“New converged Revenue Recognition standards – FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 606 ASC 606
Research Paper Outline: (double spaced, 12 point font) – APAv6 format Title page To include: running title header, paper title, college and university names (Texas Woman’s not Women’s/ College of Business not School of Management), course title and number, semester and year, author’s name, professor’s name, date of submission, and a statement… “This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for BUS 5733*70” or BUS 5733*60 (respectively) Abstract – limit 100 words – use present tense – no …. ‘this paper will…’; rather ‘this paper examines, explores etc,’ Keywords and list of acronyms (if any) – or Glossary –up front Table of Contents (and Tables of Charts, Graphs, Diagrams, Figures, etc, if any) Body of the paper (remember APAv6 calls for section and sub-section headings) Introduction and discussion of History Discussion of the concepts/facts reviewed Issues involved (regulation, standards, or laws, goals being achieved?) – Use proper titles and citations throughout your paper. What were the issues that led to the new standard? Recommendation(s) Conclusion- are the new standards working? Are they delivering real benefit? Does any benefit exceed the costs incurred? Is there now only a single standard as initially conceived? Areas for further research References RESEARH PAPER GRADING RUBRIC Paper to follow all APA v6 Requirements (follow all rules in APAv6) Running paper header Word count OK? Title of paper, school and university names, author, date submitted, professor name Abstract OK? Page numbers on each page Include Table of Contents and a Table of Charts, figures, diagrams, tables, etc. Include List of abbreviations, acronyms, keywords, etc. List acronym, abbreviation, keyword alphabetically following each item listed by a complete spelling of the item. Examples: U.S. PCAOB ASC Topic 606 – U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 606: Revenue from Contracts with Customers. A complete listing here will mitigate a complete spelling out of terms in the paper body. Required statement – ‘This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for…..’ (insert course title and number) No Plagiarism Spell check used Grammar check used Indent first sentence in new paragraph Indent as a separate paragraph (no quote marks) for quotes of over 40 words, followed by reference Use section/topic headings in your paper No Run on sentences – short sentences are best Improper sentences – no noun, no verb, improper verb/noun alignment, etc. Proper references – alphabetical order, author name, date, article name, publication name, etc. Show source and date for each table, chart, figure, diagram, etc. so reader knows how much credibility to place on the item Make sure all references in the paper also appear in the references section in alphabetical order Word count minimum requirement – 2,000 words (+ or -) 5% (100 words) excluding the words on the title page and in the table of contents Use proper name and numbers for all standards, regulations, etc. in paper Table of contents – make sure page numbers align – list appendices if any Table of Charts, Graphs, Figures, Diagrams, Tables, etc. List of Key bodies, terms, standards, regulations, abbreviations, and acronyms – Acronym/abbreviation first, followed by complete spelling of the term(s). Acronyms or abbreviations to be listed alphabetically. Abstract – short, concise, convey essence of paper, sell the paper – no ‘wills’ in the abstract. Abstracts are written as though the paper has already been written – hence ‘this paper examines’ – not – this paper will examine. Paper Headings or something close to the below: Abstract Introduction/History Discussion/Presentation of the facts Issues involved Recommendations Areas for further research