Electronic Export Information

I have an existing paper that ive done all you have to do is write a page about these 3 sections -Electronic Export Information -Commercial Invoice -Packing List please write a page about them based on the report and case I will be sending I am only doing question 4 in the case as well articles you can use to write a good answer -https://www.export.gov/article?id=Japan-Import-Requirements-and-Documentation -https://www.export.gov/apex/article2?id=Taiwan-Import-Requirements-and-Documentation you may go ahead yourself to find solutions for those sections based on case and questions remember your only doing question 4 in this report im uploading the whole case and uploaded the case study as well so it gives you an idea what we doing. and write one page single spaced about -Electronic Export Information -Commercial Invoice -Packing List

A case in relevant cost and product mix

Terrific toys: A case in relevant cost and product mix 1. Product mix for the upcoming year: (a) For the upcoming year, do you agree with Brian Jones’ rationale to not change the product mix from the last year? Why? Show your supporting calculations. (b) Suggest changes, if any, that RPCES should make to the product mix for the upcoming year, and compute the effect of the suggested change on the net income of RPCES. For answering this question, ignore the possibility of off-shoring and the special order. 2. Analyses of special order: Taking into account the financial and non-financial considerations, explain whether the special order should have been accepted by (a) Brian Jones, the manager of the RPCES division, and (b) by the headquarters of Terrific Toys. Show supporting calculations and explain your rationale. Terrific Toys1 A case in relevant costs, product mix, and off-shoring analyses Andy Rosenthal was getting anxious. Just when he thought that he was almost done with his summer internship at Terrific Toys (hereafter, TT, or the Company), and started entertaining the prospect of getting an offer for a full-time position upon graduation, Mr. Anderson, TT’s controller, called Andy to his office for a brief meeting during which the following conversation ensued: Mr. Anderson: Thanks, Andy, for the great job you’ve done during the last two months on the forecasted financial statement preparation. We sent the forecasts to the bank and I understand that our loan proposal will be approved soon. Now comes the final part of your internship. In completing this assignment, you will interact with the divisional managers of the Company. As you know, they too will have a voice in deciding whether TT will extend you a job offer upon your graduation. Andy (suppressing his disappointment at the prospect of a disappearing vacation before the start of the school year): That’s great. My professors have always told me that accounting involves more than crunching numbers. This will provide a good opportunity to me for professional interaction and growth. What would you like me to do? Mr. Anderson (smiling): Help me put some financial sense in the heads of our divisional managers! Brian Jones who manages our Racer Pedal Cars and Electric Scooters division, for example. Brilliant engineer, I agree, but believe me, no financial sense. I’ve toiled tirelessly for more than a decade to develop a darn good system for cost accounting and performance evaluation at Terrific Toys but some of these divisional managers aren’t using it properly. And I have been getting an earful from our CEO, Dan Smith. Andy: What do you mean? I don’t quite understand. Mr. Anderson: You see, while many of our managers are doing a good job of manufacturing and marketing their products, they don’t get the financial part. Andy: I noticed while compiling the financial forecasts that Brian’s division sold electric scooters at a loss last year. Mr. Anderson: That’s what I mean. Our division managers can use some accounting and finance acumen to boost our bottom line. As you heard during the CEO’s address to the

Business plan

Business Plan – Compile your plan into 1 document, inserting tables etc. as needed Students must submit one business plan at the end of the course. The business plan must consist of:

1. A one-page executive summary for the business plan. In the summary you should note – what product or service you will be selling; the name of your business; a brief description of your target customer; a summary of your start-up costs; and your anticipated revenue and profits for the first three years.

2. The plan should also include the following (these are additional pages of work): A full description of the product or service you are selling including a description of your target market(s) and any secondary markets. You should also include a note(s) why this business will be successful. Your target market should be through and include customer profiles as outlined in the textbook.

3. You should also include in a table a competitor analysis, this should list the major competitors, discuss their strengths and weaknesses (SWOT, or use other analysis, Porters 5 or a similar type of analysis tool – check with your instructor if you are NOT using a SWOT). After completing the competitor analysis you should note why you will be successful.

4. The price you are charging and why/how you selected this price. What will you make from your products or services? To know your profits you must know your costs. (For some manufactured products, you may need to include a brief outline of your supply chain)

5. Where you will sell your product/service. Why?

6. A promotional plan – a description of your promotional activities. Higher grades will be given when you timeline your promotional plan, provide examples and/or samples and provide accurate costing (Internet has most if not all of the costs). This should be very detailed. The plan must prove to the reader that the business will be successful.

7. A page outlining all start up costs. Most if not all of this information can be found on the Internet. You should provide sources. 8. A pro forma income statement – think revenue minus costs = profit or loss of years 1 – 3.

Doing Business in Canada

Introduction This final project involves two parts: Part A involves a reflection upon and summary of learning in this course. Part B involves the development of the Blueprint for your business idea (steps 1 to 5) and the go or no-go decision (step 6). Steps and Allocation of Marks Part A is worth 10% of your total course mark; Part B is worth 40%. Each part has two sections and is weighted as follows: Final Project: Part A—Self-Evaluation of Learning Introduction

In Part A, you will look back at the journalling you have done throughout the course and contemplate the ideas and views you expressed. If you have spent time journalling, doing the extra readings, and reflecting on the ideas and information you have been learning throughout this course, then much of Part A is already done. Instructions Part A Section 1: Summary and highlights of your journalling (50 marks) Prepare a 500–750 words (2–3 pages, double spaced) document that:


Swot Analysis

Description You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. A. Include a SWOT analysis for the EZ-Pleeze company (referencing the attached “EZ-Pleeze Case Study”), created using the attached “SWOT Analysis Template.” Note: The completed SWOT analysis may be uploaded as its own attachment, separate from the essay, or may be added to your essay as part of a single document. B. Write an essay (suggested length of 5–7 pages) that expands on and interprets the data from the completed SWOT analysis by doing the following:

1. Discuss the importance of a SWOT analysis in the strategic planning process of EZ-Pleeze. 2. Discuss internal strengths for EZ-Pleeze. 3. Discuss internal weaknesses for EZ-Pleeze. 4. Discuss external opportunities for EZ-Pleeze. 5. Discuss external threats for EZ-Pleeze. 6. Describe three recommendations for strategic action at EZ-Pleeze (based on the completed SWOT analysis) and justify your recommendations. C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Microeconomic variables

The paper is an individual project where you will be focusing on analyzing core microeconomics variables (or any economic topic) of your choice delivered in a college level format paper (look at sample in the library, online, etc.). Propose and explain a solution for one current or future economic problem of your interest. In the other word, choose an economic issue or subject that you care deeply about or offer a solution to a problem you care about. To get ideas, check out the library, news, economic journals or other sources. . You may NOT choose the topics that class discusses on the discussion board.Analyze and evaluate your solution.

Be sure to explain everything in your own words. If you have any doubt about your chosen topic, please discuss it with me before you start writing your paper. The paper will be presented in an MLA format using Microsoft Word. Your paper should have a name, section number, the instructor’s name and topic. The paper should be double-spaced and Time New Roman font. No late submissions will be accepted for any reason, including technical, personal, or other After you submit the paper, you must make sure it’s not a corrupt file The paper must contain between 800-1200 words (without the citation)

Human Resources – Training and development


Use the OUTLINE that you wrote – You are writing the first 5 pages of this paper. This in the end will be a 15 page paper. See all attachments. The outline you wrote is labeled Training and development Plan. Please use the attachment labeled Basic academic paper formatting. The outline you did was great write on point. Your task will be to design a training program for the professional and non-professional staff at a Senior Living Facility. The project, in its simplest form, is to design a training and development (T&D) program. The devil is in the details! The project is centered on developing the above T&D program for a senior living facility. The facility involves serving clients of the area in

Independent Living, Assisted Living and 24 hour Skilled Nursing. Go to the following link to become familiar with various Senior Living choices: http://www.helpguide.org/articles/senior-housing/senior-housingoptions.htm I am including an attached organization chart of the River & Bluffs Senior Living Corporation (RBSLC). Also, see the corresponding Job Description of some of the duties of the major roles in the RBSLC Organization Chart. Your task is to design a training plan to help train the members of this organization in everything not covered in their detailed state and federal medical compliance training! ( So skip any medical or state and federal compliance training that is related to the medical areas in RBSLC.) Your training program should include the following (see Figure 1.2 page 11 in the text) components. Template for your paper: 1. Title page 2. Abstract page 3. Overview of RBSLC 4. Create a Needs Assessment for RBSCL 5. Assume all employees have the readiness to proceed in a training process = Discuss the type of Learning Environment (detail out at least two types of courses to be offered: Topic of course, delivery method(s), helpful room setups and end of training evaluation. 6. In a more generic discussion, how will the RBSLC deliver its’ training 7. How will employees know what courses they have to take and how will RBSLC track training? 8. What type of evaluation will be used and how will this feedback be used to modify training and training outcomes? 9. Reference page 10.Appendices if needed ***(Again all of the above items must be in your paper and should have all 10 items in it) (HINT)*** Your paper is to be 5 pages (this does not include the title page, abstract, references or and addendums that you include.) Your paper must be APA Compliant in all facets: pay particular to basic paper formatting, citations and corresponding references.

Quality Decision Making: Cost-Benefit Analysis


**MY COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS TOPIC IS HIRING AND TRAINING STAFF TO IMPROVE PATIENT SAFETY DURING ALL STAGES OF HOSPITAL ADMISSION**** For this assignment, evaluate and analyze the cost and benefit data you developed. Remember that your cost-benefit analysis must relate to one of the following topics: •Quality. 11/15/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing https://www.writershub.org/writer/orders/498102#instructions 5/7 •Patient safety. •Risk management. •Regulatory standards. •Compliance. •Patient and stakeholder satisfaction.

Note that an effective cost-benefit analysis cannot be conducted in a vacuum and risk management cannot be effectively implemented within a silo (Youngberg, 2011). Rather, savvy health care leaders consider each cost-benefit analysis within the larger context of industry trends, regulatory requirements, organizational strategy, organizational capacity, and so on. For this assignment: •Enter the cost and benefit data you developed for the cost-benefit analysis discussions into the cost-benefit analysis template, linked in the Resources. •Write a paper in which you do the following: ◦Describe the organizational or program/department issue for which you have created the cost-benefit analysis. ◦Evaluate the cost versus benefit according to the general guidelines outlined by Plowman’s 2014 articles you read in the preparation for this assignment. ◦Make a recommendation as to whether the benefits are sufficient to outweigh the costs of proceeding.

◦Describe the systems-based context for your recommendations, integrating the cost-benefit analysis within the organization as a whole. ◦Describe how the issue relates to the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic direction.

◦Provide a rationale that explains how your recommendations are appropriate for your organization’s capacity and strategy.

Your paper should use proper APA style and formatting and include the following sections.

Each section, except the title page, should include the appropriate section heading.

1.Title page ◦Use APA formatting

2.Abstract, which will consist of a one-paragraph summary of the paper content. This is not an introduction to the topic, but a summary of the entire paper. Make sure to double space.

3.Issue Description. 4

.Cost-Benefit Analysis Evaluation.

5.Cost-Benefit Analysis Recommendations.

6.Context for Recommendations.

7.Relationship to Vision, Mission, and Strategy.




Housing uk supply demand


Supply and demand analysis allows us to investigate and understand how the operation of markets or sometimes the failure of market. Using supply and demand factors in determining the price of private housing in uk. Some research into house price trends in uk housing marketing house prices to interest rates. Demand sifts to the right/ left supply right/ left the EFFECT THIS has on p&q. At least one factor which could cause this each shift. Please mention about elastic inelastic demand and elastic inelastic supply

Effective Change Manager: What Does It Take

Description Read the following Case Study: Closing a Plant in Ch. 12, “The Effective Change Manager: What Does It Take?,” of Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach: Case Study:

Closing a Plant Aaron De Smet et al. (2012, pp. 4–5) describe the following example of a change manager faced with a particularly difficult challenge.

What is your 11/15/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing https://www.writershub.org/writer/orders/502101#instructions 5/7 assessment of his approach? Could you use this open and “authentic” style in your own organization? Or would you consider this to be difficult and risky? Pierre, as we’ll call him, was managing a plant in France during the darkest days of the global financial crisis. His plant was soon to close as demand from several of its core customers went into a massive and seemingly irreversible tailspin.

The company was in a tricky spot: it needed the know-how of its French workers to help transfer operations to a new production location in another country, and despite its customers’ problems it still had €20 million worth of orders to fulfill before the plant closed. Meanwhile, tensions were running high in France: other companies’ plant closures had sparked protests that in some cases led to violent reactions from employees.

Given the charged situation, most companies were not telling workers about plant closures until the last minute. Pierre was understandably nervous as he went through leadership training, where he focused intently on topics such as finding the courage to use honesty when having difficult conversations, as well as the value of empathic engagement. After a lengthy debate among company executives, Pierre decided to approach the situation with those values in mind. He announced the plant closing nine months before it would take place and was open with employees about his own fears.

Pierre’s authenticity struck a chord by giving voice to everyone’s thoughts and feelings. Moreover, throughout the process of closing the plant, Pierre recounts, he spent some 60 percent of his time on personal issues, most notably working with his subordinates to assist the displaced workers in finding new jobs and providing them with individual support and mentoring (something other companies weren’t doing). He spent only about 40 percent on business issues related to the closure.

This honest engagement worked: over the next nine months, the plant stayed open and fulfilled its orders, even as its workers ensured that their replacements in the new plant had the information they needed to carry on. It was the only plant in the industry to avoid violence and lockouts. Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you:

Describe the use of evidence-based (data-based) analytics in Mr. De Smet’s approach to decision making regarding the future of the plant. Distinguish between managing change as discussed in Wk 2 versus leading sustainable change as illustrated in this case study