Using a form of contract of your choice, which you must state

Using a form of contract of your choice, which you must state, advise the client on the options and related procedures available to contractually facilitate the placement of the order for the lift by the client, which allows the lift procurement arrangements and obligations to be transferred to the successful contractor, so the lift can be delivered, installed and commissioned in accordance with the project schedule.

Using a form of contract of your choice which you must state


ANSWER ONLY 1 OF THE QUESTIONS. You are allow ed 4 attachments. 1 must be the front cover sheet.

Refer to your drawings and scenario
On projects such as this, it is common to place orders for items with long lead in times, such as the lift, in advance of the main contract award.

A)           Using a form of contract of your choice, which you must state, advise the client on the options and related procedures available to contractually facilitate the placement of the order for the lift by the client, which allows the lift procurement arrangements and obligations to be transferred to the successful contractor, so the lift can be delivered, installed and commissioned in accordance with the project schedule. (10 Marks)

Eight weeks before the lift installation is due to commence, the main contractor is informed by the lift manufacturer that the company has gone into receivership and will probably be unable to fulfil the order for the lift equipment.

B) Firstly, Prepare a report that discusses the contractual obligations of the parties involved, including the possible consequences and solutions to the situation. (20 Marks)



Refer to your drawings and scenario

The client requires an order of cost estimate for the development of the building and external areas into a Country Club and Wedding Venue, which takes account of the construction costs and associated professional fees, taxes, and charges, but not the building acquisition costs.
Also, The project is at the early design stage.
Lastly, The initial proposals for Ground and First floor are as shown in the Project Drawings.

Describe the factors to be consider ed in the preparation of an order of cost estimate for the construction work.

Finally, you should make and state appropriate assumptions for stabilization and other works not defined by the drawings and Scenario. (30 Marks)

Propose a M-Commerce solution to solve a particular business problem

For this project you will work to propose a M-Commerce solution to solve a particular business problem. You will research, analyze, define, and propose a technology-based business solution.

Propose a M-Commerce solution to solve a particular business problem

For this project you will work to propose a M-Commerce solution to solve a particular business problem. You will research, analyze, define, and propose a technology-based business solution. You can use an existing or fictitious organization. The end product will be both a paper and a presentation that describes the problem and the business solution.

NOTE: This project are due at the end of Module 6. Be sure to plan your work accordingly.

The project should minimally contain the following sections (at least 7 full pages in APA format 6th edition):
Business and Market Overview – your client’s organization, management, business model, their products and services, and their growth strategy. Elaborate on the distinct external pressures on their business. This section must include an illustration Porter’s Model with the unique and specific pressures that your client faces.

Problem Definition – Identify the core business problem that your client has engaged for you to solve. For that problem, identify the overarching business process. Explain the current, or ‘AS-IS’, state process and illustrate it with a UML Activity Diagram with partitions, a.k.a Swimlane diagram that the customer leverages that could be improved with the use of technologies. Refer to Figure 3-6 of your text for a sample Swimlane diagram.

Business Solution Proposal – taking the ‘AS-IS’ model from section 2, elaborate on how technology will be utilized to streamline or optimize the current process in order to solve the stated business problem. Explain the future, or ‘‘TO-BE’, state process and illustrate it with a UML Activity Diagram. Be sure to include any key technology in its own Swimlane. Also, elaborate on any new, updated, enhanced IT Infrastructure (hardware, databases, networks, business intelligence, RFID, sensor networks, and/or software) required to support the solution. The line items that come out of this section should be part of the investment cost details in Section 4.

Solution Assessment –

Leverage the output from the previous three sections and quantify the value of the business solution. Identify and estimate the cost of key technology, training, people, resources required for the business solution, i.e. the investment.

Next, identify and estimate the value of the solution in specific financial gains or costs savings, i.e. financial gain. Illustrate the the ROI by using the Simple return on investment (Computing the ROI for IT Projects and Other Investments (Links to an external site.) (Simple ROI) http (Links to an external site.):// (Links to an external site.)iteconcorp (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)com (Links to an external site.)/ (Links to an external site.)ROICalc (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)html (Links to an external site.)) (Links to an external site.). If you aren’t sure about real costs be sure to mark it as an assumption, i.e. best guess.

Project Management – identify potential project management and SDLC (system development life cycle) challenges and elaborate on mitigation strategies for each in order to ensure that the rollout of the business solution goes smoothly. Include a high level project plan with key activities for each main phase of the project.

Furthermore, citations that document your research are a critical part of this project. Be sure also to identify all the references you use. These should be cited in the text as well as the References list. Finally, see the Tools and Resources page for more information and resources about APA format.

The MBA 665 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines

This is a paper that is focusing on the MBA 665 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper.

MBA 665 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines

MBA 665 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: The final project for this course is the creation of an impact of governmental action on a business paper. For Milestone Two, you will submit the
Overview section of your final project, which continues building on what you started in Milestone One to complete Section I of the final project critical elements.
You will provide the business profile and governmental action, revised according to feedback received on Milestone One. Then add organization and teams, stakeholders, and current environment. Be sure to support all factual claims/positions with appropriate citations to your research materials.

MBA 665 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Overview: In your role as vice president of governmental affairs, your boss, the business’s CEO, is considering retaining an outside consulting firm to assist the company with a government issue that it is facing. Jack Harris is the president of that firm, which is called Crisis Consulting. Jack has told your boss that he will not know if he can help until he learns more information about your company and the issue it faces. Your CEO has asked you to prepare a memo that will provide a detailed overview of your company as well as the government action that is it facing. Address the following:

A. Business Profile: Provide a brief profile of the business and the industry it occupies, including the business’s market share and competitors, as well as opportunities and threats facing the business and industry outside of the particular governmental action now facing the business.

B. Governmental Action: Secondly, analyze the potential governmental action or political challenge that will affect the business in this particular situation.

C. Organization and Teams: Thirdly, describe the organization of the company, including divisions and project teams, and the manner in which the company has used these teams to respond to government regulations in the past.

D. Stakeholders: Thirdly, describe the company’s internal and external stakeholders. In your description, include the actions taken by the stakeholders to date to influence the political process. Also, advocate for the business’s interests.

E. Current Environment: Fourthly, describe the current business environment, both financial and otherwise. Including the initial reaction of the company to the situation and the initial position taken by political actors and other stakeholders

Financial statement analysis for two firms using ratio analysis

This is a paper that is focusing on the financial statement analysis for two firms using ratio analysis. The paper also provides additional questions to focus on while writing the assignment paper.

Financial statement analysis for two firms using ratio analysis

Assignment Overview: Financial Statement Analysis
You have been assigned to the CEO of a major investment company.  The CEO keeps an eye on potential investment opportunities in several industries.  She asks you to do a financial analysis for two firms in an industry the company is considering for investment expansion.

Firstly, you are to research current year data for two selected firms, and use ratio analysis to compare these two major competitors in the same industry. Compare each of them to the most current data for industry ratios.  Also, you are to determine whether one or both is a promising investment opportunity.
Secondly, you will create an Excel file with your financial comparison data.  See the attached sample that compares Southwest Airlines Company with Jet Blue Airline Company.
Based on the data developed in your Excel file, you will write a report to the CEO that details your analysis. Also, makes investment recommendations based on what your analysis concludes about the financial health of the firms.

Financial statement analysis for two firms using ratio analysis

Thirdly, you may obtain financial information and the companies’ latest annual reports on the web directly from the Securities and Exchange Commission for the company website.  MSN Money or Yahoo Finance also have information but in some situations it may be incomplete.  Current stock price information is not available from the SEC web site.
Industry financial ratios for your select industry are on, Yahoo Finance and MSN Money and .

The 2016 R DMBA Week 3 sample answer file contains a comprehensive analysis of  the financial statements of two large airline companies. It illustrates and explains how different companies succeed by focusing on different key ratios like Net Income/Sales, or Sales/Total Assets (asset turnover) or Total Assets/Common Equity (leverage).  Also, it further explains how these different strategies are revealed through DuPont Analysis. (a powerful technique that many companies use to devise, implement, and monitor their business strategies. It shows the source for every number on every Excel worksheet. Just click on any number in any Excel worksheet and you will see where it comes from. Showing the source for every number on every Excel worksheet is very important and helpful to readers. Also, you should do this on all of your Excel spreadsheets.

Lastly, all of the data in the example comes from SEC interactive data.  Under the company name in interactive data is a small red link that says view excel document.  All numbers in this document are easy to use in calculations.  Data copied from some other sources may not calculate correctly in Excel.


The huge advertisement campaign by Huawei for its new 5G technology

The huge advertisement campaign by Huawei for its new 5G technology and new sets of Smart Phones has turned out to be very successful. At the same time and partly responding to pressures from the Government of Canada, Huawei announced that it is moving some of its manufacturing of smartphones to Canada because it can use cheaper automated processes here.

The huge advertisement campaign by Huawei for its new 5G technology

The huge advertisement campaign by Huawei for its new 5G technology and new sets of Smart Phones has turned out to be very successful.
At the same time and partly responding to pressures from the Government of Canada, Huawei announced that it is moving some of its manufacturing of smartphones to Canada because it can use cheaper automated processes here.


Examine the two statements above, considering what we learned in Chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook. Please use the hints below as guide and draw ALL appropriate diagrams.
(1) Firstly, Which curve is affected?
(2) Secondly, Is price the issue, or is it something else?
(3) Thirdly, Is the change an increase or a decrease?
(4) Fourthly, How much Change is involve d?

More details;

Additionally, Is Huawei leading in 5g technology?
“Huawei’s 5G products are world leading products, with the highest level of maturity in terms of commercialization. And Huawei will continue to develop its 5G technology steadily,” William Xu, one of Huawei’s board directors, told CNBC in a Mandarin interview on Tuesday.
Finally, What is the problem with Huawei 5g?
A report that President Trump considers any deal to allow Huawei to provide 5G network equipment is a “grave threat to national security.” The threat has been downplayed by security and intelligence experts in the U.K. who claim that any risk to national security can be mitigated.

Risks and performance aspects of a project life cycle

This is a paper that focuses on the risks and performance aspects of a project life cycle. The paper also provides additional requirements to use in writing the assignment paper.

Risks and performance aspects of a project life cycle

Note: This is the third of four assignments which, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project. Now, it is time for you to discuss your project’s risks and to develop a performance management plan for managing the project.
Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you define the execution and control aspects of your chosen project. In your paper you must:

Firstly, provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
Secondly, identify and discuss your project’s greatest risks (at least three [3]) and provide a recommendation for addressing each of the risks.
Thirdly, examine how you will manage your project performance via earned value management. Identify at least three (3) key EVM metrics you will use for your project.
Fourthly, use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Analyze project management processes for scheduling and sequencing work components.
Appraise the process of determining the cost and relevant budget required for a project component.
Evaluate systems for cost tracking and budget monitoring.

Research project for the Department for Business Innovation and Skills 

You have been provided with data from the research project for the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) to understand the barriers to take up and use of business support. As the data set is large, it is saved in different tabs. The tab labelled Variables contains the questions. The tab labelled Values contains the possible options for each question. The remaining tabs contain the data itself.

Research project for the Department for Business Innovation and Skills

You have been provided with data from the research project for the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) to understand the barriers to take up and use of business support. As the data set is large, it is saved in different tabs. The tab labelled Variables contains the questions. The tab labelled Values contains the possible options for each question. The remaining tabs contain the data itself.

You have just started employment in the Research department of a University Business School.

Your tasks:
Compare the South East region with the North West region.
a. Analyse the data provided in order to gain an understanding of the pattern of barriers to take up and use of business support.
b. Highlight interesting findings.
c. Make recommendations about areas which require further support.
Present your work to the Chief Research Analyst in the form of a report in Word. Submit your analysis in an Excel file which the Chief Research Analyst can use for further investigation.

Suggested steps:

Firstly, Extract the required data and place it a new Excel file.

Secondly, Familiarise yourself with the data by using Excel’s facilities like sorting, filtering, pivot table, etc.

Thirdly, Pick particular aspects that you want to conduct further, more detailed analysis on.

Fourthly, Conduct a visual examination of the data by plotting appropriate charts.

Further, Calculate some standard statistics (e.g., mean, mode, range, standard deviation, etc.).

Also, Conduct additional analysis that you feel is appropriate to address the tasks

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

Additionally, Demonstrate competence in a range of skills in Excel including charting and use of functions.

Furthermore, Select appropriate techniques to explore and summarise a given dataset.

Moreover, Highlight and communicate results to the relevant audience

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. Make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

Every week we will be using Excel in the workshop sessions to enhance your skills in Excel. We will cover Excel facilities like sorting, filtering, pivot tables, charting, etc. We will also use Excel’s functions such as Sum, Average, Min, Max, etc. In addition, we will practice creating formulae in Excel.

The connection between an advertisement and rhetorical context

This is a paper that is focusing on the connection between an advertisement and rhetorical context. The paper also provides an additional description to use in writing the assignment paper.

The connection between an advertisement and rhetorical context

ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: Write an essay of 750-950 words (roughly 3-4 pages) in which you use one or more advertisements to explore the connection between an advertisement and its specific rhetorical context. You will select between one and three advertisements from a single campaign, treating it/them as products of a specific social, political, cultural, and/or ideological context. Focus in particular on the relationship between the specific context under investigation, and how your ad(s) sought to conform to the expectations and constraints of its intended audience.

This requires that you: Describe the historical context. You will need to do research to support your historical framing. Identify the organization responsible for the ad campaign, and provide some basic background information about them. Identify the target audience (in Tag’s terminology, “The Who” (23) for the ad) and describe how their beliefs, attitudes, and values were likely shaped by their particular relation to the contexts you have identified. Analyze how your organization sought to conform to their historical situation (in Tag’s terminology, “The What”). How did they adapt, or fail to adapt, to the relevant contexts you identify? Explain in general terms what advertisers faced with similar contextual demands today can learn from your case study.

You may use an advertisement of any medium. You MUST INCLUDE a copy of, or a link to, the advertisement(s). Your paper MUST ALSO INCLUDE proper in-text citations (parenthetical citations or footnotes are fine, just be consistent). Also, a properly format bibliography with at least 5 reputable academic sources. (i.e., sources that you find though the library, not an internet search) that reflect your research. You MUST ALSO cite your advertisements, but they do not count as sources.

The stages and process of achieving ISO 9001 by a company

This is a paper that is focusing on the stages and process of achieving ISO 9001. The paper also provides the structure and guidelines to follow in writing the assignment paper.

The stages and process of achieving ISO 9001 by a company

Learning outcome 2 Explain the stages to be met in the process of achieving ISO 9001.
For this assignment you will carry out a case study and prepare a report on your findings as described below.

ISO 9001 Case study – Bronze Age plc
Bronze Age plc is a new company formed as a result of a management buyout of a traditional manufacturing company employing some 200 people. The company manufactures fittings for the engineering, automotive, and petrochemical industries.
The company is split into three manufacturing departments – CNC machining, Heat Treatment, and Plating – plus an administration department. The CNC department comprises 40 machines which tend to allocated to specific customers. Both the Heat
Treatment and Plating departments carry out work for the other departments as well as for external customers.
The new management wishes to exploit new markets, and to do this it requires to gain accreditation to ISO 9001.

Report content and structure
Learning Outcome 2 of this Unit requires you to be able to explain the stages to be in the process of achieving ISO 9001.
Your report should therefore show that you can do this, by explaining the steps that Bronze Age plc must follow to gain accreditation to ISO 9001.

Title page (incl summary of up to 50 words)
The report title should be reflective of its content. The title page should also include details of the author, the date and often a short summary (of up to 50 words) informing the reader of the general content.

Contents page
Larger reports benefit from a contents page which would list the main report sections and page numbers (page numbers should be as footers on the document). If Heading styles are in a Word document to indicate the different sections.

Introduction (100 – 150 words)
The introduction of a report should introduce the purpose of the report, not the work you carried out. So your introduction should start with something like ‘This report covers …’, then should go on to briefly discuss the background and key aims of the
case study.

MF620: Financial Statement Development and Analysis

MF620 Financial Statement Development and Analysis. Lesson 4: Long Term Financing. Activity 4:  Long Term Financing (4 pages, 100 points). Choose a publicly traded company on which to focus, modeled on the Walmart analysis in chapter 14.

MF620: Financial Statement Development and Analysis

MF620 Financial Statement Development and Analysis

Lesson 4: Long Term Financing

Activity 4:  Long Term Financing (4 pages, 100 points)
Choose a publicly traded company on which to focus, modeled on the Walmart analysis in chapter 14.

Part A         Project an income statement for next year for the firm based on your assessment of revenue growth, key projected financial ratios, and any other key assumptions, making sure to justify any assumptions.

Firstly, What is your projection for net income and how does it compare with the previous year?
Secondly, Based on your assessment of anticipated dividends, what is your projection for a change in retained earnings?

Part B         Project a balance sheet for next year for the firm based on your assessment of the change in retained earnings, key projected financial ratios, and any other key assumptions, making sure to justify any assumptions. Additionally, use external borrowing as your balancing “plug.” What is your assessment of the firm’s financial needs?

Part C         Based on your projection of financial needs, what recommendation would you make to the firm—for example, how to meet increased financing needs or what to do with excess financial capacity?

More details;

What is Project balance sheet?

Balance Sheet

A projected balance sheet, also referred to as pro forma balance sheet, lists specific account balances on a business’ assets, liabilities and equity for a specified future time.

How do you make a project balance sheet?
Follow these steps to forecast a balance sheet:

Firstly, forecast Net Working Capital. To begin forecasting a balance sheet, you’ll first need to estimate your business’s net working capital.

Secondly, Project Fixed Assets.

Thirdly, Estimate Financial Debt.

Fourthly, Forecast Equity Position.

Further, forecast Cash Position.

Grading Rubric:
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.