Ford dropping all but 2 cars from its North American dealerships…

Ford To Ditch Cars In North America, Focus On Trucks And SUVs…

Ford Will Drop Focus and Fusion Sedans in North America – The……
Ford to Drop All Passenger-Car Lines Except Mustang | News……

Exam Instructions:

Respond to all parts of the essay question below using specific evidence and information to support your analysis and recommendation while staying focused and concise.  Your goal in this exam is to demonstrate that you understand the course concepts and tools.  To that end, your responses should make explicit use of our course concepts, tools and techniques.  Within your essay, you can and should incorporate figures and tables to more concisely present your comprehensive analyses.  In addition, your essay response should use credible evidence to build your analyses and arguments.  Accordingly, you will need use appropriate within-text citations and provide a full reference list at the end of your essay.

Your response must be well written and reflect your own individual work.  Because this is an exam I will not review drafts of your essay.  The file you upload to BB must be in .doc, .docx or .pdf format no later than 11:59pm.  Also, Late submissions will not be accepted, no exceptions.

Essay Prompt:

Conduct research on Ford Motor Company to respond to the following questions in essay format:

Provide an introductory explanation of Ford’s current business situation taking care to identify the most salient business challenges, and specifically address the North American sedan decision.

Conduct a comprehensive PEST analysis OR 5-forces analysis to analyze the external environment for Ford.  Take care to comprehensively gather and cite information to complete the analysis.

Conduct a comprehensive Capability Analysis OR Strategy Map Analysis OR Growth/Share Portfolio Analysis to analyze Fords’s competitive position.  Take care to comprehensively gather and cite information to complete the analysis.

Synthesize the most significant opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses from your analyses of the external environment (from #2) and your competitive position (from #3).

Evaluate Ford’s new strategy in North American and global strategies, including autonomus and electric vehicles.

FIRSTLY, What corporate level, business level and functional level strategies and/or socially responsible strategies is Ford pursuing with these actions?

SECONDLY, What are the prospective benefits of these strategies (e.g value creation along the value chain for business-level strategies, economies of scope and/or scale for corporate level strategies, stakeholder alignment for socially responsible strategies)?

THIRDLY, What are the limitations?

FOURTHLY, Which specific strategic mode are they using to implement this strategy.

ALSO, What are the advantages and limitations of the mode?

Extra Credit:

We talked about three corporate governance mechanisms this semester.  Evaluate Ford on 2 out of the 3 governance mechanisms (Hint: Mergent Online is an easy resource for this information).  Take care to use concepts from our course in your response.

The analysis of three competitors within an industry of your choice

This is a paper that focuses on the analysis of three competitors within an industry of your choice. The paper also provides clear guidelines for writing this paper.

The analysis of three competitors within an industry of your choice

A‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nalyze three competitors within an industry. A good competitive analysis is a scouting report of the actual market terrain the industry itself must navigate in order to be successful. A Competitive Analysis is a tool utilized in the strategic planning process to: Help management understand their competitive advantages and disadvantages within the industry. Generate an understanding of competitors’ past, present, and (most importantly) future strategies. Provide an informed basis to develop strategies to achieve competitive advantage in the future. Forecast the returns that may be made from future investments. In this assignment, the student will select an industry to explore. Make sure it has an IBISWorld (database) industry code.

The analysis of three competitors within an industry of your choice

Then prepare a competitive analysis of three of the largest industry competitors you are analyzing (or those with relevant stats). Thoroughly research these industry competitors, representing:

1. Executive summary: Firstly, write a high-level overview of the paper; this would be read by a busy executive to determine interest in the report and its findings. (one-page length).

2. Industry overview and description: Financial data, revenue size, number of competitors, industry leaders, etc. Secondly, provide key industry stats based on IBIS or Hoover’s information (other sources are available as well). You may consider utilizing a chart to demonstrate the information in this section with some text information to transition information and lay a foundation.

3. Key factors: Thirdly, indicate factors that drive this industry in regards to growth and innovation include an environmental scan of the social, legal, regulatory, demographic areas, etc. Provide a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat analysis) of the industry in a grid format. Moreover, include an analysis utilizing Porter’s Five Forces of the industry itself.

4. Analysis of the top three competitors:

Fourthly, develop an analysis of key factors for the competitors and a SWOT of each competitor. A grid format presents a strong representation for both the analysis and the SWOT. It should include company financial data, major lines of business and potential divisions of‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ interest, market positioning, market share, branding, target market, company overview, products, revenue, HQ, employees, financial overview, points of differentiation, critical success factors, etc. Summarize this section by answering the following questions: How do the companies stand up to the competition? What are the competitive edges of each? What does each do better than its competition? Where might each competitor be vulnerable? What is the major “watch-out” for each competitor? Why? And if none, what are the vulnerabilities? Finally, what are the market strategies utilized by each to achieve their objectives?

Industry future

5. Industry future (this is your higher-level analysis of the “industry facts”): Also, what factors will influence the success or decline of this industry over the next three years? Where do you see the competitors in three years, and how will the industry itself change? What recommendations would you have for each competitor based on what you have researched? Consider how you would relate Blue Ocean Strategy to the industry-specific to the three competitors. This section should demonstrate how well you have synthesized the information and also your analysis. This section should be two to three pages in length and supported by your research.

6. Conclusion: Lastly, your final thoughts on this industry. Would you recommend it as an industry for investment over the next three years? (Sections 5 & 6 need to be at least three pages with support.) Does this industry have a future for you? Additionally, this paper requires substantive research using credible secondary sources citing six to eight credible references sources including IBIS. The final paper should be approximately 10 to 12 pages plus references and exhibits. The paper MUST be in APA format with a cover page, table of contents, reference page, and any applicable appendices The topic is Wireless Telecommunications in the US the IBIS #5172‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍1 on IBIS WORLD

The reasons for internal control weakness at Jonathan LLC

This is an assignment that focuses on the reasons for internal control weakness at Jonathan LLC. The paper also investigates the actions to improve the existing internal control system.

The reasons for internal control weakness at Jonathan LLC

Jonathan LLC

Mr.Paul was working as senior accountant of Jonathan LLC for the last five years. Two month before Mr.Paul has given resignation and agreed to work for three months until the management finds a suitable replacement for his position. The accounts department consists of 5 employees including Mr.Paul at present. The assistant accountant has been given signing authority of supplier cheques and some of the functions of senior accountant also assigned to him.

It has been noted that large amount of outstanding for the suppliers were pending and few of the suppliers have stop supplying goods to Jonathan LLC from last month. The credit period was extended to customers to improve the sales and most of the customers have not settled the dues on time. Few of the customers are disappearing and unable to find them in the market. The assistant accountant is suggesting to the management that to meet the temporary financial difficulties,

Jonathan LLC should approach the bank for additional overdraft facilities to overcome the cash-flow difficulties.
Managing director is to appoint an internal auditor to find out the reasons for present financial difficulties. Additionally, to rectify weakness in record maintenance by the staff in finance department.  He further comments that the computer system installation many years ago is not supporting increasing number of transactions in present times.

The reasons for internal control weakness at Jonathan LLC

In the meantime, the managing director has informed the assistant accountant that there is a new project. The new project is going to be award to Jonathan LLC in three months’ time. There is an immediate fund requirement is RO 1,000,000. The assistant accountant to evaluate the options available for raising funds to meet the financial obligation of Jonathan LLC.
You have been appoint as senior accountant to Jonathan LLC. Also, you are to function from the next month to take over many tasks handed over to the assistant accountant.

You are to prepare a report to the managing director. The report is to address the following two concerns raised by the managing director.

Task 1
The reason for the internal control weaknesses. Also, what are the actions that you can proposed to the management improve the existing internal control system. You also need to state what are the consequence of having weak internal control system in the organization. (Your report should support proper explanations with reasonable number of examples).      (Marks 10)

Government to destroy an entire company because of the misdeeds

Read the ethics case on page 4-45. Do you think it was fair for the government to destroy an entire company because of the misdeeds of some of its members? Or had Andersen become such a serious offender that such an action on the part of the government was justified?

Government to destroy an entire company because of the misdeeds

Discussion Topic:1
Read the ethics case on page 4-45
FIRSTLY, Do you think it was fair for the government to destroy an entire company because of the misdeeds of some of its members?

SECONDLY, Or had Andersen become such a serious offender that such an action on the part of the government was justified?

Unit 3 Discussion: Amrerica’s Ailing Drug Policies.

Discussion Topic:2
Read the ethics case on pp. 6-38
FIRSTLY, Given how critical some drugs are in saving peoples’ lives, do you think it is ethical to charge high prices for these drugs?

SECONDLY, What are some of the ethical considerations discussed in the case, and if you were the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, what would your approach be?
Unit 4 Discussion: The Subprime Mortgage Market Meltdown – How Did it Happen?

Discussion Topic:3

Read the ethics case on page 8-29, and answer the following questions in one original post.

FIRSTLY, What were the responsibilities of the mortgage brokers to borrowers? To lenders? To investors? How well did they fulfill their responsibilities? Why?

SECONDLY, Did some subprime lenders behave unethically? If so, how? Whose interests did the subprime lenders have a responsibility to represent? Did they adequately represent those interests?

THIRDLY, What could be done to prevent future blowups like the one that occurred in the subprime market?

Unit 5 Discussion: Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan

Discussion Topic:4
Read the ethics case on page 11-37, and answer the following questions in one original post.

FIRSTLY, Should Unilever’s stockholders endorse its sustainability plan? Why or why not?

SECONDLY, Are there business advantages to using sustainable or green suppliers? If so, what are they? If not, do you think a traditional return on investment analysis captures all possible benefits of going green?

THIRDLY, Are there any ethical criticisms of Unilever’s sustainable living strategy? If so, what are they?

Unit 6 Discussion: Profiting From Death – “Janitor’s Insurance”

Discussion Topic:5

Read the ethics case on page 15-31, and answer the following questions in one original post.
1.      In your opinion, is COLI unethical? If you think there is something unethical about the practice, what is it? If you do not think so, why do you think so many people find it unethical?
2.      Suppose a company provided life insurance to each employee and also had a COLI policy on each employee; would that settle the fairness question?
3.      Does the fact that from a financial perspective some employees are worth more dead than alive represent a genuine conflict of interest?

Unit 7 Discussion: Compensation – How Much is Enough?

Discussion Topic:6
Using the internet, find the annual salary of the CEO of any company of your choosing.
·         Do you believe the CEO of the company you chose is being compensated for being an excellent manager?
·         Do you feel that this salary is fair, or that the salary should be higher or lower? Why?
·         If you were the CEO of company, how much would you think is a fair salary, and what would be your philosophy in compensating your employees?

Unit 1 Discussion: Is Eight Really That Great?

Discussion Topic: 8

Read the ethics case at the end of Chapter 1 titled “Incentives and Ethics: Cross-Selling at Wells Fargo” on page 1-27.
What do you think is the root cause of the opening of those unauthorized accounts?
Do you think it was the right move for the CEO to resign?
If you were the CEO of Wells Fargo, and this occurred, would you step down as CEO? Or would you take action to address what occurred? Please explain.

New Zealand based Manuka honey product organisation

Choose a New Zealand based Manuka honey product organisation. Use a framework to determine a suitable supply chain for this organisation. Discuss which aspect of the chain should or could be optimised and discuss how this is affected by the various environmental impacts on the supply chain.

New Zealand based Manuka honey product organisation

Firstly, Choose a New Zealand based Manuka honey product organisation.
Secondly, Use a framework to determine a suitable supply chain for this organisation.

Thirdly, Discuss which aspect of the chain should or could be optimised and discuss how this is affected by the various environmental impacts on the supply chain.

Fourthly, Having determined a suitable supply chain give an outline proposal plan to implement the new supply chain.

Further, Consider the financial implications of this supply chain (example; inventory, materials requirement planning investments in plant and equipment, sources of finance and measures of financial performance.

Additionally, For your chosen company suggest the inventory management policies.
Besides, Discuss the issues associated with procurement.

a. Propose a process for procurement
b. Propose policies for the procurement process

Furthermore, Discuss the issues with supplier relationships
Moreover, Include importance of particular relationships, are they associated with items being purchased or other?

Lastly, Discuss the recommended level of engagement with suppliers in design of products and warehousing, logistics, material requirement planning and inventory management.

Table of Contents Introduction

1.   Firstly, Organisation Background………………………………….

1.1 Secondly, About XXXXX…………………………………………….

1.2 Thirdly, Market Background……………………………………..

Fourthly, Discuss the market and the nature of customer demand
1.3 Further, Organisation Motive…………………………………….

1.4 Additionally, Competencies and Capabilities…………………….

(They design, manufacture and distribute; they won some award in design …)

1.5 Besides, Organizational Structure………………………………

1.6 Consequently, Supply Chain Review…………………………………..

1.6.1 Also, Flow of Information………………………………..

Discuss Supply chain flow: movement of Goods as well as exchange of money and information
1.6.2 Flow of Funds……………………………………….

1.6.3 Flow of Inventory…………………………………..

2. Suppliers………………………………………………………..

2.1 Selection Criteria………………………………………..

Discuss criteria used to select supplier

2.2 Evaluation of Suppliers………………………………..

Discuss sources of information used for evaluating suppliers
2.3 Supplier Relationship…………………………………..

3. Supply Chain Optimisation………………………………..

3.1 Framework…………………………………………………

3.2 Optimising Supply Chain……………………………..

Discuss which aspect of the chain should or could be optimised
3.3 Environmental Impacts………………………………..

Discuss how this is affected by the various environmental impacts on the supply chain
4. Proposal…………………………………………………………

Having determined a suitable supply chain give an outline proposal plan to implement the new supply chain
5. Firstly, Financial Impact………………………………………………

5.1 Secondly, Role of Cost in Purchasing Decision………………

Explain the role that cost has to play in making the purchasing decision
5.2 Total Cost of Ownership Implications…………….

Discuss TCO implications
6. Control Policies……………………………………………….

For your chosen company suggest the control policies for items of stock
7. Procurement……………………………………………………

7.1 Proposed Process………………………………………
Propose a process for procurement

7.2 Proposed Policies……………………………………….
Propose policies for the procurement process

8. Supplier Relationship……………………………………….

8.1 Importance of Relationship…………………………..

Include importance of particular relationships, are they associated with items being purchased or other?
8.2 Supplier Engagement………………………………….

Additionally, Discuss the recommended level of engagement with suppliers in design of products, warehousing, logistics, MRP and inventory management References…………………………………………………………  Appendix……………………………………………………………
Terms and Conditions for Supplier……………………..

 2 Table of Figures

Figure 1:

Firstly, Logistics Industry Contribution to the NZ Economy….

Figure 2:

Secondly, XXXX Organisation Structure…………………..

Figure 3:

Thirdly, XXXX New Zealand Supply Chain……………

Figure 4:

Fourthly, XXXX Operations…………………………………..

Figure 5:

Additionally, Proposed Optimisations in XXXX Supply Chain………

Figure 6:

Lastly, Purchasing Portfolio Matrix……………………..

Develop a business case to secure support from senior management

This is an assignment that discusses on how to develop a business case to secure support from senior management. The paper also requires use of learnt skills on real-life projects.

Develop a business case to secure support from senior management

In addition to the class-based practical exercises, the course project is designed to help the students apply the learnt skills on individually selected real-life projects. These project-based exercises are planned and integrated sequentially as the course progresses thus they are expected to be applied to the selected projects to achieve its expectations and deliverables. The student himself/herself together with the identified project stakeholders will constitute the required project resources. The instructor will discuss, explain, and also run each of the required assignments in class using a running case throughout the course. Some templates will be provided to use in specific requirement, but the students often are encouraged to develop or search for an alternative template.

Pre-Requisite: Knowledge gained and practiced in the OPM310, specifically in developing the project charter, identifying project stakeholders, and documenting project scope, schedule, and cost.

Submission format

The submission of the project will be a SINGLE pdf file through Moodle. The exact date and also time as published on Moodle by the instructor.
Required Assignments
1. Firstly, select a project and develop its project charter
2. Secondly, develop a business case to secure support from senior management
3. Thirdly, assess the alignment of the project using system approach
4. Fourthly, develop project’s Goals, Objective, Strategies, CSF, and KPI (at least one for each)

5. Additionally, assess and select appropriate project organizational structure
6. Also, use weighted selection model to select a suitable project manager
7. Use pairwise selection approach to select between suppliers
8. Apply the NPV concept to evaluate the feasibility of the project
9. Use Cause-and-effect tool to identify root causes of quality related issue
10. Apply EVM to evaluate project progress after two weeks of progress. Must include
all ten assessment EMV parameters 
11. Report progress (using status and also progress reports)
12. Demonstrate the use of contracting model (FP, CR, or T&M) with an external
13. Develop lesson learned document
14. Lastly, develop project closure document

Conducting of two UK commercial banks case study report

This is a paper that focuses on the conducting of two UK commercial banks case study report. The paper also focuses on the preparation stage requirements for the paper.

Conducting of two UK commercial banks case study report

The assignment is an individual report. This report should include a case study of two UK commercial banks. The length of the report is 1500 words (+/- 10%) excluding cover page, table of content, references and appendices.

1.    Firstly, conduct a case study of two UK commercial banks of your choice. The case study should analyse how the performance of your chosen banks has changed since the 2007-09 financial crisis, and provide a well-structured and insightful peer analysis. Your main source of data should come from Fitch Connect. Your analysis needs to be supported by well-presented data and diagrams.

2.    Secondly, your report needs to adopt a report format and must also include a cover page, a table of contents, an introduction section and a conclusion section. All references should be cited and referenced using Harvard referencing style.

Preparation stage:

a.   Firstly, which two UK commercial banks to be included in your study?
i.    There is no restriction on your choice, but if you can choose these banks for a clear rationale, this will make your report more interesting and you may get a higher mark.
ii.    Some suggestions: you can choose two banks which are very similar in size and have similar business models (i.e. they are close competitors), or you can choose two banks which are very different (e.g. one being a lot bigger in size than the other; in this case, you will be able to provide evidence on whether bigger banks performed better/worse than smaller banks after the crisis).
iii.    Be creative and innovative on the choice!

b.   Secondly, which ONE type of performance do you want to focus your report on?
i.    Performance is a very loose term; many different areas can represent the performance of a bank. Additionally, you need to specify ONE particular type of performance that you want to focus in your study.
ii.    Some suggestions for areas of performance: profitability, cost efficiency, market competitiveness, asset quality, capital adequacy management, liquidity management, credit risk management, etc.
iii.    Choose an area that you believe you understand well and also are capable of producing a good analysis. Do NOT choose more than one area of performance.

You are opening a new restaurant in Kamloops this May

You are opening a new restaurant in Kamloops this May. You need to develop a menu for dinner and drinks. Briefly describe the type/style of restaurant the number of seats/covers and justify your menu choices and pricing for your target market in an introductory paragraph.

You are opening a new restaurant in Kamloops this May

Final Course Project (30%)
You are opening a new restaurant in Kamloops this May. You need to develop a menu for dinner and drinks. Briefly describe the type/style of restaurant the number of seats/covers and justify your menu choices and pricing for your target market in an introductory paragraph.

The first part is as follows;
1. FIRSTLY, Develop a dinner menu of 8 entrees (not a side or appetizer) that you would serve at the restaurant.

a. SECONDLY,Develop a Standardised Recipe for each menu item.

b. THIRDLY, Develop Standard Purchasing Specifications for each item to be purchased.

c. FOURTHLY, Develop a recipe detail and cost card for each menu item including;

i. ALSO, Plating and garnishing instructions.

ii. FURTHER, Cost per portion.

iii. ADDITIONALLY, Selling price.

Iv. LASTLY, Food Cost Percentage.

d. FURTHERMORE,  Develop a beverage list of 5 different alcoholic & non-alcoholic drinks that you would serve (must include at least 4 cocktails, other choices may be wines by the glass or bottle or carafe, bottled or draft beer, pop etc.)

e. MOREOVER, Develop a standard drink recipe for each one of your cocktail drinks and ounces served for each glass/bottle of wine and glass/bottle of beer.

f. BESIDES, Calculate the standard cost for each drink, by costing out each of the ingredients on a recipe detail and cost card including;
i. Glassware and serving procedures
Ii. Drink Cost
iii. Selling price
Iv. Beverage Cost Percentage

The second part is as follows;

1. Using the Sales figures that will be provided later in the semester, develop a Menu Engineering sheet for the Restaurant Menu entrees from above.

2. ALSO, using the data collected analyze the menu and identify changes that would increase the profitability for the restaurant. You must provide a written summary of all of the changes you propose to make to the menu more profitable.

FINALLY, Use Excel spread sheets for Recipe Detail Cost Cards and Menu Engineering Worksheets.

ADDITIONALLY, All other required items can be word-processed using a 12-point easily legible font. LASTLY, You MUST cite where you get your pricing information from.

Law Relating to Public Companies like Excam Plc and Mad Ltd

This is a paper that focuses on the Law Relating to Public Companies like Excam Plc and Mad Ltd. The paper also provides further instructions to follow in writing the paper.

Law Relating to Public Companies like Excam Plc and Mad Ltd

Module Name: Law Relating to Public Companies
Word Limit: 2000 (1000 words for each answer). Instructions: Answer TWO questions out of four.
Answer 2 question only.

Answer either A) or B):

A)  Firstly, Dave was employed as a rigger on the drilling platform of Excam plc which was a subsidiary company of Cococco Plc a public company registered in London. Dave was seriously injured by a failure by the managers and directors of Excam to observe and implement the health and safety procedures recognised as standard best practice by the drilling industry and espoused publicly by Excam. Unfortunately for Dave Excam is now insolvent and he wishes to know whether or not he has any chance of successfully suing its parent – Cococco Plc, which is a highly profitable company.

Critically explain the law to him.

B)  Paul knows he is unwell and that he has not provided adequate pension provisions for his wife. As chairman of the board of his company (MAD Ltd) Paul borrows on behalf of the company from Zog Bank Plc, £500,000 which he then pays into a pension fund in his wife’s name. Zog wants its money back and MAD Ltd cannot repay it. Matthew wants reassurance that his wife’s pension is safe. Would it make any difference to your advice if Zog Bank was also a shareholder in MAD Ltd?

Law Relating to Public Companies like Excam Plc and Mad Ltd

Answer either A) or B):

A)  The contract created by the company’s constitution is highly unusual but the ability to enforce the constitution gives shareholders a powerful source of protection. When, however, it comes to altering the constitution are the shareholders equally protected?

Critically discuss.

B)  Directors of public companies are now required to take so many duties or factors into account when making decisions relating to the management of, and decisions for, the company that their role has become almost untenable and puts them at risk of adverse legal repercussions.

Critically discuss.
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Answer either A) or B):

A)  Capital is the essential oil that fuels the engine of a public company however the sources and use of its capital is inadequately regulated or protected by our current company law.

Critically discuss.

B)  Secondly, corporate Governance Frameworks are usually underpinned by corporate theories. Discuss some of the dominant theories of corporate law and also explain which one you find most convincing.

JASSOS plc is a successful clothing retailer in the UK and currently has multiple lucrative contracts with other companies. However, an accident in one of its overseas supplier’s factories has destroyed the majority of its products for the upcoming spring season. JASSOS plc had made substantial investments in improving its customer care centre three years ago. To do this, it had granted a floating charge over its warehouse to USC Bank. JASSOS plc was relying on the potential profits from the various contracts to pay the instalments of the loan and to meet other obligations. As a result of the accident, JASSOS plc is now unable to meet the interest payments of the bank loan. It is also struggling to pay the salaries of independent contractors hired for various projects.

Advise JASSOS plc on the options available to resolve its problems.
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