What are the effects to the company that hiring unpaid internship in the graphic design industry

What are the effects to the company that hiring unpaid internship in the graphic design industry?

No own opinion – Focus on HR & Graphic design industries Introduction: Detail explanation of why this research question is relevant to HRM? Your paper should use the following format: • Introduction and research question stating why this topic is – – important to employers and/or employees in the creative industries; o Framing the paper as whole o Question featured at the end of the paragraph o

The relevance for HRM and CI is clearly established • Clear arguments responding to your research question based on research and sources; • Specific HRM issues or implications arising from your research question.

Use concepts and terminology from multiple sections of the textbook. o Topic, arguments and evidence are related together in a clear manner which achieves a convincing analysis and synthesis and also reveals originality. Multiple connections to HRM text concepts or issues are insightfully made and topics from several chapters of the textbook are incorporated. Evidence is strong, original and is tied into the analysis seamlessly.

• Conclusion: briefly summarizing the main points of your paper. o Professional document. Minimal errors. The English, including style and spelling is excellent. Great read. Referencing is flawless. Sources requirements are met。 at least 2 peer-reviewed academic sources at least 2 non-academic industry sources

Business and Employment Law

Business and Employment Law

Task: The Assessment for this module contains one element with two questions. It is crucial that you answer BOTH questions In both questions, you MUST use appropriate legislation and/or case law in order to support your answers. The questions and background information upon which you must base your answers can be found in the ‘BE Law 2019 Assignment’ document at the bottom of this page. Assessment information and marking standards: For Questions 1 and 2: 1. Please make sure all cases are given a citation, preferably in the text or, as a minimum, in the list of references /bibliography. For example, ‘Ali v Baba [2015] 1 WLR 239’. The list of references should include a list of the legal cases and legislation mentioned in the answer. The legal cases and legislation are the primary sources of information in a law essay – you do not have to cite the secondary source where you viewed an Act, Regulations or a case. You should only give the legal citation, not the website, book or journal where you accessed details of the case. For example, this is the correct reference for this case – London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Mr J Wooster [2009] All ER (D) 160 – not London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Mr J Wooster, Turner, C (2013) Unlocking Employment Law, 383. 2. Please make sure all direct and indirect quotations from textbooks, journals or electronic resources are properly referenced (using an ‘in text citation’ in the main body of your answer, including a ‘pinpoint’ to the precise page or paragraph number in the case of direct quotations) and any resources used must be listed in the bibliography. 3. Do not use abbreviations such as ‘eg’, ‘ie’, contractions of words (use ‘does not’ rather than ‘doesn’t’ etc.), or simplify words such as ‘because’ to ‘cos’ or ‘for’ to ‘4’. It is important to observe and use good academic English in answering assignment questions, be it an essay or a problem question. 4. Please use proper paragraphs and paraphrasing. A paragraph should not consist of one sentence. There are excellent Guides to writing essays at http://anglia.libguides.com/writing/structure and http://anglia.libguides.com/writing/style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 5. As a recommendation, use either ‘Times New Roman’ or ‘Arial’ with a minimum font size of 10, and maximum of 12, with 1.5 spacing. 6. The answer must not be purely descriptive and efforts must be taken to relate the answer to the question throughout the discussion. However, if you make an assertion of law, someone else’s opinion, or fact you must support it with an academic reference or legal authority. 7. Do not use bullet points (it is a law essay). For Question 2: The Problem Scenario You may wish to follow the ‘ILAC’ formula in forming discussions for the problem question. ‘I’ – IDENTIFY’ the issue ‘L’ – Explain the ‘LAW’ (the law = legislation/judicial precedents from legal cases) surrounding the relevant area/ issue you have identified ‘A’ – APPLY the LAW – the relevant legal principles – to the issue and APPLY legal cases to support the opinion. ‘C’ ¬ give a CONCLUSION to the issue – What is your advice based on your analysis/evaluation of the LAW and the EVIDENCE from the facts of the case? This formula may be used over and over again in addressing all of the issues relating to each of the parties in the assignment question. There is likely to be more than One issue in each scenario. An overall conclusion should be given which summarises the situation and suggestions as to how to deal with/prevent this type of problem occurring in the future. B E Law 2019 Assignment.docPreview the document How your assessment is graded: You will be marked on Grademark according to the marking criteria below Question 1 Introduction: Has an outline of the area in question been provided, including a coherent, brief explanation / discussion of the relevant issues? Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 4 Max Mark: 5 Contents: Have the relevant, specific issues been defined and identified? Has an explanation / exploration of the issues identified been provided? Have suitable legal cases /statutes been fully incorporated as part of the discussions? Are the arguments / discussions coherent and address the essay question in an appropriate, logical manner? Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 Max Mark: 35 Conclusion: Has a coherent conclusion to the issues raised been provided? Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3,4 Max Mark: 5 Presentation and Academic Rigour: Have the arguments and conclusions been clearly presented and communicated in an appropriate style of language, including using good spelling and grammar? Has Harvard referencing been applied correctly? Have the incorporated legal cases been provided with the correct legal citations? Learning Outcome: 4 Max Mark: 5 Question 2 Introduction: Are the issues emanating from the case study scenario identified and introduced? Are there brief discussions on how legal principles relate to the question? Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3,4 Max Marks: 5 Contents: Have the specific issues been defined and identified? Have suitable legal cases been incorporated as part of the discussions and they used to illustrate the issues in the case scenario? Has an explanation on the issues identified been provided? Are the arguments / discussions coherent and applied to the problem question in a logical manner? Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4 Max Marks: 35 Conclusion: Has a coherent conclusion to the issues raised been provided? Has appropriate advice been given to the parties and short and long term recommendations made? Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4 Max Marks: 5 Presentation and Academic Rigour: Have the arguments and conclusions been clearly communicated in an appropriate style of language, including using good spelling and grammar? Has Harvard referencing been applied correctly? Have the legal cases discussed been provided with the correct citations? Learning Outcomes: 4 Max Marks: 5

How the fitness industry uses social media platforms and the impact on consumer’s purchase behaviour in the last 10 years


The paper must be 2000 words, it has to be written in the structure such as the example provided below in the attached file. I have to speak with the writer assigned to me about the investigation.

I have been told to ” You will need to focus your investigation – provide me with your three objectives and research questions.” So we will have to work on focusing the investigation topic first and the 3 objectives/research questions and then the writing can start.

Also I need a full harvard reference list of the sources which must be reliable from places such as scopus/emerald/sciencedirect and trusted 11/21/2019 Writers Hub –  journals mostly and very very reliable websites. We are not allowed to provide random websites as the grade might decrease significantly.

I would like my paper to focus on the fitness industry and how it evolved in the last 10 years, how the social media platforms have started to make an impact and what is the impact on the consumer’s purchase behaviour.

(I am open to better suggestions as well but I know that I want my work to be focused on the fitness industry/social media platforms/ consumers purchase behaviour and to tackle all these elements) More to be discussed with my writer.

Current status of electric vehicle EV manufacturers

Current status of electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers

Using Strategyzer and Business Model Canvas combined with Value Proposition Canvas as business tools, students are expected to research the current state of electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers and take one of two approaches: 1.From the point of view of an established EV manufacturer, create a business model that details the challenger analysis of creating a new EV manufacturer entering the market. a.Considerations are expected to be made and not limited to: i.Sustainability 1.Logistics and supply chain ii.Social impact iii.Innovation utilising novel and existing technologies iv.Driver enjoyment and experience v.Additional and future revenue streams

Or 2.From the point of an established automotive manufacturer create a business model evaluating the opportunity and strategy of creating a new EV division within the business. a.Considerations are expected and not limited to: i.Sustainability 1.Logistics and supply chain ii.Social impact iii.Innovation utilising novel and existing technologies iv.Driver enjoyment and experience v.Additional and future revenue streams

A 2,000 word report, excluding front cover, title, contents, footnotes, references and appendices detailing the value proposition based on the business model and value proposition canvas utilising academic references from the module and from previous experiences will demonstrate good understanding and utilisation of the module in practice. Report structure 1. There is no standard or set structure for the report.

The number of sections/sub-sections will vary depending on how you organize the work. It should contain an introduction, a conclusion and a section on references/ appendices. Revisions of the business model and value proposition canvases including the final can be added in appendices and will not be considered within the word count. 2. The purpose of the introduction is to place the proposition in context. It should indicate what the drivers are and demonstrate how value will be added.

US Housing Bubble and Credit Crises

Writer’s Choice US Housing Bubble and Credit Crises – 2007 (Homebuilder stocks and indices, major indices globally but the US specifically) Internet Bubble/Dot Com Bubble – 2000 (NASDAQ 1990-2000…) US Stock Market Crash of 1987 Japan’s Real Estate and Stock Market Bubble in the 1980s (Nikkei 1980-1989…) Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Dow 1929-1932…) Crude Oil (1998-2008) Gold and/or Silver (1971- 1980) Bitcoin (2010-2018) Asian Financial Crises/Tiger Crises/Asian Contagion (1997…Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia…currency and stock market(s)) Chinese Stock Market (Shanghai Composite Index, 2005-2007) Please choose a bubble from the list above (for some, I gave you some suggestions of which markets to look at to begin your Research). If you would like to examine another bubble, that is fine but if it is not from the above list, you must clear it with me first. If you would rather, you can choose 2 bubbles and compare and contrast them. Both need to be cleared with me if they are not from the above list. Please explain the bubble…where, who, what, when, how, why. Look at the bubble from the point of view of market psychology based on what we studied in the first 1/3 of classes especially. Can you differentiate why it was a bubble, not a bull market? What qualities were present, what were people saying before, during, after, that supported bubble psychology for example. Use direct quotes from analysts, bankers, the retail public at the time. Please, do not quote me back to me since I was often quoted during the crises that began in 2007. What lessons from Reminiscences of a stock operator can be applied to your Bubble. Lessons that were either ignored, signals that should have been seen, mistakes that were made, psychology that was similar. Please quote directly from Reminiscences of a stock operator with proper citation(s). At least 5-10 quotes. Please show at least 3 charts, using Trading View or some other program, that shows the methodologies we learned in class applied to the markets involved in your bubble. Please label each chart clearly so I can see what you see. What do you think of the bubble? Were the signs clear, did people react as you would have expected, is this likely to happen again…what lessons did you learn from this research? The paper should be 2500 words in length, approx.. 10 pages double spaced.

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for Assignments 1 and 2. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml), in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.

Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.

Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice. Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm. Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration. Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics. https://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml

Global marketing & sales development

Global marketing & sales development

International marketing plan for Safco fine food as SME. This will require you to complete extensive research into the international market to develop a PESTLE analysis to inform a global marketing strategy and choices for Safco fine food development. A key consideration will be to identify potential niche(s)/opportunities for Safco fine food to take advantage of through the development of an international marketing strategy along with key objectives. Number of employees has to be mentioned as its SME company.

6 employees for more details please visit their website: www.safco.ie Reading List Required Ghauri, P.N. & Cateora, P., (2014). International Marketing, (4th Edition), London: McGraw-Hill. Kenyon, A., Lowe, R. and Doole, I., (2019). International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation. 8th ed., Cengage Learning. Recommended Usunier, JC and Lee, JA (2013) Marketing Across Cultures. 6th ed., Pearson: Harlow. Albaum,G. and Duerr, E. (2016) International Marketing and Export Management. 8th ed., Prentice Hall: Harlow. Hollesen, S. (2016) Global Marketing, 7th ed., Pearson Education Limited: London. Schlegelmilch, B. (2016). Global Marketing Strategy. Springer International Publishing: Switzerland.

Honeycutt, ED., Ford, JB. and Simintiras, AC (2003) Sales Management: A Global Perspective. Routledge: London. Summary Description This module explores the complexity of forces that underpin international marketing decisions made by organisations. In particular, it aims to understand the impact of these forces on the activities of organizations, and the nature of the decisions that organizations must take if they are to survive and prosper in a dynamic international marketing environment.

The module will focus on the regional, national and global contexts and provide students with practical and academic knowledge where they will have an opportunity to showcase their ability to interpret, synthesise, apply and evaluate knowledge and understanding. In addition, this module will allow students to become critical thinkers in this contemporary and growing business discipline and better understand the complexities, challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed, embraced and capitalised upon to support successful international marketing choices and decisions. Please note: Safco fine food is an Irish company based in Ireland. Max 3000 words.

Amazon Corporate Social Responsibility

Outline book with regards to Amazon and its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), regarding Amazon Career Choice Program that pre-pays 95% of tuition for employees A Please upload a final paper 1500 words (5 pages) outlining the book and how it pertained to/helped you format your final paper. The book to read is Introductory Financial Accounting and Reporting– Barry Smith. ISBN-13: 978-0-33-524125-5 Book is free from websites: https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xyJFBgAAQBAJ&pg=GBS.PP1 http://ebookcentral.proquest.com.proxy.myunion.edu/lib/tui-ebooks/detail.action?docID=650331 My final paper is going to be on Amazon and its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), regarding Amazon Career Choice Program that pre-pays 95% of tuition for employees. For REFERENCE my final paper assignment is: Students will complete a 3,000-4,200 word research paper that evaluates financial management concepts and practices of a specific not-for-profit, for profit, or government entity. The paper must detail how the selected organization’s financial manager uses its financial resources to communicate the socially responsible and sustainable initiatives of the organization and the financial manager’s role in assisting the organization to achieve those initiatives. The instructor must approve the selected organization. The five major categories discussed in the must be: Investment Decision Financing Decision Dividend Decision Sustainability Success Financial Results COURSE PAPER RUBRIC • Possess a clear overall thesis stated at the outset of the essay. It is clear what the paper sets out to do. The paper is consistent with the learning outcomes and competencies. • Synthesize the financial theories, books, articles, and threaded discussions of the semester through specific discussion of particular passages or quotes. The paper suggests very close reading of its sources. • Demonstrate an understanding of the nuances of each theory or text being discussed. • Critically examine claims made by authors rather than summarizing • Demonstrate some measure or originality or thoughtfulness of interpretation (the ability to think for oneself) • Demonstrate mastery of APA writing style and formatting guidelines correctly citing sources within the paper and in the reference section.

Consumer Behavior – School Tuition

Consumer Behavior – School Tuition

Instruction for the paper Consumer Behavior – Final – to be edit In this final phase, you will develop a strategy to change how your target segment thinks about or perceives the issue. You will design a plan to change their perspective (attitude or intent to behave) and interview them again. These may be the same or different set of individuals. You will again interview or survey five individuals after you have implemented your plan for influence. This may be in the form of information or other stimuli that you decide to use. These need to be developed based on the concepts we discuss in class.

You need to make a case for why you think your design will work in persuasion. After the end of the survey/interview, you will then analyze and report the findings on the level of influence your information or experiment had on your target audience. You will compare with the second phase results. You will also report on what you learned and how you could have done it differently. In this phase as well, you will consult additional sources of published studies that relate to changing attitudes or behavior in your specific area of interest.

These questions and strategy for change you develop should be based on research and sources (peer-reviewed journal articles should be included under references, not just websites) of information. Research needs to be used to support the strategy and questions used. Should address the following issues: Brief overview of what you learned in the first two phases Description of information from additional research from published sources on how to change attitudes/behavior in your area of interest Describe the process and information used to change with a description of the strategy used to change attitude/behavior and the results of your experiment/interview with five individuals, including their demographics

Describe the results of interviews with five individuals who fit the profile of the target audience, including their demographics and how it differs from Phase 2 Analyze and report the findings on the level of influence your information or experiment had on your target audience.

You will compare with the second phase results. You will also report on what you learned and how you could have done it differently Discuss if there was any change, what worked and did not work, and possible reasons

What was the most significant aspect of your learning from the project?

What was as expected and what surprised you? How does your project relate to the mission of the university as described below in brief? [NDK is a diverse and inclusive learning community that challenges each member to consciously apply values and ethics in his or her personal, professional, and public life by creating community engagement and promoting the values of diversity, social justice, and global peace]

IMPORTANT: You are now trying to change your audience’s attitude and behavior using concepts discussed in class. Your objective in this phase is to implement any method and to only measure and learn about their attitudes or behavior or opinions depending on your focus given the context you present.

Cryptocurrencies What are they

Cryptocurrencies. What are they? Are they a true alternative to our current monetary system? How? What would be the consequences for the overall economy? For monetary policy? Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details In your Draft, you have already gathered most of the information and references you need. You already have a first version of a Literature Review, which establishes your credibility. That is, in your Literature Review you are letting your audience know you are familiar with what experts know on your subject, so they can trust what you have to say. Now it is time to digest all this information. For your Final Version, reflect on the information you have already gathered, structure it, and analyze it. Connect the dots. Aim for simplicity and substance. –> Title: Cryptocurrency Challenges and Opportunities for Improving the Effectiveness of Monetary System. Very good. It is specific and descriptive of your work. Your audience knows what you will be working on. –> I am not reading the Abstract, because there is not supposed to be one until the entire paper is finished. How can you summarize a paper that has not been written yet? In your Draft, address the following specifically: 1) In your Introduction section, make sure you have all the elements necessary: a) Purpose and focus of your paper (the core of your paper). b) Motivation (why is your subject relevant?). c) Methodology (how you have gone about your research). d) Findings and/or conclusion. Unlike the Literature Review, this is where you tell us what YOU think: how should we understand what is important about this subject and what the implications for economics, policy, etc. are. e) Final paragraph with the organization of your paper (this acts as the table of contents of your paper). E.g. “In the next section I will present a literature review section 3 analyzes, …. And I present my conclusions on the last section of this paper”. Check sample papers (links in previous guidelines). 2) Think and write like an economist; use the economic tools you have learned throughout your studies. More specifically: a) Make sure you are applying an economic perspective to your subject. This is an economics paper. b) Give your audience the basics and the wider context: how it all works & how is it framed within economics. Once you have provided your audience with a ‘map’ and told them where you are in the map, proceed on to focus on your specific topic and issue. c) Give us your own fruit smoothie. Structure, summarize, and analyze your information in order to create your own narrative, your own story. Do not present your audience with a list or a recount of works related to your topic. Tell us what we should pay attention to and why.