Advertising Discourse through the lens of semiotics

Advertising Discourse through the lens of semiotics

For this essay, you are required to compare and analyse the communication strategies of two advertisements, which will be provided in Moodle.

In your analysis, you must: Write an introduction explaining some of the common features of advertising discourse; Compare how the advertisements communicate the value of the brand through their discourse (e.g. connotation, rhetoric, persuasion); Analyse how the parts of the advertisements are organised, particularly in relation to image-text relationships and document structure. You are required to use relevant concepts from the unit and the supporting articles from the reading list. In addition to the unit materials, you are required to undertake independent research on advertising discourse and document design. As this is an essay, you must follow the conventions of university writing, including full citation and referencing, according to the Harvard System.

Pay-for-Performance: Incentive Rewards Employee Benefits

Pay-for-Performance: Incentive Rewards Employee Benefits,


Read Chapter 10, Pay-for-Performance: Incentive Rewards, and Chapter 11, Employee Benefits, in the course textbook. Review Lesson 4.2 Chapter 10 Key Terms. Review Lesson 4.2 Chapter 11 Key Terms. Be sure to read the Lesson 4.2 Commentary before attempting to complete the written activities! Complete Activities 1 and 2. Activity 1 is related to Chapter 10; Activity 2 is related to Chapter 11.

Activity1 Provide information about a particular organization you are familiar with for purposes of this assignment. Avoid identifying the organization but indicate the products/services it provides, the industry, approximate number of employees, and its general degree of profitability. You may provide any other information you believe is relevant to this assignment. Then, explain the pros and cons of basing pay on the performance of the individual employee, a group or team to which the employee belongs, and the entire organization. Your answer should discuss pros/cons of each of these three levels of incentive compensation. Answering this question in general terms without relating it to a particular organization is unacceptable. A

ctivity 2 Design an employee benefits program for a local accounting firm with 51 employees in Verona, WI, a small but growing community just outside the state capitol in Madison.

The majority of employees are in their 30s and 40s and are starting families. About 15 are in their 50s or older; of those, most have some responsibility to “check on”” or assist an elderly relative. Which general and specific types of discretionary (not legally required) employee benefits discussed in Chapter 11 would include in a benefits package in this organization? Justify why you would include them in the benefits package for this particular organization.

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerse)

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerse)

These are the steps blow for the paper. I want you to write about Amazon using E- commerce via the phone and how it system runs in terms of innovation,and using this technology . Also it’s sister companies like I want you to focus on the usage in Saudi Arabia from both I.T, and business perspective. I repeat please show significant role that the M-Commerce brings to the table. Also use Google scholar and try to use big names like Harvard, Washington post, or any big will known names that pop up. 0. Abstract page. 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review (Research Background) 3. Conceptual Model (Theoretical Base, Theoretical Framework) 4. Methodology (Research Onion/Saunders et al.) 5. Results (Descriptive) + One or two sessions for SEMs using SPSS and AMOS (Out of assessment) 6. Discussion 6.1. Theoretical and Practical Implications 6.2 Limitations and Future Research Recommendations 7. Conclusion References (APA Style + Alphabetically)

Marketing on social media

Marketing on social media


Paper details:

The paper to be a synthesis paper based on reviewing research materials. I also want the introduction, body and conclusion to be included. As like any synthesis essay papers. Here is a couple resources that can help you get started. If you find anything that is better than these resources, then use them as how you like. The materials that i posted as PDFs is materials that helps you get started and to also know what you need to add to the paper.


The annual net cash-flows and discounted cash-flow techniques

This is a paper that focuses on the calculation of annual net cash-flows and discounted cash-flow techniques. The paper also provides several instructions to follow in writing the paper.

The annual net cash-flows and discounted cash-flow techniques

This assignment has two sections. Question 1 examines your ability to calculate annual net cash-flows and also perform discounted cash-flow techniques to make an investment decision (as presented in topic 4). Question 2 requires you to investigate Modern Portfolio Theory. You are required to estimate three portfolios from three different Australian REITs and also two US REITs, their expected return and risk. You are also required to build an efficient frontier for the different portfolio combinations of the five listed Australian REITs.


Question 1
It is 2020 and you are considering the purchase of an investment property. The property is for sale at $900,000. If you go ahead with the purchase, settlement will occur in January 2021. The property is currently leased, with a gross rent amount of $41,600 per annum. The lease agreement has an expiry date of December 2025 and also has annual lease adjustments linked to CPI on January each year. The table below provides you with information regarding the property. You anticipate that both outgoing recoveries and operating expenses will grow at 2.50% per annum in the near future.

Part a)
Firstly, calculate your total cost of the purchase.

Part b)
Secondly, calculate the annual net rent from the property over the period of 2020 until 2023.

Part c)
Thirdly, through examination of historical capital growth for comparable properties, you have observed, on average, a 5.8% annual appreciation in capital values. Using this information, estimate the expected sale price of this property in 2023.

Part d)
Fourthly, assume now that if you go ahead with the purchase, you intend to sell the property in 2024 for the price calculated in part c) and you will incur selling expenses of 3.10%. Additionally, calculate the net present value (NPV), profitability index (PI) and the internal rate of return (IRR) on your investment if you have a required rate of return of 4.50%. Assume a company tax rate of 0%.

Part e)
Would you invest in this property? Why/why not?

North American Industrial Classification System assignment

This is an assignment that focuses on the North American Industrial Classification System assignment. The paper also requires answering by following three steps.

North American Industrial Classification System assignment

Read the entry on ‘industrial concentration’ in the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics at .  This will introduce concepts related to measuring the concentration of firms within an industry (as it relates to our discussions of market structure).

For this assignment,

Firstly, each person has a manufacturing industry. This is by a 5-digit North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code (See below for assignments.   I have included email addresses in the list to facilitate this. If you do work as a group, you can turn in a single assignment.)  More information about the NAICS code definitions can be found by looking up the code at  I would also suggest looking up the Industry Snapshot for your industry at


(1)      You are to find at least one article from the business press about a company that produces in the assigned industry.  I would suggest using the Library’s Business Source Complete database.  You should try to find an article (or articles) that discusses aspects of the market or market conditions that the firm faces.  If possible, also find a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis for your chosen firm.

(2)      Secondly, collect and present data on the 4-, 8-, 20- and 50-firm concentration ratios. Also, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index from the 2012, 2007, 2002 and 1997 Economic Census.  The 1997, 2002 and 2007 data can be found at (all of the assigned industries are ‘manufacturing’ (NAISC codes beginning with 31-33). So, follow the links in the 4th row of the table).  The 2012 data can be found at the Census Industry Statistics Portal [Note that for some industries’ data may be withheld for confidentiality reasons.  In that case a D will appear in the data table].  To make things easier, I have put direct links to the exact data tables you need in the Assignment 2 page on the class D2L shell.

(3)      Finally, given the evidence collected, decide whether the market is best describes as perfectly competitive, monopolistically competitive, an oligopoly, or a monopoly.  Provide details as to why you made the choice you made (using evidence from the articles and also as the concentration data) to support your decision.

You are staffing a security detail for a large manufacturing plant

You are staffing a security detail for a large manufacturing plant. Absenteeism is an ongoing problem. (Don’t blame the staff. You don’t pay very well, and since you started your master’s degree while still working full time, you have been somewhat irritable. )

You are staffing a security detail for a large manufacturing plant

Scenario 1
You are staffing a security detail for a large manufacturing plant. Absenteeism is an ongoing problem. (Don’t blame the staff. You don’t pay very well, and since you started your master’s degree while still working full time, you have been somewhat irritable. ) The schedule has five employees designated for duty today. Based on history, the probability that everyone will show up is 65%. The probability that only 4 will show up is 22%, the probability that 3 will show up is 9%, and the probability that 2 will show up is 4%.

1. What is the probability that 3 or 4 employees will show up?

2. What is the probability that there will be only 1 employee on duty?

3. What is the probability that no more than four employees will show up?

Scenario 2

The armoury has four AR15s, three Glock 9s, two shotguns, and three 45 calibre revolvers. Define A as semi-automatic weapons, define B as handguns, and define C as long guns.

4. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what are the probabilities associated with drawing each type of gun?

5. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what is the probability it will be a semi-automatic weapon? Hint: P (A)?

6. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what is the probability that it not a semi-automatic weapon?

7. If you are randomly issued a weapon, what is the probability it will be a semi-automatic weapon or a long gun? Hint: P (AC)

Scenario 3:

You are in charge of cyber security at your firm. An analyst for your firm determined that the number of daily attacks on your network are normally distributed with a mean of 345 and a standard deviation of 68. Note: I put a nice normal table in the File Cabinet for this exercise. Also, remember that you have to compute the Z score = (X –)/. Then, you use the Z score to find the probability. If the probability is for less than, you simply read the probability off the table. If the probability is for greater than, you take the complement of the table probability. Easy!!

8. What is the probability that you will have over 400 attacks today?

9. What is the probability that you will have less than 345 attacks today?

10. What is the probability that you will have less than 250 attacks today? (Hint: the Z score will be negative, which can be found in the table in the File Cabinet!)

Introduction to the fashion industry and analysis of the company

Give an introduction to the fashion industry, and analysis of the company: LVMH using Porter’s Five Forces Model: Students need to explain as much as possible about each one of the 5 forces including:

Introduction to the fashion industry, and analysis of the company

Give an introduction to the fashion industry, and analysis of the company: LVMH using Porter’s Five Forces Model: Students need to explain as much as possible about each one of the 5 forces including:
a) Rivalry among existing competitors – high or low? Why?
b) Threat of New Entrants – high or low? Why?
c) Threat of Substitute Products and Services – high or low? Why?
d) Bargaining Power of Suppliers – high or low? Why?
e) Bargaining Power of Buyers – high or low? Why?

In regards to competitors, after giving general information about the specific competitors, students need to give as much information about the main competitors (based on the ones that make 50% of the market share, for example).
Firstly, IBIS

Secondly, (US Department of Labour)



Further, (industry specs, market shares, growth rates)


Moreover, Factiva (select “search by industry”)

Also, Google finance


Lastly, US Industry and Trade

More details;

Porter’s Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape every industry and helps determine an industry’s weaknesses and strengths. Five Forces analysis is frequently used to identify an industry’s structure to determine corporate strategy.
Feb 22, 2020
What is Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis example?
Five Forces Analysis Live Example

The Five Forces are the Threat of new market players, the threat of substitute products, power of customers, power of suppliers, industry rivalry which determines the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market.

Why is Porter’s five forces important?
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis is an important tool for understanding the forces that shape competition within an industry. It is also useful for helping you to adjust your strategy to suit your competitive environment, and to improve your potential profit.

The development of a marketing plan for company G

This is an assignment that focuses on the development of a marketing plan for company G. Submission of the paper is to be according to the template and also with given details.

The development of a marketing plan for company G

Your submission must be your original work You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Prepare a one-year marketing plan (suggested length of 5–7 single-spaced pages) using the attached “Company G One-Year Marketing Plan Template” for one of the small appliances from the new line. Carefully examine the details provided in the given Company G marketing scenario and identify the specific information that should be considered while developing the plan. Consider other information from the real world that you should incorporate as you develop the plan. Include the following sections in your plan:

The development of a marketing plan for company G

A. Product Support of Mission Statement

1. Firstly, describe the specific appliance you have selected. 2. Secondly, explain how the small appliance you have selected supports Company G’s mission statement provided in the scenario. 3. Thirdly, classify Company G’s proposed product using the three-way consumer product classification system. a. Justify the designated classification.

B. Target Market

1. Describe the target market for the company’s product, including two variables related to demographic information, psychographic information, or geographic information.

C. Analysis of Competitive Environment

1. Analyze Company G’s competitive environment, addressing each of the components of Porter’s Five Forces Model.

D. SWOT Analysis

1. Firstly, describe three of Company G’s strengths that would support the marketing of the new product. Note: This description should address Company G’s strengths, not the strengths of the product itself. a. Justify your choice of each of these elements as company strengths. b. Identify two strengths that should be considered core competencies.

2. Secondly, describe three of Company G’s weaknesses that would undermine the marketing of the new product. Note: This description should address Company G’s weaknesses, not the weaknesses of the product itself. a. Justify your choice of each of these elements as company weaknesses.

3. Thirdly, describe three current or potential opportunities that would support the marketing of the new product. a. Then, justify your choice of each of these as opportunities.

4. Fourthly, describe three current or potential threats that would undermine the marketing of the new product. a. Then, justify your choice of each of these as threats.

E. Marketing Objectives

1. Identify one SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) marketing objective for each of the following marketing mix elements: a. product b. place c. price d. promotion F. Marketing Strategies and Implementation 1. Describe three distinct strategies for each of the following market mix elements that are appropriate for the target market and supportive of the related objective: a. product b. place c. price d. promotion

2. Secondly, explain why this is the best collection of strategies to achieve the objectives identified in part E. 3. Thirdly, describe one implementation tactic for each of the strategies identified in parts F1a-F1d. a. Include a due date and responsible party for each implementation tactic. G. Monitoring Procedures 1. Describe the specific actions that will be taken to measure the progress toward the objectives identified in the plan. 2. Additionally, describe the frequency for each of the actions described in part G1. H. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Acme Equipment offers to sell a dough-cutting machine to Big Bagels Inc

Acme Equipment offers to sell a dough-cutting machine to Big Bagels Inc. The offer states: “This offer expires Friday noon.” Acme is based in Boca Raton, Florida. Big Bagels is based in Los Angeles, California. On Friday, at 10:00 am Eastern time (Florida time), the sales manager for Acme calls the president of Biscuits and says, “Well, I guess you don’t want it. Contract is terminated.” What are the elements of a valid offer? Was this a valid offer, and why? Should this contract be terminated, and why?

Acme Equipment offers to sell a dough-cutting machine to Big Bagels Inc

1) Acme Equipment offers to sell a dough-cutting machine to Big Bagels Inc. The offer states: “This offer expires Friday noon.” Acme is based in Boca Raton, Florida. Big Bagels is based in Los Angeles, California. On Friday, at 10:00 am Eastern time (Florida time), the sales manager for Acme calls the president of Biscuits and says, “Well, I guess you don’t want it. Contract is terminated.”

Firstly, What are the elements of a valid offer?

Secondly, Was this a valid offer, and why?

Thirdly, Should this contract be terminated, and why?

2) Yellow Heating Inc. offers to ship furnaces to Zippy Inc. for $4,500 cash. Zippy’s CEO e-mails back, “Great, I accept, as long as we can make that payable in three weeks, not tomorrow.”

Firstly, What are the elements of a valid acceptance?

Secondly, Was this a valid acceptance and why?

3) On Monday morning, Andy and Brian enter an oral, unwritten contract for the sale of five acres of land in Delray Beach, Florida, at “$10,000 per acre.”

On Tuesday morning, Andy demands that Brian pay him “$11,000 per acre” for the land. Brian refuses. Andy sues.

Firstly, Who should win, and why?

Further, In your answer, explain written/oral and implied/express contracts.

4) Abby is a brilliant 16-year-old high school student who has invented “The Spritzer,” a device to keep vegetables fresh in the refrigerator. Abby goes to TGI Thursday’s restaurant, where she meets up with Brianna, the 23-year-old sister of Abby’s best friend. They sit down for a bite to eat. Brianna has four vodka-and-tonics, Abby has a Coca-Cola. Brianna and Abby write a contract on a sheet of paper, and sign it, stating that Brianna promises to pay Abby $100,000 for all rights in The Spritzer.

Firstly, Is this a valid contract?

Secondly, what are the reasons why this might not be a valid contract?

Lastly, you shall be grade d on your complete and proper explanations, research and language usage, all as note d below.

The report must be no more than 1,000 words .

A report that does not follow this form will be deducted per the grading rubric. Finally, this project is 15% of your overall grade.