Cultural Clashes at Mehta Investment Group

Prepare a case study addressing the following elements: 1. Describe at least two cultural differences, views, values, and organizational culture of Mehta Investment Group (MIG).

2. Discuss how these cultural differences impact the business practices and employee relations for MIG.

3. Propose at least two courses of actions as to how to solve the cultural issues presented in the case, fully explaining the process and implementation of the proposed actions.

4. Determine and recommend the most appropriate course of action, outlining the decision making and reasoning behind chosen recommendation.

From a critical evaluation of the evidence, assess the long term impact of leadership styles as deployed by three different business leaders on the success of the business employee motivation

From a critical evaluation of the evidence, assess the long term impact of leadership styles as deployed by three different business leaders on the success of the business, employee motivation/engagement and the culture of the organisation


Academic Level :

Bachelor Paper details Title:

From a critical evaluation of the evidence, assess the long term impact of leadership styles as deployed by three different business leaders on the success of the business, employee motivation/engagement and the culture of the organisation. (Note: This means that the assignment should contain 3 styles of leadership as deployed by 3 different business leaders. Sir Alex Ferguson is excluded as module tutorials include a case study on his leadership style) Assessment Criteria Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:

• The origins and contemporary applications of management and leadership theory

• Management and leadership practice

• The impact of organisations on individual and leader behaviour Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

• Assess different approaches to leadership and management

• Discuss factors which influence the behaviour of individuals and leadership practice in organisations

• Evaluate the effectiveness of particular organisational leadership styles

Advanced Financial Market

 Advanced Financial Market


Paper details:

Advanced Financial Market is the class name. Instruction: Write an essay of about 20 (or more) pages. You can write an essay about a topic that interests you, but the topic must be relevant to the class. Please: 1. Read the “How to Write a Financial Essay” PDF file (this was given by my prof as a guideline) 2. Read through the class lectures and incorporate the topics/formulas/definitions/etc into the essay. 3. Follow the essay structure in the PDF file “Structure” exactly. 4. We need some tables and graphs. 4.1. Excel files attached – these are what we learned in class and what we did for a project. It would be good to use similar methods if you are producing your own graphs/tables. 4.2. If you get tables/graphs from other sources, put them in the appendix section and cite them. 4.3. The essay should be 20 pages EXCLUDING tables, figures, and citations/references. 5. It would be good to have the topic related to the U.S. since I’m studying in the U.S. If not specifically U.S. related, please let it be globally/internationally relevant and not specific to another country. 6. Please check grammar, syntax, etc.

Stakeholder Analysis and Register

Stakeholder Analysis and Register

Two page: One for introduction, one for stakeholders register analysis For this assignment, you will be drafting a project stakeholder analysis and a stakeholder register. A stakeholder register template is provided for you, and you will find some examples of how to conduct a stakeholder analysis in your reading and in the instructor perspective folder. This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning outcomes from the course syllabus: Using real world examples of projects, demonstrate an ability to manage critical components of the Initiating process group by: a. Reviewing the business case, project charter, and understanding its linkage to the stakeholders b. Preparing a stakeholder analysis and stakeholder register c. Assessing what roles stakeholders play and how their influence impacts projects For this assignment, you will be using the case study introduced in Week Two, and the Stakeholder Analysis Overview attachment above to prepare a stakeholder analysis and a stakeholder register. A specific template with instructions in each column have been provided for the stakeholder analysis. In addition, you will be submitting a one page overview of the process that you will use as project managers to identify stakeholders based upon the readings and lecture material. -At this point, we are performing a comprehensive stakeholder analysis to identify key constituencies, so remember that there will be many other stakeholders in a project such as this in addition to those mentioned in the case study. For this analysis, focus on those specifically mentioned or directly implied in the case study, and also consider other stakeholders that may not be listed. You can research common stakeholder groups and add additional categories based upon your readings or additional sources that should be cited according to AP. You will have to make some reasonable assumptions to complete the analysis and register, but this is often the case this early in a project. -Ensure you complete each column of the stakeholder register template fully for each stakeholder that you identify. -Please include a one page written introduction that outlines the process you utilized to identify all stakeholders and why you selected those approaches. -Ensure that the stakeholder register is properly formatted and that there are no text wrap issues, spelling issues, or grammatical gaps. -Remove the verbiage that is already contained in the template prior to submitting. -Cite all sources properly per APA guidelines

Financial analysis of Starbucks

Financial analysis of Starbucks

OVERVIEW You are the head of financial analysis for a Holding Company, with significant liquidity, and a strong appetite for portfolio acquisitions. Your mandate is to either take control of a company, or purchase enough shares to get representation on the board. You have been told to analyze a potential acquisition. Please analyze and discuss the company and its industry, from the perspective of a potential shareholder. Your final product will be a report that shows your various analyses, discusses the pros and cons, and ultimately recommends either going ahead with the acquisition, or not. (Please see discussion of Content, below.) You will be rewarded by your senior manager based on the logic of your conclusion, and how well supported it is.

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, and others.

An enterprise resource planning ERP system

Implementation of an ERP system aids the organizational units in sharing data and knowledge, reducing costs, and improving management of the business processes. Yet, ERP implementations still fail. you are asked to complete sections of the paper described below relating to an ERP implementation. In addition to the introductory paragraph and thesis, include one paragraph describing a chosen organization and the good or service it provides where you will discuss its ERP implementation. The ERP implementation review assignment content must include the following: Introduction:

Explain the purpose or thesis of the paper and explain how the body of the paper is arranged to support the purpose of the paper. Body: Provide a brief description of your chosen organization and the good or service it provides. (No more than one-half page.) Provide a brief overview of the characteristics of change management. Describe why change management is important to ERP implementation. Describe why individuals in the organization may resist change.

Itemize and explain at least three strategies for overcoming that resistance. Describe an example of a successful or unsuccessful ERP implementation at the chosen organization. Detail why it was successful or not. Conclusion: Present a recap of key points and summary of main emphasis without repeating verbatim and exclusive of new information.

Comprehensive Finance Project

Using the balance sheets, income statements and statements of cash flow for New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (EDU) that I posted in my comprehensive project 1, calculate and interpret the financial ratios, using the Common Financial Ratios table as a template for your work.

Comprehensive Finance Project

Analyze the Statement of Cash Flow to duplicate the calculation of Cash Flow from Assets (See Cash Flow Summary Table). The Market Value Ratios should be based on data from the week or day that you complete this assignment. For the calculation of Tobin’s Q, you may assume that the replacement cost of assets is also their market value. Now put yourself in the role of a financial analyst and create a story about the financial performance and health of your company. Find at least two recent Analyst Reports for your company.

The analyst reports will include financial analysis, financial projections, and recommendations with regard to whether the stock for your company is undervalued (Buy Recommendation) or overvalued (Sell Recommendation). Using the information from the analyst reports, complete your assessment of the financial performance and health of your company.

Also, include in your research for this segment of the project a review of the Chief Executive Officer’s letter to the shareholders. What is the CEO saying about the performance of the company and where the company is going in the future. How does what he/she is saying relate to what the analysts are saying and what you concluded from your own analysis? Based on all the evidence, would you invest money in the equity of your business at this time? Yes or no and why. This final report should be at least 10 pages in length, constructed with appropriate headings and paragraph structure. You must include a list of references.

Finally, I DO NOT want copies of financial statements in this report but rather your analysis of financial statements and other information. And use a 12-point font. If you copy and paste, please indicate the source. Some presentation tips: a. Present your numbers with no more than 2 decimal places and format large numbers with commas so the reader has a chance. Do not present 2000000000. Rather present $2,000,000,000. b. If you calculate and present several years of ratios, please do indicate the year the ratio is relevant for. Do not present .20 .30 .40. Do present 2014 2015 2016 and put ratio under year.

Costing Analysis Accounting and Finance

QUESTION: Using a business as a case study, explain how you can estimate the cost of a product, service or activity within that business using applicable examples.

Costing Analysis Accounting and Finance

For the estimates presented you need to discuss any judgements made and /or any limitations faced with the methodology used. Finally, you should comment if you feel that your estimates can be used by management. Typical length: Approx 1500 words Please read attachments in full, T.4 and the Costing Example. Please read through brief in full to understand everything that is required.

Case Analysis of Risk, Uncertainty and Managing Incentivesoice

Writer’s Ch Case Analysis of Risk, Uncertainty and Managing Incentivesoice


Case Analysis of Risk Uncertainty and Managing Incentivesoice

1. Evaluate a company’s recent (within the last year) actions dealing with risk and uncertainty.

2. Offer advice for improving risk management.

3. For the company, you selected examine an adverse selection problem and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions.

4. For the company, you selected to determine the ways in which it is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it.

5. For the company, you selected to identify a principal-agent problem and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability.

6. For the company, you selected to examine the organizational structure and suggests ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability.

Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: One of your references regarding your research should have been published within the last 6 months.

Note: Wikipedia and Investopedia do not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.

Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Reasoned investment of Royal Bank of Canada

The research should provide the necessary information for a reasoned investment decision with reference to Royal Bank of Canada.

Reasoned investment of Royal Bank of Canada

The basic aim of this research is to evaluate whether the underlying business represents a good investment in the long term (say three-year and beyond) and whether the stock price is fairly valued at this time so that an investment recommendation (buy, hold, or sell) can be made