Write a paper on company’s financial sales and profit sales

This is a paper that is requiring the student to write a paper on company’s financial sales and profit sales. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well and concisely.

Write a paper on company’s financial sales and profit sales

Company Sales Analysis
Write a paper that addresses the following as well as provides smooth transitions.
1. Analyze the company’s financial sales and profit results over the last three reported years, comparing sales revenue and profits. Provide as much detail as possible (e.g., the three-year financial analysis by total revenue and profit as well as by product segment and geographic area (if available and applicable). Identify and discuss the trends and the causes for these trends. [The financial information can generally be found in the company’s annual report. The product and geography breakouts are usually found in the latter part of the financial section of the annual report.]

2. What products and/or services does the company sell? 3. How does the company segment or structure their product line? 4. What geographies does the company cover? 5. What markets does the company seem to be targeting? 6. How would you describe the company’s marketing strategy? 7. What can you tell about the company’s sales model and coverage model? (For example: Do they use a direct sales force, inside sales, business partners, etc.? If they use multiple sales channels, can you tell how they approach their markets by channel?) 8. What can you tell about the company’s growth strategy going forward? 9. Provide any other information you deem appropriate to include.

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Write a paper on creating a theme for hotel, restaurant, country club

You will write a paper on creating a theme for hotel, restaurant, country club, or other hospitality business. The theme must be innovative and creative to provide a so called service environment or setting for a unique and positive guest experience.

Given your understanding of Jesus’ ministry and themes of preaching

You will write a paper on creating a theme for hotel, restaurant, country club, or other hospitality business. The theme must be innovative and creative to provide a so called service environment. Or setting for a unique and positive guest experience.

I recommend you to address the following points (but not be limited to):
*Business type (hotel, restaurant, theme park, cruise line, casino, etc).

* A unique theme, decoration, food, server, service delivery system, etc, can give your customers a new, different, and positive experience that will encourage them to return for future business and to inform others about it. List at least five things/practices that you think will achieve the above goals.

*In terms of business operations, you will need to elaborate and explain in details as to how the theme is done and operated in the paper. For example, the location of the establishment, business hours, prices for the products and service that will be provided, and target clientele.

This project may turn into a practical and feasible idea for your future business.

Grading will be on the following:

Address all of the above requirements -50%

Length of paper-40%

Use APA format-10%

Compare the culture where you work with that of Microsoft’s in the 2000s

Compare the culture where you work with that of Microsoft’s in the 2000s. Based on your workplace environment, can you give recommendations to Microsoft regarding its prior culture?

Compare the culture where you work with that of Microsoft’s in the 2000s

The Curious Case of Culture at Microsoft— Then and Now Shortly after 2000, Microsoft experienced a “lost decade.”
The company essentially missed markets for products such as e-books, digital music, Internet search, and social networking platforms. A significant part of the problem was that Microsoft had developed a seriously
dysfunctional culture.

Things were so bad that two employees (a married couple) wrote a book documenting the company’s problems:
Stack Rank This! Memoirs of a Microsoft Couple.

The authors narrated the woes of working at Microsoft, which included bullying, burnout, abusive (sometimes
screaming) managers, and intense but unhealthy competition across teams. All of these led to a stifling of teamwork
and innovation, and ultimately a decrease in Microsoft’s bottom line.

What has been blamed for much of the dysfunction was Microsoft’s use of “stack ranking” as a performance appraisal tool.

Managers had to evaluate employees to make them fit a “bell curve.” For example, a manager with 20 direct reports could only assign 4 people to the “great” or “excellent” categories. Exactly 12 employees
had to be rated “average,” and the final 4 had to be rated “poor.”

So, even on a team of superstars, employees received “poor” ratings. Conversely, on teams of slackers,
some members always obtained an “excellent” rating.

This stack ranking incentivized undesired behaviors.

Individuals avoided working on teams with highly competent employees, for fear of receiving a “poor.” Teams withheld
information and competed fiercely with each other.

Moreover, the rankings happened every six months. This created a short-term employee focus and hindered long range planning and also goal accomplishment.

A bizarre example of cultural dysfunction came from the innocuous mini cartons of milk Microsoft provided for
coffee breaks. Employees would open a carton, use a bit, and then return the carton to the fridge. The next employee,
though, had to decide whether or not to use the opened milk (“Did someone put their mouth on it!?” “Has
the milk soured!?”).

In fact, many employees just dumped out the mostly full milk cartons and opened new ones.
This amplified the problem, as other employees complained about how much milk the company was wasting!
Microsoft had a new but unfortunate cultural symbol—the “orphaned milk carton”—and the issue generated significant attention on the company’s social media platform.

Employees regularly posted pictures of abandoned milk cartons. One former employee was even quoted as saying,
“The [milk carton] problem exists and also it represented one of Microsoft’s biggest overall issues.” Concern about
milk cartons versus, say, declining market share is an obvious sign that something is wrong!

Microsoft had seemingly devolved from visionary to bureaucracy. Change was needed, and also often change is best achieved by shaking things up at the top.

In 2014, Microsoft welcomed new CEO, Satya Nadella, a former executive vice president inside the company.
The new CEO changed things immediately. Nadella’s primary goal was to transform the company’s culture into “one that values continual learning and growth.” For example, Nadella modified the company’s mission statement from a “temporary goal” (“a PC on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software”) to an “enduring mission” (“empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more”).

The company also made significant revisions to its stack-ranking appraisal system. A recent online survey of
1,168 employees gave Microsoft a B+ for its corporate culture— not bad, considering where the company was. Consistent
with these changes, the company’s stock price rose 178 percent in a little more than four years since Nadella took over. Oh, and finally, Microsoft now uses Bigger—quart-sized—milk cartons!


1.Firstly, compare the culture where you work with that of Microsoft’s in the 2000s. Based on your workplace environment, can you give recommendations to Microsoft regarding its prior culture?

2. Also, what steps might you take when work teams compete against each other, rather than work toward a common corporate goal?

3. Finally, most workers hate stack ranking. What might be a reason for this and how might this system be modified
to reward stars without the downsides?

Sources: Weinberger, M. (October 1, 2017). Microsoft CEO Satya
Nadella explains what happened when employees struggled with a gross milk situation. Business Insider. Retrieved July 1, 2019 from www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-satya-nadella-milkdilemma- 2017-9; Bort, J. (May 23, 2012). Microsoft is filled with abusive managers and overworked emplyees, says tell-all book.

Retrieved July 1, 2019, from www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-isfilled-

Explain how your organization can improve socially responsible initiatives

This is a paper that is requiring the student to Explain how your organization can improve socially responsible initiatives. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

Explain how your organization can improve socially responsible initiatives

Recommend an Ethical Initiative
Assume your organization has experienced a few ethical violations over the past six months. Some were considered quite severe. You have been tasked by senior leadership to prepare a proposal for an ethical initiative for your organization. For purposes of this assignment, you may include hypothetical ethical violations or ones you have experienced; be sure to omit any identifying information.

Utilize all your research from this course to prepare an ethical initiative for your organization. What will you implement, improve upon, or omit? Think of short-term goals and long-term goals to achieve later. Specifically, explain how you will ensure that you are an ethical leader and how you will help build and maintain an ethical organization and culture. Be sure to include the following:

Explain how your organization can improve socially responsible initiatives

Explain how your organization can improve socially responsible initiatives.
Assess current methods of communication to recommend improvements where necessary.
If your organization has a global presence, explain whether those practices have been conducted ethically. Indicate how these initiatives could be improved.
In addition to the written plans for your initiative, including charts, graphs, and any other visual aids to illustrate your ideas.

Length: 12-15 pages, not including title or reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 7 scholarly resources.

Your ethical initiative proposal should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and also concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and also styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

“How can the cruise ship industry be more sustainable?” 

This paper is on “How can the cruise ship industry be more sustainable?” The organizing principle of the research paper is the thesis statement. It poses the research question and provides the answer to that question.

How can the cruise ship industry be more sustainable

These are my given instructions:

Thesis Statement
The organizing principle of the research paper is the thesis statement. It poses the research
question and provides the answer to that question. The thesis alerts the reader to the writer’s
point of view and forms the backbone of the argument throughout the paper. It should include
the topic, or “what” of the paper; the purpose or “why” of the paper and the direction or “how”
of the paper

The outline should consist of the thesis statement followed by headings divided into subheadings
and, where appropriate, into sub-subheadings. It will serve as a guide for the first draft of the
research paper, providing structure and direction
Rubrics to see how it will be assessed.

The Annotated bibliography
Instead of a literature review, students will annotate the references (at least 12 are required) used
to write the paper with short descriptions (150 words) of each source, its quality and how it was
used in the paper. All references must be annotated. The annotated bibliography should reflect
quality and variety as well as correct APA format. Description should be grammatically correct

Investigative Report of a Problem or Issue in Hospitality and Tourism

1. Review information about problems and issues in hospitality and tourism that you
are interested in or curious about

2. Explain your motivation for the research

3. Formulate questions about the causes and impacts of the problem/issue on the
hospitality and tourism industries

4. Based on your inquiries, formulate a research topic of focus and write a problem

5. Write a thesis reflecting your point of view about the problem/issue based on
evidence that can support it

6. Conduct a literature review of scholarly and popular sources on your research

7. Describe the methods (qualitative/quantitative) used to find the data needed to
support your argument about the problem/issue

8. Write an outline reflecting the key questions that the research will answer and that
reflects the organization of the paper

9. In an 8-10-page paper (not including abstract and annotated bibliography), discuss
the problem/issue and recommendations to solve it. The audience must be
able to clearly identify that the writer has taken a position and make a
strong case based on the evaluation of key sources.

10. Based on the evidence you have found in your research, provide
recommendations to solve the problem/issue or sustain a trend

Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years

1. Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years. 2. Each industry will consist of five companies. 3. Recommend following us based companies.

Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years

Bloomberg based project
1. Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years.

2. Each industry will consist of five companies.

3. Recommend following us based companies.

4. Identify firms based on performance. Limit your description of each company to no more than two to three sentences per company. (Not so much descriptive make it n anaylsis)

5. Moreover, assume that your reader has taken this course. Therefore, you dont have to define/explain the ratios. Additionally, just analyze – tell a story from the numbers

6. For each industry you will identify the best company in that industry (tell why)

7. Compare across industries and pick the one best company of all analyzed

8. Perform time trend analysis and also peer group analysis within each industry

9. After you analyze your first industry go through your five companies tell the best company in that industry and do that for all, then tell what is unique about each industry, what do the industries have in common, compare and cross the industries.

10. Tell the one best company you like out of all the best industries


11. Also, analyse the company over five categories: short term solvency, current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio (make sure company can pay bills and stay afloat)

12. Analyse the company over five categories: long term solvency, total debt ratio, debt to equity, equity multiplier (make sure company can pay bills in the long run)

12. Time interest earned (tier) and also cash coverage (how much debt and can they afford their debt)

13. Asset management: talk about total asset turnover

14. Profitability: firstly, talk about profit margin, return on assets, return on equity

15. After looking at the items in #16 break the ratios up and also see what is driving the numbers what is influencing equity

16. Market value: price to earnings, market to book, economic value added, and also enterprise value

17. Bloomberg: supply chain (see who they buy from and who they sell to)

18. Analyst recommendations (do you agree? Finally, how do the analyst think do they like that compabikny out of the other 4 companies?)

Discuss how slavery inspired modern business management

This is a paper that is requiring the student to discuss how slavery inspired modern business management. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the description for the assessment:

Discuss how slavery inspired modern business management

Caitlin Rosenthal, “How Slavery Inspired Modern Business Management” Boston Review (2018)
“Organization of Work in the Industrial Age”, Encyclopedia Britannica.
“Scramble for Africa,” Wikipedia
George Washington Williams, “Open Letter to King Leopold” (1890)
Erez Manela, Empire, 1914-1918 Online: International Encyclopedia of the First War

Caitlin Rosenthal, in “How Slavery Inspired Modern Business Management”, argues that the extractive techniques used in mass production have a longer history. Rosenthal writes, “In a sense, scientific management replicated slavery’s extractive techniques while jettisoning the institution itself.” We have discussed extraction (of labor and raw materials) as part of our New Imperialism unit. In what ways does it make sense to compare mass production to New Imperialism? Or should we treat each of these things – colonialism and mass production – as separate historical developments?

Consider the following:
Firstly, as you are thinking about the possibilities and pitfalls of comparison, you might look at the Samuel Moyn and Sarah Churchwell readings in Unit 4, for arguments for and against historical comparison.
Secondly, using examples from the sources, explore the ways industrialized modes of production to violence and extraction.
Thirdly, in what ways was mass production “extractive?”
Fourthly, in what ways does Rosenthal connect the history of mass production to the history of plantation slavery? What techniques does Rosenthal identify, which were carried forward from enslavement to modern mass production?
Also, given what you know about New Imperialism, could a similar argument be made connecting mass production and colonization?
Lastly, in what ways might we connect mass production to the extractive economy of New Imperialism? In what ways do the histories of mass production and colonialism differ or diverge?

Learning experience in the BBA Program

This paper is focusing on Learning experience in the BBA Program – Describe broadly what you learned in your major.  For guidance you can review each major’s description available at:

Learning experience in the BBA Program

You are expected to produce a short video to describe (a) you’re learning experience in the BBA Program, and (b) how Strategic Management course ties to it.

The following information elaborates on this:

a) Learning experience in the BBA Program – Describe broadly what you learned in your major.

For guidance you can review each major’s description available at:


b) How this course ties to it. Describe how this course helped you in achieving two to three of the following BBA goals:

1.1 BBA students will assess an organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. They will  also integrate these factors into a viable strategic plan.

1.2 BBA students will analyze a firm’s financial and accounting information identifying firm strengths. Also, weaknesses and will develop suitable strategies to improve corporate performance.

1.3 BBA students will recognize, measure, and analyze market demand for a product or service and will integrate this analysis into an effective marketing strategy.

1.4 BBA students will understand the role of financial markets and institutions in our economy and will integrate these monetary factors into an effective decisionmaking process.

1.5 BBA students will employ information technology to collect and evaluate business data to support the formulation of organizational strategies based on the results of their analysis.

1.6 BBA students will employ production operation models to supply chain problems. They will also recommend the operating strategy that maximized shareholder value.

1.7 BBA students will integrate decision processes and also models from management, marketing, economics, finance, and accounting into the value creation process.

2.2 BBA students will apply quantitative methods and frameworks to business problems and also will incorporate the results of analysis into operating strategies.

4.1 BBA students will write concise, clear business reports.

4.2 BBA students will prepare and also make a persuasive, professional speech on a current business topic.

You should also link concepts and frameworks from the textbook and Capstone lessons to the achievement of these BBA objectives

Costing Analysis Accounting and Finance

QUESTION: Using a business as a case study, explain how you can estimate the cost of a product, service or activity within that business using applicable examples.

Costing Analysis Accounting and Finance

For the estimates presented you need to discuss any judgements made and /or any limitations faced with the methodology used. Finally, you should comment if you feel that your estimates can be used by management. Typical length: Approx 1500 words Please read attachments in full, T.4 and the Costing Example. Please read through brief in full to understand everything that is required.

Case Analysis of Risk, Uncertainty and Managing Incentivesoice

Writer’s Ch Case Analysis of Risk, Uncertainty and Managing Incentivesoice


Case Analysis of Risk Uncertainty and Managing Incentivesoice

1. Evaluate a company’s recent (within the last year) actions dealing with risk and uncertainty.

2. Offer advice for improving risk management.

3. For the company, you selected examine an adverse selection problem and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions.

4. For the company, you selected to determine the ways in which it is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it.

5. For the company, you selected to identify a principal-agent problem and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability.

6. For the company, you selected to examine the organizational structure and suggests ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability.

Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: One of your references regarding your research should have been published within the last 6 months.

Note: Wikipedia and Investopedia do not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.

Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.