Independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination

This is a paper that is focusing on independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination

Assignment No 1.    Individual Written Essay

Due Date:

Length:            MAXIMUM 1500 words (excluding references)

Value:              20 marks (individual mark).

This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. It is to give you an opportunity to earn marks during the earlier part of the trimester. You are asked to write and also submit a short, scholarly essay, using an academic essay format, on the following topic:

“Compare and contrast the following three forms of entrepreneurship: independent entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship. Include in your discussion an examination of the similarities and differences of each form of entrepreneurship along the key dimensions of environment, person, process and also outcome. Illustrate your discussion with examples.”

The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain a deeper understanding of the complex world of entrepreneurship in its various settings.

You are to draw on a minimum of SIX (6) peer reviewed or respected journal articles to underpin your arguments presented in this essay. Consequently, you will need to find and draw upon academic articles relevant to the topic beyond the text and readings in this course.


The output of this assignment is the production of a written essay in academic style that fully addresses the topic. It is important that you adhere to academic conventions of citation and referencing.

The structure of your essay is to be as follows:

1.     Firstly, a brief abstract (or overview) of your key arguments and conclusions (50 words)
2.     Secondly, introduction to the topic of your essay and what the essay will cover.
3.     Body of essay
Outline the concepts of independent entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship
Outline and discuss a model of the four key dimensions of entrepreneurship: Environment, person, process and outcome
Compare and also contrast the three forms of entrepreneurship along the key dimensions of environment, person, process and outcome from the above model, with a view to highlighting the similarities and differences between each form of entrepreneurship
Discuss an example of each form of entrepreneurship that illustrates the similarities and also differences of each form identified above
4.     Conclusion.
5.     References (at least 6 scholarly references).
The forms containing the criteria used to mark this assessment and the marking rubric are set out below.

Independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination

Some additional points to note for this essay:
·      Remember that it is necessary to explain and/or justify the points that you make, and that unsubstantiated assertions provide no credibility to your discussion or analysis.

·      You are expected to consult academic journals and texts for material to support your discussion in this essay. At least six (6) sources must be in your discussion and cited correctly within your essay and also in the References List. Your References List must only include sources you actually cite in your essay. Please see the NBS Student Manual for the correct form of citation.

·      Lastly, dot points should be used very, very sparingly, if at all. Dot points are a communication tool for presenting summary information and rarely progress discussion or argument. Your assessment requires integrated discussion and/or argument, not presentation of summary information.

Identify a Middle Eastern organization with transformation process

This is a paper that is focusing on the identify a Middle Eastern organization with transformation process. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing this assignment paper clearly.

Identify a Middle Eastern organization with transformation process

Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization.

Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to best facilitate the change process. Choose a Middle Eastern organization at which you are currently working or one in which you are familiar. (If neither is possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Middle Eastern organization which has gone through a transformation process within the last three years.) Then address the following:

Identify a Middle Eastern organization with transformation process

Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).
Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?
How strong is the need for change?
What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?

If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next two to six years?
Explain the change process that was created and implemented. Identify the outcome of the change in terms of success, failures, cultural outcomes, and human resource changes.
Finally, based on what you have learned thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change and then offer constructive advice on strategies the organization may/should have considered to create/implement a more successful change process.

Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page and also reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook. At least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Tele-BankCo is a financial services typical call centre based in a central Scotland

Case study: Tele-BankCo is a financial services typical call centre based in a central Scotland, handling mostly low-end queries and transitions, and using automatic call distribution (ACD) software.

Tele-BankCo is a financial services typical call centre based in a central Scotland

Case study: Tele-BankCo is a financial services typical call centre based in a central Scotland, handling mostly low-end queries and transitions, and using automatic call distribution (ACD) software.

It is a surveillance-intensive environment:
The ACD allows you to have any size team you like and on the screens you can actually see right down to the person on the phone, you can see it in teams, in management groups, so on. You can produce macros every day of the different levels of management, either down at rep level to site level. So you can if you want to, compare the performance of teams across the sites, site against site or individual against individual. (Manager)

Like many call centres, it suffers from high turnover and a degree of burnout. Some managers seem to welcome this, one commenting that:

To me attrition is very healthy in a call centre, very costly, but very healthy because of the stressful nature of the job and because you want these people to keep constant energy and enthusiasm, it does the organisation some good if you can pump in some fresh blood. (Manager)

However, this was not the dominant view of how management should handle the tensions between quantity and quality in a low discretion- high commitment environment. There was a strong focus on standard HR tolls of recruitment, selection and training as a partial ‘solution.’ Matching the job to the people was seen primarily in terms of recruiting particular types of people- those with bubbly personality, or as one manger put it:

The vast majority of these people in customer services centres, we are talking 99%, are not bankers, they have been recruited for their personalities and communication skills.

The perceived centrality of social skills and competencies has led management at Tele-BankCo to use rigorous selection and training procedures more usually associated with high discretion jobs. As part of the recruitment process Tele-BankCo utilises telephone interviews, role plays and two person structured interviews.

Less than 10% of those who apply are select ed for a place on the six-week full time training programme. Though there is some emphasis on technical skills such as navigating screens and product knowledge, the vast amount of time is spent on social competencies.

At the heart of this is a conversation cycle to teach customer service representatives (CSRs) how to build rapport with people. Not only does this include managing a conversation but ‘managing yourself.’

Essentially, employees are taught rudimentary techniques associated with emotional labour-scripted interactions (via ‘cookery cards), voice and tone control and elicitation of responses from customers. This is backed up by a set of 19 core standards of behaviour, such as ‘maintaining appropriate standards of behaviour, dress and appearance’; ‘pleasant and enthusiastic with customers’ and ‘welcoming feedback and apologising when mistakes have been made.’

Not only are these core standards continually present throughout training (with each of the 19 printed on laminated cards and pasted to the walls and doors of the training room) they are often used in evaluating performance. Despite allocating considerable time and resources on training and building employee skills the complaints from the customers are mounting. Tele-BankCo is receiving negative customer reviews on the call centre services.

Some reviews said the wait time is long, some said the CSR’s do not seem to be enthusiastic in answering the queries, some said the calls are often forwarded to other departments and they do not receive satisfactory response.

Tele-BankCo management is concerned of losing the market to its biggest competitor BitCo financial services.

Interview with CSRs revealed major discrepancies with how management saw the role. CSRs were much more likely to associate job requirements with surviving stressful and repetitive work, rather than applying a particular set of personalities characteristics to the enthusiastic pursuit of customers service:

I can see it [building rapport] is important, but most customers just want to come on and get their query dealt with, they don’t really care whether you’re they’re best friend with them at the end of the call. (CSR)
They also consistently raced surveillance through statistics as an obstacle to high-quality customer service:

What they don’t tell you when you come to the interview is the emphasis they put on stats. They are very statistics oriented- how long your average call is, your wrap time… the emphasis in the call centre and other call centres is on the number of calls, the quality of the calls, yes, but not this rapport thing. (CSR)

This led to some CSRs either considering quitting, ‘closing down,’ or going ‘off script’:

They [CSRs] are all different personalities, but they are trying to mould them into a Tell-BankCo. Like robots, and they are always pushing, pushing and if they keep pushing, I’ll be out of the door soon. I think they need to build innovation into the corporate culture. My way of handling it is coming in and saying to myself, ‘I do my shift from 2 to 10, it is not a career; it’s a job.

I answer the phone and that’s it.’ By not looking for anything more than that, that’s my way of handling it. When I first came in, I thought it was maybe just me, but speaking to other people it’s the same. We get a lot of people who are on their own, they’re pensioners. They ask for a balance, and then they will want a chat – ‘what’s the weather like?’ I’m quite happy to chat to them, but it’s always in the back of your mind, got to watch my average handling time.  I think you are setting a better example for the bank. (CSR)

1…Problem Summary
State the problem at Tele-BankCo and identify four (4) symptoms of the problem.( 10 marks)

2. Arguments
a.            Explore the attrition argument presented by the manager in the case. Is it a weak or credible argument? Give reasons for your answer.( 10 marks)

b.Explore the case for any deductive and/or Inductive reasoning fallacies and clearly state the “type” of fallacy involved and how it could have been avoided.(10 marks)

3. Evaluate the causes of the problem
Use Fishbone analysis and analyse the possible causes of the problem.(10 marks)

4. Develop alternative solutions to the problem

a.            Identify and evaluate any three (3) Divergent thinking tools, stating the relative advantages and disadvantages of each.(9 marks)

b.            Use any one divergent thinking tool you identified above to generate three (3) alternative solutions to the problem identified. (9 marks)

5. Evaluate and apply the problem solving and analytical decision-making tool
a.            Identify and evaluate any three (3) Convergent thinking tools, stating the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. (9 marks)

b.            Use any one Convergent thinking tool you identified above to evaluate the three alternative solutions identified in task 4 above. (9 marks)

c.             Recommend the best solution and justify your recommendation. (6marks)

6. Investigate the factors surrounding the implementation of your decision.
Use Force field analysis to identify and explain five (5) internal and five (5) external factors that might impact the implementation of the chosen solution. (12 marks)

7. Overall presentation:
a.            English presentation and numbering guidelines followed
b.            Referencing, APA format followed, and all references have been properly cited.

Critical understanding of various concepts on real business

This is a that requires the student to demonstrate a critical understanding of various concepts on real business. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Critical understanding of various concepts on real business

The purpose of the IMC Audit is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate a critical understanding of various concepts of the class on a real business. For this, you will need to choose a brand/company (well known or not) to acutely assess. Below represents some, but not all, aspects on which to base your audit. Be sure to incorporate as many concepts from the course as possible. After you have addressed these, the final part of the project is for you to make original suggestions for improvement.  It may be useful to identify a company with a new product/service entering the market, or a product/service in a particularly competitive landscape for your audit.

The more thorough you’re able to research the current state of the IMC strategy (for instance, secondary information about industry trends, competition, budget, etc.), the more successful and more richly substantiated your project will be.  10 pages maximum—please follow the outline format and also leave the Heading to each section.

I.               Firstly, what is the current state of the product/service/brand?

a.     Is it new? Well thought of? Not well thought of? Not thought of?

II.             Secondly, what is the current competitive environment?

III.           Thirdly, what does the focus of the IMC strategy appear to be?

IV.          Fourthly, who is the target market?

a.     Did you find explicit information stating the target market (such as an interview or news article), or are you inferring? Please provide the source, or your reasoning that substantiates this.

V.            Also, what channels are being used for communication and why do they make sense?

VI.          What is the central theme of the IMC strategy (the specific communications) and also why do you think they decided this direction/message.

a.     Why do you think these marketing communications will be effective with the target market?

VII.        What is the Storytelling element of the IMC strategy?

a.     How well are the messages and also channels working together?

b.     Is the message consistent across channels?

c.     Do the channels reinforce or work against each other?

VIII.      Are all aspects of IMC being effectively utilized? If so, how? If not, how? [Refer back to those first reading to make sure you cover everything]

IX.          How do you think this strategy is being measured for success?

X.            What are your suggestions for improving this IMC strategy?

Selection Process Evaluation for HRM application in an organization

This is a paper that is focusing on the Selection Process Evaluation for HRM application in an organization. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Selection Process Evaluation for HRM application in an organization

The project below is for you to apply HRM information to your work setting. The basic outline of each of the project is the: critical examination of existing situation; well thought-out recommendations for changes; outline of how you would influence the organization to change.

Selection Process Evaluation
Provide a narrative evaluation of the selection process of one position within your organization. I would like to choose a Gas Station cashier/clerk for a business that I Own In the state of California. Include some ideas to improve the effectiveness and/or efficiency of the process. Cost benefit of new analysis must be mentioned e.g benefit of a background check (which I think would be beneficial in C stores).

I chose the selection process of a cashier or store clerk. As a small business we are limited on the available resources when hiring and also in the past chose to only hire people we knew, family and referrals by other employees. This limited our pool of selection and made it difficult to find new capable employees. When old employees left it would take a while to find a qualified replacement.
The job may involve check cashing and money order sales which means working with a lot of cash daily over as well as daily convenience store sales. Cashiers are and must have a good Honest and clear history and also some experience working with money. Willing to learn new things etc. They must be punctual and good at record keeping a flaw of some past employees. Some tools.

Remember, ensure  that the paper is exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

U.S. fishing boat manufacturer is known throughout the United States

A U.S. fishing boat manufacturer is known throughout the United States for its innovative approach to product design, lean manufacturing, and responsive customer service since its start three years ago.

U.S. fishing boat manufacturer is known throughout the United States

CASE STUDY: C714v2 and D081

A U.S. fishing boat manufacturer is known throughout the United States for its innovative approach to product design, lean manufacturing, and responsive customer service since its start three years ago. The mission statement of the company is “We will provide the most innovative customer-driven design and growth in the industry.” The founders’ ideals for the company are described in the vision statement: “We will be the most sustainable company in the industry.” The company’s ethical statement that guides all conduct and decision-making is “We will make decisions that are sustainable for customers and the environment.”

The company’s founders have created an organizational culture of innovation. They have provided incentives for employees’ creative ideas and created testing laboratories where customers use the products and provide design feedback. The founders have also invited innovators in other industries, such as gaming and information technology, to improve on the designs. The founders have cultivated a company culture in which employees and founders are considered equal partners. All company decisions are evaluated by all employees to ensure that everyone is committed to the decisions.

The company has identified an emerging global market opportunity in India for its products.

Successful sales in India could represent a critical moment for the company if the company establishes strategic partnerships that will increase the likelihood of product success. The founders hope to capture profits and market share and expand into other parts of Asia within the first year of selling products in India.

Research indicates market potential for the company’s sales in India because of the importance of the fishing industry in the country. Fishing and also aquaculture are primary industries in the coastal regions of India. Economic zones have been established to support the over 14 million people who are an important part of the fishing industry. This industry makes up 1% of the nation’s gross domestic product and 7% of global fish exports (Hanko Hackberry Group, n.d.).

The company’s goal of the market expansion into India is to be the first foldable fishing boat manufacturer reaching the country. An origami-inspired foldable fishing boat is the company’s most popular product. This boat comes designed as a plastic carrying case that unfolds into the water like an origami paper boat. This boat is suitable for uses in calm water, and the boat can be recycled. The product retails for U.S.$200.

Traditional fishers use nonmechanized boats, which would be ideal for the foldable boat’s entry into the market.

Laws and regulations surrounding the use of nonmechanized boats favor importing foldable boats, which would be easy for fishers to carry from home to the water. The business climate in India is open to new partnerships to improve the fishing experience for those who preserve the natural ecosystem with nonmotorized boats. The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) also promotes the use of natural fishing equipment to reduce disruption to the fishing ecosystem in India (National Fisheries Development Board, n.d.).

The U.S. boat manufacturer’s founders met with the NFDB to request an endorsement for their foldable boats because of the product’s sustainable design and net-zero environmental impact.

This endeavor would require the U.S. company to make a significant investment in India.

The company would need to purchase or build a manufacturing facility, or it would need to contract with a facility owner to secure a manufacturing location. It would need to employ Indian workers. Lastly, the company would have to manufacture a new foldable boat made from used plastics in India with an environmentally friendly waterproof coating.

The new foldable boat could be design ed in several ways, and the company would need to test a series of paper products and waterproof coatings to determine which would be suitable for fishers in India. The fishers range in age from 13 to 70, so the design would need to be comfortable and portable enough for all fishers in this target group.

The company decides to hire Indian fishers to help design the product to reach this market. These fishers will provide qualitative, conversations and also data that will be valuable in communicating the product’s features and benefits to other fishers. The product will be test by a variety of fishers that represent different sectors of the fishing industry, different regions, and also different cultural segments. Additionally, testing will provide generalizable, qualitative data about the product use and effectiveness.

What does the organization need to do to advance its goals

This is a paper that is focusing on what does the organization need to do to advance its goals. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper.

What does the organization need to do to advance its goals

This is leading off week’s two assignment:  Strategic Management 8 most popular cases
Assignment Content

Now that you’ve identified the organization’s SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives and metrics. This project should be based on an unmet opportunity for the organization, or to minimize a potential threat. What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How will you measure their progress?

Complete the following:
Explain why this opportunity/threat was selected, and how it is anticipated to benefit the organization.
Create at least 3 measurable project objectives based on your analyses. Determine timelines and responsibilities for each objective (e.g. with a RACI chart)
Explain why these objectives are appropriate for the project.
Develop at least 2 metrics to evaluate achievement of each of the project objectives. Provide a 1-page explanation for why these are appropriate metrics for each of the objectives.

Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.


The company research part 2 project assignment paper

This is a paper that is focusing on the company research part 2 project assignment paper. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper clearly.

The company research part 2 project assignment paper

Part 2: Company Research. (3-4 pages, double-spaced)
A.        Firstly, conduct some company research on three hospitality companies that you know little or nothing about. Name each company, and describe the following for each:
1.        Secondly, why you chose the company
2.        Thirdly, mission statement. This should be in quotes.
3.        Fourthly, what does this company do?
4.        Career and employment information: what are some available jobs at the company? Be specific: find real job postings at real sites. Do not copy the job postings; just list a few of the job titles and their locations.
5.        Brands or types of properties, if it is a chain. If it is a company that is part of a larger company, identify the parent company.
B.            Of the companies you researched, which one would you be more interested in working for and why?
C.            Works cited

Project Requirements
Submit each section in ulearn by the due date/time.
Project must be word-processed and double-spaced using 10-12 point font.
Each project section must include a cover page or a header that includes your name and the date.
MLA (Modern Language Association) format must be used. Johnson & Wales University uses the MLA style for research papers and reference citations.
You must include a works cited page whenever you submit writing based on information you received from another source.

Evaluation will be based on:
Quality and depth of research conducted.
Content of information presented.
Quality of writing (spelling, grammar, sentence construction).
Presentation and layout.
Proper citations and MLA format.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Business strategies and methodologies research objectives

This is a paper that is focusing on the Business strategies and methodologies research objectives. The paper also provides additional instructions to use in writing the assignment paper well.

Business strategies and methodologies research objectives

Submit a narrative discussion of your final Short Term Goals and explain the objectives you plan on achieving to arrive at those goals.  Be sure to also provide a description of the various specific methodologies and strategies you intend to employ to achieve your targeted objectives.  Be sure to explain how you plan to measure your success or failure in achieving your objectives or the effectiveness of your strategies and methodologies.  Finally identify Long Term Goals that you will attempt over the next two semesters and beyond to begin your business.

2.  Begin developing your survey questions to administer to potential consumers

Business strategies and methodologies research objectives

1.  Firstly, understand the difference between primary and secondary research in business.

2.  Secondly, identify data necessary to assess feasibility of a business hypothesis.

3.  Thirdly, describe sources to acquire and capture that data, including public libraries, paid research data reports and materials, academic journals, interviews, surveys and observation.

4.  Fourthly, discuss the role and benefit of field experiential learning in regard to the individual business venture.

5.  Also, revise their plan of action to assess and analyze their industry and a means to assess their own success at determining the feasibility of their business hypothesis.

6.  Finalize Short and Long Term Goals to allow for assessment of feasibility of a business model and also concept through the identification of objectives with specific methodologies and evaluation strategies.

7.  Lastly, describe the steps of research methodology in business:

1. Defining the research objectives
2. Planning a research design
3. Planning a sample
4. Collecting the data
5. Analyzing the data
6. Formulating the conclusions and preparing the report

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

The last unit focused on Strategic Planning

The last unit focused on Strategic Planning, specifically executive decisions and Board of Director decisions about Capital Structure, Dividends, Stock Splits and Share Repurchases.

The last unit focused on Strategic Planning

Chapter 16 Assignment Working Capital Management                              due 10/20/20
The last unit focused on Strategic Planning, specifically executive decisions and Board of Director decisions about Capital Structure, Dividends, Stock Splits and Share Repurchases.

This unit focuses on shorter term financial operations.  Working Capital Management and Financial Planning are issues that confront a Controller, a Treasurer and a CFO in a large corporation but not the Board of Directors.
These same issues confront a sole proprietor and are the basis of success or failure in a business.

Please practice the computations in the Chapter while you read it. Be sure to learn the key terms.
Learn the following Key Terms ST-1, a,e,f,h,I,j,l,m.  Don’t copy the definitions from anywhere.  Plagiarism is taking someone else’s words and writing them down as if they were your own.  It’s unethical just like cheating.  USE YOUR OWN WORDS
Write them out and save them to study for the next exam. Remember how important the key terms were on the first exam?
As a review: What happens to cash:

If the firm issues stock?
If the firm buys new equipment?
Also, if the firm reports a large loss for the year?
Finally, if the firm increases dividends?

Answer questions 16-2, 16-5, 16-7. 16-9 and 16-10.  Don’t copy.
Do problems 16-1, 16-2 and 16-3 and show all work.  I believe these are the same in the old edition and the new edition.
Let me help you with the problems.

In 16-1 part 1, you calculate the Inventory Conversion Period, the Average Collection Period (also called Days Sales Outstanding) and the Payables Deferral Period to get the CCC.  In part 2, you do the whole CCC again with the changes.  For example, if Inventory was posted as $2,000,000 on the balance sheet, a 10% decrease in inventory gives us $1,800,000 worth of inventory.  Having less inventory saves us money.  Reduce A/R by 10%.

(You calculate it) That will also save money, then increase the A/P (Accounts Payable) by 10% so A/P will be $1,100,000; this will also save money.  In part 3, you figure out how much cash would be freed up by these changes.  Calculate this for Inventory, Receivables and Payables.  Add it all together and you get the $ freed up.   Since the CCC in part 2 is lower than part 1, we save money.  How does this affect pre-tax profits?
Answer: Pre-tax profits will go up.

How much will it go up?
In 16-2, first calculate DSO (Days Sales Outstanding also called ACP Average Collection Period) with the current level of sales and accounts receivable.  Then, we are told that if the business-to-business customers pay on time the DSO will be 30 days.  Calculate A/R with this new DSO (remember that sales stay the same.)  This A/R is much lower than the original A/R, so the firm will be saving a lot of money if business-to- business (B2B) customers all paid on time.

The last part is: How much money is saved?
Answer: the original A/R minus the new A/R.  Now, assume they borrowed the money to finance Accounts Receivable.  How much will be saved?  They save the interest on the borrowing.

16-3 is important because you learn how to calculate the cost of credit and the cost of loans.  Let’s take it piece by piece.  For the first part, use equation 16-6.  We know that the Discount is 3%.  Put 3 in the numerator not .03, OK?  In the denominator, we need 100-3.  That’s equal to 97.  For the next part: the numerator is 365 but the tricky part is the denominator.  That requires some thinking.  They offered 60 days of credit, but we only took 5 days, so you put 60 minus 5 equals 55 as the denominator.
Now, let’s see if you can make a financial management decision.

Compare the cost of trade credit to the cost of a bank loan.  Let just say the bank loan is 10%.  What should they do?   SHOULD THEY BORROW MONEY FROM THE BANK SO THEY CAN PAY 5 DAYS EARLY AND GET THE DISCOUNT OR SHOULD THEY USE THE SUPPLIER’S TRADE CREDIT AND PAY IN 60 DAYS?