Customer Satisfaction Management and Empowerment assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the Customer Satisfaction, Management and Empowerment assignment. The paper also provides directions to follow in writing the assignment paper.

Customer Satisfaction Management and Empowerment assignment

Part 2 – Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty,  Management and Empowerment
Learning Outcomes
1.  Customer empowerment.  Student can identify how their chosen product or service offering uses social networks to communicate and also empower customers to be part of the marketing process.
2.  Customer satisfaction.  Secondly, student can identify how customers communicate their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the chosen product or service offering.
3.  Customer Relationship Management.  Thirdly, student can explain customer lifetime value and how a customer relationship management program can have a role in attracting and retaining most valuable customers.
4.  Customer privacy.  Fourthly, student can identify the product or service offerings privacy policy and analyze its effectiveness in protecting their customer’s information.


·         Firstly, you may want to find a Most Valuable Customer (MVC) of the product or service if you are not one yourself, or alternatively think like an MVC.  What is the evidence of an MVC of your product or service?  It isn’t just that the customer regularly buys the product or service.  Also, it means that the customer is treated differently — better — than other customers.  It means that the MVC represents about 20% of the company’s revenues.   These are the customers with whom the company regularly communicates, offers special deals,  and other ways as outlined in the text and as you can find with just a little bit of googling on the internet.

·         Secondly, you may want to calculate the lifetime value of a most valuable customer. Click on this link  for instruction on how to calculate the lifetime value calculation, and calculate the LTV using this simple equation:  LTV = (Price – cost to produce the product) * number of annual purchases * number of years expected to purchase – initial acquisition costs.  For simplicity sake, you can assume your customer will have a relationship with you for ten years and you can make an educated guess as to how much the initial acquisition costs were to get him as a customer in terms of advertising or other types of promotion efforts.

Customer Satisfaction Management and Empowerment assignment

If you are not an MVC yourself, make and share your assumptions about your calculation. If you are not an MVC, you might want to find someone who is and ask them why they are loyal to the product or service and what they feel the company does for them that is special that they don’t do for other customers.
·         Thirdly, you may need call or visit a store to take a look at your product or service. If the website does not provide you everything you need to evaluate the company’s product or service privacy policy.  Usually the privacy policy is available on the website.
·         Answer the following four questions in order and number the beginning of your response to each question.

Critically analyse a retail organisation-company in the UK

Your first task is to critically analyse a retail organisation/company in the UK by carrying out an external environmental analysis using appropriate international marketing theory. Using secondary research of the organisation/company and country, you are also required to evaluate the wider and competitive environments.

Critically analyse a retail organisation-company in the UK

These tasks consists of critically analysing and evaluating the strategy of an organisation with a view to recommending strategic options for further growth and international expansion.

You are required to carry out the following tasks:

Task 1
Your first task is to critically analyse a retail organisation/company in the UK by carrying out an external environmental analysis using appropriate international marketing theory. Using secondary research of the organisation/company and country, you are also required to evaluate the wider and competitive environments.

Task 2
Bearing in mind the current state of the global economy, and your earlier analysis of your chosen organisation in your chosen country, research a different foreign market of your choice using international market research theory. Then, based on your own secondary research of that market, segment, target and position your chosen organisation in that market to allow the company to grow and sustain competitive advantage.

Marking Criteria
The following framework is a guide to the marks available for the assignment:
Firstly, Report structure, process and presentation – 15%

Secondly, Critical evaluation and content of task 1 – 30%

Thirdly, Critical evaluation and content of task 2 – 30%

Further, Quality of the report in terms of critical thinking, reflective learning and relevance of the linkages between theory and practice – 20%

Finally, References/bibliography using the APA 6th style – 5%


Please note the following criteria:

•      Format. Your written assessment is to be in report format, using diagrams to demonstrate research and aid analysis.
•      Length. Your assessment should be approximately 4,000 words (+/- 10%) + references + appendices. [Your bibliography and appendices do not count as part of the word count. Please note appendices are to be used to support your written assessment (report) and not to contain unnecessary information / data].
•      Reading. Doole, I., Lowe, R., & Dawson Books. (2012). International marketing strategy : Analysis, development and implementation. (6th ed. / Isobel Doole & Robin Lowe. ed.) and International Marketing Text (attached doc).


The financial performance analysis of a company listed on ASX

This is a paper that is focusing on the financial performance analysis of a company listed on ASX. The paper also provides the learning outcomes of the assignment paper and analysis requirements.

The financial performance analysis of a company listed on ASX

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)
The assignment should examine the main issues, including: underlying theories, implement performance measures used and explain the firm’s financial performance. Your group is strongly advised to reference professional websites, journal articles and text books in this assignment (case study).

The applicable Unit learning Outcomes are:
1.       Firstly, research and explain the structure of Australian and International financial systems. Critically analyse the role of finance in business. Explain financial markets and different types of securities and the processes related to their investment. Interpret the impact of future developments in the financial markets on business structure and performance.

2.       Secondly, understand the concept of the time value of money and apply it in investment and portfolio evaluation and management.

3.       Thirdly, identify the important factors in capital investment decisions, portfolio evaluation and business financing activities.

4.       Fourthly, critically analyse finance alternatives to manage short and long term debts. Critically understand and also practice valuation of financial instruments, including ordinary shares, preferred shares and bonds.

5.       Lastly, describe the effects of interest rates on business finance. Evaluate the firm capital structure policy and payout policy. Evaluate alternative funding policies and instruments available to businesses including the banking sector and nonbanking sector.


This assignment task is a written report and evaluative analysis of the financial performance of a selected listed company on the ASX. This analysis requires:

1.       Firstly, description of the company.
2.       Secondly, preparation of common size financial statements.
3.       Thirdly, analysis of company networking capital position.
4.       Fourthly, analysis of liquidity and capital structure.

You are required to obtain the relevant information from chosen company annual reports and company web site. You can access the company web site via

To download the relevant please referee the Company code in ASX (see the following examples)

Strategic Financial Management Assignment for Penco

This is a paper that is focusing on the Strategic Financial Management Assignment. The paper also provides additional tasks to follow in writing the assignment paper.

Strategic Financial Management Assignment

You have recently joined Penco,  a small pension fund that aims to strategically invest in low-risk companies with a historically satisfactory return on investment.

Task 1 of 3
Firstly, as a junior analyst, your first task is to review the market and select two companies listed on the London stock market and to access their financial statements. You should analyse their financial position, using the information from their financial statements and apply appropriate financial ratios.
Secondly, you should make recommendations to Penco to invest. Calculations and also financial ratios supporting the recommendation should be appended to the memo for the board’s attention.
Submission and delivery:
▪ 1x memo (circa 1000 words excluding supporting calculations and also financial ratios used)

• Each section must reflect any supporting Harvard style citations.
• A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be at the end
of the work.

Strategic Financial Management Assignment

Task 2 of 3 Report
Firstly, the board of Penco approved your recommendations and decided to purchase stock in the two organisations you recommended. In fact, based on your recommendations, they decided to invest more than anticipated. The previous budget was £2,000,000 but the board wants to invest £1,000,000 in each of the two organisations you recommended which means that an extra £1,000,000 is required.

Write a short report containing:
An introduction discussing the need for short term working capital and long-term funds
A main body comparing the sources of funding, including their pros and also cons
▪ A justified recommendation of your choices of funding for the £1,000,000 using a range of criteria related to cost and also risk.
Submission and delivery:
▪ 1x report (circa 1500 words)

• Each section must reflect any supporting Harvard style citations.
• Lastly, a comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be at the end of the work

A Case Analysis of Uber’s market surge pricing

This is a paper that is focusing on A Case Analysis of Uber’s market surge pricing. The paper also provides the instructions to follow in answering the assignment paper.

A Case Analysis of Uber’s market surge pricing

A Case Analysis of Uber
Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at

Construct an eight-page analysis of Uber using the following criteria.

Analyze the market before Uber’s entry. Describe the inefficiency Uber exploited.
Explain Uber’s surge pricing in the context of shifts in supply and also demand.
Evaluate Uber’s surge pricing in the context of price discrimination.
Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to Uber’s business model.
Apply the concepts of game theory to Uber’s market.
Assess Uber’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.
Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.
Discuss any asymmetric information issues with Uber’s business model.

Your essay must be at least eight pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least five peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to
APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

If you need help identifying peer-reviewed publications, review the CSU Online Library resources Peer-Reviewed Resources and video How to Find Peer-
Reviewed Resources (Transcript for Peer-Reviewed Resources video)

NOTE, ensure  that the paper is at least 8 pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Service marketing is a relatively new entrant in the world of marketing

Service marketing is a relatively new entrant in the world of marketing has only emerged as a separate field of study in the 1980s (Hoffman & Bateson, 2017). Marketing a service poses unique challenges to the marketer.

Service marketing is a relatively new entrant in the world of marketing

Service marketing is a relatively new entrant in the world of marketing has only emerged as a separate field of study in the 1980s (Hoffman & Bateson, 2017). Marketing a service poses unique challenges to the marketer.

In this assignment, choose a service that you currently use or have used in the past that you think does a good job of marketing their service and meeting their customers’ needs. Examples might include your college, your financial services institution, a hotel chain, a dog walking service, hair/nail salon, DNA testing services, etc. Evaluate the four key characteristics (intangibility, inseparability, perishability, and variability) as they relate to your chosen company and make recommendations to the company on how they can improve in these areas. In your paper, address the following:

1) Provide a brief introduction to your chosen company, what services they provide, where they are located, how many employees they have etc. and explain why you chose this company
2) What is the service company’s branding strategy? Some items you might want to consider in this section are: Firstly, how do they position their brand? further, Do they have a well-established name brand recognition? Also, Do they use crowdsourcing? Additionally, Do they use private-label branding or brand extensions?

3) Moreover, evaluate each of the 4 key service characteristics as it applies to the company.

Include at least two scholarly sources to support your work. 

• Length: at least 2 double-spaced, APA formatted pages (not including cover or reference pages)

With the spread of the Coronavirus, much of the business community’s 

With the spread of the Coronavirus, much of the business community’s traditional way of looking business has changed.  The business community is looking more flexible business operations with minimum human interaction with least amount of stocks goods and services.

With the spread of the Coronavirus much of the business community’s

Firstly, With the spread of the Coronavirus, much of the business community’s traditional way of looking business has changed.  Secondly, The business community is looking more flexible business operations with minimum human interaction with least amount of stocks goods and services.  Thirdly, Perhaps e-business, efficient customer care and response, electronic billing and payment systems and the Japanese concept of just-in-time delivery are considered to be the components of a viable business operation.
Also, In your BUS 209 class, you learnt Solving Problems, Some Special Equations and Rates of Change, Summarizing Data, Measuring Uncertainty and Probability Distributions.

Additionally, Examine the different components of viable business operation by applying quantitative methods to collect and describe data using sampling methods. Further, To assess the components risk and uncertainty, you may use probability distributions, expected value, variance and standard deviation.
Moreover, Write a three pages report on the title of “Quantitative Approach to a Viable Business Operation in the Post-Coronavirus Era”.  (minimum 3 pages).

Hint: The following functions are considered to be the most important business functions
1.      Production Function;
2.      Marketing Function;
3.      Finance Function;
4.      Human Resource Function;
5.      Management Information Function;
6.      Innovation (Research & Development).

The Hilton Company current and recent strategic performance

This is a paper that is focusing on the Hilton Company current and recent strategic performance. The paper also provides the guidelines of how to structure the assignment paper.

The Hilton Company current and recent strategic performance

Overall aim:
To choose an organization from the world of hospitality and tourism –  “The Hilton Company” and carry out an analysis of their current and recent strategic performance, relating the strategies employed back to the core concepts of strategic management.

Firstly, interpret current hospitality trends and shifts in terms of emerging markets, and changing market foci.
Secondly, critically appraise the hospitality industry and their participant firms, and their opportunities and challenges for business development, strategy implementation and the development of competitive advantage
Thirdly, discriminate the use of core models of strategy in their application in the current practices of market entry, growth strategies and current industry trends in strategic alliances and mergers and acquisitions.
Fourthly, evaluate a corporate organisation from the world of hospitality. Use appropriate corporate and industry data, to arrive at the identification of business-critical performance and its impact on long-term business strategies.


1. Introduction
The organization is to be presented with a brief explanation of their core business and the markets in which they operate. A lengthy history of the organization is specifically not required unless relevant to significant strategic changes over a given period of time. (200 words)

2. Main body
Presentation of core corporate data for a minimum of the last 5 years, with associated analysis. This must include both quantitative and qualitative data. This data is to be analysed in relation to core theoretical frameworks/theories.
–       Use 3 theories/frameworks SWOT, PESTLE, 5 Porters Forces and also apply to the Hilton company. Talk about the purpose of each theory and the limitations.

–       The data selected must include some industry data that allows for a broader perspective of market and industry trends and of the company’s market competitiveness and positioning.  Corporate and industry data: that shows what happened in the company for the last 5 yeas according to the strategies they use, how the company grew up and the revenue.
!!! IMPORTANT!!! BASED THE DATA ON EVIDENCE ONLY!!!! (1500 words including data )

3. Key Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions should be either in a summary format in this final section. Also, the Key Findings presented in this section or (ideally) in the appropriate sections of the main body. They should then allow for an assessment of the company’s current and future plans for growth, with recommendations as to these future development opportunities. AS AN EXAMPLE:  what should they do to improve the strategy or they should keep following the strategy. (300 words)
4. References
Data and any reference to academic theories should be referenced in text and supported by a reference list (APA referencing)

In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies

In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies announced fiscal stimulus packages and their national banks support this with changes in monetary policy to reduce the impact of the incoming recession. This is also the case for the UK.

In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies

Assignment brief:
In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies announced fiscal stimulus packages and their national banks support this with changes in monetary policy to reduce the impact of the incoming recession. This is also the case for the UK. Your assignment is to address the following points:

a) Describe the monetary and fiscal policy response to changes in economic conditions in the UK
(Until the end of March 2020). [20 marks]

b) Describe the impact each of those measures will have (according to current macroeconomic models covered in lectures) on:
i) Government spending,
ii) Household consumption,
iii) Firm investment,
iv) Inflation

You are not required to use real data for but should illustrate your answers with graphs and figures. [40 marks]

c) Discuss the impact the monetary and fiscal policy change will have on the construction sector and industry in the next 1-2 years. [20 marks]

d) Finally, Discuss what impact low interest rates will have on demand for office space in London in the next 1-2 years. [20 marks]

Submission details:

The word limit for this assignment is 3,000 words.
The first page of your assignment should be a copy of the assignment cover sheet with the declaration of originality page to follow afterwards. Please enter the module code and module title onto the cover sheet. Additionally, Please DO NOT put your name or student number/candidate number on the assignment cover sheet/declaration page or anywhere on the electronic copy of your assignment.

Your attention is drawn to the UCL guidance on referencing, citations and plagiarism. Please familiarise yourself with this guidance before submitting your work.

Please see Section 13.2 of the MSc Programme Handbook 2019-20 for details of penalties which apply when students submit work late. Finally, an electronic copy of the MSc Programme Handbook 2019-20 is available on the MSc CEM programme homepage on Moodle.

Frank’s All-American takeout business case scenario

This is a paper that is focusing on the Frank’s All-American takeout business case scenario. The paper also provides the marking criteria to use in writing the assignment paper.

Frank’s All-American takeout business case scenario

Question 6: Frank’s All-American BarBeQue is planning to significantly expand its takeout business. Currently, customers come into the restaurant and order from the menu. With the new Darien facility and website, customers will be able to order online or fax an order to the restaurant. Frank and Robert have been arguing over how to structure the takeout portion of their operations. Frank wants to maintain the approach where customers order items from the menu. Robert believes that in today’s world, it would be more convenient for customers to order complete prepackaged meals. Father and also son have argued about the nature of these meals.

Frank has suggested a limited number of standard meals that could be prepared during the day and sold in the evening when commuters are returning home. However, this might mean that excess inventory would be built up on unwanted items. Robert wants to offer a greater variety. These would include the main course, two side dishes, and a dessert. Because there could be a large number of combinations, most would have to be made after the receipt of an order. The “rush” to make these meals would drive up costs. How would you go about pricing these two types of meals?  (Hint: review pricing objectives and pricing strategies  in the textbook))

ENSURE you read the case study guide and review the case study and relevant sections in the textbook Small Business Management in the 21st Century before answering any question. Be aware of what is being asked from you. Chapters 6, 7, and 8.
Marking Criteria: Excellent response demonstrating a very good understanding of the various concepts and application of these to the case study.

Frank’s All-American takeout business case scenario

Question 7: In the Appendix (Chapter 16 “Appendix: A Sample Business Plan”), you will find the business plan for Frank’s All-American BarBeQue. This plan examined several possible locations for a second restaurant. Frank and Robert considered several factors when evaluating alternative towns as possible locations. Some of these included population size, average income, travel times, and also percentage of population. Based on the data, they selected Darien, Connecticut. Do you agree with the decision? Why or why not? Do you think other factors should have been considered? If yes, what would you recommend?

ENSURE you read the case study guide and review the case study and relevant sections in the textbook Small Business Management in the 21st Century before answering any question. Chapters 6, 7, and 8.
Marking Criteria: Excellent response demonstrating a very good understanding of the various concepts and also application of these to the case study. Answers all sections of the question in detail with explanations (Do you agree with the decision? Why or why not? If yes, what would you recommend?)