The effects on USA employment in the textile industry

This is a paper that is focusing on the effects on USA employment in the textile industry. The paper also provides further instructions to use in writing the assignment paper.

The effects on USA employment in the textile industry

“Effects on USA employment in the textile industry after globalization eliminates the ability to compete in a global market where legal minimum wages vary by country”.
Firstly, remember to use strict APA format, including an abstract, title page, page numbers, headings, conclusion and proper references.


Secondly, follow the guidelines for creating your PowerPoint slides and use the examples provided in Blackboard to avoid: small fonts, crowded slides, improper graphics (see # 3 below) and too much background data.


Thirdly, powerPoint slides MUST highlight key models and findings from your Term Paper/Research Project.


Fourthly, graphics should be with appropriate scale, clearly legible in the paper and also in a PowerPoint, and should always use zero as the arch and – this means a chart of stock prices doesn’t start at 50 and show the stock doubling from 50 to 100.


Use the primary tools from the text: supply & demand, elasticity, marginal costs,

MR=MC, short run vs. long run equilibrium, industry types, pricing models, etc.
Remember that many of the models you might choose to use will require a comparison with other firms or industries.
Must compare firms, or industries, or time periods, or different outcomes from pricing strategies.


This is a project of economic analysis using models from the text, not a descriptive term paper or re-telling of a story of text case.


Some basic types of projects would include analysis of (1) pricing tools. (2) types of costs (fixed vs. variable, short run vs. log run). (3) oligopoly strategies. (4) industry exit and barriers to entry. (5) marginal cost and profit maximization examples.


Incorporate the section on price floors and price ceilings.

Participate in a business simulation exercise Business Game

You will participate in a business simulation exercise (“Business Game”) based on the European Car Industry.  The purpose of the exercise is to give you the opportunity to use the learning from the four functional areas (marketing, finance, human resources and operations management) to simulate the setting up and running of a business which is competing for market share.

Participate in a business simulation exercise (“Business Game”)

You will participate in a business simulation exercise (“Business Game”) based on the European Car Industry.  The purpose of the exercise is to give you the opportunity to use the learning from the four functional areas (marketing, finance, human resources and operations management) to simulate the setting up and running of a business which is competing for market share.

In Week 5, you will attend an introductory lecture which will explain the objectives of the simulation and the process for making decisions.  In the seminars, which begin in Week 6, you will be divided into teams of 5-6 students.  Each team has to set up a car manufacturing company, design two cars and sell these to the market.  The teams within each seminar group will compete with one another for market share.  The objective for each team is to maximise the shareholder value of their company at the end of four decision rounds – Week 11.

Information on the market together with cost data will be posted on Bb in Week 5.  Each team should read this information carefully and use it to establish a business strategy.  In Weeks 7 to11 the teams will make a set of decisions each week to be submitted online.  The results, in the form of computer-generated reports, will be available online later in the week.

The Business Game seminars in Weeks 7-10 will take the form of shareholder meetings.  Each team will make a short presentation reviewing the performance of their company in the previous round and identifying key areas where the performance and management of the business can be improved.

In order to complete the assessment detailed below, it is essential that each student keeps a detailed record of the team meetings, the decisions made, the rationale for these decisions and their own role as a member of the team.  Non-attendance at seminars will be penalise.

Each team will submit a group report on the Round 1 decisions with the following sections:

Firstly, Peer assessment form with the names and signatures of all team members (see final page of this brief).  [10%]

Secondly, The team’s business plan for Round 1 (word limit 1,500 words) as follows: [60%]

Mission statement – what is the purpose of your company?
Business Objectives – measurable targets for the end of Round 4 (e.g. market share)
Chosen market segments with brief descriptions of target customers and your marketing strategy
Your competitive strategy – why will people buy your cars rather than those from other companies?
The rationale underlying the choices of designs, options and R&D
Additionally, The rationale for the prices charged for each car
Finally, The rationale for production/HRM decisions such as investment in automation

3.     An appendix containing minutes of the team meetings that took place up to the submission of the Round 1 Decision.  These should show attendance, topics discussed, an outline of the team discussion of each topic, the decisions made (and how they were made) and actions agreed.  As a guide, each meeting is likely to require at least one full A4 page. [30%]

What is strategic marketing in Big Green Egg research

This is a paper that is focusing on the what is strategic marketing in Big Green Egg. The paper also provides directions to follow in writing the assignment paper.

What is strategic marketing in Big Green Egg research

Learning Outcomes
Part 1 – What is Strategic Marketing?
1.  Firstly, creating Value for Customers:  Student can demonstrate an understanding of the concept of value creation.
2.  Secondly, the Role of the Customer in the Company’s Strategic Planning.  Student can assess the company’s commit to serving customer needs as evidenced in a company’s mission statement.
3.  SWOT analysis:  Thirdly, student can conduct a simple SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of a product or service offering and draw inferences from an analysis of the results.
4.  Competitive Analysis:  Fourthly, student can conduct a simple competitive analysis based on criteria important to the customers of the product or service.


·         Select your product or service offering from the list.
you will select one of the following products or services to be the subject of each of your four writing assignments.  The same product/service will be used in every paper.

Big Green Egg (Outdoor grill/smoker)
Garmin Fenix 6s (Smartwatch)
UE Megablast (bluetooth speaker)
Lifelock (Identity Protection) (On Demand Exercise Videos)

Your focus will be on the domestic or U.S. marketing of the product only and not any of the global operations, if any. Your job is to apply those concepts to your chosen product or service.

·         Research your product or service offering through the Internet (your references will need to be mostly academic sources. See library services if you do not know what an academic source means).  Do not limit yourself to searching solely on the product or service name.  Look up the industry it is in ( is a good source for this via the UMGC library) and also search on that industry as well.  Look up the direct competitors.  Check industry journals and the trade press. Additionally, ask your family, friends, coworkers and others what they think about the product and each of the competitors.  You may want to also visit a retailer to compare the products on the shelves or visit all of the websites.  Also, keep all your research as you will need it for future writing assignments.

·         Prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your name and the name of your product or service.  Then answer each of the following eight questions (four in part 1 and four in part 2) in order and number the beginning of your response to each question.  Although you do not need to repeat the question, each section should have a heading.  Lastly, the paper should contain approximately 5+ pages of analysis for the responses to the eight questions.

Choose a product or service that you connect with as a consumer

Choose a product or service that you connect with as a consumer. Explain how the company has used the consumer decision process model to effectively market the product or service to you.

Choose a product or service that you connect with as a consumer

Each student will write a marketing paper (max 3 pages, formatted in Word, font Times New Roman 12, double spaced) that addresses one of these topics below.

Option 1) Situational analysis (includes a SWOT analysis).

Choose a product or service. Identify at least two significant factors for each of the four SWOT components. Provide specific information for controllable aspects (the marketing mix) as well as all uncontrollable environments.  For example, is the company doing a good job promoting its services? Regarding uncontrollable factors: what part(s) of the economy (GNP, inflation, interest rates, unemployment, etc) affect the company and why? Are there political/cultural/regulatory affectations?

Option 2) The consumer decision process model

Choose a product or service that you connect with as a consumer. Explain how the company has used the consumer decision process model to effectively market the product or service to you.

Be sure to discuss:

(1) firstly, detail the strategy based on the model.

(2) secondly, explain why the strategy was successful for you as a consumer.

(3) thirdly, judge how the company should move into the future.

(4) finally, explain the decision-making process you experienced as a consumer when choosing this product or service.

Option 3) STP for a new product.  

Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is developing a new product or service to introduce into the market. Briefly describe the product. Then develop the segmentation, targeting, and position strategy for marketing the new product.

Be sure to discuss:

(1) firstly, the overall strategy; why segmenting, targeting, and position are useful methodologies.

(2) secondly, segmentation and targeting choices.

(3) thirdly, characteristics of the target market.

(4) fourthly, why that target market is attractive.

(5) finally, the positioning strategy.
Provide justifications, in the form of research, for your decisions and include your textbook and at least three external references in addition to the textbook. Put your in-text citations and references in APA Style. Again, you will need to choose ONE topic; do not do all assignments.

The strategic marketing plan to launch a new product

This is a paper that is focusing on the strategic marketing plan to launch a new product. The paper also provides an assessment criteria to use in writing the assignment paper.

The strategic marketing plan to launch a new product

The requirements for the assessment

Contributes 100% of the overall module mark. An individual academic essay in report format of 3,000 words (+/- 10% excluding references and appendices).

Create a strategic marketing plan to launch a new product for a company of your choice, into their existing market.

The new product must be sufficiently different from the brand’s core offering i.e. it is extending the brand into a new area. For guidance use SIC codes to confirm
The submissions should be in a written report format i.e. executive summary, headings, bullets allowed, tables and charts etc.

Assessment criteria

Assessment 001 submissions will be expected to include:

Firstly, a brief overview and understanding of the brand’s current core offering, the market and its competitors in that current market
Secondly, an understanding of its current target audience in its core market
Thirdly, porter’s 5-forces analysis of the new product market
Fourthly, identification of main competitors in the new product market
Evidenced market demand from its current target audience (for the new product)
A SWOT analysis on the new product into the current target audience
Analysis of data and management information to justify entrance into the new product market
Critical analysis of the above elements to form a proposed competitive positioning strategy for the new product; and
A proposed marketing mix to launch the new product market
Your proposal must include discussion of how success will be measured e.g. balanced scorecard, SMART objectives or other financial metrics.

PLUS, the criteria outlined in the marking grid which can be accessed below.
By way of guidance, look to approximately 1,500 words to cover points 1-7 and 1,500 to cover points 8 – 10.

You take a look at some of the tough financial decisions that Companies

This week, you take a look at some of the tough financial decisions that Companies need to make in starting, growing and dealing with economic downturns in their business.

Creatively illustrate traditional and new media options

This week, you take a look at some of the tough financial decisions that Companies need to make in starting, growing and dealing with economic downturns in their business. Some of these challenges can be exemplified by how to strategically invest in growth to make some hard financial decisions to avoid your business from going out of business. In building upon the strategic financial decisions that management must make and consider, you are going to learn a bit about Tactus Technology® and will address questions related to a real-world case study on the Company. For starters, you can learn a bit more about the

Company by going to their website at the following address:
Tactus Technology’s Craig Ciesla and Micah Yairi had a great idea and then were faced with the challenge of how to fund their start-up. So, and to learn more about their fund raising challenges, you will read the case study on page 194 – 195 of our ebook that is focused on Tactus Tech. Once you do this and complete your additional outside research, address the following questions: (please note the questions here are slightly different than those in the ebook and you should only address the questions that follow here.)

1. Craig Ciesla and Micah Yairi eventually turned to friends and family for funding. Should they have done this first? What are the risks with raising money from such individuals?

2. What were the risks and benefits of waiting until they had been granted patents to ask for customer feedback?

3. The partners gave up equity in their company – part of the ownership – to get the help they need ed. Was this a good idea? Why or why not?

4. Why do you think, even with such bad luck, Ciesla and Yairi stuck it out? What would it take for you to be so persistent?

5. Building upon the business you would like to open up, what funding source or sources would you take advantage of in order to initially fund your company? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing the funding source or sources you would use?

APA Requirements & Suggestions

APA format writing has very specific writing requirements that need to be met and are graded at Kaplan.

A few of these major requirements include:
Microsoft Office programs only: Word, PowerPoint, or Excel (versions 2007 or higher)

A Title Page should be the first page of your Assignment

Each page should be in double-space (no spaces between paragraphs)

You will indent each new paragraph

Font should be Times New Roman and 12 pt. font only

1” margins all around for your page setup

APA formatted Reference Page is the last page of your Assignment

Your Reference Page should include at least two “qualified” research sources on it.

You should include at least two Citations in your response section (each instance should be just a sentence or two or support your writing)

Bullet Points and Numbered Lists should not be used

Qualified Research Sources should only be used (i.e. no resources exemplified by Wikipedia and will be accepted) and typically these are found by using resources like the Kaplan Library and Google Scholar

The paper should be a minimum of two pages long, double-spaced. The minimum length does not include the cover page and the reference page. All sources should be reference as sources cite d. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Citations should use APA style.

Make sure your document includes:

Your Name
Course Name and Section Number
Unit Number
Assignment Name
Page Numbers

Organization’s Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan

This is a paper that is focusing on the Organization’s Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan . The paper also discusses the production of a brief operations review in the assignment paper.

Organization’s Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan

Complete all parts in one document, providing each part with a heading indicating the part number and content area.
Part 1: Produce a Brief Operations Review (3 points)
Provide a review of the most-crucial issues in operating a security defense system of an organization with at least 300 employees by drawing on all of your reading plus at least two other quality sources on the Internet or the NCU Library. Length 2 to 3.5 pages.

Part 2: Report on Your Organization’s Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan (7 points)

Your CEO has asked for a brief report of your organization’s plans for disaster recovery and your readiness to deal with outages and other issues. (If you are not employed or your organization’s recovery plans are classified, you may create a fictitious scenario for this assignment.) Interview the appropriate people in your organization and compose a brief email for your CEO including the following information:

Summarize your organization’s disaster recovery and continuity of operations plans (if they exist).
Assess your organization’s ability to respond in case of an emergency, data loss, data theft, natural disaster, or other event.
Recommend improvements to your organization’s potential to response to such threats. Provide examples where appropriate to illustrate your ideas.
Structure your response as an email and not an essay. Keep your audience and purpose in mind. Do not mention any irrelevant conceptual information that a
C-level person would not care about. Keep it brief and to the point, but still informative and in keeping with best practices of information security safeguarding.
Be sure to still include an APA-formatted coversheet and reference page.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal works, may be included. Length, 3 to 4 pages.

Compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible services

Compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits employees receive as part of an employment relationship. Employees often perceive their compensation in different ways — as a return in exchange for their labors, as an entitlement, as a reward, etc.

Compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible services

Compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits employees receive as part of an employment relationship. Employees often perceive their compensation in different ways. As a return in exchange for their labors, as an entitlement, as a reward, etc. In what way do you perceive compensation and how did your perspective on compensation develop?
More details;

What does employee compensation refer to?

Employee compensation refers to the benefits (cash, vacation, etc.). That an employee receives in exchange for the service they provide to their employer. Employee compensation is generally one of the largest costs or expenses for any organization.
What are the 4 components of compensation?
Total compensation would include all four categories: guaranteed pay (salary and allowances), variable pay, benefits and also  equity compensation. Remuneration is also a term often use d to refer to total cash compensation or total compensation.
What is the importance of benefits as a part of employee compensation?
Offering benefits to your employees is important because it shows them you are invested in not only their overall health, but their future. A solid employee benefits package can also help to attract and retain talent.
What is the difference between benefits and compensation?
Compensation refers to pay or the exchange in monetary terms of the work performed by the employee and is also paid by the employer. This can be also in the form of wages, salary or tips. On the other hand, benefits refer to the exchange in value to the employees as part of their packages for the work that has been performed.

Research Project. Your organization is going to be expanding globally

Research Project. Your organization is going to be expanding globally.  Select two (2) countries of your choice.  You will conduct research in which you 1) identify and discuss, for each country, the customary benefits organizations provide their employees in those countries.  2) In your discussion, compare these countries with what organizations in the United States provide employees.

Research Project Your organization is going to be expanding globally

Research Project. Your organization is going to be expanding globally.  Select two (2) countries of your choice.  You will conduct research in which you 1) identify and discuss, for each country, the customary benefits organizations provide their employees in those countries.  2) In your discussion, compare these countries with what organizations in the United States provide employees.   Topics to include in your comparison will include, but not limited to, health insurance benefits, wages, and paid time off.  When sharing and comparing the countries, make sure you include information as to why.  For example, if the income tax rate is extremely high, organizations might tend to offer X benefit.

Next, you want identify what these countries might do better and what might US organization do better. (Germany and France)

Finally, make a recommendation as to 1) which country your organization should consider entering and 2) what benefits and wage practices would you recommend and would then be the same as to what you offer employees in the United States.   Please keep in mind that what you provide in your paper must support your recommendations.   For example, in France, if you take public transportation to and from work, the company must pay 50% of their monthly transportation pass. This is something that might work for your organization here in the United States, especially in larger cities that encourage using mass transit, but you need to make sure you explain why if you did not already share this in the body of your paper.

Prepare your research project this week as if you are preparing to present your findings to a HRM Benefits Counsellor.

Submission Instructions:

Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least five (5) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), format your work in proper APA format, include an abstract, cover page, a Reference section as required, and a minimum of 6 full pages of double spaced written content. Be sure to cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual. Please use sources from ProQuest. The document must be MS Word

How do the project’s business and technical requirements impact the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

How do the project’s business and technical requirements impact the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)? What is the importance of developing a WBS to manage a project?

How do the project’s business and technical requirements impact the Work Breakdown Structure WBS

Week 4 – Managing a Project Schedule – Assignment
Assignment Content

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer the following questions:
Firstly, How do the project’s business and technical requirements impact the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

Secondly, What is the importance of developing a WBS to manage a project?

Thirdly, How does the WBS contribute to the success of a project?

Fourthly, Once the project schedule is finalized, what are the tools you can use to monitor the schedule?

Further,  How do you handle resource over allocation?

Finally, What are the advantages and disadvantages of fast-tracking a project?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

More details;

What is Work Breakdown Structure WBS and why it is important to project management?

work breakdown structure (WBS) is a visual tool for defining and tracking a project deliverable and all the small components needed to create it. With a work breakdown structure, you can stay focused on what you need to accomplish as you move toward the project deadline.
What is the importance of work breakdown structure in project management?
The benefits of creating a WBS include: it defines and organizes the work required. it facilitates the quick development of a schedule by allocating effort estimates to specific sections of the WBS. it can be used to identify potential scope risks if it has a branch that is not well defined.
What is the relationship between a scope statement and a work breakdown structure?
Proper scope definition is critical for a project’s success. A work breakdown structure (WBS) can help you define the scope of your project by taking the scope statement and subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, manageable packages of activities.