Paper details Context You work as a business-student intern for the Major Vehicle Component Company (MVC), based in Graball, Alabama. Chief negotiator Mr. Jones, still frustrated by his inability to set up a joint venture in China, has asked his assistant, Artimus Pyle, to compose a detailed post-mortem report about the trip.


Pyle is pressed for time, so he has asked you to review the available documentation (the comments of Jones and Wang), to report on the issues and problems surrounding MVC’s trip to China, and to recommend a course of action that focuses on an improved understanding of cross-cultural communication.

Pyle will rely on your analyses and recommendations, possibly by incorporating them into his final report to Jones. Consequently, you must review the course of the preliminary negotiations, as evidenced by the comments of Jones and Wang; you will also have to determine what went wrong, causing the several misunderstandings that seem to have occurred. Shape your findings into a formal report to Pyle, and make any recommendations that you see fit. He has invited you to think this matter through and to express your views freely on what happened and what should be done. He has also indicated to you that he will take full responsibility for the decision whether or not to adopt your views and to incorporate them into his report to Jones.


Purpose Your purpose is informative, analytic, and persuasive: you are not only reporting on and analyzing information but also suggesting and recommending courses of action to be pursued by your organization. Consequently, your analysis demonstrably has to yield good reasons for your recommendations.


As with any persuasive document—positive or negative—you need to think carefully about appropriate tone, effective organization, and overall coherence. Audience Your primary audience is, of course, imagined: Artimus Pyle of MVC. However, remember that in this case you also have a strong secondary audience in place (Mr. Jones). In both cases, your instructor forms another audience level to consider. see all the details in Assignment 3 Formal Report.

Business organization

You want to go into business for yourself. After much consideration, you narrowed your choice of products to one of the sixteen listed below. Begin addressing the items below: –

Business organization

What type of business organization? (Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC) Why?
 – What type of organizational structure? (Simple, functional, divisional, etc.) Why?
 – Locate a manufacturer to produce your product, and provide the name, address, phone, website, etc. for the company.

You must make it known to the manufacturer that you are planning to sell the products under your own brand name. (It must be a real company.)
 – Decide on a name for the product and confirm that the name can be trademarked.
 – Get the actual pricing for your products. (You will need to also ask what the minimum order quantity [MOQ] with be.)
 – Determine how much you will charge for your products. Explain your pricing strategy.
 – Where will your market the products? (Which country and, if in the U.S., which area.) Why?
 – Will you sell wholesale or retail? Why?
 – Develop a budget for your product(s).

Develop revenue projections for your product(s). Explain how you came to those projections.
 Products from which you may choose (select only one product group):

(1) A plan that provides a detailed description of the business that you will create. (2) The plan should include the strategies and a projected budget. (3) You should provide as much detail as possible. (4) You should provide a rationalization for your strategies. (5) There is no set limit for the number of pages. (6) Your plan must have a cover page containing your name and the name of the product and/or company. (7) A Table of Contents must be included. (8) The pages must be numbered. (9) Do not include a reference or citation page. If you want to cite a resource, use footnotes at the bottom of the page where the resource is cited.

Situation Analysis on Lego company


This is an essay paper for Masters’s subject. The chosen company is Lego.

Situation Analysis on Lego company

The essay requires research on Lego and its: 1. MARKETING ENVIRONMENT 2. SEGMENTING, TARGETING & POSITIONING 3. MARKETING STRATEGY ANALYSIS 4. COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN ANALYSIS 5. Recommendations: the essay requires at least 3 recommendations from the marketing perspective and 3 from the communications perspective.

The research on Lego should be specific to the company by either choosing a specific product line of Lego or providing an analysis of the overall company strategy. The research should be based on theories learned in class. I am attaching the rubrics and essay outline.

I will send the theories learned in class separately. Please contact me for any additional information. Thank you.


HUMAN RESOURCE POLICY PROJECT: RESEARCH PAPER INSTRUCTIONS In a research paper, provide researched rationale for the nature and substance of your 4 selected, distinct policies.


This paper is to be reflective of an academic research paper. The research paper must address the reasoning and/or rationale for the inclusion of the selected policy elements in a policy manual.

The selected policies must correctly address employment legislation pertinent to the stated size of the company (15–25 employees). In elaborating on the rationale, you may want to consider the following questions:

Why should these elements be in a policy manual? What laws or principles mandate an organization follow these guidelines? What cases have established precedent for this issue to be addressed clearly in an organization’s employee policy manual? Support your rationale with (at minimum) the 10 scholarly sources used in your annotated bibliography in addition to the textbook and the Bible. Remember, government websites and previous/current court cases are useful but will not be included in the scholarly reference requirement.

The paper must be at least 1,750 words, in addition to the cover page, the abstract, and the references page. It must be written in current APA format. Papers submitted with less than the minimum word count will not receive full credit in this area of the grading rubric. Following are some examples of HR policy topics.

These are only examples. You may identify/select other topics that would be relevant and appropriate for a general employee policy manual/handbook. • Dress Code • Technology Use • Code of Conduct • Confidentiality • Harassment • Benefits (This can be more specific to areas such as paid time off, health care benefits, and so forth.) • Training Opportunities/Expectations

Salary equity at SAFECORP



1. Overview You have been asked to provide statistical expertise in a lawsuit alleging discrimination against minority employees at Safecorp, a major banking institution. One of the issues at stake is salary equity. Your clients, the plaintiffs’ lawyers, have supplied a random sample of records from 474 employees (dataset = safecorp_data.sav). For each sample employee, you have this information:

 Employee’s current annual salary (in dollars) (annual_sal)  Number of years working for Safecorp (yr_work)  Employee’s position at Safecorp (position)  Employee’s minority status (minority)  Employee’s sex (sex)  Highest grade completed in formal education (highest) Your task is to address the following questions in a brief memo to the legal team: • Are salaries for minority employees lower than those for majority employees? • What characteristics are associated with salary? • Do minority and majority employees differ with respect to the characteristics that are associated with salary? • Do differences in characteristics of minority and majority employees “explain” the lower salaries of minority employees? Begin your work by thinking about why we are recommending that you use these four questions to guide your data analysis. Then, as you analyze the data, stop periodically and reflect on what you have found. Reflect (and re-reflect) on your findings until you see a pattern in the results, or a “story”. Tell that story in your memo. 2. POINTS TO CONSIDER Your audience Write at a level that this audience can appreciate. You are addressing people who are familiar with basic numerical concepts (averages, percents). However, most are probably not aware of concepts like hypothesis testing, regression coefficients, and so on – after all, you didn’t know about these until you took Stat 1. Such technical terms do not belong in your memo, unless you also explain them in plain English. A big part of your assignment is to convey your findings, using words that your audience can understand. Tips on organizing and writing a memo of this kind Typically, memos of this sort are organized as follows: 1. Introduction. What are you going to talk about? Why are these issues important? (Note that because this is a statistics class rather than a policy course, this will be just one short paragraph.) 2. Methods: What is your data source for addressing these issues? Very briefly, how did you analyze the data? 3. Findings: What did you find? (This section will be the bulk of your memo). Here are a few tips Do  Use this section to tell the story that was revealed in your analysis  Highlight the most important and interesting findings. Tell important things first, and save details for last (or omit them altogether)  Use bolding and bullets as needed to separate elements of the story, as needed  Draw your reader’s attention to important trends in the tables. For example, “As shown in Table 1, Group 1 and Group 2 differed on the following characteristics…”. Do not  Bury important findings in minutiae  Use space in your “Findings” section to recount every statistic in your table(s). In other words, be selective! 4. Conclusions: How do your findings address the question that you posed in the introduction? What do you conclude? Briefly, what are the limitations of your analysis? Deliverables Your memo should be 3 pages double-spaced, with a 12 point font. Adhere strictly to the page limit — your audience needs to be briefed briefly! You will submit two appendices to your memo. These won’t count toward your page limit. 1. Tables and/or figures. You must include at least one good table that illustrates your findings. You may also include figures. Tables and figures shouldn’t be SPSS output — they should be clearly constructed displays of information in plain English, accessible to your client audience. Additional guidance on creating good tables and figures will be presented in class readings, and discussed in lab sessions. Do not go overboard on tables and figures. Do not present redundant information, or information that is better conveyed in simple text. 2. Annotated SPSS output for your instructor’s review. This is just like the material that you have been attaching to your computer assignments. The annotations can be machine or handwritten on the output, and should guide your instructor in finding the analyses that you describe in your memo. For example, in your memo, you might have a sentence like “Roses are exceptionally thorny. While x% of roses have thorns, only y% of ferns do”. In your annotated output, jot something like: “Percent with thorns: ferns vs. roses”. This will help your instructor to see where you got your information. To avoid generating lengthy printout, you should limit the scale of your SPSS output. Your lab instructor will provide instructions for doing this. Additional points on style and content In preparing any memo that includes statistical data, keep these in mind: 1. Round numbers to a user-friendly number of digits. For example, “The average height of women is 65.3 inches”, not “65.357 inches”. Readers can’t absorb numbers if there are too many of them. 2. Don’t just talk about statistical significance. Give specific statistics that your reader can evaluate. For example if you want to highlight that you found a difference in height between men and women, don’t just tell your reader “There is a statistically significant difference between men and women”. Rather, say something like “Men average 68 inches in height; women average 65 inches. This difference is statistically significant.” 3. Style matters, both in written presentation and in the presentation of numbers. Be thoughtful, and be prepared to revise and re-think. Important note. Doing the final assignment takes planning, time and concentration. Many students report that completing the assignment is the best learning experience in the course. You should allocate significant time to it, starting in Week 10 of the course. Please note the following: • Your lecture instructor and your lab instructor will orient you to the assignment. • You may work with your fellow students, but this is not a group project. You must run your own analysis, write your own memo, and create your own tables. • Final assignments written by prior students in Stat 1 *may not* be used as sources for writing your final assignment memo. • Problem-solving is a big part of the exercise. Lab & lecture instructors will field *specific* questions that are limited in scope. “How should I do this part of the analysis?” will not be answered. “I’m thinking of using procedure X to answer question Y because I believe that the assignment is asking me to examine relationship Z. Does this make sense?” is an appropriate question. • Working and re-working the presentation of your findings is also a big part of the exercise. However, lab & lecture instructors cannot review your written drafts. • Please do not ask your tutors for assistance with this assignment. Their responsibility is to handle questions related to the lecture/homework.

Paychex company

Paychex company

Your final assignment requires that you produce a fundamental opinion on your stock (paychex), and a separate technical opinion as well. Part 1: Fundamental opinion Formulate a concise, well-supported and well-organized fundamental opinion (Buy/Hold/Sell) on your stock, based on information gathered in the first four assignments and any other research that you choose to do. Your analysis must include (but is not limited to) the following: • Whether the stock is cyclical or defensive based on company/industry characteristics and Beta, and how that is relevant to your opinion given the economic and market environment.


• An assessment of the company’s prospects, based on your company/industry research and consensus analyst earnings estimates. • At least one valuation method that you applied in assignment #3. (This means either constant-growth or two-stage DDM, not the simple CAPM required return calculation that you did in assignment 2).

You need not reproduce the valuation work done in assignment 3, but rather simply refer to the result. (If you did the DDM valuations incorrectly, you should correct them and use the corrected result in this assignment.) Part 1 should be 2-3 pages (double-spaced) in length. You will not be graded on your opinion (we won’t know if you’re right until well after the course is over!), but rather on the analysis and thought that goes into your opinion, the extent to which it is supported by your research, and the clarity and organization of your arguments.


Part 2: Technical Opinion Formulate a brief technical opinion on your stock using at least two well-recognized technical indicators of your choosing (these may be RSI and moving average) Provide a chart of each indicator and a brief (1-2 sentences) relevant commentary on what the indicator is telling us about the stock’s prospects, in your view.

Brief description of a US company and summarize their: Mission or strategic goal

Paper details

Country sketch ( San Salvador) Culture, political, demographics, legal, religion, economics, technology. Do a brief description of a U.S company and summarize their:

Mission or strategic goal Product Marketing strategies Also, incorporate the two sections by diagnosing the appropriate method for your selected company to enter the selected country

• compare and contrast similarities and differences between the cultures and determine the appropriate marketing strategy and promotional messages • determine the appropriate market entry strategy. Focusing on political, legal and economic factors and distribution channel factors.

Business Communication Memo

Industry 4.0 – Analyze the major changes that the digitalization, automation, IofT, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Machine to Machine learning and Robotization are going to change the way businesses and companies are run.


Do not focus only on the technology side of this project but also on how leadership, management and business activities will change vs. what we have seen during the first 20 years of this century

Changing the AIS in Accounting

Migrating to a new accounting information system is not an easy task. Many firms have struggled with this process, even though our textbook makes the process seem quite straightforward.


Recently, IBM recapped some of the lessons learned in migrating to a new accounting information system within the federal government. These lessons can be applied to any accounting information system project. Others have developed their own recommendations for best practices and lessons learned involving implementing accounting information systems. However, in order to appreciate what IBM and others are proposing, we need to apply lessons learned to a real-life situation involving the failure to implement an accounting system properly. For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases for information related to a real-life accounting information system failure and best practices, as well as lessons learned from implementing the accounting system. In addition to information that you may find during your research, please use the following IBM article to complete the assignment: ( Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you: Identify three to five (3-5) factors that contributed to the accounting information system failure within the business that you have identified. Indicate the impact to the business. Provide support for your rationale. Assess senior management responsibility for the failure in question. Specify what the senior management could have done differently to avoid the failure. Provide support for your rationale. Evaluate whether the most significant failure occurred within the system design, implementation, or operational phase of the process. Indicate what the company could have done to avoid the failed outcome. Provide support for your rationale. Evaluate how implementing best practices would have reduced the chances for failure. Provide support for your rationale. Based on your research, develop a list of between four (4) and six (6) best practices that organizations should use today to reduce the chances for failure. Provide support for your rationale. Using the information provided by IBM and others, indicate which of the principles designed to provide insight into effective and efficient strategies on how to best deploy financial management systems, which were outlined within the related article, should serve as an example of what not to do when establishing the foundation for a firm to follow. Your proposed foundation should consist of at least two (2) principles, but no more than six (6). Provide support for your rationale. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the business activities that comprise an accounting information system to determine the information needs to support decision-making function. Examine the phases of the systems development life cycle and key issues related to systems analysis. Analyze the systems design, implementation, and operational process. Use technology and information resources to research issues in accounting information systems. Write clearly and concisely about accounting information systems using proper writing mechanics.

Project Proposal – Execution Control and Closure

Project Proposal – Execution, Control, and Closure  Note: This is the third of three assignments which, as a whole, cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to the VoIP / G-Suite project. Now, it is time for you to discuss the project’s challenges (e.g., risks); performance management plan (e.g., earned value management); and proposed plan for closing the project when it is done. Write a paper, in which you define the execution, control, and closure aspects of your chosen project. In your paper you must: Provide a brief summary of your chosen project. Identify and discuss your project’s greatest challenges (at least three) and provide a recommendation for addressing each of the challenges. Examine how you manage your project performance via earned value management (EVM). Identify at least three key EVM metrics you will use for your project. Discuss your plan to properly close the project when it is over. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Develop a process for measuring the progress of a project, providing oversight, coordinating project closure, and determining project effectiveness.