Simulation Marketing Action Plan

This report will begin with a brief narrative of your outcomes for Decision #1 versus what actually happened. Then, using the format for your memo in Module 1, update your action plan for the simulation for the next three years. So, after the current year is over (Year 1), modify (based on outcomes for Year 1 as well as added decision-making responsibilities and capabilities) Years 2 and 3, and add new objectives, strategies, and tactics for Year 4. Briefly explain/justify the adjustment to objectives and tactics for the subject years going forward based on decision outcomes for Decision #1. In short then, your memo should briefly repeat your assumptions for Decision 1, the results that you saw for that period, how you are modifying your decisions going forward for Decision 2 and how that changes your projections for the subsequent 3 years, the results you achieved for Decision 2, and repeat the process for Period 3. Your next memo will be due by the end of Module 5 and will cover Decisions 4, 5, & 6. Your report should meet the following requirements: Be one-and-a-half to two pages long Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources from the CSU-Global Library. Include them at the end of your memo on a Reference page as you would any a formal paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). Advance Live Play, Decision 2. Evaluate your outcomes, modify your plans, and then run Decision #3 for the PharmaSim Simulation. You will discuss the results in the next report, due at the end of Module 5 for simulation Decisions 2, 3, and 4 (made in Module ) Resources must be scholarly

Operations Management


Please analyse the CDS case study and attempt the following.

All points must be addressed. Students should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of operations management, with specific focus on links between business strategy and operations. Students should demonstrate clear understanding of the need for process improvement in an operations contents. You are required to produce no more than ten Power Point slides in response to the assignment brief. You should present your discussion of the content of each slide in Power Point note form. Not including the content of the slides, the word count for the written component is 3000 words (+10%) You should approach the task as you would if asked to present findings and improvement plans to management. As an academic work, appropriate sources should be used to support your arguments. Harvard referencing conventions apply.

As a newly appointed consultant to operations at CDS you have been tasked with making improvements to manufacturing operations to ensure continuity and growth in line with business strategy. From your findings of the case analysis, please produce a presentation addressing the following: • Define the strategy types in evidence at CDS and identify how operations has been designed to support these strategies. • Analyse how the three core functions work together to support the strategies, and discuss any weaknesses identified. • Evaluate the future impact of development of the design house and major retailer services on manufacturing operations. • Recommend changes to manufacturing operations to ensure that production develops to support these future changes and challenges.

Group Sim Strategy Report

Please Note: This assignment is an group assignment on the team portion of the Capsim. Learning Outcome: Using the appropriate data from a business simulation, determine the firm’s performance on key indicators and communicate this assessment and recommendations for management actions.

Group Sim Strategy Report 2 (Competition Round 3 & 4) Objective:  To identify the business factors that influenced the development and strategy for each decision point within the simulation. Assignment Details: This is an overview of strategy and decisions made for each round of the simulation.  The focus should be on providing the rationale for why the group chose a particular strategy/decision for each functional area within the simulation.

Be sure to Include all the possible strategies and why they were not selected.  Tie decision rationale back to course content or knowledge of content areas from other MBA courses. For rounds after #1, include a brief description of “results” from previous decisions and your understanding of the factors that impacted the results.   Expectations: Business report format that can utilize bullet points as needed to augment narrative  “First Person” writing acceptable Error free grammar and writing

Smart Pro Car

Executive Summary, Price, Place, Promotion and Price Modules. You will show you in greater depth how you can elaborate on some of the items investigated in a marketing plan to further demonstrate your evidence for your positions on strategy.

Your paper needs to reflect learning the Principles of Marketing (4P’s) and how they can be applied to contemporary market business models, and your specific product. Your Marketing Plan should include your evidence and cite multiple references, from professional journals and our textbook, stating statistical sources wherever possible.

You need to have a minimum of 3 references to support your positions and adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. In addition to reflecting on the learning the Principles of Marketing (4P’s) and how they can be applied to contemporary market business models, and your specific product.The Market Plan Research Paper should consist of a Title page, Table of contents, Executive Summary, Price, Place, Promotion and Price Modules, and References. Can you use this site below to get more research:

Human Resources Representative

Company XYZ is an automobile multinational enterprise with its home country in the United States and a subsidiary location in China. Its China location manufactures exterior parts of its automobiles, including bonnets, guards, doors, bumpers, grills, mirrors, door handles, and all other exterior parts of their automobile brands. The company has developed a new model of automobile that is set to be released to the market in the year 2022. To meet this deadline, the company has designed the new model, and is sending one of its head managers in the home country location (United States) to serve as a manager in its host location in China for a year. The goal of sending one of its home country location manager is to ensure that the host location accurately follows the design of the exterior model, reduce any the percentage of errors in the manufacturing process, and teach managers in the host country location (China) some of its managerial tactics for achieving success. For your paper in this course, you will take the place of a Human Resources Representative who will write a proposal to the upper management on how this home country location manager, as an expatriate going from the United States to China, can be adequately prepared for a one year stay in China. Make sure to consider cultural differences between the U.S. and China, both within the work environment and outside of the work environment, family issues that may lead to a failed expatriate assignment, and other information that the upper management must consider in order to adequately prepare this manager for his/her one year stay in China. *Note: The hint to getting a high grade in this project is to integrate what you have learned from this course as much as possible and apply it to your response for this project. It would be even more beneficial to take notes and/or begin constructing your response as you go through each chapter for this course. Minimum number of pages for your project is 5 pages, double-spaced. Your paper should contain these features: double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font, and with one-inch margins. Make sure to cite your sources.

Supply Chain Constraints


Choose a different company from the Week 3 Forecasting and Constraint Study assignment as well as those that you selected in Weeks 1 and 2. You may include the company you work for if not used previously. Write a paper of 1,050 to 1,575 words in which you complete the following: Discuss how the company responds to predictable variability and integrates aggregate planning into the supply chain. Describe how supply is managed at this company. Describe how demand is determined at this company. Explain how the sales and operations plan of this company affects its supply chain performance and maximizes the company’s profitability. Assess the effect of risk management processes on supply chain constraints. Evaluate strategies that this company can employ to improve overall supply chain performance and overcome potential constraints. Include examples and cited resources in support of your argument. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. I have already used Walmart and BMW for week 1 and 2, a different company must be used for this assignment. Please discuss all questions and provide cited sources.

Gross margin and sales projection excel file and brief explanation

Create a gross margin and sales projection on Excel file for an online fashion store that sells only blazers- include brief explanation of the excel file. Sales projection will be for 5 years (starting from year 2020) The selling price of the blazer is 600 euros The production cost of one blazer is of 70 euros per unit. Cost of materials: fabrics= 4.90 euros the meter (you need 2 meters for 1 blazer) , lining fabric=1.30 euros for 1meter (you need 1meter40 for one blazer) You can estimate all the rest of the data and have to include marketing costs, influencers and celebrity endorsement costs, digital campaigns and social media costs, model costs for photoshoots, photoshoot costs and any other data that seems important. Please note that this is a start-up online fashion store- there is no physical store- costs and projections have to be realistic.

Examining a Strategic Plan

For your Final Project, you will review the strategic plans for a company or organization with which you are familiar that reflects a global perspective. This can be the organization you work for now, one you have worked for in the past, or one you particularly admire. Your review should focus on the following points:  Identifying the major types of HR activities the organization is engaging in, how much and how often, and their estimated costs and benefits.  Identifying how much these HR activities match the strategic goals of the company or organization, including global initiatives.  Recommending how the organization could better match its HR activities with its strategic objectives to improve performance and quality (including the costs and/or estimated future benefits).

Recovery Practices in Emergency Management

Recovery Practices in Emergency Management

Written Essay Preplanning with all stakeholders is a key element in successful long-term recovery following a disaster. Understanding the potential types of debris that may follow an event is integral to planning for how it may be transported, where it will be stored, and how it will ultimately be removed from the community. This type of planning is important because it can be time consuming, expensive, and possibly dangerous to health and the environment. Choose a case study of a disaster that occurred within the past 5 years, with adequate research material prepared to support your positions. (You can use the Library, academic papers, trade journal articles, or credible news sources.) Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word essay documenting the selected disaster. Include the following components in your essay: An operational analysis describing the following components: Describe the various elements of the disaster recovery process in the disaster you chose to research. In the textbook, refer to Reference Box 4.3: Debris Management Planning Checklist as a guide. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the different typical and atypical partners in the disaster recovery process. Identify various agencies, departments, companies, or organizations and what the general responsibilities would be in short-term and long-term disaster recovery planning. Give specific examples from the case study to demonstrate how short-term and long-term disaster recovery planning was accomplished, or how it left a gap in the planning process. A sustainable approach (pp. 48-53 of the text) with consideration to the following: Quality of life Economic viability Social equity Environmental quality Disaster resilience A summary of the ethical aspects of disaster recovery: What are the ethical issues in the case study that you selected? How would you address these issues? Explain what could have been done to prevent these issues from occurring. Note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the sources used. You may consult the Library, the internet, and any other outside resources in supporting your task. Use proper citations in APA style. In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria utilizing the 6th edition APA formatting style: Include a title page and reference page in 10–12 point font. (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable.) Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained. Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Appropriate 6th edition APA formatting style should be followed. You should also make sure to: Include an APA-formatted title page with full name, class name, section number, and date Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English Use double-space and Arial or Times New Roman in 12 point font size Use examples to support your discussion Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and within the body of your paper using the 6th edition APA format and citation style. For more information on APA guidelines, visit the Writing Center and review Common Citation in APA. Submitting Your Assignment Compose your presentation in Microsoft Word Digital Book to locate Box 4.3: Debris Management Planning Checklist as a guide.and pages 48-53!/4/14/6/6/2/8/6/6/4/10/2/4@0:100

Business Plan

1.What is the opportunity or need to be addressed? 2.Description of the Product 3.What are the unique benefits of your product? 4.What is the target market? 5.Completion of a competitor analysis 6.Demonstration of a sustainable competitive advantage 7.Awareness of the potential risks 8.Potential profitability, break-even and investment required 9.What conclusions can be drawn? 10.What are the recommendations e.g. go ahead but with modifications?