An Analysis and research of Why the Dyson company is dominant in the Bladeless Fan Market AND Why Dyson shows better performance than the rivals?”

An Analysis and research of “Why the Dyson company is dominant in the Bladeless Fan Market AND Why Dyson shows better performance than the rivals?”

This is the guideline and instruction for this “final project” research paper order. This Final Project is rated as 40% of my whole grade in my course so please carefully read the following guideline, instructions and structure of this final project. – Your Task and guideline for this individual report: Topic of this final project research report: An Analysis and research of “Why the Dyson company is dominant in the Bladeless Fan Market AND Why Dyson shows better performance than the rivals?” – The Case company: Dyson company VS. another competition firm (This competition firm is chosen by the writer) so the writer need to select one competition firm to compare with Dyson. The writer should read the attachment ii for more detail about the selection requirement before the writer choose the rival firm for this paper. – Please read the official Website of Dyson company and the selected rival firm to have an overview and thoroughly understanding on these two companies. Besides, you are welcome to find other related sources and information and supporting graphs and data for this final project report. (**PLEASE assure all the resources used must be referenced and shown in the list of references in the end of this report. Thanks! **) – Instructions: -Please analyze, research and write the following 8 parts according to the topic of this final project research report. – Extra materials (i-ix) were uploaded for your reference to write this research report, so please follow and refer to attachment i) The table of content, ii) Syllabus and requirements of this final project grading for your reference AND iii-viii) These are the course PPTs with related/supplementary information and supporting concepts for this paper AND ix) “A sample” that is from another different company case for your reference to assist and give you an overview for writing this final report with a suitable format. The attachment of this sample called “ix) An Example_A Sample of the Final Project paper for your reference”. – i). The table of content- please follow the sequence of items when you write all the items show in the table content list that I had uploaded with this order. And add it on the first page of this report. Of course, you could add more points/items if it will optimize this final project research report. – ii). The syllabus and requirements that provided by my professor for this report- please read it before you start to write the report. This report weighted as 40%, it is an important individual final project report so please try to ELABORATE the points and examples with professional details, supporting materials and graphs. Thanks a lot. – ix). The sample – (***PLEASE NOTE THIS SAMPLE IS ONLY FOR YOUR REFERENCE ABOUT WHAT KIND OF FINAL PROJECT REPORT THAT MY PROFESSOR REQUIRED AND PREFERED SO PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR IMITATE the contents of this sample because this sample is talking about another company, not for Dyson and the Bladeless fan market. Thus, you can get the concept here and write the suitable contents for the topic by using the similar format according to my instructions as mentioned. Thanks. ***) – You may add some data and Graphs for writing this final project research report with the related descriptions. Please kindly refer to (the attachment ix- A sample) for the format and the pattern of the graphs. – Structure of this final project: Please write the following 8 parts (including all sub topics) in this report. – PART 1) Executive summary (2 pages) and this part of executive summary should include the following sub-topics 1.1 to 1.5)) -1.1 Motivation or Objectives(When you write 1.1, please include the point of why are you doing this project? and why is it important?) -1.2 Background of Dyson and the competition firm in the bladeless fan market (the competition firm is chosen by you(the writer), and when you write 1.2, please include the points about why you choose this rival firm to compare with Dyson? and show the comparison of these two companies are fully comparative) -1.3 Product and Market capability description of Dyson and the competition firm for the bladeless fan. -1.4 Main Arguments and Findings. -1.5 Summary and Significance.

An analysis on the key elements of the financial performance of Kellogg Company for the five year period FY2010 to FY2014

An analysis on the key elements of the financial performance of Kellogg Company for the five year period FY2010 to FY2014


Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm


Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the longterm success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.

Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the longterm success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion. Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice. Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm. Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration. Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics.

Are Hispanic advertising agencies growing or slowing

Are Hispanic advertising agencies growing or slowing?

Read this brief op-ed, “Why Hispanic Agencies are Fading” and this listical (article in the form of a list), “The 10 Fastest-Growing Hispanic Marketing Agencies.” Select two facts, terms, or assertions that you find relate to Chavez’s or Davila’s texts, and explain why. Alternatively, you may write about two interesting details you find in either piece about which you would like to learn more, such as, for example, “the multicultural market is the new general market.” If you choose the latter option, you MUST explain why the details interest you in a significant way that reflects the knowledge you’ve acquired in the course so far.

What ethical way to determine how much each job get

This paper requires you to use the Transforming Initiative steps (see below) and careful interpretation of course and additional material to analyze the issue and formulate an ethical response. This is constructive work that grows out of your own analysis of the issue. Do not just write about what different ethicists are saying about the issue. Taking the methodology seriously in this assignment will not only earn you a better grade; it will also prepare you much more thoroughly to lead ethical discussions in your communities of formation. Although this is not primarily a research paper (that is, you are not presenting and defending a thesis statement), you will need to do appropriate research and must cite any sources that you use, according to MLA, APA, or Chicago guidelines, using in-text citations or footnotes and a properly formatted bibliography. However, as an analysis paper, you will not follow the traditional introduction/thesis/ argumentation/conclusion pattern of a research paper. Instead, you will follow the outline provided below. If you wish, you can number the points in your paper and use subheadings for each. Transforming Initiatives Identify the key ethical problem that you will address. See below. Identify the informative voices that need to be part of the dialogue. Your paper bibliography needs to be made up of 6-10 peer reviewed, college level sources or reputable online sources (not blogs or Wikipedia) that directly address the ethical dilemma under discussion. You need to make sure that the voices of those directly impacted by the ethical problem are accounted for. For example, if you are discussing the flooding of Bangladesh as a result of global warming, you will need to find the voices of the Bangladeshis who are being flooded out of their lands. What are they saying about rising seas that needs to impact how we think about it? These sources need to be incorporated into your entire paper through the use of short quotes and references to the thoughts and ideas found therein. Your quotes and references must include citations and any source referenced must be included in the bibliography. Identify which virtues are required to shape you and your community so that you can properly respond to the ethical dilemma. Aristotle’s Virtues: Courage, temperance, liberality, magnificence, magnanimity, patience/good temper, proper ambitions/pride, truthfulness, wittiness, friendliness, modesty, righteous indignation. Kingdom Ethic Virtues: love, joy, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, deliverance, peace, justice, healing, inclusion in community. Identify specific actions that your local community can take to: Understand the ethical dilemma; Identify any personal responsibility for the dilemma; Identify areas needing response; And/or, respond in specific ways. Name one transforming initiative that your community can initiate, which will: Address the root causes of the injustice; And, initiate change that continues beyond the specific actions of a local community. Suggestions for Structuring Your Paper Introduction (1 page): In the introduction of your paper you need to clearly outline the scope of your paper, including: A brief overview of the ethical problem you will be examining and the why (why does this ethical topic matter? Is it a justice issue? Does it impact whether we are treating people as valuable in and of themselves?); A clear statement about your specific topic. For example, do not just say you will be writing about sexual ethics, but specify what you will be writing about: e.g., This paper will be exploring whether or not pre-marital sex can be considered virtuous. A “road map” that clearly states what each section of your paper will do (first this paper will…second this paper will…). Body of paper 6-8 pages: Analysis of Ethical Problem (3-4 pages): Here you will use reputable, peer reviewed, and college level resources to outline and critically engage the ethical dilemma under discussion. You will need to have sufficiently narrowed your ethical dilemma so that you can address it in this amount of space. You will need to also be clear on the perspective that you are approaching your dilemma from. For example, if you are addressing wage inequality do not simply give statistics, but rather be clear if you are approaching this as a sociological dilemma, economic dilemma, or some other perspective. Also, make sure that your view of the dilemma itself is clear. So, do not simply give numbers on wage inequality, but rather say what the dilemma itself is. Here you may need to engage the course readings to support your argument for why something is unethical. Analysis of Individual and Community Responses (3-4 pages): In this section you will: In 1 page: Identify 1-2 virtues that are necessary for you and your community/communities to have in order to respond to the ethical dilemma analyzed in the first section. Clearly show how and why these virtues are necessary for this particular dilemma and how your community can develop them. In 2-3 pages: Identify and analyze specific actions your community can take (step 4) and transforming initiatives they can develop (step 5) in order to respond to the dilemma and its root causes. You might incorporate resources here that show what actions other communities have taken or what actions experts on this ethical dilemma have argued for or successfully implemented. Make sure to show how these actions and initiatives are shaped by the virtues you identified above. Conclusion (1/2-1 page): In the conclusion you will recap the dilemma and your recommendations for community based responses. Do not include new ideas in the conclusion that were not discussed in the body of the paper itself, except to suggest possible further areas of research.

Uber Freight

Uber Freight

Refer to the product or service you selected at the beginning of the semester. This week, you want to take a closer look at what consumer factors may be relevant for customers who are considering buying your product or service offering. This will require some critical thinking on your part based on your own behavior if you are a customer yourself, or you may want to talk to others who have purchased the product. Sometimes you can find clues when looking at the marketing messages that may be addressing some of these factors. Prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your name and the name of your product or service. Then answer each of the following eight questions (four in part 1 and four in part 2) in order and number the beginning of your response to each question. Although you do not need to repeat the question, there should be a heading to separate the sections. The paper should contain approximately 5+ pages of analysis for the responses to the eight questions. Consumer Behavior Model: Environmental factors. Refer to the week’s readings and the model of consumer behavior and identify two of the most important environmental factors you think are relevant to the customers of your product or service offering. Explain your choices. Consumer Behavior Model: Consumer factors. Refer to this week’s readings and the model of consumer behavior and identify the three most important consumer factors you think are relevant to the customers of your product or service offering. Explain your choices. Role of involvement in consumer decision-making. Identify the level of involvement a customer of your product or service might use to make a purchase/no purchase decision. Then, discuss which type of buying behavior is most consistent with that level of involvement. Consumer decision-making process. Go through the six steps of the purchase process outlined in the readings and identify where marketing can influence each of the six steps. For example, if a consumer just identified a need for your product in step one, then the company can advertise how your product fills that need. Or, if a consumer purchased your product, the consumer can be called and asked about their satisfaction with the product and if there is any dissatisfaction steps can be taken to ensure the customer satisfaction. Be sure to be more specific with respect to your product or service than this example.Part 2 – Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Electronic Export Information

I have an existing paper that ive done all you have to do is write a page about these 3 sections -Electronic Export Information -Commercial Invoice -Packing List please write a page about them based on the report and case I will be sending I am only doing question 4 in the case as well articles you can use to write a good answer - - you may go ahead yourself to find solutions for those sections based on case and questions remember your only doing question 4 in this report im uploading the whole case and uploaded the case study as well so it gives you an idea what we doing. and write one page single spaced about -Electronic Export Information -Commercial Invoice -Packing List

A case in relevant cost and product mix

Terrific toys: A case in relevant cost and product mix 1. Product mix for the upcoming year: (a) For the upcoming year, do you agree with Brian Jones’ rationale to not change the product mix from the last year? Why? Show your supporting calculations. (b) Suggest changes, if any, that RPCES should make to the product mix for the upcoming year, and compute the effect of the suggested change on the net income of RPCES. For answering this question, ignore the possibility of off-shoring and the special order. 2. Analyses of special order: Taking into account the financial and non-financial considerations, explain whether the special order should have been accepted by (a) Brian Jones, the manager of the RPCES division, and (b) by the headquarters of Terrific Toys. Show supporting calculations and explain your rationale. Terrific Toys1 A case in relevant costs, product mix, and off-shoring analyses Andy Rosenthal was getting anxious. Just when he thought that he was almost done with his summer internship at Terrific Toys (hereafter, TT, or the Company), and started entertaining the prospect of getting an offer for a full-time position upon graduation, Mr. Anderson, TT’s controller, called Andy to his office for a brief meeting during which the following conversation ensued: Mr. Anderson: Thanks, Andy, for the great job you’ve done during the last two months on the forecasted financial statement preparation. We sent the forecasts to the bank and I understand that our loan proposal will be approved soon. Now comes the final part of your internship. In completing this assignment, you will interact with the divisional managers of the Company. As you know, they too will have a voice in deciding whether TT will extend you a job offer upon your graduation. Andy (suppressing his disappointment at the prospect of a disappearing vacation before the start of the school year): That’s great. My professors have always told me that accounting involves more than crunching numbers. This will provide a good opportunity to me for professional interaction and growth. What would you like me to do? Mr. Anderson (smiling): Help me put some financial sense in the heads of our divisional managers! Brian Jones who manages our Racer Pedal Cars and Electric Scooters division, for example. Brilliant engineer, I agree, but believe me, no financial sense. I’ve toiled tirelessly for more than a decade to develop a darn good system for cost accounting and performance evaluation at Terrific Toys but some of these divisional managers aren’t using it properly. And I have been getting an earful from our CEO, Dan Smith. Andy: What do you mean? I don’t quite understand. Mr. Anderson: You see, while many of our managers are doing a good job of manufacturing and marketing their products, they don’t get the financial part. Andy: I noticed while compiling the financial forecasts that Brian’s division sold electric scooters at a loss last year. Mr. Anderson: That’s what I mean. Our division managers can use some accounting and finance acumen to boost our bottom line. As you heard during the CEO’s address to the

Business plan

Business Plan – Compile your plan into 1 document, inserting tables etc. as needed Students must submit one business plan at the end of the course. The business plan must consist of:

1. A one-page executive summary for the business plan. In the summary you should note – what product or service you will be selling; the name of your business; a brief description of your target customer; a summary of your start-up costs; and your anticipated revenue and profits for the first three years.

2. The plan should also include the following (these are additional pages of work): A full description of the product or service you are selling including a description of your target market(s) and any secondary markets. You should also include a note(s) why this business will be successful. Your target market should be through and include customer profiles as outlined in the textbook.

3. You should also include in a table a competitor analysis, this should list the major competitors, discuss their strengths and weaknesses (SWOT, or use other analysis, Porters 5 or a similar type of analysis tool – check with your instructor if you are NOT using a SWOT). After completing the competitor analysis you should note why you will be successful.

4. The price you are charging and why/how you selected this price. What will you make from your products or services? To know your profits you must know your costs. (For some manufactured products, you may need to include a brief outline of your supply chain)

5. Where you will sell your product/service. Why?

6. A promotional plan – a description of your promotional activities. Higher grades will be given when you timeline your promotional plan, provide examples and/or samples and provide accurate costing (Internet has most if not all of the costs). This should be very detailed. The plan must prove to the reader that the business will be successful.

7. A page outlining all start up costs. Most if not all of this information can be found on the Internet. You should provide sources. 8. A pro forma income statement – think revenue minus costs = profit or loss of years 1 – 3.

Doing Business in Canada

Introduction This final project involves two parts: Part A involves a reflection upon and summary of learning in this course. Part B involves the development of the Blueprint for your business idea (steps 1 to 5) and the go or no-go decision (step 6). Steps and Allocation of Marks Part A is worth 10% of your total course mark; Part B is worth 40%. Each part has two sections and is weighted as follows: Final Project: Part A—Self-Evaluation of Learning Introduction

In Part A, you will look back at the journalling you have done throughout the course and contemplate the ideas and views you expressed. If you have spent time journalling, doing the extra readings, and reflecting on the ideas and information you have been learning throughout this course, then much of Part A is already done. Instructions Part A Section 1: Summary and highlights of your journalling (50 marks) Prepare a 500–750 words (2–3 pages, double spaced) document that: