‘The Impacts of the Social Media on Language and Communication in Asia’
The theme for your essay is ‘The Impacts of the Social Media on Language and Communication in Asia’. Write a short essay of 1,400 words, excluding references and appendices, on one particular country (out of four discussed in this unit) that interests you other than the country for your group presentation.
The Impacts of the Social Media on Language and Communication in Asia
Write a short essay of 1,400 words, excluding references and appendices, on one particular country (out of four discussed in this unit) that interests you other than the country for your group presentation.
Your essay should describe the development of social media in that particular country and how this development affects the way people communicate in that society.
Your essay should show the following points:
1. The fluid nature of Asian society;
2. The emergence of social media and English in that country; and
3. How this development affects the way people communicate in that country. (For example, in terms of new language, new identities, language policy etc.).
The content should be relevant to the materials as well as the countries discussed in the unit, coherent, stimulating, insightful and well-structured, properly presented and referenced appropriately. Sources of research should be predominately formal publications – there is no prescribed number of references you use as long as they are relevant to your topic. The references used should also show that the student has shown initiative in looking for materials, and the essay should incorporate the sources cited (in-text referencing), where relevant.
Firstly, Analysis of text using relevant literature
Secondly, Comments on the fluid nature of Asian society;
Thirdly, Comments on the emergence of social media and English (and other languages) in that country;
Further, Comments on how this development affects the way people communicate in that country. (For example, in terms of new language, new identities, language policy etc.).
Reference to related research in the area.
Cohesiveness of the paper/ Technical accuracy- language/references