Analysis of UK legal framework for the prevention of anti-competitive market positions

Analysis of UK legal framework for the prevention of anti-competitive market positions

In this dissertation, I will be researching whether the current legal framework (in England and Wales) has proved effective in preventing the formation of anti-competitive market positions, and whether the digital revolution could pose new challenges for the Competition and Market Authority.

As such, I will be first analysing the UK groceries market, which has historically been controlled by only a few dominant firms (Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Morrisons). This analysis will constitute the starting point which will then be used to evaluate whether the current anti-competition laws are adequate in preventing potential dominant market positions and monopolies in the digital sphere. As such, in the first section I will engage in a comparative analysis of the CMA’s approval of Tesco’s acquisition of food wholesaler Booker in 2017 (for £3.7bn), with the ongoing proposed merger between Sainsbury’s and Asda. In the second section, I will analyse the present threat of dominant market positions in the digital world, and whether it could be necessary to develop a new digital regulatory authority to effectively tackle the possible future formation of monopolies which could eventually damage the consumer.

The Market Orientation and its Financial Consequences

The Market Orientation and its Financial Consequences Levitt (1970; in Rae and Wong 2004), compares advertising to poetry. There is metaphor, there is illusion, and there’s exaggeration. The current focus of marketing includes promoting a product using all the resources and liberties that are within the law. Marketing works to create a demand in order to sell excess products. The marketing question is all about an organization’s efforts to achieve bottom-line sales. This organization could be a for-profit organization; but not-for-profits use marketing tactics as well. A Christian perspective on marketing would consider the ethics behind advertising to create demand as well as promotions that encourage people to consider market commodities as solutions to non-market needs. Christians are not told to resist the consumer culture and favor asceticism (being happy with nothing). Yet there are examples in the Scripture where godliness with contentment is described as having great gain (1 Timothy 6:6); and where Paul the apostle trusts that all his needs will be met by God (Philippians 4:19). This then creates quite a foundation for debate as to the role of Christians in the marketing of products and services. Please consider some of the author’s points and the scriptures highlighted below, and respond to these thoughts with your own argument for or against their positions in your initial discussion post: As marketers we must be wary of promoting over-consumption and promoting consumerism for goods with little or no social value (Rae and Wong, 2004 p. 217). It is important for the faith-based marketer to understand the power of marketing and associative advertising and operate with integrity in develop promotional campaigns (Rae & Wong, 2004, p. 349-350). We are stewards of the resources we have, the products we sell, and the means by which we promote those products (Chewning, 1990). In addition to the product and the way it is promoted, it is important to find pricing strategies that reflect integrity and honesty (Chewning, 1990, p. 212). Rae & Wong (2004) “…business is one means by which God provides for his people. Business provides goods and services, creates employment opportunities, and with market capitalism’s unique ability to create new wealth, may (if properly done) be the best means of mitigating poverty in the world” (Rae & Wong, 2004, p. 75). Since laying up “treasures in heaven” is our highest calling (Mt. 6:19-34; Phil. 4:19), earthly profit or wealth or esteem should not ultimately motivate us. So we guard against temptations to excessively embellish product features, or we are careful when creating product marketing that encourages people to consider market commodities as solutions to non-market needs. Bibliography: Chewning, R. C., Eby, J. W., & Roels, S. J. (1990). Business Through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row. Levitt, T. (1970) The Morality of Advertising, found in Rae, S.B. and Wong, K.L. (2004) Beyond Integrity, 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. pp. 340-348. Rae, S.B. and Wong, K.L. (2004) Beyond Integrity, 2nd edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Identify and discuss the short and long-term risks and assess and evaluate how the company has managed these risks

Prepare a study guide that addresses the listed questions for each of the following two companies for the listed year end. Please do not use information subsequent to the specified year-end. There is no special format required for this document. Please reference the e-textbook and module info (links will be provided) and the below annual information reports (should be easily accessible, let me know if you need a link). It is critical that course theory be referenced. Companies: Aurora Cannabis Inc. – Annual Information Report as of 30 June 2017 ROKU Inc. Form10-K as of 31 December 2017 Potential Questions 1. Read the company’s annual report and apply Abell’s model to identify and analyze the company strategies. Your answer must clearly identify the firm’s strategies and show your awareness of strategic management theory as applied by the company. Clearly and succinctly, outline how its strategies are applied to achieve its corporate goals. Identify whether any red flags exist that the company must address if it is to succeed with its strategy. 2. Using the Porter analysis, examine the industry in which the company operates. You must fully explain your assessment of the Porter forces with reference to the evidence presented in the case. As stressed in the module, the Porter analysis is of the industry/sector in which the firm operates. Focus your attention on the industry as a whole and be mindful of the segment in which the firm operates. The assessment must be complete and show your awareness of all the factors shaping the industry. 3. Prepare a SWOT and macro analysis (the SWOT and Macro analysis is to be presented in a table format only) of the company. Comment on the firm’s competencies, capabilities, and resources; and relate the same to the opportunities and threats confronting the firm. Using the SWOT and macro analysis as your guide, provide insights into the strategies that company selected. Is the strategic direction of the firm consistent and appropriate? 4. Based on your awareness of the firm, provide an assessment of the firm’s overall strategic options, alternatives, direction, and future outlook. 5. Identify and explain the strategic levels that the firm is expressing and assess whether the company has the competencies, resources, and capabilities to achieve its goals. With regard to the industry life cycle, comment on whether the strategies are appropriate to address the firm’s opportunities and threats. 6. Identify and comment on the principal competitive challenges that the firm faces. 7. Identify, and analyze the strategic group in which the company places. How does its position in the strategic group shape its principal strategy? Based on what the documentation reveals, are its principal strategies appropriate in the current industry cycle? 8. Identify and explain the company’s market entry approach and describe how its market entry approach correlates to its strategic thrust. 9. Based on your awareness of the firm, what must the firm do to improve its performance and long-term sustainability? As appropriate, refer to strategic management theory and the evidence from the case to support your assessment. 10. Identify, and analyze the generic building blocks and the strategies that this organization is expressing. Which building block is the most important for this firm and outline the relationships between the four blocks. 11. Examine and comment on the company’s international ventures. What is the rationale for such ventures, and what approach is the firm taking in these other markets? Discuss whether the firm’s strategies conform to what the theory suggests would be appropriate in these ventures, and identify what competencies it is leveraging in its international activities. 12. Identify and discuss the short and long-term risks and assess and evaluate how the company has managed these risks. 13. Assess and comment on the appropriate structure and controls that the company must apply. 14. Analyze and discuss the firm’s complementary assets and its approach to maximizing these assets. Are its decisions and actions consistent with strategic management theory? 15. Assess the long-term future of the company. Address this in terms of the industry life cycle and the viability of the firm in the current competitive environment.

The comparison of entrepreneurial motivation between Chinese and British university students

The comparison of entrepreneurial motivation between Chinese and British university students, and the influence of seed funding on university students’ entrepreneurship in the two countries.


Paper details:

it needs two sets of data in this dissertation, questionnaire to collect data from students for the motivation. Then the secondary data from data bases for the influence of seed funding, to analyse is seed funding helping or not helping student entrepreneurship and how to improve.

Business Ethics Material/Ethical Dilemma

Description In this activity, begin by rereading the scenario about the imminent merger presented in the first paragraph from the file on Prescriptive Approaches and complete the assigned posting listed below. Pretend that you are the person that found the merger information and must decide what to do with it. FOCUS on the ethical, not the legal issues. Select only ONE of the three approaches presented for dealing with ethical dilemmas (virtue ethics, deontological, and utilitarianism) and apply it to this situation. Write a short essay/logical argument–about 300-550 words– justifying whether you should or should not buy stock based upon the principles associated with the ethical approach you chose. Note: Be sure and state which prescriptive approach you are using. Your essay should reflect that you read the merger story and have an understanding of the prescriptive approaches.

EMR Failure

One thing in life we cannot control is nature. What would your organization do if there was a natural disaster that destroyed electrical lines and internet servers? How would you take care of your patients if you could not access the EMR for a week or more? What recommendations can you make for improvement? Reply to at least two of your peers with additional evidence-based recommendations for improvement. Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length.

Organizational Change

Organizational Change


Paper details:

Organizational Change Find a company that went through a big change within the last 12 months. The change may be a merger, buyout, downsizing, expansion, new marketing strategy, culture change within the company, change in CEO, or any other type of change. The company can be local or international. Analyze the company and then in a narrated, PowerPoint® presentation, with voice-over, address the following: Describe the company’s history and identify the change. Select the type of change – adaptive, innovative – or radically innovative, and explain your rational for your selection. Describe if the change is reactive or proactive. Ex: Reactive type of change – BP’s reactive approach to the April 2010 explosion led to the loss of 11 lives and is the largest oil spill in US waters. Ex: Proactive – Walt Disney investing $1 Billion in wearable technology – wristbands that interact with scanner throughout the them park, which it hopes will revolutionize the way visitors spend money at Walt Disney World. Explain how the change has or will impact the company (positively, negatively, or both). Conclusion – provide any recommendations or ideas that can help the company overcome the change. Requirements Your presentation should be approximately 5 slides. Have approximately 4–6 bullets per slide, and be sure to include a reference slide to show your research and at minimum you need to have two scholarly sources. Include graphics or animations to enhance your presentation. For assistance in creating a PowerPoint® presentation with voice-over, review the information on the Video Presentation Guide.

Define discuss and appraise the various techniques and tools available as part of an organisation’s recruitment and selection strategy and diversity management.

Learning Outcomes to be assessed: • Define, discuss and appraise the various techniques and tools available as part of an organisation’s recruitment and selection strategy and diversity management. • Evaluate and assess management and leadership development in the context of local and global employment markets. • Critically evaluate the contribution that HR policies can make to responsible management and organisational effectiveness. Attention to these outcomes is included in the taught element of the Resourcing and Talent Management section of the RLTM module.

Avon Products


Provide a brief description of the status of the company that led to its determination that a change was necessary. Identify the model for change theory typified in the case study of your choice. Discuss what led you to identify the model that you did. Illustrate the types of evaluation information that were collected and how they are used to benefit the company. Speculate about success of the changes within the next five (5) years and how adjustments could be made if the results become less than ideal.

Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment.

Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Explore how to identify and develop high-potential talent. Analyze behavior change theories and their impact on talent management processes. Determine the effects of leadership in the management of talent pools and the talent review process. Use technology and information resources to research issues in talent management. Write clearly and concisely about talent management using proper writing mechanics

Dealing with change is an ongoing challenge for every manager. Describe how an organization can tell that it needs to change

The topic is CHANGE


Paper details:

Change Do some research and answer the following critical thinking questions from this week’s readings. In your analysis, cite a minimum of three (3) references from different sources (the textbook can be one source). 1. Dealing with change is an ongoing challenge for every manager. Describe how an organization can tell that it needs to change. What are indicators that change is needed? 2. Organizational development (OD) is a set of techniques for implementing a planned change to make people and organizations more effective. Describe metrics that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a planned change and explain why is it often difficult for managers to implement change. 3. Social psychologist Kurt Lewin developed a three-stage model. Summarize the model and provide an example of how that model was implemented or used in your company (or previous one) or a change initiative.