Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad
This is a paper that is focusing on the Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.
Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad
Essay 1
Select one (1) of the following topics for a 750-1000 word essay which includes a title, internal citations, and a Works Cited page in MLA format. Your essay must use at least one secondary source from Chattanooga State’s library (books, ebooks, or databases) as well as the primary text with which your essay is associated. (Note: A primary source is the work itself, such as The Odyssey. A secondary source is a work someone else has written critiquing some element of The Odyssey.) Please remember to use the current MLA formatting guidelines for both your internal citations and your Works Cited page. Failure to use and cite appropriate sources will result in an F for the essay. Please ask the instructor if you have any questions.
Dreams are not only recurrent, but also very important, in The Epic of Gilgamesh. They serve as a vehicle of communication between gods and mortals, anticipating events symbolically, but accurately. What narrative function do they serve? That is, why is it useful to know what is going to happen before it does? Be sure to use specific examples from the primary source and additional supports from a secondary source to prove your points.
Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice as present in The Iliad
Is Achilles’s anger a virtue or a vice, as presented in The Iliad? Similarly, is Odysseus’s cunning a virtue or a vice? Be sure to use specific examples from the primary source and additional supports from a secondary source to prove your points.
Homer’s epics both have important female characters who are tremendously influential in the development of the plots, including Athena, Helen, and Penelope. What role do the women play within these works and in what ways is this significant? Be sure to use specific examples from the primary source and additional supports from a secondary source to prove your points.
Remember to save your file as a RICH Text document and submit it with your name as the file name and assignment number (for example: JohnDoeEssay1. Consult the Read Me First page for naming instructions.
The essay meets the minimum required word count.
The essay is written in third-person, formal, academic prose (first and second-person have NOT been used).
Also, the essay contains an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs supporting the thesis statement, and a conclusion paragraph.
Additionally, the essay uses the required primary source and documents the source using MLA format.
The essay uses at least one required secondary source from Chattanooga State’s library. (books, ebooks, or databases) and documents the source using MLA format.
The essay does not contain more than 25% of outside material (review the submission report in the dropbox; revise and resubmit before the deadline if necessary).