US Housing Bubble and Credit Crises
Writer’s Choice US Housing Bubble and Credit Crises – 2007 (Homebuilder stocks and indices, major indices globally but the US specifically) Internet Bubble/Dot Com Bubble – 2000 (NASDAQ 1990-2000…) US Stock Market Crash of 1987 Japan’s Real Estate and Stock Market Bubble in the 1980s (Nikkei 1980-1989…) Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Dow 1929-1932…) Crude Oil (1998-2008) Gold and/or Silver (1971- 1980) Bitcoin (2010-2018) Asian Financial Crises/Tiger Crises/Asian Contagion (1997…Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia…currency and stock market(s)) Chinese Stock Market (Shanghai Composite Index, 2005-2007) Please choose a bubble from the list above (for some, I gave you some suggestions of which markets to look at to begin your Research). If you would like to examine another bubble, that is fine but if it is not from the above list, you must clear it with me first. If you would rather, you can choose 2 bubbles and compare and contrast them. Both need to be cleared with me if they are not from the above list. Please explain the bubble…where, who, what, when, how, why. Look at the bubble from the point of view of market psychology based on what we studied in the first 1/3 of classes especially. Can you differentiate why it was a bubble, not a bull market? What qualities were present, what were people saying before, during, after, that supported bubble psychology for example. Use direct quotes from analysts, bankers, the retail public at the time. Please, do not quote me back to me since I was often quoted during the crises that began in 2007. What lessons from Reminiscences of a stock operator can be applied to your Bubble. Lessons that were either ignored, signals that should have been seen, mistakes that were made, psychology that was similar. Please quote directly from Reminiscences of a stock operator with proper citation(s). At least 5-10 quotes. Please show at least 3 charts, using Trading View or some other program, that shows the methodologies we learned in class applied to the markets involved in your bubble. Please label each chart clearly so I can see what you see. What do you think of the bubble? Were the signs clear, did people react as you would have expected, is this likely to happen again…what lessons did you learn from this research? The paper should be 2500 words in length, approx.. 10 pages double spaced.