Describe IKEA’s international corporate level strategy overtime

Describe IKEA’s international corporate level strategy overtime, and discuss the implications for local responsiveness, global integration, and regional expansion. Based on these readings: 1.Jonsson, A. & Foss, N. J., 2011, International expansion through flexible replication: Learning from the internationalisation experience of IKEA, Journal of International Business Studies, 42, pp. 1079-1102. (Available from the library) 2.Porter, ME 1990, ‘The Competitive Advantage of Nations’, Harvard Business Review, 68, 2, pp. 73-93. (Available from the library) 3. Ghemawat, P 2005, ‘Regional Strategies for Global Leadership’, Harvard Business Review, 83, 12, pp. 98-108. (Available from the library) 4. Bartlett & Ghoshal 1989 Matrix 5. International Strategy class course (pdf attached)

Develop a Transportation Improvement Plan

Happy Tails Travel Inc.

Improvement Plan Develop a Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) research paper for a supply chain of an organization your choice from any time period: past, present or future. Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your TIP should include background about the organization, its products and services, markets, and supply chain strategies (e.g., green chain). Also describe its current freight flows and future freight flows after implementation of one or more of your recommended improvement projects would be executed. Use a multi-year (more than one year) planning horizon. Support your Plan with theories, concepts, and best practices from the course textbook and scholarly resources available from the APUS Library. See below for Example Template for TIP Paper. Instructions: Minimum of 15 and maximum of 20 pages, including title page and bibliography. APA Style. Word document format. APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Industry analysis into the UK smartphone sector

Description You have been appointed as a Senior Marketing Executive for Samsung. As part of your role you are required to produce an Industry Analysis Report into the UK smartphone sector. In particular, you are required to address the following issues: Q1 Undertake an industry analysis into the smartphone sector to identify key opportunities and threats within the UK market. (30%) Q2 Introduce a new product based on the opportunities identified from the analysis undertaken in Q1 and design a detailed marketing mix. (40%)  Q3 On what basis/competitive advantage would the new product compete in the market place in the long-run? (20%) Executive summary, summary, structure, presentation. (10%) 4000 words Assessment Marking Criteria and Guidance for Individual Questions: Assignment (Industry Analysis Report) As you would expect, the assessment is looking for evidence of an understanding of and application of the basic principles of the areas of marketing covered by the assignment as well as application of the principles to the company / situation in the assignment. Students who simply repeat chunks of the textbook and students who simply ‘theory dump’ without evidence of real understanding and application will not pass. Top mark students will show e.g. critical awareness, compare and contrast and otherwise show insights into the concepts and ideas and their application. You have been appointed as a Senior Marketing Executive for Samsung. As part of your role you are required to produce an Industry Analysis Report into the UK smartphone sector. In particular, you are required to address the following issues: Q1 Undertake an industry analysis into the UK smartphone sector to identify key opportunities and threats within the market. (30%) • A comprehensive analysis of all three levels using a recognised industry analysis model(s). • Highlighting key areas within each level with an appropriate level of explanation for the key areas. • Identification of key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats resulting from the industry analysis. • Prioritisation of opportunities and threats based on the industry analysis and overall business objectives. • Supported with referenced and up-to-date evidence throughout. Q2 Introduce a new product based on the opportunities identified from the analysis undertaken in Q1 and design a detailed marketing mix. (40%) • Rational and justification for introducing the new product. • Identification of and detailing of each element of the marketing mix (7Ps). • Supported with referenced and up-to-date evidence throughout. Q3 On what basis/competitive advantage would the new product compete in the market place in the long-run? (20%) • Identify the main competitive advantage approaches(s)/strategies and select and justify an appropriate strategy (the competitive advantage strategy should be integrated into the marketing mix). • Describe how the strategy will be maintained in the long-run. • Supported with referenced and up-to-date evidence throughout

Product processing

1. a) Describe the new products process and point out why each component is important. b) Discuss how to develop a good quality PIC. 2. a) Describe your team’s process of developing your new product. b) Rate yourselves relative to the process as described in the text. 3. a) Develop a new products process for a new office supply service system, which includes a new copier product PLUS a delivery service; b) Do a PERT (or Gantt) chart; c) Explain the sequence of each task. Be specific! 4. Explain how Cathy Cooper’s methodologies of developing new products are similar and different from yours. Why? 5. Choose 4 examples from Straight Talk for Start Ups and explain why they resonate with you.

How Amazon has influenced and changed the way we shop

How Amazon has influenced and changed the way we shop

Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of your degree program (APA, MLA, Chicago). Clear evidence that the topic was researched and expanded. Presentation provides audience with information to increase their knowledge of the topic presented. Presentation engages the audience by using elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Appropriate citations must be included. Three (3) vetted credible sources.

Annual sales increase

apparel related data analysis  Select one or two fashion brands(or retail companies) and decide an apparel related topic (such as 5 years’ trend in production export, annual sale increase/decrease, number of stores, etc). Formulate your topic as a question—should be measurable, clear and concise. Not too broad or narrow. Find and Identify the data sets. Create 3 charts you will use in your sheet and slides. Spell check and make sure the charts identify the appropriate units. Each chart should be able to tell a story as a standalone piece of your presentation. 1) Slides – three to five slides displaying graphs and bullet points to explain graphs with an intro slide. Source slide not required. 2) Fact sheet – single spaced in 11 point front (12 point for headings). Fact sheet with no graphs included (see example). Concise and clear explanation to go with the powerpoint slide. Each section should correspond to one of the slides with an overview or background section and a conclusion section. Include sources. Approximately 1,000 words but no more than two pages. (Avoid using the word “went up or inclined” or “went down or delined”, use “increase/decrease or positive/negative change in the trend”)

Project management business proposal

Description To write project management proposal for real company. Proposal can be on christmas product and how to put them into home section in the company- Primark, ASDA or other one- writer can choose. It has to be realistic proposal. I attached proposal template, please follow. Follow all templates. Very important is about research methodology. All file as gantt chart (follow template- phases plus 10 tasks in gantt chart and arrow diagram), arrow diagra, budget, riska management, stakeholder register as appendices please. I begg you write good way proposal, someone already breake my instructions and I have to ask you for help. Thanks.

Literature Review on Organisational Businesses

Literature Review Most research projects include a literature review to determine what knowledge exists on the subject under study and to develop the theoretical framework that will be used in the study. The literature review sets the context for the entire research project by explaining what others have found in researching the same or similar specific research questions. Literature reviews are also done to help summarize the current state of knowledge on a topic and the current knowledge gaps up to this point. In this format, they are often published as a pure literature review within peer-reviewed journals. One example can be found here specific to the literature on psychobiography as a method, here is another example article. Students often have a hard time writing literature reviews because it seems like a foreign way to organize information, however in a way you can equate the way that an essay is written to that of a literature review. In an essay one will bring in numerous references within each paragraph, the same would be the case for a literature review in that literature reviews are organized thematically. NCSU has a fantastic video ( that helps explain what a literature review is an how they are written at the graduate and professional levels, I recommend taking a look as it will help give you some additional perspective on how these are written. For some additional information on how to organize your theoretical framework into your paper, check out this USC Library guide on Theoretical Frameworks. A literature review begins with an introductory paragraph in which the writer frames the research topic and its significance, or the puzzle or topic area that the researcher is addressing. To do that, the writer will summarize the major relevant arguments on the research subject, highlighting the main issues and how schools of thought might differ. If there are key terms to be defined, the writer would also do that here, if the literature review is part of a larger research paper. The body of the literature review tells readers what others have found in their studies about your specific research question, or topic under investigation (the extent of existing knowledge on your specific research question/current state of the research on a particular topic), critiques what is right or wrong with these other studies, and discusses how the body of knowledge needs to be moved forward (and/or how the work is distinguishable from the research study you are proposing). Your review should organize material by theme or method or what makes sense for the project. The conclusion should summarize the primary “sense of the literature”, encapsulating for the reader where the existing literature ends and if carrying out a study, where your research will start. Assignment Instructions: This assignment serves as a building block for your final thesis proposal. For this literature review, you need to select a substantive theory, either something that we discussed in the lesson, or something outside of the course, and focus your literature review around that theory. Your theory selection should make sense with the research question you intend to assess within your final research proposal. Since this is a literature review focused on a particular topic (i.e. the substantive theory) you will need to discuss the current state of the literature specific to that theory (for example, deterrence theory, social identity theory, and etc). You’ll want to start with a discussion on the early conceptualizations of the theory and how it has developed overtime. your conclusion should include a discussion on where the research on that theory needs to go next. What are some questions that remain? What new ways should it be applied? Format: Standard academic format will suffice: 1-inch borders on all four sides, double spaced, with times new roman 12-point font. As with all academic assignments (unless otherwise specified) you must include a references section and list your references. This literature review should include a critical review of at least 9-10 scholarly/peer-reviewed articles. Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment. This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using. The style you use needs to be the one that is used within your program of study. Please use the AMU library to locate resources in addition to whatever other resources the writer will utilize.

Finance – Corporate Governance

1. Provide a rationale for the stock that you selected, indicating the significant economic, financial, and other factors that led you to consider this stock. 2. Suggest the primary reasons why the selected stock is a suitable investment for your client. Include a description of your client’s profile. 3. Just list five resources you’ll use to complete this assignment and begin to build your reference list. Remember you must use at least five quality academic resources for the final assignment. Part 2 Due Week 9 (6 to 8 pages including #1 and #2 from Part 1) 1. Include your rationale, primary reasons for stock selection, and client’s profile from Part 1, making any revisions based upon Part 1 feedback if applicable. 2. Select any five financial ratios that you have learned about in the text. Analyze the past 3 years of the selected financial ratios for the company; you may obtain this information from the company’s financial statements. Determine the company’s financial health. (Note: Suggested ratios include, but are not limited to, current ratio, quick ratio, earnings per share, and price earnings ratio.) 3. Based on your financial review, determine the risk level of the stock from your investor’s point of view. Indicate key strategies that you may use in order to minimize these perceived risks. 4. Provide your recommendations of this stock as an investment opportunity. Support your rationale with resources, such as peer-reviewed articles, material from the Strayer University Library, and reviews by market analysts. 5. Conduct a literature review and list at least five quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. • Properly cite all sources. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Calculation and Capital Budgeting

NPV Calculation and Capital Budgeting For the first part, consider the following scenario: A project requires an initial investment of $200,000 and expects to produce a cash flow before taxes of 120,000 per year for two years (i.e., cash flows will occur at t = 1 and t = 2).

The corporate tax rate is 30%. The assets will depreciate using the MACRS – 3-year schedule: (t = 1, 33%); (t = 2: 45%); (t = 3: 15%); (t = 4: 7%).

The company’s tax situation is such that it can use all applicable tax shields. The opportunity cost of capital is 12%. Assume that the asset can sell for book value at the end of the project. Calculate the NPV of the project (approximately).

Based on your results, please explain in a one page write up whether or not you would accept or reject the investment.. For the second part of this assignment, summarize the “Applying the Net Present Value Rules” as outlined in the text. In your summary, please provide your interpretation as to why these rules are important, and why financial managers must be cognizant of misinterpreting these rules.