Product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy 

Use the product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy paper. Your Phase 2 paper should be 3 or more pages in length, 12-point font, double-spaced, APA formatted, and include the below sections with subheadings to identify each section:

Product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy

Firstly, use the product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy paper. Your Phase 2 paper should be 3 or more pages in length, 12-point font, double-spaced, APA formatted, and include the below sections with subheadings to identify each section:

Product Classification – Choose the Product Classification that defines this product (choose between Convenience Product, Heterogeneous Shopping Product, Homogeneous Shopping Product, Specialty Product, or Unsought Product). Further, Explain your rationale.

Branding – Firstly, describe the Branding used for this product.
Family or Individual – Secondly, does this product use family and/or individual branding? Also, Explain your rationale.
Brand Name & Mark – Thirdly, describe the brand name and brand mark and include the history and reason for the brand mark. Include image (s) of current branding as well as any brand variation they’ve used over the years
Packaging – Fourthly, describe the Packaging for this product.
Packaging Use – LASTLY, Explain how the package is used for each of the following (if one or more of the below items is not used for this function, explain why not):

Containing and Protecting the Product

Promoting the Product
Facilitating Storage, Use, and Convenience
Facilitating Recycling and Reducing Environmental Damage
Labelling – Explain the type of labelling used for this product (persuasive or informational). Provide your reasoning.
Product Life Cycle – What stage in the Product Life Cycle does this product category fall into? Choose only one stage, and explain your rationale.


Identify the product category before determining the stage in the product life cycle.
For each section above, provide detailed information to convey your understanding of the concepts applied. Use subheadings to separate each item listed above, be specific with your analysis and provide thorough rationale. In addition to the information above, pay close attention to the rubric.

Phase 2 Formatting Details:

Your Phase paper must include all listed sections, in the same order they are list ed above.
Use titles and subtitles to clearly identify each section.
If one of the outline sections is not relevant to your product and should not be covered, do NOT omit it. Instead, you must include the section and provide a statement of why the topic is not relevant to your organization, providing rationale and support for why it does not apply.
Every section above must be included and address ed.
For each phase, a cover page and reference page is require d.
Each paper must be written in third-person (no “I” or “me” or “In my opinion” or “we” etc., instead, opting for “company and managers will” or “the organization will”).

PHASE 2: Product Strategy Rubric Points Available.

Product Classification: Clearly and specifically defined the product classification, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.

Branding: Clearly and specifically defined all three areas of branding for the product, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.
Family or Individual (7 points)
Brand Name, Mark, History, Reason, Images (15 points total, 3 points each)

Packaging: Clearly and specifically defined all listed areas of packaging for the product, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.
Packaging Use
Containing and Protecting the Product (3 points)
Promoting the Product (3 points)
Facilitating Storage, Use, and Convenience (3 points)
Facilitating Recycling and Reducing Environmental Damage (3 points)
Labelling (8 points)

Product Life Cycle: Clearly and specifically defined the product life cycle stage for the product, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.
References: Paper includes at least two outside references, cited using APA formatting.
Mechanics: Followed APA style formatting, paper was free of grammatical, spelling and/or typographical errors, verb tense remained consistent throughout the entire paper, paper contained subheadings and followed assignment order, paper met length minimum of 3 pages.

Improving protections of employees’ wages and entitlements

This is an assignment essay that focuses on the improving protections of employees’ wages and entitlements. The paper also provides an assessment criteria for the essay.

Improving protections of employees’ wages and entitlements

Case Study Essay
The Attorney-General’s Department is seeking submissions on “Improving protections of employees’ wages and entitlements”. Write a submission in response to the linked

Your submission must include analysis of research published in peer-reviewed journal articles and also scholarly books. This needs to be written in accordance to Australian Workplace and Regulations eg. Fairwork Act, Modern Awards etc.

Assessment Criteria
Firstly, identify the salient rights and obligations: Have the relevant issues been identified? Have the relevant issues been distinguished from other facts? Also, have the issues been properly analysed?
Secondly, critical Analysis: Demonstrated understanding of legal issues and principles involved; insight into key issues; demonstrated understanding of legal rationale underlying the advice given; demonstrating understanding of relevant commercial and other implications of decision; critical analysis and evaluation
Thirdly, demonstrated evidence of wide reading: Familiarity with relevant legislative, case law and/or commercial developments; attention to commentary beyond the familiar texts; ability to illuminate analysis with principles from other, non-legal contextual material, etc.
Fourthly, communication skills: Thoughts and ideas clearly and succinctly expressed; adherence to conventional standards of punctuation and spelling; themes and concepts treated cohesively, etc.
Lastly, citation and Word Length: Required citation technique used; all work fully sourced; prescribed word limit observed.

Additionally, ensure that your essay is 2000 words long excluding the cover page and the reference page. Also, ensure that you include all the references that you are to use in the essay. All the writing and submission should be in accordance to the APA format guidelines. Subsequently, ensure that you cite all your references in the essay as it is a requirement for marking.

Key Sustainability issue on a fictional company strategic vision

This is a paper that focuses on the key Sustainability issue on a fictional company strategic vision. The paper also provides description on the submission of the paper assignment.

Key Sustainability issue on a fictional company strategic vision

Focus: Based on your group’s fictional case Presentation (i.e. the summative assessment 2), the priority issue identified in the Group, and the Action Plan devised, you will now submit your individual written report based on your fictional role, i.e. Managing Director of HR, or RDI, or Ops, or Marketing, or Finance, as applicable.
You are to provide solid reasoning on why your department’s role in the overall project will be beneficial not only to the department but to the company’s new strategic vision for sustainability, and how exactly your department will contribute to achieving the joint sustainability-focused action plan.

Key Sustainability issue on a fictional company strategic vision

Indicative Structure:

1. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF Summative 2 CASE (indicative word count: 250 words):
Start with a brief overview of the fictional company’s vision, aims and objectives and the identified challenge to address. Include a summary of the sustainability-driven action plan developed by your group and supported by the Gantt chart the team (should have) presented in Summative 2.

State what is the key Sustainability issue that is going to be tackled, why,  how and by when, and why the synergy between the selected departments is imperative to make the project work at its fullest.
Then, highlight what is the key role your department plays in the overall project, and elaborate on the specific contribution and synergies intent to be create during the planned implementation of the project,

STM5A5_ Sustainability _Assessment guidelines for SUMMATIVE 3: Individual Report (linked to Group Project) _2019-2020                          2

Since this is an academic work, consider making use of general management and sustainability concepts and tools. (adequately supported with academically reliable references) to fully sustain and inform your case.
We recommend that you also include a brief analysis of the department. You may wish to use tools such as SMART, or TROPICS, or a Sustainability model such as Silvius and Schipper’s. Also, The Phase Model by Dunphy, Griffiths and Benn, or any other model you like.

Analyze organizational structure and culture in an organization

MT302-6: Analyze organizational structure and culture in an organization. Ultimately, having the ability to understand and contribute to a positive organizational culture is key in today’s workforce. Those who can add value in this area will be able to grow, develop, and lead in their organization.

Analyze organizational structure and culture in an organization

Ultimately, having the ability to understand and contribute to a positive organizational culture is key in today’s workforce. Those who can add value in this area will be able to grow, develop, and lead in their organization.

MT302-6: Analyze organizational structure and culture in an organization.

You previewed this Assignment in Unit 9,Scenario (fictional):

ROBoInc. is a robotics software company with 100 employees located in South Bend, Indiana, in the United States. Until recently, the corporate culture had been established as a rigid culture that excluded families from company celebrations and in which everyone had an explicit job description. The company hires mostly locals, and only directors make any important decisions. The company has had a formal code of ethics but it has not been enforced. As a result, there have been increasing incidents of personnel doing consulting work for other companies outside of work hours. The CEO is concerned that their robotics software could be compromised.

Lately, as the company’s software has been increasingly sought out by robot-producing companies around the globe, the CEO realizes it is time to reimagine a more diverse, inclusive, and global type company, while adhering to an ethical code of conduct with uniform responses to infringement.

The CEO knows they will soon need to hire at least another 20 sales staff and additional software developers to address this increasing global demand. The CEO wants to restructure the company while keeping company costs down as much as possible.

Further, Help ROBoInc. address the problems by completing the checklist items.

Lastly, View the company’s current organizational structure.

Address the following items in your Assessment submission:

Checklist: Based on the Readings and Learning Activities address the following:
(1) Identify the characteristics needed to implement a shared ethical culture and explain how this will help the organization.

(2) Explain how the ethical culture will be affected by the global context. Also, Describe some of the global implications. Additionally, Use the Competing Values Framework in assessing the situation.

(3) Analyze the current organizational structure and identify the key questions the executives need to answer in order to create the most effective and suitable organizational structure and culture.
(4) Explain the importance of ethical leadership involved in implementing a new organization structure and suggest a possible new structure based on the Learning Activity.

Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational behavior (18th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communications in business strategy

This is a paper that focuses on the Stakeholder Engagement and Communications in business strategy. The paper also requires creation of a portfolio.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communications in business strategy

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. Firstly, apply the principles of multi-stakeholder identification, evaluation and engagement in the context of sustainable business’s strategy and approaches to managing a range of corporate/stakeholder relationships.
2. Secondly, analyse and compare stakeholder engagement approaches in different parts of the world, at various geographical scales and different statuses of power/influence.
3. Thirdly, critically assess the importance of context and desired outcome in defining content and presentation styles, including the use of digital media.
4. Fourthly, create written and oral presentation materials and practice skills which can effectively engage people of different knowledge and ability levels on sustainability topics.

Task and Mark distribution:

Create and submit a structured portfolio covering the following tasks.
1.       600 word Stakeholder Map and Evaluation 20% (ILO1)
2.       600 word Critical Reflective piece 20% (ILO1) “What am I trying to achieve with this?”
3.       Two (2) pieces of created communications: one audio-visual (e.g. a narrated PowerPoint or a video) of no longer than 3 minutes and one as a poster on the same theme to the same audience which is defined and specified by the student.  20% equally weighted (ILO 4)
4.       Found communication (hand out to due date) 20% (ILO 2 & 3) – this is student led but must meet the ILO.
5.       600 words Reflection on Action (Tasks 3 & 4) 20% (ILO 2-4)

Students must submit a portfolio containing all 5 tasks, failure to submit a task will result in deduction of the allocated marks from their grade equivalent to the total available for that task.
1.       You are expected to use the CUHarvard referencing format. For support and advice on how this students can contact Centre for Academic Writing (CAW).
2.       Then, please notify your registry course support team and module leader for disability support.
3.       Also, any student requiring an extension or deferral should follow the university process as outlined here.
4.       Lastly, the University cannot take responsibility for any coursework lost or corrupted on disks, laptops or personal computer. Students should therefore regularly back-up any work and are advised to save it on the University system.

Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign for Russia

This is a paper that focuses on the Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign for Russia. The paper also provides the outlines for writing this paper.

Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign for Russia

Topic:  Create an entire Integrated Communication Campaign for a brand of your choice and for the target Market of Russia (or one of its major cities). The campaign must be introduced by an internal analysis and exhaustive presentation of the brand and also its previous and actual communication campaign.
Report Structure as follows (approx. word count for each section used as a guide only)

1)    Executive Summary (approx. 100 words)

Succinctly outlines

The aims/objectives of the study
The methodology  (how it was done)
The main results of the analysis and decisions

2)    Secondly, brand analysis and internal analysis, including communication strategy (approx. 200 words) that describes who is the brand and also the company, its brief history and activity. It also describes how the brand arrived to the present point.

3)    Thirdly, communications Situation Analysis (approx. 500 words) that describes where the brand is now. This analysis of background information of the communication strategy is the research that provides the basis for the objectives, strategy and also tactics. An extended map with all the components of the situation analysis follows in the attachment

4) Fourthly, target Market Profile (approx. 500 words) this is the section to provide recommendations on target audience.
➢     Firstly, on what basis are you segmenting consumers? (demography? psychographics? attitudes? purchasing behaviour?)
➢     Secondly, what is their likely motivation(s) towards your product?
➢     Thirdly, do they have particular media consumption patterns?

Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign for Russia

5) Objectives (approx. 100 words) are goals or aims or end results that communicators should seek to achieve. Marketing communications objectives typically refer to the goals that marketing communications have in affecting the mind of the target audience. They should be presented in a hierarchy:

➢  Marketing objectives

➢  Communication objectives
6) Lastly, integrated Marketing Communications Strategy: your idea (approx. 500 words)

Strategy provides the direction for all those involved in the campaign to follow. It provides the framework within which they should operate. It is a means by which it is intended to achieve the objectives stated. Examples:

A Marketing Strategy: e.g. Increase sales of Budweiser in supermarkets

A Marketing Communications Strategy: e.g. Re-positioning the brand to appeal to a younger, more upmarket group of ‘at home’ drinkers

Subsequently, given the limitations in the amount of information that can be communicated in a presentation, I would recommend that the focus for coverage of other communications channels should be on the integration of the brand positioning and key messages across other communication channels.

You may wish to consider the following: sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, event marketing, ambient media, product placement, digital communications and also so on. Additionally, your written submission will allow you to expand on your recommendations for other communications channels. Given the reduced emphasis of advertising in contemporary marketing communication, you are also at liberty to decide that advertising is not your lead medium.

How digital marketing enhances the current marketing activities

This is a paper that focuses on how digital marketing enhances the current marketing activities. The paper also requires extracting of an article to use in the paper.

How digital marketing enhances the current marketing activities

2. Brief
This assessment requires you to look at digital marketing techniques within the context of total marketing and looks at how Digital Marketing can enhance current Marketing activities rather than simply replacing them for the company below (BURGER KING IN THE US). You are to complete a 2,500 word Integrated (online and offline) Marketing Plan for the company below which focusses on the practical implementation issues facing the organisation using course material and theory as a foundation to support and explain your particular proposals.

Use the extract from the article below as a starting point but note that your report should develop on the issues already mentioned in it by conducting further research, so that the content of your report is your own well thought-out analysis and justified opinion, rather than just repeating what is in the article. Explain in full any consequences and/or challenges relating to the issues found from both your further research and also in the following article extract which you can access in full at:

2.1. Background to the brief
You are a marketing consultant who has been appointed by the client company Burger King. They have you to review their marketing strategy to assess how well integrated their traditional and also digital media are. Also, to suggest with justification, potential improvements as a recommend by you. You should assume that you are undertaking this work to be submitted to the Board of Directors in the form of a written report. For this brief you must decide on which country to focus on for your report. You can refer to examples and research relating to different countries in tasks 1 and 2. Also, tasks 3-5 need to concentrate on the marketing strategy for your chosen country.

Organizational structures and devices 3M uses for entrepreneurial activity

This is a paper that focuses on the organizational structures and devices 3M uses for entrepreneurial activity. The paper also provides further questions to answer from the case study.

Organizational structures and devices 3M uses for entrepreneurial activity

3M has been known for decades as an entrepreneurial company that pursues growth through innovation. It generates a quarter of its annual revenues from products less than five years old. 3M started life as the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company back in 1902. Its most successful product – flexible sandpaper – still forms an important part of its product line but this now comprises over 60 000 products that range from adhesive tapes to office supplies, medical supplies and equipment to traffic and safety signs, magnetic tapes and CDs to electrical equipment.

Originally innovation was encouraged informally by the founders, but over more than a century some of these rules have been formalised. But most important of all, there has built up a culture which encourages innovation. And because this culture has created a history of success, it perpetuates itself. 3M started life selling a somewhat inferior quality of sandpaper. The only way they could do this was by getting close to the customer – demonstrating it to the workmen who used it and persuading them to specify the product – an early form of relationship selling. This was the first strategic thrust of the fledgling business – get close to customers and understand their needs.

However, the company was desperate to move away from selling a commodity product and competing primarily on price and its closeness to the customer led it to discover market opportunities that it had the expertise to capitalise on. The first such product was Three-M-IteTM Abrasive – an abrasive cloth using aluminium oxide for durability in place of a natural abrasive.  CASE STUDY CONTINUATION IN THE ATTACHMENT


1. Firstly, describe the organisational structures and devices 3M uses to encourage entrepreneurial activity. Why do they work?
2. Secondly, how does 3M distinguish between incremental and fundamental innovations?
3. Thirdly, describe, as best you can from the case, the culture of the organisation. What does this depend upon?
4. Fourthly, why has 3M been such a successful innovator for so long?
5. Can other companies just copy 3M’s structures and culture and become successful innovators also?

6. Please visit 3Ms website for up-to-date information and examples of new innovations:

1. Describe the organisational structures and devices 3M uses to encourage entrepreneurial activity. Why do they work?
2. How does 3M distinguish between incremental and fundamental innovations?
3. Describe, as best you can from the case, the culture of the organisation. Also, what does this depend upon?
4. Why has 3M been such a successful innovator for so long?
5. Can other companies just copy 3M’s structures and culture and become successful innovators also?
6. Please visit 3Ms website for up-to-date information and examples of new innovations:

Saudi basic industries corporation inbound marketing strategy

Demonstrate how effective and innovative Saudi basic industries corporation inbound marketing strategy is utilizing content management, branding, search engine optimization and social media marketing in drawing customers to products and maximizing profit.

Saudi basic industries corporation inbound marketing strategy

Demonstrate how effective and innovative Saudi basic industries corporation inbound marketing strategy is utilizing content management, branding, search engine optimization and social media marketing in drawing customers to products and maximizing profit.

More details;

A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of the products or services the business provides.
What are the four basic marketing strategies?
The four Ps of marketing: product, price, place and promotion.
Firstly, Product: The goods and/or services offered by a company to its customers.
Secondly, Price: The amount of money paid by customers to purchase the product.
Thirdly, Place (or distribution): The activities that make the product available to consumers.
What are the 4 steps of branding?
Here are four steps to building a successful brand.

Firstly, define how you want to be perceived. When your customers have finished using your product or service, how do you want them to describe their experience?

Secondly, organize your business based on this promise.

Thirdly, communicate your promise.

Fourthly, be consistent.

Search engine optimization is about gaining more visibility and getting more people to organically visit your website. Social media marketing on the other hand, is about making the most of social networks and getting found on them by the right people. They both might look different but have overlapping goals.
How effective is social media marketing?
Social media marketing helps improve brand loyalty.

Social media is an effective way to build relationships with leads and customers that lead to greater satisfaction and loyalty over time. … Engaging with your customers and leads on social media helps you build stronger customer relationships. 

Artificial intelligence and automation advancements in an organization

This is a paper that focuses on artificial intelligence and automation advancements in an organization. The paper also focuses on the globalization and cultural diversity.

Artificial intelligence and automation advancements in an organization

Driven by trends such as technology advancements and increased workforce diversity, it becomes necessary for firms to develop and adopt new human resource management approaches in order to remain competitive and effective. For this assignment, you will be choosing an organisation that interests you and analysing how ONE of the following trends has affected (or will be re-shaping) this organisation’s HR practices. In other words, considering your chosen trend, how is this organisation ensuring that it is attracting, selecting and retaining talent? – Artificial intelligence and automation – Globalisation and increased cultural diversity – The push for gender equality – Millennials becoming the largest generation in the workforce


1. Firstly, introducing the organisation (250 words). Explain your personal interest in this organisation. why did you choose this organisation? Describe your chosen organisation, providing information on its main purpose (products/services), strategy, and what is special about its workforce

2. Secondly, overview of the trend (250 words). Explain your personal interest in this trend. why did you choose to focus on this trend? Discuss your chosen trend and the extent of its impact on the organisation. In other words, why is it particularly important for this organisation to effectively respond to this trend? Consider the industry, geographical location(s), competitors…etc for this organisation.

3. Thirdly, effect of trend on the organisation’s HR practices (800 words). Identify and discuss two or three ways in which this trend is changing (or will change) the HR practices for your chosen organisation. In order to develop in-depth analysis, you are encouraged to focus on no more than two HR functions. Examples of HR functions include job design, staffing, performance management, rewards and remuneration, diversity management.

4. Lastly, future changes and impact (200 words). Based on your analysis in the first three sections, what are your recommendations for the continued enhancement of this organisation’s human resource practices? What are the likely outcomes if these changes do not take place in time?