Cross- culture advertising analysis

Cross- culture advertising analysis

1. Please read paper requirement and all files before you start. FIY, this is an Australian diploma course’s assignment. 2. Please only use academic sources. 3. No direct quotation. Similarity should under 10%including reference list 4. Please follow the paper structure/word limit, you final version should include: (All parts mentioned in paper structure section) 5. I have uploaded class materials, Draws on relevant theory to underpin analysis;. Lecture slides/materials are not acceptable as a source. 6. Please check your paper with the Rubric before you delivery it 7. Please use academic vocabulary, no grammar errors 8. Please give me a draft of whatever you have at least 3 days before the deadline. 9. FYI, I uploaded the course outline for you to get the overview of this course.

Branding 6- business concepts embryonic and refined


Pick two business concepts, one that is embryonic and one that is more refined and prepare a 3 page essay addressing the following questions for each: · Is there a market? · Can we compete and win? · Will the leadership position endure? · What are the two or three issues and areas of uncertainty that will determine whether the concept is a success? This assignment must be in APA format.

How Brands and Consumers Use Social Media To Build a Better World by Simon Mainwaring

Topic: We First: How Brands and Consumers Use Social Media To Build a Better World by Simon Mainwaring


Paper details:

Read the book, and then write a two-page (1,000 – 1,200 word) report that describes the book and its impact on you as a social worker (and as a person). Make sure to address the following points: Introduce the book, and review major points Discuss what the most important pieces were to you, both as a social worker and also as a member of your own community. What should we know of/ about this book to enhance our own social work practice? What has this book shown you what we can do as members of our own community? Your book reports will be “published” for the whole class to read so that they can be familiar with all the books, not just the ones they read. So be sure these are reports that you are proud of. Again, feel free to use the first person. Include the name of the book and its reference information in the reference sheet.

Branding and Marketing : Knorr food brand

Branding and Marketing Communications Background: Knorr is the world’s 9th biggest food brand which has been used and trusted by millions of cooks across 87 markets. The Knorr cooking products range from stock cubes, soups, sauces to cooking chocolate. It is a trusted brand with a heritage stretching back 187 years. Globally, there has been a surge in interest in food so it could be argued that there never was a better time to be a food brand. The traditional category approach to marketing communications, of ‘mum cooking food for the kids’, might have appealed in the past but a different approach is needed for consumers today. Task: 1. Conduct some research into this brand – company, markets, products, sales etc. 2. Write an introduction to the essay where you provide the context for this global brand – the markets, the products, its sales etc. 3. Identify the key consumers of the brand. What are their characteristics? What part does this brand play in the lives of consumers who purchase this brand? 4. Discuss the approach to the positioning of the brand. What alternatives could they have taken? 5. Discuss how this brand advertises – on-line or offline or combinations. 6. Critically evaluate the marketing communication used by this brand. To what extent is it using integrated marketing communication using a range of digital and traditional tools? 7. Identify any circumstances which might have an impact on the effectiveness of the messages. 8. Briefly, evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing communications in achieving brand objectives. (It would be good to identify those brand objectives here first!). You may find it helpful to refer to particular campaigns such as the ‘Knorr: Love at first taste’ campaign as evidence. 9. REMEMBER THIS IS AN ESSAY Notes: 1. The essay should be 1500 words +/- 10% – excluding tables, charts, pictures, contents page, appendices and references. 2. The essay should follow the traditional pattern of introduction, main body of the essay and conclusion or summary. 3. DO NOT NUMBER or LABEL SECTIONS – as this would make it a report!!! 4. Please use paragraphs throughout – and do space between each paragraph. 5. Harvard referencing is to be used. 6. The numbering of each section in the brief above is there as a guide for you – do not number your paragraphs. 7. You can access some useful facts and figures on the ‘Knorr: Love at first taste’ campaign on the WARC site which you can access through the Sussex University library – electronic sources. 8. Why not have a look in a supermarket for the products of the brand.

Retirment Plan

Retirment Plan

You are expected to undertake calculations to provide to this couple an amount (if any) of additional savings over the next 10 years prior to retirement needed to support (in inflation-adjusted dollars) their disposable income at a level equivalent to 80% what they are currently experiencing.

These calculations will be undertaken on an EXCEL spreadsheet. The exercise will be based on: Calculating the net present value (at the beginning of their retirement period) of net after-tax revenue and income during their retirement The second calculation will be to compare this to the future value of all their accumulated savings available at the beginning of their retirement period.

In the event that the future value of the savings is not sufficient to support the present value of their net retirement expenditures, you will calculate what additional annual savings needed over the next 10 years to balance these two calculations In the event that the future value of the savings exceeds the present value of their net expenditures, you will calculate the reduction in annual savings that they would be able to afford over the next 10 years to balance these two calculations

Services Pricing and Distribution

Services, Pricing, and Distribution


Paper details:

Discuss Netflix’s distribution strategy? Explain the channels used to distribute the product. Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.


Studies Focus (Dimension), factors, Outcomes,Method used,Theories No.participant Future studies based on factors you can deiced what kind of dimension (focus in) or in which group should be in is personality factors or individual differences or demographic characteristics ect …….. each studies has different factors on other studies , mention them in table and try to group each studies factors based on factors mention in their studies

Simulation Marketing Action Plan

This report will begin with a brief narrative of your outcomes for Decision #1 versus what actually happened. Then, using the format for your memo in Module 1, update your action plan for the simulation for the next three years. So, after the current year is over (Year 1), modify (based on outcomes for Year 1 as well as added decision-making responsibilities and capabilities) Years 2 and 3, and add new objectives, strategies, and tactics for Year 4. Briefly explain/justify the adjustment to objectives and tactics for the subject years going forward based on decision outcomes for Decision #1. In short then, your memo should briefly repeat your assumptions for Decision 1, the results that you saw for that period, how you are modifying your decisions going forward for Decision 2 and how that changes your projections for the subsequent 3 years, the results you achieved for Decision 2, and repeat the process for Period 3. Your next memo will be due by the end of Module 5 and will cover Decisions 4, 5, & 6. Your report should meet the following requirements: Be one-and-a-half to two pages long Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources from the CSU-Global Library. Include them at the end of your memo on a Reference page as you would any a formal paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). Advance Live Play, Decision 2. Evaluate your outcomes, modify your plans, and then run Decision #3 for the PharmaSim Simulation. You will discuss the results in the next report, due at the end of Module 5 for simulation Decisions 2, 3, and 4 (made in Module ) Resources must be scholarly

Operations Management


Please analyse the CDS case study and attempt the following.

All points must be addressed. Students should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of operations management, with specific focus on links between business strategy and operations. Students should demonstrate clear understanding of the need for process improvement in an operations contents. You are required to produce no more than ten Power Point slides in response to the assignment brief. You should present your discussion of the content of each slide in Power Point note form. Not including the content of the slides, the word count for the written component is 3000 words (+10%) You should approach the task as you would if asked to present findings and improvement plans to management. As an academic work, appropriate sources should be used to support your arguments. Harvard referencing conventions apply.

As a newly appointed consultant to operations at CDS you have been tasked with making improvements to manufacturing operations to ensure continuity and growth in line with business strategy. From your findings of the case analysis, please produce a presentation addressing the following: • Define the strategy types in evidence at CDS and identify how operations has been designed to support these strategies. • Analyse how the three core functions work together to support the strategies, and discuss any weaknesses identified. • Evaluate the future impact of development of the design house and major retailer services on manufacturing operations. • Recommend changes to manufacturing operations to ensure that production develops to support these future changes and challenges.

Group Sim Strategy Report

Please Note: This assignment is an group assignment on the team portion of the Capsim. Learning Outcome: Using the appropriate data from a business simulation, determine the firm’s performance on key indicators and communicate this assessment and recommendations for management actions.

Group Sim Strategy Report 2 (Competition Round 3 & 4) Objective:  To identify the business factors that influenced the development and strategy for each decision point within the simulation. Assignment Details: This is an overview of strategy and decisions made for each round of the simulation.  The focus should be on providing the rationale for why the group chose a particular strategy/decision for each functional area within the simulation.

Be sure to Include all the possible strategies and why they were not selected.  Tie decision rationale back to course content or knowledge of content areas from other MBA courses. For rounds after #1, include a brief description of “results” from previous decisions and your understanding of the factors that impacted the results.   Expectations: Business report format that can utilize bullet points as needed to augment narrative  “First Person” writing acceptable Error free grammar and writing