Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad

This is a paper that is focusing on the Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad

Essay 1

Select one (1) of the following topics for a 750-1000 word essay which includes a title, internal citations, and a Works Cited page in MLA format. Your essay must use at least one secondary source from Chattanooga State’s library (books, ebooks, or databases) as well as the primary text with which your essay is associated. (Note: A primary source is the work itself, such as The Odyssey. A secondary source is a work someone else has written critiquing some element of The Odyssey.) Please remember to use the current MLA formatting guidelines for both your internal citations and your Works Cited page. Failure to use and cite appropriate sources will result in an F for the essay. Please ask the instructor if you have any questions.

Dreams are not only recurrent, but also very important, in The Epic of Gilgamesh. They serve as a vehicle of communication between gods and mortals, anticipating events symbolically, but accurately. What narrative function do they serve? That is, why is it useful to know what is going to happen before it does? Be sure to use specific examples from the primary source and additional supports from a secondary source to prove your points.

Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad

Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice, as presented in The Iliad?  Similarly, is Odysseus’s cunning a virtue or a vice?  Be sure to use specific examples from the primary source and additional supports from a secondary source to prove your points.
Homer’s epics both have important female characters who are tremendously influential in the development of the plots, including Athena, Helen, and Penelope.  What role do the women play within these works and in what ways is this significant?  Be sure to use specific examples from the primary source and additional supports from a secondary source to prove your points.

Remember to save your file as a RICH Text document and submit it with your name as the file name and assignment number (for example: JohnDoeEssay1. Consult the Read Me First page for naming instructions.


The essay meets the minimum required word count.

The essay is written in third-person, formal, academic prose (first and second-person have NOT been used).

Also, the essay contains an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs supporting the thesis statement, and a conclusion paragraph.

Additionally, the essay uses the required primary source and documents the source using MLA format.

The essay uses at least one required secondary source from Chattanooga State’s library. (books, ebooks, or databases) and documents the source using MLA format.

The essay does not contain more than 25% of outside material (review the submission report in the dropbox; revise and resubmit before the deadline if necessary).

The company SMS and the company description available

You work is based on the company SMS and the company description available. The work will be carried out in your student groups, but the report must clearly state who did what in the assignment.

The company SMS and the company description available

Instructions Assignment 1

General description: You work is based on the company SMS and the company description available. The work will be carried out in your student groups, but the report must clearly state who did what in the assignment. It is up to you to decide what is a reasonable limit for the task. Keep in mind that demarcation can be the hard part to solve.

The task is also to determine the limit against the course schedule. Be sure to motivate your demarcation. The work will be carried out with the tools provided and based on ISO/IEC 27001 and MSB’s method support.

Analyse Business and Environment Identify and analyze operations and the outside world related to information security based on:

Firstly, business

Secondly, internal stakeholders

Thirdly, internal prerequisites

Fourthly, information assets Environment

Further, external stakeholders

Additionally, external prerequisites

Further, legal requirements

More information about Analyse Business and Environment

Analyse Risk

Perform a risk analysis with a focus on information security by:

Firstly, Select appropriate information assets to proceed with

Secondly, Identify and  threats vulnerability

Thirdly, Make a risk assessment – Consequence and Probability

Fourthly, develop suggestions for action

More information about Analyse Risk

Analyse Gap
Perform a Gap analysis with a focus on information security by:

Firstly, Identify the applicability of security controls

Secondly, document the current situation

Thirdly, document improvement suggestions

More information about Analyse Gap

Submission 1
Submission 1 takes place in a written report and via an oral presentation. The information must be submitted by the deadline (see Canvas/Assignment). Report structure as follows: • Title page with the title of work, name, also email address of all participants in the group • Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2. Analysis Business and Environment
2.1 Identify and analyse the business
2.1.1 Internal Stakeholders 2.1.2 Internal Prerequisites 2.1.3 Information Assets
2.2 Identify and analyse the environment
2.2.1 External Stakeholders 2.2.2 External Prerequisites 2.2.3 Legal Requirements
3. Risk Analysis
3.1 Selected area of Analysis 3.2 Threats and Vulnerabilities 3.3 Risk Assessment
3.3.1 Identify Consequences 3.3.2 Identify Likelihood
3.4 Develop Action Proposal
4. Gap Analysis
4.1 Identify the Applicability of Security Controls 4.2 Document the Current Situation 4.3 Document Improvement Suggestions
5. Conclusion and Discussion
6. Reflections

References • Any attachments

Analyze the purposes of organizational communication forms

This is a paper that is focusing on analyze the purposes of organizational communication forms. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing and submitting the assignment paper.

Analyze the purposes of organizational communication forms

You are the Director of Operations at DreamAir a low-cost airline company based in London. DreamAir operates domestic and international flights worldwide. Due to Covid-19, a large number of flights have been cancelled.
Many customers have lost money on cancelled flights or been unable to fly home. There is no clear policy about refunds or replacement flights and customers are complaining because there is no information available. Also customers feel that the airport services do not cater for diverse cultural requirements related to diet and places of worship.

The overseas locations employ local staff so English is not their first language and they find it difficult to deal with the unhappy customers.
You decide to distribute posters around the customer service desk to inform staff members about policy decisions so they can reassure customers that DreamAir acknowledges their concerns and is doing its best to provide acceptable solutions.
Firstly, describe and analyse the purposes and principles behind different forms of organisational communication (25 marks)
Secondly, evaluate the communication practices of themselves and others (25 marks)
Thirdly, apply principles of effective communication to enhance practice (25 marks)
Fourthly, use of academic writing (15 marks) Quality of referencing (15 marks)

Report format :-
1. Title page
2. Abstract
3. Table of contents
4. Introduction
5. Theories of organisational communication
6. Evaluation of communication situation at DreamAir
7. Recommendations to overcome these
8. Conclusion
9. References

Remember, ensure  that the paper is at pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Describe in detail the Quantitative Finance or Fintech topic

Describe in detail the Quantitative Finance or Fintech topic you are considering including its main ideas and applications.
Address the purpose and function of the topic you selected; in the case of Fintech topics.

Describe in detail the Quantitative Finance or Fintech topic

First review all the course materials associated with the topic you are considering in the Topics_and_Materials document in this Google Drive folder.

Conduct your own further research by seeking your own sources or asking for further information/content.

Write a report about the topic that incorporates the following components:
— Describe in detail the Quantitative Finance or Fintech topic you are considering including its main ideas and applications.

— Address the purpose and function of the topic you selected. In the case of Fintech topics, discuss what traditional financial technology the Fintech topic is designed to replace as well as the pros/cons of each solution.

— If applicable, construct a dataset associated with your topic, implement it, and construct associated examples.  Feel free to create related graphics/plots.

Review at least half the materials in the following course:

More details;

Digital Payments: a growing trend with a focus on Customer Experience

Digital Payment market is booming thanks to the introduction of new technologies that continuously converge with others and encourage the emergence of innovative payment methods and consequently creating business opportunities. Currently the most advanced solutions such as Mobile Payment and Contactless Payment exceed € 46 billion in payments, a 21% of total digital payments by card, according to the Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory of the School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic.

Digital payments market was one of the cornerstones of technological innovation driven by traditional financial institutions. Then the OTTs arrived — Over The Top (Paypal, Amazon, Apple, Alibaba, WeChat, Google and now also Facebook) and the FinTech, entered a tense leg in the sector so as to deform it in no time, a true disruptive innovation that made lever on a single very clear element: the customer experience.

You are the training director for a large hotel chain,headquartered 

You are the training director for a large hotel chain, headquartered in the Midwestern United States. The chain has over 600 hotels worldwide, and you manage over 25 different core courses for essential employee skills.

You are the training director for a large hotel chain headquartered

You are the training director for a large hotel chain, headquartered in the Midwestern United States. The chain has over 600 hotels worldwide, and you manage over 25 different core courses for essential employee skills.

What kinds of assessment do you use to determine the transfer of learning and effectiveness of the courses?

Also, what kinds of feedback do you provide to the participants and graduates of your courses?

What kind of pre- or postassessment do you use?

How do your methods align with the characteristics of adult learners, as we know them from Knowles’ andragogical model?

More details;

What are the types of assessment?

There are different types of assessment in education. All assessment methods have different purposes during and after instruction. This article will tell you what types of assessment are most important during developing and implementing your instruction.

Pre-assessment or diagnostic assessment

Before creating the instruction, it’s necessary to know for what kind of students you’re creating the instruction. Your goal is to get to know your student’s strengths, weaknesses and the skills and knowledge the posses before taking the instruction. Based on the data you’ve collected, you can create your instruction.

Formative assessment

Formative assessment is used in the first attempt of developing instruction. The goal is to monitor student learning to provide feedback. It helps identifying the first gaps in your instruction. Based on this feedback you’ll know what to focus on for further expansion for your instruction.

Summative assessment

Summative assessment is aimed at assessing the extent to which the most important outcomes at the end of the instruction have been reached. But it measures more: the effectiveness of learning, reactions on the instruction and the benefits on a long-term base. The long-term benefits can be determined by following students who attend your course, or test. You are able to see whether and how they use the learned knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Measuring the effectiveness of its pay-for-performance plan

This is a paper that is focusing on the measuring the effectiveness of its pay-for-performance plan. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing the assignment paper well.

Measuring the effectiveness of its pay-for-performance plan

“Pay for Performance” has made inroads in business, but has remained a hard sell in public school systems. There are some successful examples where teacher pay has been linked to student test scores. For example, in Minnesota, some districts have stopped giving automatic raises for seniority and base 60% of all pay increases on performance. In Denver, unions and school districts designed an incentive program where teachers receive bonuses for student achievement and for earning national teaching certificates. However, some plans have not worked. For example, Cincinnati teachers voted against a merit pay proposal and Philadelphia teachers gave their bonus checks to charity rather than cashing them. It appears that having teachers involved in planning the incentive system is one key factor to success. The same can be said for all incentive plans – if employees don’t buy into them, they will not work.

Measuring the effectiveness of its pay-for-performance plan

Your paper may be based on a business entity of your choosing from the public or private sector and must answer the following Research Questions:

1. How could an organization measure the effectiveness of its pay-for-performance plan(s)?

2. From an employee’s perspective, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan?

3. Thirdly, from an employer’s perspective, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan?

Research Paper Instructions:
Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, and include at least three (3) supporting references or sources. (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources). References must include the name of the author and the date of publication. Websites are not acceptable. Format your work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction, and a labeled conclusion in accordance with the course rubric. A minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, and a references section. Double-space all work and cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 7th edition of the APA manual.

How do business leaders know how to choose the best strategy for an organization?

How do business leaders know how to choose the best strategy for an organization? This question can be complex and nearly impossible to answer because there are multiple strategies that organizations can integrate,

How do business leaders know how to choose the best strategy for an organization

How do business leaders know how to choose the best strategy for an organization? This question can be complex and nearly impossible to answer because there are multiple strategies that organizations can integrate. Also, some may work better in certain situations than others. For example, if a company produces luxury cars, it may not want to pursue a strategy that includes offering the lowest price in the market because that could be interpreted as a compromise on quality or some other aspect that consumers in that market might expect. Likewise, a company that competes in a market that is saturated with other brands of the same product might find that creating a cost-cutting strategy would allow it to be more profitable and to achieve a competitive advantage.

In this Discussion, you will play the role of consultant. Further, you will give a selected organization some recommendations for what strategic approaches they should take to achieve competitive advantage.

To prepare for this Discussion:
Identify an organization with which you are familiar that is in need of a change in its strategy in its pursuit of competitive advantage.

Consider the concept of the Blue Ocean strategy, as well as Porter’s five forces, vertical integration strategies, and others.

Write an analysis of how your selected organization can use competitive business strategies to create competitive advantage.

In your analysis, include the following:
·         Examine two strategies that the organization could take to create and sustain competitive advantage. Explain why these strategies could be effective for the organization’s achievement of competitive advantage.

·         Devise recommendations for how the organization could implement a Blue Ocean strategy or strategic approach to achieve and sustain competitive advantage.

Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make

Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make. While the possibilities can be endless, come up with ten and then rank them from the most offensive to the least offensive.

Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make

Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make. While the possibilities can be endless, come up with ten and then rank them from the most offensive to the least offensive. Keep in mind you should respond as a manager who is trying to diffuse a problematic situation.

Attached are the pages of the book “The world of customer service, 3rd edition, by Pattie Gibson.” they are related to this topic.

More details;

Dealing with rude clients is not a piece of cake, and only best customer service agents know how to turn anger into positive feelings.

An American entrepreneur, Marshall Field, once said that “the customer is always right.” The man believed we should treat all customers equally and deliver the best service no matter how the person behaves.

The man had the point, although I believe it’s hard to treat angry people well. Still, we need to, at least, try to be nice as customers who received an excellent service can share their positive experience with others.

What’s more, such a person is more likely to purchase our products in the future.

It’s also good to know that people talk about bad experiences more often that about the good ones. That’s why we need to put additional effort to calm a rude person down as it may save us from notorious fame.

How can you deal with rude customers?

  • The University of British Colombia found out that customer service representatives deal with rude clients much better if they expect them to be rude. Therefore, if you want your agents to handle angry customers with ease, provide them with some training. Give them some scenario that would help to go through an emergency situation. You can also help your team learn some psychological strategies and share your experience with happy-end stories to inspire new customer service representatives.
  • It’s normal that you want to punch a customer that screams at you for the heck of it. Still, yelling at such a rude person would bring only temporary relief. And imagine a “mess” you would need to clean after mistreating a customer. That’s why I recommend taking a deep breath every time a rude client rub you the wrong way. It’s better to take some time to prevent lacing into a customer.
  • If you feel that you are already angry, try to lower your voice and speak slowly. The loud voice could only deteriorate the situation.
  • Listen to what your customer wants to say. People feel better if they can “pour away” their emotions and grieves. Let your a person finish their complaint so that they can cool off a bit.

How should budgets be developed to ensure that they will be useful and will be used as financial management tools?

How should budgets be developed to ensure that they will be useful and will be used as financial management tools?

How should budgets be developed to ensure that they will be useful and will be used as financial management tools

Please write essay on the below:
How should budgets be developed to ensure that they will be useful and will be used as financial management tools?

More details;

Budgeting and business planning

Once your business is operational, it’s essential to plan and tightly manage its financial performance. Creating a budgeting process is the most effective way to keep your business – and its finances – on track.

This guide outlines the advantages of business planning and budgeting and explains how to go about it. It suggests action points to help you manage your business’ financial position more effectively and ensure your plans are practical.

Firstly, planning for business success

Secondly, the benefits

Thirdly, what to include in your annual plan

Fourthly, a typical business planning cycle

Further, budgets and business planning

Moreover, benefits of a business budget

Also, creating a budget

Additionally, key steps in drawing up a budget

Besides, what your budget should cover

Furthermore, what your budget will need to include

Lastly, use your budget to measure performance

Review your budget regularly

Planning for business success

When you’re running a business, it’s easy to get bogged down in day-to-day problems and forget the bigger picture. However, successful businesses invest time to create and manage budgets, prepare and review business plans and regularly monitor finance and performance.

Structured planning can make all the difference to the growth of your business. It will enable you to concentrate resources on improving profits, reducing costs and increasing returns on investment.

In fact, even without a formal process, many businesses carry out the majority of the activities associated with business planning, such as thinking about growth areas, competitors, cashflow and profit……


Compare and contrast three forms of entrepreneurship

This is a paper that is focusing on the compare and contrast three forms of entrepreneurship. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Compare and contrast three forms of entrepreneurship

Assignment No 1.    Individual Written Essay

Due Date:

Length:            MAXIMUM 1500 words (excluding references)

Value:              20 marks (individual mark).

This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. It is to give you an opportunity to earn marks during the earlier part of the trimester. You are asked to write and also submit a short, scholarly essay, using an academic essay format, on the following topic:

“Compare and contrast the following three forms of entrepreneurship: independent entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship. Include in your discussion an examination of the similarities and differences of each form of entrepreneurship along the key dimensions of environment, person, process and also outcome. Illustrate your discussion with examples.”

The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain a deeper understanding of the complex world of entrepreneurship in its various settings.

You are to draw on a minimum of SIX (6) peer reviewed or respected journal articles to underpin your arguments presented in this essay. Consequently, you will need to find and draw upon academic articles relevant to the topic beyond the text and readings in this course.


The output of this assignment is the production of a written essay in academic style that fully addresses the topic. It is important that you adhere to academic conventions of citation and referencing.

The structure of your essay is to be as follows:

1.     Firstly, a brief abstract (or overview) of your key arguments and conclusions (50 words)
2.     Secondly, introduction to the topic of your essay and what the essay will cover.
3.     Body of essay
Outline the concepts of independent entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship
Outline and discuss a model of the four key dimensions of entrepreneurship: Environment, person, process and outcome
Compare and also contrast the three forms of entrepreneurship along the key dimensions of environment, person, process and outcome from the above model, with a view to highlighting the similarities and differences between each form of entrepreneurship
Discuss an example of each form of entrepreneurship that illustrates the similarities and also differences of each form identified above
4.     Conclusion.
5.     References (at least 6 scholarly references).
The forms containing the criteria used to mark this assessment and the marking rubric are set out below.

Compare and contrast three forms of entrepreneurship

Some additional points to note for this essay:
·      Remember that it is necessary to explain and/or justify the points that you make, and that unsubstantiated assertions provide no credibility to your discussion or analysis.

·      You are expected to consult academic journals and texts for material to support your discussion in this essay. At least six (6) sources must be in your discussion and cited correctly within your essay and also in the References List. Your References List must only include sources you actually cite in your essay. Please see the NBS Student Manual for the correct form of citation.

·      Lastly, dot points should be used very, very sparingly, if at all. Dot points are a communication tool for presenting summary information and rarely progress discussion or argument. Your assessment requires integrated discussion and/or argument, not presentation of summary information.