Compare and contrast your article to the current one who just cost Mitsubishi Bank a LOT of money

Compare and contrast your article(s) to the current one who just cost Mitsubishi Bank a LOT of money. What can we learn from these cases in terms of preventing, documenting, and reconstructing fraud cases?

Compare and contrast your article to the current one who just cost Mitsubishi Bank a LOT of money

Please see article at link below:

Please read this article and then obtain another article on one of the following:

Firstly, Nick Leeson – Berings Brother Bank Fraud case
Secondly, Brian Hunter – Amaranth Fraud case

Thirdly, the London Whale Trading Fraud case

Compare and contrast your article(s) to the current one who just cost Mitsubishi Bank a LOT of money.

What can we learn from these cases in terms of preventing, documenting, and reconstructing fraud cases?

More details;

How Did Nick Leeson Contribute To The Fall of Barings Bank?

Nick Leeson is a former derivatives trader who became notorious for bankrupting Barings Bank, the United Kingdom’s oldest merchant bank, in 1995. After opening a Future and Options office in Singapore, Leeson became a rogue trader, eventually losing over $1 billion of Baring’s capital as its head of operations on the Singapore Exchange (SGX).

Nick Leeson and the Fall of Barings Banks

Leeson began his career at Barings at age 28. Initially, he was very successful in making speculative trades, which resulted in huge profits for Barings. After moving to Singapore to execute and clear transactions on the Singapore Exchange (SGX), Leeson began making unauthorized trades. At first, these risky positions made large profits for the bank: as much as £10 million, accounting for 10% of Barings’ annual profit in 1992.

On behalf of his clients, Leeson was primarily trading futures on the Nikkei 225 Stock Average, the primary index in Tokyo. Leeson should have been managing a cash neutral business. This strategy entails managing an investment portfolio without adding any capital. In Leeson’s case, if money was made or lost on the trades it would have belonged to the clients. Barings’ only compensation on the trades should have been a commission, and only a small amount of the trades were meant to be proprietary, or on behalf of the bank itself. In fact, Leeson was actually using the bank’s money to make bets on the market in an attempt to recoup his trading losses.

Marketing and audit plan creation final assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on a marketing and audit plan creation final assignment. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper well.

Marketing and audit plan creation final assignment

This is an individual assignment in which you will put together a Marketing and Audit Plan
For your final assignment, you will assume the role of the Marketing Manager of a newly designed product, your job is to carry out an audit of the environment and create a marketing plan for the future of the product.
Your assignment is broken down into:
Task 1: Find a new product on Indiegogo, Kickstarter or similar website with limited Marketing initiatives.
Tip: It is beneficial for you if the product you select has a reasonable amount of information e.g. proposed price, product details etc. This will help you with task 2.

Task 2: Once you have decided on your product you should carry out an audit of the operating environment, researching the product, sector and environment.
Tip: You should consider the opportunities and challenges your product may face. These could include (but are not limited to) rivals, distribution, market demand etc.
Things to consider:
Analyse how your product captures and demonstrates value.
Is your product truly innovative or is it just a slight variation of an existing product?
How does it differentiate itself from the rivals?
You should focus on the theories and concepts we have explored during the module.

Task 3: Following your analysis of the product and the environment make evidenced and theory-based recommendations on the future marketing direction and decisions of the company.
Tip: This might include areas such as the name, pricing strategy, target market, advertising and supplying decisions.
Guidance on the structure of the assessment
The main body of the report should be no more than 2500 words with a maximum of 500 words available for use as an appendix should it be required.
Failure to comply with this word limit and structure will result in reduced marks.
All parts of the report should be in 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman.

Why are Johnson & Johnson’s baby products so important to the company

Why are Johnson & Johnson’s baby products so important to the company, even though they don’t account for the majority of the company’s sales or profits?

Why are Johnson & Johnson’s baby products so important to the company

Johnson and Johnson

This case study is about Johnson & Johnson, an American multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods company ( (Links to an external site.)).

Among its well-known consumer products are the Band-Aid (Links to an external site.) Brand line of bandages, Tylenol (Links to an external site.) medications, Johnson’s baby (Links to an external site.) products, Neutrogena (Links to an external site.) skin and beauty products (Links to an external site.), Clean & Clear (Links to an external site.) facial wash and Acuvue (Links to an external site.) contact lenses (Links to an external site.).

This case is focused on their baby care line, for which they have been a household name for decades.  However, after missing out on major shifts in consumer tastes and watching sales stall, Johnson & Johnson has remade its baby line from head to toe.

Answer the questions below after reading the article Bringing Up Baby’s Market Share at J&J – WSJ.pdf

Firstly, why are Johnson & Johnson’s baby products so important to the company, even though they don’t account for the majority of the company’s sales or profits?

Secondly, what types of companies and brands have been able to capture market share from Johnson & Johnson in the baby products category? Why?

Thirdly, list and briefly describe the strategic actions that Johnson & Johnson has implemented in an effort to regain its lost market share in baby products.

Fourthly, are there other strategies Johnson & Johnson could have implemented to avoid the 10-point decline in its baby products market share over time?

Your paper should consist of approximately 400-500 words.  Please draw upon the concepts provided in the text, and any  outside sources you identify.  Remember to cite your sources.

Developing a recruiting and hiring plan for CapraTek’s new sales position

This is a paper that is focusing on the developing a recruiting and hiring plan for CapraTek’s new sales position. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Developing a recruiting and hiring plan for CapraTek’s new sales position

CapraTek Recruiting and Hiring Plan

You have been tasked with developing a recruiting and hiring plan for CapraTek’s new sales representative position.


Review the CapraTek: Candidate Selection and CapraTek: Job Analysis simulations (linked in the Resources) as well as other course resources, including O*NET Online, to support your analysis in the development of your plan.


Include the following in your recruiting and hiring plan for HR leadership:

Write a description of the job requirements. This can be a brief description based on O*Net OnLine and other resources used in your job analysis.
Develop the competency model for a sales representative position. Should candidates possess these competencies prior to hiring, or would they be trained after hiring?
Analyze the current labor market for the position.

You can assume any geographic location you choose for this analysis, but include where the job will be located and any demographic data for females and minorities.
Create a selection plan for the sales representative position. Include at least five screening methods such as interviews and forms of testing. How does technology impact these screening methods?
Assess the impact of the legal environment for CapraTek’s staffing. What role does the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures have?
Recommend the top candidates to interview. Select three from the pool of 20 candidates within the CapraTek simulations.

Your CapraTek Recruiting and Hiring Plan should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through the accurate communication of thoughts that support a central idea and also use of correct grammar and mechanics as expected of a human resources professional.

References: Support your analysis with at least 2 academic, scholarly, or professional resources from the Capella University Library.
Format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format.
Length: 8–10 pages, in addition to the references page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Assume that you have recently been hired as the special assistant to the chief executive officer

Assume that you have recently been hired as the special assistant to the chief executive officer (CEO) of your health care organization, Thunder Hospital.

Assume that you have recently been hired as the special assistant to the chief executive officer

Quality Improvement Proposal

Assume that you have recently been hired as the special assistant to the chief executive officer (CEO) of your health care organization, Thunder Hospital. Your duty is to head up the new quality improvement department. Over the last year, the hospital has experienced substantial growth but is also facing a number of patient safety concerns, including a steady increase in medical errors and a 25% rise in hospital-acquired infections. Prepare a quality improvement plan to present to the CEO with strategies for addressing these issues.

In an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, include the following:

1.            Identify the issues the hospital is currently facing and how they are affecting quality outcomes and endangering patients.

2.            Present a detailed plan to improve quality and elaborate on how it aligns with the hospital’s initiatives to improve value-added health care. Discuss the quality improvement tool you suggest using to locate and ameliorate problem areas, as well as the roles and responsibilities of involved stakeholders, financial considerations for the implementation of your proposal, the goals of the plan, and methods for evaluating its success.

3.            Examine the effects that the implementation of this proposal will have upon administrators, clinicians, and physicians. Explore possible challenges that could arise with stakeholders reacting negatively to changes presented by this proposed plan. What strategies or preventive measures can reduce the friction between various health care providers?

4.            How will your plan improve overall quality for Thunder Hospital? How will the improvements your plan suggests implementing now set the hospital up to continue providing quality care in the future?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines**

Identification of how current hospital issues are affecting quality outcomes is thoroughly explore and clearly explain with relevant details and support.

A plan to improve quality and add value. Include  CQI tool. Further, the roles and responsibilities of involved stakeholders. Moreover, financial considerations, goals. Finally, methods for evaluating success of the strategies is thoroughly explore d and clearly explain ed with relevant details and support.

An examination of the effects the implementation of the plan will have on administrators, clinicians. Also, physicians is thoroughly explore d and clearly explain ed with relevant details and support.

An explanation of how the plan will improve quality for the hospital both presently and in the future is thoroughly explore and clearly explain  with relevant details and support.

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Additionally, clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. Lastly, all sources are authoritative.

Finally, sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

Company G is a well-established firm that is highly regarded in the electronics market

Company G is a well-established firm that is highly regarded in the electronics market. Its mission statement is as follows:
“We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions.”

Company G is a well-established firm that is highly regarded in the electronics market


318.1.5: Marketing Plans

The graduate can create a marketing plan.


Company G is a well-established firm that is highly regarded in the electronics market. Its mission statement is as follows:

“We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions.”

Company G’s engineers and designers have developed a line of small appliances that the company feels can be very successful in the small-appliance market. The company feels that the current marketing plan for its products does not put them in a position to reach the profit potential for the small appliances.

Success with the new line will depend upon an accurate assessment of the market and a well-crafted, effectively implemented marketing plan that will fit the current market.

As the marketing manager, you are charged with the responsibility of developing a new marketing plan that will enable the company to reach the full profit potential of one small appliance from the new product line.

The president has suggested that you use the “clean sheet of paper” concept as you develop the plan; therefore, during the time you are creating the new plan, all details of the company’s existing electronics marketing plan are to be considered irrelevant. The intent is that current strategies, practices, etc., will be considered for relevance and also possible continuance only after your new plan has been presented to and is understood by top management.

Company G’s team of engineers and designers have developed a line of top-quality small appliances, and through concept and prototype testing, they have shown that the visual design features are very appealing to potential buyers and give a distinct impression associated with quality and artistic elegance.

Extensive testing has demonstrated that the new products may be the most reliable line of products in the small-appliance industry. Additionally, the team has designed a production process that is very efficient in terms of labor and production-line time and that will result in very little raw materials waste. The combination of these efficiencies and the relatively small front-end investment for this line will result in the company’s ability to produce each of the products in the line at a cost that should enable them to emerge as the lowest-cost producer in the small-appliance industry.

Company G has a low debt-to-equity ratio and a high credit rating. It enjoys excellent relationships with current suppliers, but because of differences in material requirements, new raw material suppliers will be needed to support the small appliance line. Company G will also need new suppliers for two component parts that will be purchased ready for assembly into some of the small appliances.

The credit terms Company G offers to intermediaries in their distribution channel are typical for their industry. Marketing research has shown that the company’s brand and logo are readily recognize by most categories of electronics product consumers.


Your submission must be your original work.

Each requirement below may be evaluate by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Prepare a one-year marketing plan (suggested length of 5–7 single-spaced pages) using the attached “Company G One-Year Marketing Plan Template” for one of the small appliances from the new line. Carefully examine the details provided in the given Company G marketing scenario. Also identify the specific information that should be consider while developing the plan. Consider other information from the real world that you should incorporate as you develop the plan.

Include the following sections in your plan:

A.  Product Support of Mission Statement
Firstly, describe the specific appliance you have selected.

Secondly, explain how the small appliance you have selected supports Company G’s mission statement provided in the scenario.

Thirdly, classify Company G’s proposed product using the three-way consumer product classification system.

Fourthly, justify the designated classification.

B.  Target Market
1.  Describe the target market for the company’s product, including twovariables related to demographic information, psychographic information, or geographic information.

C.  Analysis of Competitive Environment

1.  Analyze Company G’s competitive environment, addressing each  of the components of Porter’s Five Forces Model.

D.  SWOT Analysis
1.  Describe three of Company G’s strengths that would support the marketing of the new product.

Note: This description should address Company G’s strengths, not the strengths of the product itself.

Firstly, justify your choice of each of these elements as company strengths.

Secondly, identify two strengths that should be consider core competencies.

Thirdly, describe three of Company G’s weaknesses that would undermine the marketing of the new product.

Note: This description should address Company G’s weaknesses, not the weaknesses of the product itself.

Firstly, justify your choice of each  of these elements as company weaknesses.

Secondly, describe three current or potential opportunities that would support the marketing of the new product.

Thirdly, justify your choice of each  of these as opportunities.

Fourthly, describe three current or potential threats that would undermine the marketing of the new product.

Further, justify your choice of each  of these as threats.

E.  Marketing Objectives
1.  Identify one SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) marketing objective for each  of the following marketing mix elements:
a.  product
b.  place
c.  price
d.  promotion

F.  Marketing Strategies and Implementation

1.  Describe three distinct strategies for each  of the following market mix elements that are appropriate for the target market and supportive of the related objective:
a.  product
b.  place
c.  price
d.  promotion
2.  Explain why this is the best collection of strategies to achieve the objectives identified in part E.
3.  Describe one implementation tactic for each  of the strategies identified in parts F1a-F1d.
a.  Include a due date and responsible party for each  implementation tactic.

G.  Monitoring Procedures
Firstly, describe the specific actions that will be taken to measure the progress toward the objectives identified in the plan.

Secondly, describe the frequency for each  of the actions described in part G1.

Finally, when you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Categorize each of the following transactions as taking

Categorize each of the following transactions as taking place in either the primary or secondary market: Supercorp issues $180 million of new common stock.

Categorize each of the following transactions as taking

Respond to the following five questions. Write your responses in a Word document, and number them 1–5.

Categorize each of the following transactions as taking place in either the primary or secondary market:
Firstly, supercorp issues $180 million of new common stock.

Secondly, HiTech, Inc. issues $30 million of common stock in an IPO.

Thirdly, Megaorg sells $10 million of HiTech preferred stock from its marketable securities portfolio.

Further, the XYA Fund buys $220 million of previously issued Supercorp bonds.

A. B. Corporation sells $15 million of XYZ common stock.

Identify whether the following financial instruments are capital market securities or money market securities:
U.S. Treasury bills.

U.S. Treasury notes.

U.S. Treasury bonds.


Federal funds.

Negotiable certificates of deposit.

Common stock.

State and government bonds.

Corporate bonds.

Identify the different types of financial institutions. What are the main services each of these financial institutions offers?

Define the six factors that determine the nominal interest rate on a security.

Finally, define the concept of term structure of interest rates. What are three theories that explain the future yield curve of interest rates?

Use references to support your answers as needed. Be sure to cite all references using correct APA style.

Your responses should be free of grammar and spelling errors, demonstrating strong written communication skills.

Explain the advantages of offering employee benefits from the perspectives

This is a paper that is focusing on Explain the advantages of offering employee benefits from the perspectives. The paper also provides additional instructions to use in partaking this assignment paper clearly.

Explain the advantages of offering employee benefits from the perspectives

This assignment will research compensation and benefits options within the healthcare industry.


Explain the advantages of offering employee benefits from the perspectives of the employee and the employer.
Discuss the three basic approaches job evaluation. Explain the function and purpose of four legally required benefits.
Describe the differences in the types of health insurance plans from the perspective of an employee.
Explain the ways ERISA and PBGC provides protection for workers with pensions.
What are the major differences between defined benefit pension plans, defined contribution plans and also 401k accounts? Which would you prefer and why?
Why is PTO such a popular option over sick leave?

Explain the advantages of offering employee benefits from the perspectives

You need to create a PowerPoint® presentation for a Board of Directors (10–12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions). Keep slides in the order of the questions given.

Be sure to support your assertions with evidence-based research, scholarly articles, and well-supported strategies that support your work. Although the use of APA citing is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected. Add sources to the last slide using APA format. Some use of art and graphics suggested holding the interest of an audience.

Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Perform a PEST Analysis on a new business that you plan to create

This is a paper that is focusing on you to Perform a PEST Analysis on a new business that you plan to create. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Perform a PEST Analysis on a new business that you plan to create


Creativity and innovation are two of the key elements needed to successfully start a new business. For this assignment, you will perform a PEST Analysis on a new business that you plan to create and use this analysis to describe how you intend to grow your business in the global environment.
• Describe your new business. Do you provide a service or a product?
• Develop a PEST Analysis using the template provided in the assignment description.
• Describe how you will grow your business in the global environment. Did the PEST Analysis help you to make decisions about this plan? Why or why not?
• Explain how the PEST Analysis effects your views of creating a new business.


For parts 1, 2, and 3, develop one Word document and clearly label each section.
Use APA formatting (no abstract required).
Focus on quality of writing and content, as opposed to length.
For part 2, use the PEST Analysis template. Your PEST Analysis needs to be placed in the appendix of the combined paper.
Review and follow the grading rubric.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Use a company from the technology or pet industry that interests you

This is a paper that requires you to Use a company from the technology or pet industry that interests you. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment well.

Use a company from the technology or pet industry that interests you

Creativity and innovation are essential to an organization’s success, and both should be infused into every aspect of a business. Companies with creative and innovative employees keep up with industry changes and have a competitive advantage. Human resources (HR) can foster a creative culture.

For this assignment, assume the role of HR manager. The HR director has requested a business report that details the ideal organizational culture, qualities and characteristics of the employees, and leadership attributes for cultivating a culture of creativity and innovation.


Choose one of the following:

Option 1: Imagine you are creating a new and innovative company in the technology or pet industry.
Option 2: Use a company from the technology or pet industry that interests you.

Write a 3–5 page business report in which you:

Firstly, identify which option you chose and indicate the products and/or services the company provides.
Secondly, describe the ideal qualities and characteristics of the company employees in terms of creating a creative and innovative culture.
Thirdly, describe the ideal background and experience needed for company leaders to foster a culture of creativity and innovation.
Fourthly, identify the two most important leadership qualities and characteristics the employees should have to be effective leaders.
Also, discuss the ideal organizational culture and how it would foster creativity and innovation among employees.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and also information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Determine employee and leadership qualities as related to an organizational culture of creativity and innovation.