Three hospitality companies company research conduct

This is a paper that is focusing on the three hospitality companies company research conduct. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper clearly.

Three hospitality companies company research conduct

Part 2: Company Research. (3-4 pages, double-spaced)
A.        Firstly, conduct some company research on three hospitality companies that you know little or nothing about. Name each company, and describe the following for each:
1.        Secondly, why you chose the company
2.        Thirdly, mission statement. This should be in quotes.
3.        Fourthly, what does this company do?
4.        Career and employment information: what are some available jobs at the company? Be specific: find real job postings at real sites. Do not copy the job postings; just list a few of the job titles and their locations.
5.        Brands or types of properties, if it is a chain. If it is a company that is part of a larger company, identify the parent company.
B.            Of the companies you researched, which one would you be more interested in working for and why?
C.            Works cited

Project Requirements
Submit each section in ulearn by the due date/time.
Project must be word-processed and double-spaced using 10-12 point font.
Each project section must include a cover page or a header that includes your name and the date.
MLA (Modern Language Association) format must be used. Johnson & Wales University uses the MLA style for research papers and reference citations.
You must include a works cited page whenever you submit writing based on information you received from another source.

Evaluation will be based on:
Quality and depth of research conducted.
Content of information presented.
Quality of writing (spelling, grammar, sentence construction).
Presentation and layout.
Proper citations and MLA format.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Complete the following information about the organization and products

Student Instructions: Complete the following information about the organization and products and/or services you will focus on as you develop a complete marketing plan throughout the course.

Complete the following information about the organization and products

Resubmission recommendation: We recommend giving students an initial due date to complete Part 3 of the Marketing Plan after Module 13: Promotion: IMC. Then, after students have received some instructor feedback, in lieu of a final exam, we recommend allowing the students to revise and resubmit their final, improved Marketing Plan with a final due date prior to the end of term.

Student Instructions: Complete the following information about the organization and products and/or services you will focus on as you develop a complete marketing plan throughout the course. You may need to do research to get answers to the questions below. The subject for this assignment should be the organization and products and/or services you identified for the Marketing Plan, Parts 1 and 2 Assignments.

When you submit this assignment, you should submit it as a complete marketing plan, including all your work from Marketing Plan Assignments, Parts 1 and 2. All elements of your marketing plan should be complete. You may incorporate improvements to earlier sections of the plan, based on prior feedback from your instructor.

Marketing Mix (Four Ps)

Product Strategy

Briefly describe your product or service. Where is it in the product life cycle? What recommendations do you have for improving the offering to fit your target market’s needs? Be sure to consider:

  • Firstly, what level of quality and consistency does the offering have?
  • Secondly, how many features does it have and can they be removed or added?
  • Thirdly, how well does your product or service deliver what the customer values? How can it improve?
  • Further, what improvements would help your offering compete more effectively?

Pricing Strategy

How is your product or service priced today? How does this compare to competitors, assuming competitors are at or near break-even point with their pricing? Analyze pricing alternatives and make recommendations about pricing going forward based on the following:

  • Firstly, how sensitive are your customers to changes in price?
  • Secondly, what revenue you need to break even and achieve profitability?
  • Thirdly, what does the price says about your product in terms of value, quality, prestige, etc.?

Place: Distribution Strategy

What is your current distribution strategy? What missed opportunities or disconnects are you seeing in this distribution approach? Make recommendations about your future distribution strategy based on the following:

  • Firstly, what are the best distribution channels and methods for you to use, and why?
  • Secondly,will you have a retail outlet and if so, where will it be located?
  • Thirdly, in what geographic area(s) will your product/service be available?

Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy

Use the template below to lay out your design for a marketing campaign aimed at your target segment.


How will you achieve your goal? What promotional or engagement strategies will you use?  Think creatively about campaigns you’ve seen for companies or brands that have caught your attention, and how your campaign will make an impact on your target audience. Will your campaign influence? Engage? Educate? Nurture? Build awareness? Etc.

Example: Use email marketing, social media and a sales promotion (prize drawing at conference) to encourage veteran attendees to post online about their experiences and plans for attending the user conference using the event hashtag. Use these testimonials to amplify dialogue about the conference (via social media), build awareness (via email marketing, Web site and targeted digital advertising) and convince peers they should attend.


In consideration of the of your previous analysis, you need to identify at least one goal for the campaign.

  • Firstly, describe the target segment for your campaign.
  • Secondly, what is the goal you want to achieve with the campaign?
  • Thirdly, what is your call to action?
  • Further, Make sure your goal is S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed.)


  • Firstly, audience: HR professionals who are casual and power-users of Chumber systems
  • Secondly, increase event registration by 20% by the start date of the annual user conference.
  • Thirdly, call to action: Register online today.


Identify the primary message for your campaign, 2-3 message pillars and proof points for each. Be sure to include a call to action that helps to achieve your goal. Remember that messages should align reinforce your positioning statement. Be sure to include a call to action that helps to achieve your goal.


  • Firstly, primary Message: The annual user conference provides phenomenal value for training, professional development, peer networking and learning how to get the most out of your investment.
  • Secondly, message Pillar: This conference welcomes you into a dynamic, well-connected and highly competent professional community.
  • Thirdly, proof Point: Veteran attendees return year after year because it is recharges their skills, knowledge and professional networks.
  • Further, call to Action: Register online today.

Promotional Mix and IMC Tools

Identify the key marketing communication methods and specific IMC tools you will use in your marketing campaign. How will you use each of these tools? Look for ways different methods and tools can build on each other: advertising, direct marketing, public relations, digital marketing, guerrilla marketing, personal selling, sales promotion.


Digital Marketing

  • Firstly, Web site: Add testimonials from prior attendees, event hashtag, rolling hashtag Tweets box, social media buttons to make registration easy to share via social media

Direct Marketing

  • Secondly, Email marketing: Reach out to prior year’s attendees who are already registered. Ask them to post about plans to attend upcoming conference. Conduct email campaign with target audience list to generate awareness, interest, desire to attend conference.

Sales Promotion + Digital Marketing

  • Contest/giveaway: Offer giveaway where Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts trigger entries in a “conference evangelist” contest/giveaway to take place at conference opening session, one entry per social media tool per day

Sales Alignment

At what point(s) in the sales process (or sales funnel) does this campaign operate? Sales process stages are: 1) generate leads; 2) build relationships/discover needs; 3) present solution/resolve concerns; 4) close the sale; 5) monitor and follow up. How does your campaign support sales activity?

Measurement (KPIs—Key Performance Indicators)

How will you measure the success of the campaign? Select 3-6 KPIs (key performance indicators) that you will measure. Briefly explain why each KPI you select will be a good indicator of whether your campaign is successful.

Examples of KPIs:

  • Total sales/revenue
  • New/incremental sales
  • Number of qualified leads generated
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Web site unique visitors
  • Number of registrations/sign-ups
  • Impressions – views of content
  • CTR – click through rate
  • Engagement – comments, likes, shares, pageviews, video views
  • Further, followers – social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)
  • Awareness
  • Etc.

What is the business’ “why” for its venture?

What is the business’ “why” for its venture? What is your “why” for your choice of business? Clearly articulate what your business will do, including the following: Explain your production–distribution chain.

What is the business why for its venture

Provide 3 examples of businesses that do something similar to what you hope to do, and include a response to each of the following questions:

What is the business’ “why” for its venture?

What is your “why” for your choice of business?

Clearly articulate what your business will do, including the following:
Explain your production–distribution chain.
Identify your suppliers.
Describe your ideal location, and explain why it is ideal (this will help to create your mission and vision statement for your business plan).

Sinek, S. (2010). How great leaders inspire action [Video]. Retrieved from

More details;

4 reasons why a business plan is important

A business plan is a very important strategic tool for entrepreneurs. A good business plan not only helps entrepreneurs to focus on the specific steps necessary for their to make business ideas succeed, but it also helps them to achieve both their short-term and long-term objectives.

Venture capitalist and Silicon Valley pioneer Eugene Kleiner once stated that writing a business plan forces you into disciplined thinking. An idea may sound great, but when you put down all the details and numbers, it may fall apart.

While a business plan is absolutely essential in entrepreneurship, not every entrepreneur sees the need for it. Many are reluctant to have their plan written down. In fact, there are numerous articles online claiming that the business plan is dead or irrelevant. Of course not everyone agrees with that.

A large number of business funding experts, agree that having a good business idea is not enough. Even excellent business ideas can be totally useless if you cannot formulate, execute and implement a strategic plan to make your business idea work.

Examine the financial impact of the ACA on group of stakeholders

This is a paper that is focusing on the examine the financial impact of the ACA on group of stakeholders. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper.

Examine the financial impact of the ACA on group of stakeholders

Course Outcome covered in this Assignment:

MN507-4: Synthesize the effect healthcare reform has on stakeholders


For this Assignment, you will examine the stakeholders impacted by the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Your paper must include the following topics:

Firstly, differentiate between at least three groups of stakeholders impacted by the ACA.
Secondly, examine the financial impact of the ACA on each group of stakeholders.
Thirdly, summarize benefits of the ACA on each group of stakeholders.
Fourthly, summarize drawbacks of the ACA on each group of stakeholders.
The word count for your paper, excluding the title page and references page, will be 800-1200 words. You must include a minimum of (5) different scholarly references.

Examine the financial impact of the ACA on group of stakeholders

Below are some of the assignment Requirements to use in writing this assignment in detail. It should be in the recommendation of the assignment marking

Before finalizing your work, you should:

be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
Your writing Assignment should:

follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA formatting and citation style.
Submitting your work

You will submit your Assignment to the appropriate Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit.

Analyse the brand’s innovative marketing communications approaches

This is a paper that is focusing on Analyse the brand’s innovative marketing communications approaches. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Analyse the brand’s innovative marketing communications approaches

Task: Using the concepts and theories discussed in class and in your readings, as well as from your own further research, write a case study of a brand of your choice, focusing on one of the following scenarios:
Analyse the brand’s marketing communications campaign(s) implemented in two different countries. How successful/unsuccessful has it been? Why?
–     If you want to talk about the same campaign targeting two different markets (e.g., Coke’s “Open Happiness” campaign in China and India), you can do that. If you want to talk about the brand’s two different campaigns in two different countries (e.g. “Open Happiness” campaign in China vs. “Share a Coke” campaign in India), you can do that as well. We are open to both options as long as your discussion addresses the brand’s cross-cultural marketing communications strategies.

Has the brand met consumers’ resistance at some point? How and why did this happen? What were the effects on the brand (if any)? How did the brand cope with consumer resistance through marketing communications?

Analyse the brand’s innovative marketing communications approaches to breaking through the clutter and overcoming consumers’ avoidance in a foreign market (not in the country of origin). Why do you think the brand’s marketing communications approaches are innovative?


Your case study should be written in report format and should include the following sections:
Firstly, title page (not included in word count): Your name, subject code and title, submission date, total word counts
Secondly, brief background of the brand (about 100-200 words)
Thirdly, your response to the scenario of your choice (about 700-800 words): Here you write a case study of the brand, focusing on one of the scenarios above. You must integrate pertinent concepts and theories and properly reference all non-original work.

Fourthly, discussion and recommendations (about 500-600 words): In this section, you will need to discuss key insights gained from your case study, explain what YOU think about the brand’s strategies, and provide your recommendations for how things may be done differently in the future. You will need to give reasons for this.
Bibliography (not included in word count)
The teaching team will assess this assignment based on the following criteria:

Quality of analysis and argument
Appropriate use of subject concepts/theories
Depth of research
Quality of writing

Discuss the seven major functions of any business positions

This is a paper that is focusing on the Discuss the seven major functions of any business positions. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Discuss the seven major functions of any business positions

We have discussed the seven major functions of any business – Purchasing, Human Resources, Production, Sales, Marketing, Shipping/Receiving and Finance.  We addressed the purpose of each of these functional areas within a business and identified a few of the positions within each functional area and their respective responsibilities in contributing to the major objective of each functional area. Additionally, we touched upon the metrics that may be used to measure the effectiveness of each of the roles played within each functional area.  Also, we discussed the information [i.e. reports] and data that they need to perform their roles effectively.

You will have to perform the following:
1.       Analyze Shoe-Love Inc. in detail using the seven major functions of the business discussed in class.  You may need to make assumptions and do research as all the information is not included in the case study.  Discuss with your instructor.
2.       FOR EACH FUNCTIONAL AREA, you will;

a.       Identify at least 3 positions [i.e. Sales Manager] that play roles [21 positions] – include 2 -3 sentences to describe the position
b.      Identify at least 3 roles each position fills [i.e. Sales Forecasts] [63 roles] – include 1 – 2 sentences to describe the role
c.       Identify at least 1 document [i.e. purchase order] for each of the positions you identified in part a, and identify the purpose of each document that assists that position in fulfilling its roles [21 documents]. You can take a screen capture of the document and describe it using 1 -2 sentences

d.      Next, identify at least 3 data elements for the document for the position you chose that you feel are needed in the performance of one of the roles. [3 data elements x 1 document x 3 positions of a functional area = 63 pieces of data in total]. NOTE: If you used a screen capture of the document you don’t have to list 3 data elements.
e.       Identify how each position will be measured [i.e. the metrics, KPI’s] in the performance of their roles; at least 1 metric per position [21 position metrics] include 1 – 2 sentences to describe the metric
f.        Identify how each functional area interacts with other functional areas and the information one functional area needs to perform their roles [7 functional areas x interaction with the other 6 = 42] include 1 – 2 sentences to describe the interaction

Your regulatory agency just released a proposal for comments on the implementation of self-regulation

Your regulatory agency just released a proposal for comments on the implementation of self-regulation, thus decreasing regulatory oversight of your company.

Your regulatory agency just released a proposal for comments on the implementation of self-regulation

According to Tenbrusel and Messick (1999), understanding forces that promote or reduce the tendency to cooperate is vital to ensuring the success or organizations and society and that left unattended, the tendency to cooperate and to expect cooperation from others decreases as time goes on.

Your regulatory agency just released a proposal for comments on the implementation of self-regulation, thus decreasing regulatory oversight of your company. Management has asked you to prepare a letter for comment to submit to the regulator.
Choose a position whether you are in favor of or against this proposal.

What argument would you provide to your regulator to support your view on this proposal?

More details;

Factors Influencing Cooperation in Commons Dilemmas: A Review of Experimental Psychological Research

This chapter reviews recent experiments on psychological factors that influence cooperation in commons dilemmas. Commons dilemmas are social dilemmas in which noncooperation between individual people leads to the possible collapse of a resource. Hardin’s parable about herdsmen who share a common pasture. Each has an incentive to raise the number of sheep grazing. But if each herdsman does so they risk ruining the pasture. Further, illustrates the prototypical commons dilemma. From an economic perspective, commons dilemmas are one class of social interactions in which equilibrium outcomes are (Pareto) inefficient. Such inefficient equilibria are not confined to resource and environmental situations, but arise in other domains as diverse as industrial organization, public finance, and macroeconomic policy.

Founded in 1999, Alibaba Group has quickly emerged

Case background: Founded in 1999, Alibaba Group has quickly emerged as the largest Chinese e-commerce company. The company primary operates in China and provides C2C (consumer-to-consumer), B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) sales services via web portals.

Founded in 1999, Alibaba Group has quickly emerged

Assessment 2 – Essay (Individual Assignment)

Weight: 30%

Due date: 5 pm, 9 October

Submission type: Essay

Estimated student workload: 20 hours

Task Overview:  The assessment requires students to conduct original research on a prescribed assignment question, which involves the collection and critical analysis of information from a range of sources, including academic journals, business magazines, newspapers and also other media outlets. Students should search the information (e.g. research articles, newspapers and other media outlets) relevant to the case and analyse the case question through reference to relevant concepts and frameworks introduced in the unit. The essay should be up to 2000 words.


Case background: Founded in 1999, Alibaba Group has quickly emerged as the largest Chinese e-commerce company. The company primary operates in China and provides C2C (consumer-to-consumer), B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) sales services via web portals.

Since its’ IPO (initial public offering) on NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) in September 2014, the company has been expanding into the global e-commerce market aggressively. Additionally, Alibaba Group’s mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere.

As the founder and former chairman of Alibaba Jack Ma said:

“Today the Internet can help small businesses sell things cross the oceans, cross the nations. And I also hope that we can serve 2 billion consumers, we can help 10 million small businesses outside China.”

Case question: How Alibaba Group has made it easy to do business in China and hence achieved a great success? Additionally, can the company replicate its China strategies elsewhere as it expands into other countries and achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the global e-commerce market?

Search information (e.g. academic journals, books, business magazines, newspapers and other media outlets) relevant to the case and answer the case question through the application of relevant theoretical concepts and frameworks introduced in the lecture program.



Evaluate what Wells Fargo has done to repair the damage

This is a paper that requires student to evaluate what Wells Fargo has done to repair the damage. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Evaluate what Wells Fargo has done to repair the damage

Address the following in a 3- to 4-page essay demonstrating your critical-thinking skills. It should be written for an audience of business owners. As an ethics expert working for a national ethics association, you have been to address the following:

Evaluate what Wells Fargo has done to repair the damage to their reputation. What should they still do?
Should top leaders be responsible for the behaviors of its customer-facing employees? Why or why not?
In your judgment, why is this Wells Fargo situation an “ethical dilemma”? Bring in a philosophy (or philosophies) that you have learned about in this Module.

This assignment should include third-person voice, in-text citations, and a reference list. It should be evident that you followed some of the basics of APA formatting. Write a well-integrated paper with a strong introduction and conclusion, and use a few section headings (e.g., do not simply follow a Q & A format).

Bring in subject matter expert viewpoints (authors or speakers) to validate and support your writing. Utilize at least 3 sources that are not include as background readings in this course and use ones that are new to you. These sources, for example, can be found by searching the Trident Online Library databases. (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Skillsoft Books 24×7, and/or ProQuest Central).

General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers:

For a list of general reference sources related to locating library sources, using APA formatting, applying critical-thinking skills, and so forth, see General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers.

Research a company of interest in the service or manufacturing industries

Research a company of interest in the service or manufacturing industries and answer the following questions.   Usually, the company website is the best place to start.

Research a company of interest in the service or manufacturing industries

DQ Week 2 – Operations Strategy and Competitiveness

Research a company of interest in the service or manufacturing industries and answer the following questions.   Usually, the company website is the best place to start.

Q1.      Discuss your selected company’s mission statement, target markets, and specifics of their product and service offerings.

Q2.     How does their operations function support their business strategies?

More details;

How might you determine the target market for a specific product or service?
How to Define Your Target Market

Firstly, look at your current customer base. Who are your current customers, and why do they buy from you?

Secondly, check out your competition.

Thirdly, analyze your product/service.

Fourthly, choose specific demographics to target. …

Further, consider the psychographics of your target. …

Additionally, evaluate your decision. …

Lastly, Additional resources.

What are the 3 parts of a mission statement?

According to Chris Bart, professor of strategy and governance at McMaster University, a commercial mission statement consists of three essential components:
  • Key market: the target audience.
  • Contribution: the product or service.
  • Distinction: what makes the product unique or why the audience should buy it over another.


What should a company mission statement include?
A mission statement is a simple statement that explains your company’s goals. It’s a summary of what your company does for its customers, employees, and owners. It explains how you do what you do. And, it focuses on why your company does what it does.
What are 4 elements of a positioning statement?
The Positioning Statement definition is comprised of 4 parts; the target, the category, the differentiator, and the payoff. We’ll talk about these in summary below, but first, there is some work to be done. Before sitting down to write your PS, decisions must be made. You must choose your target market.