Business Ethics



S Background for paper topic one: In reading 10.2, George Brenkert analyses a challenging and timely social issue to argue that our current doctrine of strict product liability is inadequate. The issue is harm caused by guns being used in ways that were not intended by the manufacturers (namely to kill or harm innocent people). Here are three facts that make strict product liability rules inadequate in the case of gun deaths, according to Brenkert: 1) The product is not defective 2) It does what it was designed to do 3) It seems unreasonable to blame the harm on any direct negligence on the part of the manufacturers Brenkert outlines a new kind of product liability, which he calls “Social products liability”, to argue that gun makers share some of the moral responsibility or burden for harm caused by guns. Guns are just the product Brenkert examines to justify a theory he feels should apply to a broad group of products. Brenkert is not a lawyer, and he is not sketching out a legal doctrine, but a MORAL one. Nonetheless, were society to adopt his proposal, laws regarding product liability would have to change or expand. Paper topic One Brenkert presents four conditions which he feels are individually necessary and collectively sufficient to assign partial responsibility to gun manufacturers for the unintended harm caused by guns. Pick one or two of these conditions and explore in depth Brenkert’s reasoning behind including them in determining “social product liability.” In your analysis, raise at least one potential complication or objection to the condition(s) you are examining in Brenkert’s argument. Conclude your essay by giving at least one substantial paragraph of your own critique of his overall proposal for expanding our notion of liability to include “social products liability”.

Background for paper topic two: Playgrounds across America have undergone a massive change in the last several decades in response to lawsuits and liability challenges regarding old fashioned playground equipment deemed hazardous. On the surface, this seems like a success story of liability laws leading to the creation of safer products. But what has been lost in the trade-off? Are there some situations or behaviors (in this case, risk-taking behavior by children) we should tolerate, even encourage, as a society, because they lead to other benefits? Can product safety standards come at the expense of other social goods? Paper topic two Base your paper on a discussion of some of the arguments against making playgrounds ever safer, as raised by Hanna Rosin’s article, “The Overprotected Kid” (available online here (Links to an external site.). Also available for download in the files folder of our course). There are a number of directions you could take this, and I am giving you free reign to decide. Reading the article will generate a lot of ideas. Since your paper is only 3-4 pages, do not attempt to cover to much ground. I will reward depth over breadth. Whatever way you choose to approach this topic, you must relate it to the discussion of product liability in your textbook.

What are the best practices of a sustainable company

Need a paper on the following using only scholarly sources The SWOT and competive analysis, and recommendations of the company I selected is attached PART I: For this part of your strategic analysis, you will first need to pull up the history of your organization(APPLE) , your SWOT analysis, your competitive analysis, and your recommendation of whether or not the sustainable initiative is feasible. After assembling these documents you will complete a systems analysis. Your systems analysis should include the following: Determine an activity that will impact the successful implementation of the sustainable initiative. Define the functions of that activity and the sub-activities involved in completing it. For example, if your activity is manufacturing clothes, your sub-activities would be buying materials, hiring employees, and finding buyers. Determine what can be changed in order to more effectively complete the activity, such as cutting down the number of suppliers by buying multiple items from one supplier. Argue how the proposed change will improve workflow and increase the chances of successfully implementing the sustainable initiative. This analysis should be 3 to 4 pages in length and formatted according to APA guidelines. PART II: For this part of the strategic analysis you will be providing recommendations based on theory. For this part of the assignment, choose a business management theory. Apply that theory to one of the following options: If your recommendation was that the initiative is feasible, describe how your theory will help you successfully implement the initiative in your business. To demonstrate this you will need to state how the theory will help provide minimal interruptions to business productivity, increase profits after the initiative is implemented, and benefit the organization as a whole. If your recommendation was that the initiative is not feasible, discuss how that theory can be used to overcome any challenges you have. For example, you may find that business is not organized enough to shift from using manufactured and heavily altered materials to undyed and unmodified materials. You might notice there are broken channels of communication between offices; sometimes managers of different factories do things their own way. Using the bureaucratic management theory and the systems management theory could come up with a solution to this problem and make the initiative feasible. This section should be a minimum of 3 to 4 pages in length and in APA format. PART III: This section will deal with solutions founded on evidence-based research. Consider the following when developing your solution: What are the best practices of a sustainable company? Consider the solutions you found in the two scenarios you completed in the simulation. How do these apply? What were some of their best practices? Consider looking into the companies Eco-fi, Patagonia, and REKIXX. These companies have implemented this sustainable initiative. What are their best practices? You have developed solutions to your problems using theories, now you will need to use evidence-based best practices in the industry to come up with alternative solutions to these problems. If you found there would be no issues making the change, then you should be using evidence-based best practices to provide suggestions on how the transition can go as smoothly as possible. In this assignment be sure to describe: An evidence-based solution. Best practices for the solution implementation. This section should be a minimum of 3 to 4 pages in length and in APA format.

Discuss the implications of competing in international markets

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. A. Create a business strategy in report format by doing the following:

1. Create an executive summary that includes the following points: • the vision, mission, and value statement of the business • the execution of a strategy • the financial evaluation of the strategy • a conclusion or summary of the business strategy

2. Discuss the vision, mission, and values statement completed in task 2, part A1.

3. Justify the analytical tools used in developing your strategy.

4. Include the detailed SWOT analysis from task 1. 5. Discuss your plan for maintaining competitive advantage. 6. Discuss the implications of competing in international markets. 7. Discuss a diversification strategy that should be considered in your business strategy. 8. Discuss at least one ethical consideration of your strategy. 9. Discuss your planned execution of the strategy. 10. Discuss how you would use ROI (return on investments) and cost-benefit analysis as part of your business strategy. 11. Create a conclusion for your business strategy. B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.  

Change Management and Innovation

This is a Business Report and multimedia presentation (suggested length 15–20 slides) Create a business report, including multimedia presentation, for the leadership of your chosen organization that clearly outlines a change strategy by completing the following steps: A. Analyze the current state of the chosen organization by doing the following: 1. Describe the mission statement of the chosen organization. a. Describe the goals for the organization over the next three years. 2. Identify the key external and internal stakeholders of the organization (e.g., board members, employees, the community, shareholders). 3. Discuss the current leadership (e.g., structure, policies, procedures, organizational systems) in the chosen organization. 4. Analyze at least two fundamental problems in the chosen organization. 5. Explain why fundamental change is necessary for the chosen organization to meet its mission and goals. B. Perform a SWOT analysis for the organization. C. Create a strategic plan that addresses the organization’s fundamental problems by doing the following: 1. Propose a strategy based on your SWOT analysis to address the organization’s fundamental problems. a. Explain how your strategy will benefit the organization and its stakeholders. 2. Explain how you will implement your strategic plan by doing the following: a. Explain at least three steps key stakeholders need to take to prepare the organization for change implementation. b. Identify resources needed for each step in your implementation plan. c. Outline an implementation timeline for each step within your plan. 3. Explain how you will evaluate your strategic plan by doing the following: a. Describe at least two success metrics that will be used to evaluate the plan. b. Explain how you will sustain the changes suggested in your plan. c. Discuss at least three challenges that might negatively affect the implementation of your plan. i. Discuss a contingency plan for each anticipated challenge discussed in part C3c. 4. Explain how you will communicate your strategic plan to the internal and external stakeholders identified in A2. D. Create a multimedia presentation (suggested length 15–20 slides) for the leadership of your chosen organization that clearly outlines the key points of your business report. E. Sources for the purpose of referencing are not required to complete this assessment, but if sources are used, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Exxon Mobil XOM

Mini-Case 9-2 (Chapter 9)

Exxon Mobil ( XOM) is one of the half- dozen major oil companies in the world. The firm has four primary operating divisions ( upstream, downstream, chemical, and global services) as well as a number of operating companies that it has acquired over the years.

A recent major acquisition was XTO Energy, which was acquired in 2009 for $ 41 billion. The XTO acquisition gave Exxon Mobil a significant presence in the development of domestic unconventional natural gas resources, including the development of shale gas formations, which was booming at the time. Assume that you have just been hired to be an analyst working for ExxonMobil’s chief financial officer.

Your first assignment was to look into the proper cost of capital for use in making corporate investments across the company’s many business units.

a. Would you recommend that Exxon Mobil use a single company- wide cost of capital for analyzing capital expenditures in all its business units? Why or why not? b. If you were to evaluate divisional costs of capital, how would you go about estimating these costs of capital for Exxon Mobil? Discuss how you would approach the problem in terms of how you would evaluate the weights to use for various sources of capital as well as how you would estimate the costs of individual sources of capital for each division.

Critically evaluate Coca-Cola’s current policy and performance on sustainability

Critically evaluate Coca-Cola’s current policy and performance on sustainability”

Subject: Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Business Ethics Title: “Critically evaluate Coca-Cola’s current policy and performance on sustainability” Coca-cola’s report on sustainability is available here: Please consider this in light of their products (in particular the health concerns) and their packaging (in particular plastic bottles). Your report should follow this format: Introduction Findings Conclusions Recommendations Please note: 1. Further general information o Words allowed: 2000 +/- 10% (excluding list of references / bibliography) o Display your title at the start of your report. o The report should take account of theory and practice in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Ethics. o The general UG assessment criteria will be applied in marking this report. 2. The assessment will take into account o format/style/fluency o research and (Harvard or APA) referencing o awareness and depth of analysis o deployment of relevant of theoretical insights o exercise of judgement and critical evaluation

Business processes and requirements

Business processes and requirements

Produce Role Activity Diagrams for the given scenario. You should produce two distinct models, one of the current (as-is) process, as described, and one to illustrate your suggested revised process (which will incorporate an IT system). Produce Volere templates, UML Use Case diagrams and SysML Requirements diagrams for the given scenario Business briefing document Produce a professional business document briefing the business owner on

Logistic and Supply Chain

Logistic and Supply Chain


Paper details:

Logistics and its Impact for a company of your own choice, write a 1,750 -word report to address the following tasks, you need to be practical in your approach and ensure adequate research. Assignment Tasks: 1. Analyse the relationship between Supply chain management and logistics management and assess the significance of effective logistics management in achieving long term organisational success. (LO1) 2. What do you understand by an ERP, analyse how an ERP can help the chosen organisation to improve its customer satisfaction, while reducing its cost, with a focus on ecommerce? Provide detailed analysis and support your answer with examples, in relevance to your chosen organisation. (LO2) 3. The chosen organisation wants to reduce its logistics cost, suggest and analyse different best practices, which can help the chosen organisation to achieve its objective of cost reduction. (LO3) Specific Instructions  Provide at least 9 – 10 references Coursework Structure: 1.0 Introduction Task 1 (350 words) 1.1 Overview of the organisation you have chosen. Make this relevant to the module, discuss the supply chain and logistics regarding this organisation. 1.2 Define Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Logistics. 1.3 Analyse the relationship between SCM and logistics. How are they similar? Where are the differences? 1.4 Discuss the significance to long term success. How can efficient SCM contribute to an organisations long term sustainability and success? 2.0 Task 2 (650 words) 2.1 Short definition of Enterprise Resource Planning ERP 2.2 Analyse ERP and how it can impact cost and customer satisfaction. How does an ERP reduce cost and how does it increase cost? Think long term and short term. How does the way an ERP system help organisations understand their customers’ needs and preferences. What does this mean for an organisation? 2.3 Support your ideas from above (2.2) with examples of it happening in your organisation, or in the industry of your chosen organisation. 3.0 Task 3 (650 words) 3.1 What are the major logistics costs? Cost can relate to more than just money. 3.2 Analyse and suggest different best practises 4.0 Conclusion (100 words) A summary of the report Organisation will be IKEA – UK must be 1750 words but I can choose just 1650 or 1925… ill choose 1650 but please to be 1750

Factors influencing Food Safety Compliance in Domestic Food Production Start-up Businesses


CHAPTER 4 RESULTS & DISCUSSION (2300): INSTRUCTIONS: The results section presents what you found in terms of the raw data, whether from questionnaires, interviews, samples analysed, etc. If the data are extensive, then the results may justify a separate chapter. Where they are not, it is often preferable to combine the results and their analysis in one chapter. Remember that results are raw data only and need to be processed by analysis (e.g. statistical) in order to be interpreted as meaningful information. To aid understanding, it is important that comments accompany figures, graphs and tables. It is not appropriate to discuss or speculate about the findings in this section. Make sure that you do not report analytical procedures that you do not understand! The discussion section puts forward the issues which arise from the detailed findings. These should be compared or contrasted to the general findings or comments from previous work and issues which you looked at in your introduction. The sub-headings in this section may closely follow the themes used to organise the review of the literature. The discussion section will also include some comment on the limitations of the study, e.g., sample size, how representative the sample was, the time period, etc. You should also provide general evaluation of the work, e.g., are there areas which you would tackle differently with hindsight? What are the most surprising findings? CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS (700 WORDS) INSTRUCTIONS: It is important to return to the hypotheses or aims and demonstrate to what extent these have now been addressed. All the various threads of the report should be clearly brought together, but nothing new should be introduced. Leading on from the Conclusions, you will often feel the necessity to make Recommendations. As with Results and Analysis, this section may be combined with Conclusions in one chapter. Recommendations may cover issues such as improved approaches to carrying out the study, further research or steps that could be taken to address problems and issues identified by the study. All recommendations should follow on from the evidence that has been presented in the Report.

Impact of motivation as a means of enhancing staff performance in an organisation

 Impact of motivation as a means of enhancing staff performance in an organisation. A comparative study of NCDMB and Vodacom.


Paper details:

Please find my supervisor’s comment on chapter one and two: Please make an argument for the theories that will drive the research. Clearly you haven’t used all of the theory so at some point you must have selected what you believe is most relevant in your case. You need to explain how that was done to the reader. As things stand the chapter is in danger of being a little descriptive – you describing a number of theories.