How to Create an Effective Business Continuity Plan

Read the following article: “How to Create an Effective Business Continuity Plan” Please answer the following questions: What were the plan development steps highlighted in the article? What recommendations would you have for small and medium-sized businesses based on the article? What recommendations might you have for the Wilmington University library?

Current global issues as related to business disciplines.

Discuss current global issues as related to business disciplines. Evaluate current business articles for key insights and relevancy to business disciplines. Relate current events with business concepts and theories. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. The Chairwoman of Board of Directors has selected you to lead the effort to create an international internship program for your organization. You will be leading a cross-cultural virtual team, including the vice president (VP) of human resources and department heads from all areas of the organization from its locations throughout the United States. The team is responsible for developing a 3-month summer program for 50 international interns. The international interns will be selected from university programs in their home country, will travel to the organization’s U.S. locations, will live and work in the United States, and then may have the potential to be offered a permanent position with the organization. Using the Bloomberg Businessweek B-school connection program, research global organizational culture and respond to the following questions: What best practices do you recommend for leading a virtual cross-cultural team? What is the difference between leading a U.S.-based virtual cross-cultural team and a global virtual cross-cultural team? What are the legal or regulatory factors that the team needs to consider for the interns to be employed in the United States? How will the organization onboard the interns and introduce them to U.S. culture? What types of activities can be hosted for the interns to celebrate their diversity? What are the benefits of the international internship program to the interns and to the organization? Provide a reference list at the end of your primary task response of at least 5 articles from Bloomberg Businessweek B-school connection program, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format.

THREE strategies on how Boeing Defense Aircraft can improve their business.

This paper is not focusing on Robotics and AI in the Defense industry, that was just supposed to be one suggestion not the ENTIRE paper. This is a strategy paper, where you are supposed to come up with THREE strategies on how Boeing Defense Aircraft can improve their business. Take out the SWOT Analysis. KEEP THE INTRODUCTION THE SAME. 1. Change Running Head to: Individual Strategy Paper for Boeing Defense. 2. Suggestion One: Invest in R & D to manufacture their own products because they rely on their suppliers heavily. Have the capability to produce their own products if in case the suppliers are not available. WRITE ABOUT THIS. THIS SHOULD BE ABOUT 1 PAGE LONG. 3. Suggestion Two: Robotics and AI in the Defense Industry, which you wrote about. FOCUS ON HOW THIS WILL HELP AIRPLANES.Take out the portion about Robotics Surgical Systems. THIS PORTION SHOULD BE ABOUT 1.5 PAGES, NOT THE ENTIRE PAPER. THE PART ABOUT DRONES IS GOOD, BUT FOCUS ON HOW IT WOULD HELP MILITARY AIRPLANES. NOT LONGER THAN 1.5 PAGES. 4. Suggestion Three: PLEASE WRITE ABOUT THIS. Explain why bringing commercial practices to the defense side would be beneficial to for the defense side. See answer below answer from the CEO. Incorporate GAP Analysis. This answer needs to be about 1 page long. Is it simply a case of bringing commercial practices to the defense side, or is there some tweak you’re bringing from commercial manufacturing? It is a hybrid. We have incredible commercial advancements. We’ve also been doing complementary advancements on the defense side. And we’re bringing them together. What we do well on defense is the up-front development. What our commercial enterprise does is large-scale production. So, it’s how do you merge the best of both of those worlds? Then, you add in the services side. It really has changed the way we look at the value stream. We’re looking at areas of opportunity to drive out cost, drive in efficiencies for our factories and to help with support so the Navy, Air Force and Army have a better chance of reducing their ownership and maintenance costs.

Alternative Recommendations to help Harley Davidson’s attract younger customers millennials etc..

Alternative recommendation that can help Harley Davidson sell and appeal to the younger generation. Below is what needs to be done for the paper. Continue to build on the previous papers and correct any errors not previously. Add a section for your team’s recommendations. Begin the team paper with all information and sections you have submitted to date, and now add recommendations. Under the heading of Recommendations, select one or more alternatives that your analysis supports as being a good solution for your company’s problem. Describe exactly what the company needs to do. Explain why this course of action will solve your stated problem. Include suggestions on how to best implement the alternative(s) you have chosen. Check the recommendations against the problem you identified; be sure the recommendation “fits” the problem. Add a paragraph in which you express your opinion: how likely is it that the organization would be successful in implementing your recommendations?

REIT Investments

REIT Investments

Requirement 1. Analysis the overall current market, and focus on the investing 30% of your portfolio in REIT(real estate investment trust). Provided several REIT you can find on the market with data. 2. What different types of REIT should a typical aggressive investor focus on? Equity REITS, Mortgage REIT or Hybrid REIT? Should you buy mutual funds REIT or EFT REIT? Why or why not 3. Based on current market with large retail store closed and decrease of feder reserve interet rate, why sort of asset should you focus on?(office, retail store, hotel, apartments etc) Please explained your answer with actual data and provided specific REIT as your example(Pick at lease 2)

The Short-Run and Long-Run Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation

The Short-Run and Long-Run Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation


Paper details:

Unemployment and inflation are an economy’s two most important macroeconomic issues. The federal government’s fiscal policy and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy try to maintain both a low unemployment rate around a natural rate and a low inflation rate around 2%. In your Final Paper, Evaluate the historical relationship between unemployment and inflation. (hint: You may start from A.W. Phillips’s finding of the relationship between unemployment and inflation.) Distinguish between the short-run and the long-run in a macroeconomic analysis. Why is the relationship between unemployment and inflation different in the short-run and the long-run? Assess the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data. Do the current U.S. unemployment and inflation data confirm the short-run Phillips curve? Analyze why the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data approves or disproves the short-run Phillips curve. Evaluate whether the Phillips curve can still validly resolve today’s issue of unemployment and inflation and forecast unemployment and inflation. Why or why not? Recommend any policy, method, or opinions for the current U.S. unemployment and inflation as a policy maker for either fiscal policy or monetary policy (or both). The Short-Run and Long-Run Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation Final Paper Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance. Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper. For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.). Must use at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed, and other credible sources in addition to the course text. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Understanding the Design of Your Company

ee pg. 226: “Understanding the Design of Your Company. Given the current structure of your chosen org., decide whether a redesign (organizational structure change) would help your organization compete more effectively, or reach its mission and values more successfully. Think about reporting relationships and how departments need to work together and report to leadership. Your org chart that you retrieved helps you to see the current structure. Now, you must consider what the functions and vision are for the organization and if its structure should change to achieve results. Apply the cultural tenets learned and the grounds and warrants’ principles discussed in the introduction of the course (critical thinking) to defend your position. Use at least five scholarly references, excluding the text to support your stance. APA format is a must. Paper should be 4 pgs. Make sure you include your organizational chart in an Appendix of your paper. It does not count towards the page count. Ref: Understanding the Design and Organization of Your Company: pgs. 226

Marketing Systems Critical review


Curriculum Mode: Critical Review Each student is required to develop an applied project.

This assessment requires you to identify and analyse marketing systems theory at work in the _real world_. First you must identify an Australian organisation that has been involved in the recent Banking Royal Commission and identify what went wrong from a marketing systems perspective.

Finally, you will need to suggest 1-3 ways the organisation can improve their structure and functioning to avoid being involved in future scandals. We expect you to reference in the Harvard style. Your reference list should contain between five to ten academic references. Some suggested headings for you report are as follows:

Introduction -Clearly outline the purpose of this report. Institution’s role in Royal Banking Commission report -Identify the wrongdoings of this institution based on Royal Banking Commission report. Role within a Marketing System -Select the most relevant marketing system theory to justify their roles Recommendations -Provide specific recommendation to improve their performance in Marketing System perspectives.

Contemporary international business and Global strategy


ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE ANSWERED SEPARATELY AND NUMBERED WITH SOME USEFUL TABLES AND DIAGRAMS TO BE USED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT. Approach to write the assignment ( Case study on Google) 1. Introduction brief history of Google ( half a page)

2. Focusing on the Chinese market, critically assess how formal institutions (i.e. political, legal, economic) and informal institutions (i.e. culture, ethical) affect the development of global strategy for Google.

3. Set out the various methods that Google could use to develop a future global strategy or strategies (i.e. Mergers, Acquisitions, International, Corporate Entrepreneurship etc) and recommend and justify an appropriate strategy (or strategies) for adoption by the company.

4. Critically assess Google in terms of core and distinctive competencies and how these can be leveraged to provide sustainable competitive advantage.

5. It is often argued that Google’s many innovations have changed the way we live. Critically evaluate the positive and negative impact these developments have on business and society, and the responsibility that comes with Google’s power. Discuss google VRIO) i.e. Value, Rarity, imitability and organisation 6. Conclusion & Recommendations 7.Harvard referenc

Real Estate Finance – Financial Terms

Select 2 terms from a Finance Instrument (e.g. a deed, Deed of Trust, mortgage, Note, etc.) used in the real estate finance industry. List and define 2 terms or conditions from that instrument. Write 1 to 4 pages for each term explaining the meaning of the term, why the term is important, to whom the term is important (buyer, seller, real estate agent or lender) and list any important issues and concerns, or advantages and disadvantages. Use your own words and analysis to describe the terms. Avoid merely copying the definitions. Your work should be in proper APA format.