Improving Talent Acquisition at the Walt Disney World Company Report and Recommendation to Disney to improve on their talent acquisition and employee retention

Improving Talent Acquisition at the Walt Disney World Company; Report and Recommendation to Disney to improve on their talent acquisition and employee retention.

Students are responsible for submitting an Applied Research Project based on an organizational issue or problem relevant to their current or former workplace and/or profession and integrating research conducted as well as learning from courses in the Master of Arts in Administration (MAA) degree program. The paper is in the form of a Consultant’s Report. THE NAME OF MY CONSULTING COMPANY IS ADA CONSULTING COMPANY IT MUST BE USED IN MY PAPER. MY KEY ISSUES OR PROBLEMS IS WITH THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY’S DIVERSITY, RECRUITING SELECTING-HIRING PROCESS/ AND RETAINING EMPLOYEES. ALSO THE COMPANY’S STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS BY USING A SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY. The paper should be prepared as if you had been asked by your organization’s top decision makers to conduct a study of a particular key issue or problem and to prepare an external consulting report to be presented to them, including with your recommendation(s) on how to address the issue or problem. It should be an examination of an issue or problem that is relevant and not only has an impact on operational practice and performance, but also has a potential solution which can be implemented. The problem must be immediate, relevant, important and actionable. In developing your paper, you should follow these nine basic steps: 1) Identify and clarify the issue or problem; 2) Discuss its importance and potential or real impact on the organization, including elements you have learned from course work in the MAA degree program; 3) Review of the literature related to the issue or problem; 4) Conduct appropriate research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods; collect and analyze data. Students must conduct field research. Use of previous studies by the student or other researchers is not sufficient to meet this required element. 5) Using the research data develop alternative solutions or ways to address the issue or problem. 6) Evaluate the pros and cons of each solution, using knowledge and skills that you have gained in your MAA coursework. (Note: this is a consultant report so you will not make statements attributing knowledge to school work, but you will use sources developed during school work.) 7) Recommend one of the alternative solutions and state your rationale, using, again, knowledge and skills which you have gained in your MAA coursework, grounded in your research study. (See Note above). 8) Recommend a plan and timeline for implementation. 9) Develop and discuss a process for follow-up and the evaluation of results.

waiting lines to manage customer service

Many businesses utilize waiting lines to manage customer service. For example, banks, amusement parks, supermarket checkouts, fast food restaurants, call centers, check-in counters at airports, emergency departments of hospitals, and so many more. In the course of your week, consider an experience you had that led to a temporary demand for service that exceeded capacity, for example, variation in service duration or arrival rates, which led to a waiting line. Explain common measures of system performance and which of the common measures may be useful for the business where you experienced a waiting line. Detail why that measure would be useful, and develop a strategy to minimize the waiting line while minimizing cost. Develop a calculation to aid the business in making their operational choices. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required. (the 1st page essay about the topic covering all the requirements with in text-citation about each requirement) (the 2nd page 2 long paragraphs about the same topic with in-text citation, will provide you 2 discussion from 2 student, you need to make the replies for them)

Economic & Explanations for Stratification

Economic & Explanations for Stratification

Do not use vocubulary words and straight to the point with answers. 1. From the Functionalist Perspective, explain why Davis and Moore argue economic straification functions toward providing Organic Solidarity in our Division of Labor.

2. What is evidence to support that despite economic stratification existing, the United States in a Meritocracy? (include the concept of Social Mobility in your response).

3. From a Conflict Perspective, explain why despite social mobility existing,

the US lacks being a true Mertocracy (include the concept of reproduction and your response).

4.Why is Conspicuous Consumption one thing the Interactionist Perspective recognizes as a way social class stratification is reinforced?

5. What is an example of a Cultural Explanation for why these racial disparities exist?

6.What is Jennifer Lee’s theory of Hyper-Selectivity and how is it a Structural Explanation that helps explain the racial disparities between Asians and Hispanics.

7.When thinking about the difference between race and ethnicity, why is it argued that argued that painting Asians race as a Model Minority overlooks certain Asian ethnic group?8.Provide one specific example of how Structural Racism (which does not have to involve any individuals being consciously racist) can help explain the racial disparities that exist. Book used is: Our Social World Intro to Sociology 5th edition

An investigation into an impact of work based ethics in small construction type business organizations in the UK


1. Before you start please read the documents with ”1.Very very important” as this is my proposal for dissertation 3000 words. 2. Read the documents with ”1.very important” and ”1.important” for a better understanding and structure of the part 2, 8000 words dissertation. 3. Please use Secondary Data and not Primary Data, because to use primary data it needs approval from my supervisor. 4. I need to meet with my supervisor so can you provide me with whatever work you have with the days before. 6.I have upload all the seminar and lecture courses so if you don’t understand something or you need extra understanding you have everything upload here. 7. You also have uploaded 5 dissertation sample.

Financial globalization and economic growth in China: a case study of capital market in Shanghai

Topic: Financial globalization and economic growth in China: a case study of capital market in Shanghai


Paper details:

research proposal for PhD thesis, study area: finance and management Keywords Financial globalization, economics growth, capital market, China, Shanghai

Statistics: Regression Analysis Business-related analysis

Statistics: Regression Analysis (Business-related analysis)

GSB 420: Business Analytics Tools Final Project Description Your final project, worth 25% of your grade, will be to perform your own regression analysis and present your findings in written form due on the last day of class (Nov. 26th at 11:55pm). Ultimately, what I would like to see in this paper is an estimation of the relationship between at least two variables. That is, to estimate how X influences Y. Don’t take this to mean you only have to find two variables. As we will see, omitting other variables can bias the estimated relationship between X and Y. You may use any data that you can collect or create, but the preferred course topics are business-related. Your project must test some theory which is clearly stated in your project. Ultimately the goal of applied business statistics is to support or refute hypotheses, thus your project will be graded on the clarity of your hypothesis and your use of analytical tools to test this hypothesis. Remember, there exist a number of possible outlets for a good research project—for instance there are a number of journals that specialize in student publications. Thus, think carefully about the data you choose to analyze. A quality research paper takes time and structure. The format that I look for in these papers is: 1. An introduction describing the question/issue you are addressing. 2. A discussion of the relevant literature that has been written on the ideas you are addressing. 3. A description of the theory you are testing as well as a description of how this theory fits in with the findings of the research described in part 2. 4. A description of your data (this includes a written description and a statistical-output description). This section should tie in with your theory; that is, you should answer why this data is appropriate to use for your given topic. 5. Your statistical findings. You should be sure to discuss your original findings as well as any corrections for violations of classical assumptions. 6. A conclusion that reviews your theory in light of your statistical findings. Good statistics writing is good writing in general. Thus be concerned with issues such as sentence structure and grammar. Further, most students writing their first statistics paper tend to focus on the technical aspects of the paper while paying short attention to the theories under consideration. Although this course is one that focuses on the technical aspects of estimating relationships, good statistics writing never stresses the technical aspect at the expense of the hypothesis being tested. Remembering who your audience is will always improve your paper. I expect that you include your regression findings in your paper and your original data and Excel files in your submission, as well. Your paper should be submitted electronically on D2L. You will be graded on the quality of your writing, the clarity of your hypothesis, the quality of your regressions, and your application of those regressions to the research question your paper addresses. Finally, some words of advice. Invariably I have students spend too much time looking for the “right” data set. Although the right data is important to long term research, finding a perfect data set rarely happens nor is it good policy to for students to spend precious time looking for data. Rather, I would choose your data by Week 5 and then apply what we learn throughout the course to your data. When it comes time to compile your results for your paper, you will find much of your work to be finished already.

How does the evolution of technology affect consumer behaviour-a study on Samsung


A dissertation paper on how is the evolution of technology impacting consumer behaviour. Attached is the proposal-with feedback at the end, the structure and a sample of a dissertation. Please note that the sample should only be used as inspiration and should not be copied. The paper should have low plagiarism percentage. I will need a few drafts before the final paper to get feedback on it.

Advertising Discourse through the lens of semiotics

Advertising Discourse through the lens of semiotics

For this essay, you are required to compare and analyse the communication strategies of two advertisements, which will be provided in Moodle.

In your analysis, you must: Write an introduction explaining some of the common features of advertising discourse; Compare how the advertisements communicate the value of the brand through their discourse (e.g. connotation, rhetoric, persuasion); Analyse how the parts of the advertisements are organised, particularly in relation to image-text relationships and document structure. You are required to use relevant concepts from the unit and the supporting articles from the reading list. In addition to the unit materials, you are required to undertake independent research on advertising discourse and document design. As this is an essay, you must follow the conventions of university writing, including full citation and referencing, according to the Harvard System.

Pay-for-Performance: Incentive Rewards Employee Benefits

Pay-for-Performance: Incentive Rewards Employee Benefits,


Read Chapter 10, Pay-for-Performance: Incentive Rewards, and Chapter 11, Employee Benefits, in the course textbook. Review Lesson 4.2 Chapter 10 Key Terms. Review Lesson 4.2 Chapter 11 Key Terms. Be sure to read the Lesson 4.2 Commentary before attempting to complete the written activities! Complete Activities 1 and 2. Activity 1 is related to Chapter 10; Activity 2 is related to Chapter 11.

Activity1 Provide information about a particular organization you are familiar with for purposes of this assignment. Avoid identifying the organization but indicate the products/services it provides, the industry, approximate number of employees, and its general degree of profitability. You may provide any other information you believe is relevant to this assignment. Then, explain the pros and cons of basing pay on the performance of the individual employee, a group or team to which the employee belongs, and the entire organization. Your answer should discuss pros/cons of each of these three levels of incentive compensation. Answering this question in general terms without relating it to a particular organization is unacceptable. A

ctivity 2 Design an employee benefits program for a local accounting firm with 51 employees in Verona, WI, a small but growing community just outside the state capitol in Madison.

The majority of employees are in their 30s and 40s and are starting families. About 15 are in their 50s or older; of those, most have some responsibility to “check on”” or assist an elderly relative. Which general and specific types of discretionary (not legally required) employee benefits discussed in Chapter 11 would include in a benefits package in this organization? Justify why you would include them in the benefits package for this particular organization.

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerse)

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerse)

These are the steps blow for the paper. I want you to write about Amazon using E- commerce via the phone and how it system runs in terms of innovation,and using this technology . Also it’s sister companies like I want you to focus on the usage in Saudi Arabia from both I.T, and business perspective. I repeat please show significant role that the M-Commerce brings to the table. Also use Google scholar and try to use big names like Harvard, Washington post, or any big will known names that pop up. 0. Abstract page. 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review (Research Background) 3. Conceptual Model (Theoretical Base, Theoretical Framework) 4. Methodology (Research Onion/Saunders et al.) 5. Results (Descriptive) + One or two sessions for SEMs using SPSS and AMOS (Out of assessment) 6. Discussion 6.1. Theoretical and Practical Implications 6.2 Limitations and Future Research Recommendations 7. Conclusion References (APA Style + Alphabetically)