Describe how these issues inform and influence the workplace

This is a paper that is focusing on describe how these issues inform and influence the workplace. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper clearly.

Describe how these issues inform and influence the workplace

For this assignment, you will research a group/culture that you are unfamiliar with. You will need to use concepts learned throughout the course.  Your analysis should include but not limited to: • What is the cultural history/background of the group? Remember, you are introducing the group to your audience. • What are some common experiences this group shares? • What are potential biases or stereotypes of this group? Who holds these particular stereotypes? How can these stereotypes affect workplace diversity and inclusion?

• In the last five years, discuss the demographic shifts with this group. What are the current issues and trends with this group? Describe how these issues inform and influence the workplace in regard to diversity and inclusion? • Identify potential discriminatory policies that would affect this group? Provide alternative policies to would be inclusive to the group. • Describe potential “dos and don’ts” when leading or working with individuals from this group. • What insights does your analysis provide those in leadership roles on how to create a more inclusive workplace? • In your conclusion, provide a summary of what you learned from this assignment and how did it change or strengthen your views of the group.

Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Review how organizations interact with their external environment

This is a paper that requires the student to review how organizations interact with their external environment. The paper also provides additional questions to use in writing the assignment paper well.

Review how organizations interact with their external environment

Refer to the “Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study” document for details pertaining to this assignment.

The board of directors at Freeman-Brown Private School (FBPS) has hired you as part of a consulting team to review the situation and present your findings and recommendations. Write a paper (1,500-1750 words) that discusses the case. Complete this assignment from the perspective of the hired consultants. Respond to the following questions:

Firstly, review how organizations interact with their external environment (as open systems and complex adaptive systems). How effective was Freeman-Brown as an open system at the time of the closure? How effective was Freeman-Brown as a complex adaptive system at the time of the closure?
Secondly, review your reading this week on the internal environment of organizations. What is your evaluation of the organizational culture and organizational climate at the time the decision to close two campuses was made?
Thirdly, what is your evaluation of the decision made by Dr. Murphy and Caudill? What is your evaluation of the process of going about the closure?
Fourthly, was FBPS demonstrating social responsibility? Discuss the closure impact on three specific stakeholders.

Review how organizations interact with their external environment

Provide an explanation, using appropriate management theories, for how the administration could have handled the closure effectively with stakeholders? Include one theory from each of the following: the classical approach, the human relations approach, and the modern management approach.
You are to suggest two goals: one long-term and one short-term goal for the future direction of FBPS. Justify your decision.
Present a concluding statement that integrates the 4 functions of management as a means to revamp management at FBPS and meets the recommended goals.
Use at least two academic resources as references for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Identify two models for solving the organizational issue

This is a paper that requires you to identify two models for solving the organizational issue . The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Identify two models for solving the organizational issue

Identify an organization that you may be familiar with or one that is of interest to you. Within your chosen organization, determine a known issue you would wish to explore. From the course concepts discussed, analyze at least two organizational development theories or models that may prove useful in addressing the known organizational issue.

This paper is to contain five sections:

an introduction of the organization;
a brief discussion of the known organizational issue;
analysis of at least two theory’s strengths and weaknesses in addressing the organizational development issue; Action Research, The Congruence Model, and also a four-dimensional approach to diagnosing organizational issues and working through change are topics presented in the module. There are other models as well: McKensey’s 7-S Model, Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model, and Senge’s The Learning Organization.

Identify two models for solving the organizational issue

Discuss two models you believe would be useful to potentially solving the organizational issue you have identified in the organization you have chosen. For each model, analyze its strengths and weaknesses as to how each may or may not solve the issue you are looking into.

a discussion that focuses on how leaders would know whether the application of the theories would be effective in the given situation; What do you see as the most important issues for the organizational designer to address and why? and
a conclusion.

This paper is to be written in the third-person format. The paper is to be double-space, use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, follow APA (7th edition) format, be between 6-8 pages (1800-2400 words), and incorporate at least 5 sources with (4) being scholarly. Images, charts, tables, and graphics are encouragement (if appropriate). However, they are not consider as part of the page/word count. Thus, it may be possible the page count may be larger due to the number of images, charts, tables, etc.

Describe the business-level strategy that Tesla employs

Describe the business-level strategy that Tesla employs. Does it trend more towards a low-cost leadership strategy or is it more of a differentiator? Does it target several broad consumer segments or focus on a few? What value does it offer customers?

Describe the business-level strategy that Tesla employs

Firstly, describe the business-level strategy that Tesla employs.

Secondly, does it trend more towards a low-cost leadership strategy or is it more of a differentiator?

Thirdly, does it target several broad consumer segments or focus on a few?

Fourthly, what value does it offer customers?

Additionally, some things you will want to consider here is how does Tesla support its strategy?

Finally, what processes are in place in the value chain to enable a cost leadership strategy for example?

More details;

What is Tesla’s business level strategy?
Tesla, Inc. uses market penetration as its current primary intensive growth strategy. This intensive strategy enables business growth by increasing sales revenues in current markets. For example, with aggressive marketing, the company aims to rollout and sell more of its electric cars in the United States.
What business strategy does Tesla use?
Tesla’s business model is based on a three-pronged approach to selling, servicing, and charging its electric vehicles. Direct sales: Unlike other car manufacturers who sell through franchised dealerships, Tesla uses direct sales.
Which of the five generic competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 5 most closely approximates the competitive approach that Tesla is employing?
Of the five generic competitive strategies, a focused low cost strategy, most closely approximates the competitive approach that Tesla is employing.
What is Tesla’s strategic plan?
The strategy of Tesla is to enter at the high end of the market, where customers are prepared to pay a premium, and then drive down market as fast as possible to higher unit volume and lower prices with each successive model.

Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events

This is a paper that is focusing on Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events

This assignment is aligned to this course outcome:

Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events and decisions.

In addition to writing about macroeconomic concepts, it’s equally important to be able to convey your understanding of these concepts by communicating them to others. In the workplace you might do this by writing briefs (like you did for Assignment 1), creating presentations, or writing reports for your manager or team. An example final report and also optional template are provided below.

For this Final Report assignment, you can build off your previous economic brief and selected industry from Assignment 1, or you can select another industry such as Finance and Insurance, Health Care, or Manufacturing, and examine one of the macroeconomic indicators or policies below:

GDP growth
Unemployment rates
Inflation rates
Interest rates
Imports and exports
Government fiscal policy and issues related to taxation, government spending, and also budget deficits
FED (central bank) monetary policy and issues related to the FED’s mission to stabilize the economy

Example Final Report, Assignment 2 Template, Strayer Writing Standards

Review an example final report.
Use the optional template to help you get started.
Review the Strayer Writing Standards. (See Instructions below.)


Use Microsoft Word to prepare a Final Report that is a minimum of two to three (2-3) pages long in which you:

1. Firstly, introduce your selected industry with a brief one-paragraph introduction. Refer to the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) to review the details about your industry.

2. Secondly, assess your selected industry’s size and/or growth rate in the economy.

Additionally, these macroeconomic resources will help you find the size and growth rate of your industry relative to real U.S. GDP:

• Real GDP – Select Section 1, then table 1.1.6 (select MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

Evaluate the historical relationship between unemployment and inflation

This is a paper that is focusing on evaluate the historical relationship between unemployment and inflation. The paper also provides additional questions to answer in the assignment paper.

Evaluate the historical relationship between unemployment and inflation

Unemployment and inflation are an economy’s two most important macroeconomic issues. The federal government’s fiscal policy and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy try to maintain both a low unemployment rate around a natural rate and a low inflation rate around 2%.

In your Final Paper, Evaluate the historical relationship between unemployment and inflation. (hint: You may start from A.W. Phillips’s finding of the relationship between unemployment and inflation.)

Distinguish between the short-run and the long-run in a macroeconomic analysis. Why is the relationship between unemployment and inflation different in the short-run and the long-run?
Assess the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data. Do the current U.S. unemployment and inflation data confirm the short-run Phillips curve?
Analyze why the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data approves or disproves the short-run Phillips curve.
Evaluate whether the Phillips curve can still validly resolve today’s issue of unemployment and inflation and forecast unemployment and inflation. Why or why not?

Recommend any policy, method, or opinions for the current U.S. unemployment and inflation as a policy maker for either fiscal policy or monetary policy (or both).
Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least 8A pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.
Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.


Financial analysis of publicly traded company

This paper is on Financial analysis of publicly traded company. One of the most effective means of learning is to apply what has been learned.

Financial analysis of publicly traded company

One of the most effective means of learning is to apply what has been learned. The final project provides you with the opportunity to use work from previous papers and discussion forums, but you will also be required to conduct additional research regarding a specific business and country. You are to adhere to APA guidelines and to cite your sources. Do not copy tables or material and present them as your own. A feature of good academic writing is building on the work of others in presenting a new approach to a business issue.

Imagine that you have been task ed by the Director of Finance of your company to perform an analysis of one of your competitors. Please select a publicly traded company; it can be a competitor of the company you work for or any publicly trade company you want to choose. Your assignment is to examine the factors listed below and provide an evidence-based opinion regarding its financial soundness.

More details;

How do you read Stock financials for a company?

Firstly, open the company’s most recent financial statements. …

Secondly, locate the income statement in the filing and check for trends in top-line sales, major expenses and bottom line income…

Thirdly, analyze the balance sheet. …

Fourthly, analyze the cash flow statement. …

Further, adjust historical accounting values to make them reflect today’s economic reality.

How do you determine a company’s financial health?

Firstly, analyze the Balance Sheet. The balance sheet is a statement that shows a company’s financial position at a specific point in time. …

Secondly, analyze the Income Statement. …

Thirdly, analyze the Cash Flow Statement. …

Finally, Financial Ratio Analysis.

Select a firm that you are interested in to invest

Please select a firm that you are interested in to invest. (5 points) Step 2: Decide whether you would like to invest in this company and explain why you want to invest it and why not using at least four techniques

Select a firm that you are interested in to invest

Please select a firm that you are interested in to invest. (5 points) Step 2: Decide whether you would like to invest in this company and explain why you want to invest it and why not using at least four techniques

Step 1:

Please select a firm that you are interested in to invest.

Step 2:

Decide whether you would like to invest in this company

step 3:

Explain why you want to invest it and why not

Step 4:

analyze using at least four techniques- residual income model, abnormal earnings growth model, P/E, P/S, and ROCE.

More details;

Financial Navigating in the Current Economy: Ten Things to Consider Before You Make Investing Decisions

Invest Wisely: An Introduction to Mutual Funds. This publication explains the basics of mutual fund investing, how mutual funds work, what factors to consider before investing, and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Financial Navigating in the Current Economy: Ten Things to Consider Before You Make Investing Decisions

Given recent market events, you may be wondering whether you should make changes to your investment portfolio.  The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy is concerned that some investors, including bargain hunters and mattress stuffers, are making rapid investment decisions without considering their long-term financial goals.  While we can’t tell you how to manage your investment portfolio during a volatile market, we are issuing this Investor Alert to give you the tools to make an informed decision.  Before you make any decision, consider these areas of importance:

1.         Draw a personal financial roadmap. 

Before you make any investing decision, sit down and take an honest look at your entire financial situation — especially if you’ve never made a financial plan before.

Firstly, figure out risk tolerance – either on your own or with the help of a financial professional.  There is no guarantee that you’ll make money from your investments. But if you get the facts about saving and investing and follow through with an intelligent plan, you should be able to gain financial security over the years and enjoy the benefits of managing your money.

You have just been hired by Yummy Juicy, a national corporation 

You have just been hired by Yummy Juicy, a national corporation that sells organic juices at most major retail stores. You have been hired as the West Coast Distribution Manager. After about five weeks on the job, you get the following email:

You have just been hired by Yummy Juicy, a national corporation

Human Relations Week 6:

Discussion Description:

You have just been hired by Yummy Juicy, a national corporation that sells organic juices at most major retail stores. You have been hired as the West Coast Distribution Manager. After about five weeks on the job, you get the following email:


You are hurting this company. You have continued to try to force all of us to change our ways and follow procedures that are no good. I am not sure why you got the job. You trained us on the new procedures, which wasted hours of our time. Don’t bother to reply to this email, I know nothing will change.


Bob (disgruntled employee)

There are FOUR parts to this week’s Discussion assignment:

PART I: Complete the following:

Develop an email response using the three-step process for being assertive (without being aggressive—aim for a WIN-WIN resolution). Bob is one of your first-line supervisors and has been with the company for 20 years. Mary, another supervisor, tells you that Bob is just trying to bully you and that most other supervisors love the new processes. (I realize many of you would call Bob into your office; but for this assignment, you must generate an email response). Lastly, post your email response to Bob in your Discussion.

PART II: Answer each of the following questions:

1. Do you find it difficult to be assertive in your own life (personal and professional)? Why or why not?

2. What are the risks of being assertive with Bob? Make sure you utilize common course terminology when explaining the risks.


Mary comes to you later in the day and says: “Boss, Bob is trying to negotiate with you. He has a target in mind, and is not flexible; so his limit is not much different than his target.” Explain what Mary is talking about. After reading the e-textbook, explain in your own words, the concepts of targets and limits during negotiations.

PART IV: Then respond to at least two other students in the following manner:

1. First Reply to a Peer: Explain what specifically won’t work in a fellow student’s email to Bob? Make a recommendation on how to re-word or use a different approach.

2. Second Reply to a Different Peer: Become Bob–negotiate with the “boss” (a different student than received your first reply), and make him/her see your point of view. Utilize course material in your reply. Reply should be formatted as an email (but don’t actually send an email).

Most popular source of capital for new ventures is private investors

The most popular source of capital for new ventures is private investors; these investors are called angels and are typically people the entrepreneur knows or has met through business acquaintances.

Most popular source of capital for new ventures is private investors

ACTIVITY 06: MB602 Entrepreneurship

Lesson 6: Strategic Growth and Development

Activity 6: Funding Sources (100 points)

This Activity is comprise d of three (3) parts.  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style.  (100 points)  (A 4-page response is for the combination of Parts A, B, and C.)

Part A: The most popular source of capital for new ventures is private investors; these investors are called angels and are typically people the entrepreneur knows or has met through business acquaintances.  Today many angels have joined forces to create large pools of capital called angel networks.

1.      Perform research to find at least four (4) angel networks that exist in your state; if your state does not have four networks, then find networks by looking at bordering states.  (If you live outside the United States, change “state” to “province” or “region” in the above instructions.)

2.      Further, provide a general description of each angel network, its investment criteria, and the contact information in your response.

Part B:

Many areas of the United States offer access to venture capital through institutes or organizations established on the campuses of major universities.  The university acts as a conduit through which the entrepreneurs and investors are match and assumes no liability for, nor has any ownership interest in, either the new venture or the investor’s company.

1.      Perform research to find one (1) major university offering access to venture capital that is geographically close to you.  If you live outside the United States, first perform this research within your country.  If none exists, then you should research major universities in the United States.

2.      Provide a general description of an institute’s or university’s offering, its investment criteria, and the contact information in your response.  Additionally, discuss if the institute or organization targets a specific industry.

Part C        Many states provide venture capital funds or a loan program to help new and growing ventures.

Firstly, perform research to find out if your state offers any venture capital funds or loan programs to help new and growing ventures. If your state does not provide this type of funding, investigate and also describe a neighboring state’s funding.  (If you live outside the United States, change “state” to “province” or “region” in the above instructions.)

Secondly, provide a general description of your state’s offering, its investment criteria, and the contact information (i.e., address, phone, Web site, etc.) in your response.