Major is consumer economics
FACS 2000E Summer 2019 Final Project – Essay Understanding Professional Ethics and the Body of Knowledge in the Context of my FACS major You will work individually and evaluate how your major (use the power point slides about your major/department in modules 3 and 4 as well as their webpages found at or or, or ) relates to the Professional Ethics of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) and found in Module 5 and the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem Model (Module 6) of AAFCS. Make sure you read both pages of instructions. The objective of this project: To access your understanding of the AAFCS Professional Ethics (Module 5) in relation to your major. To increase understanding of the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem (Module 6) To discover how the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem relates to your major. (Modules 3, 4, and 6) To better understand your major by examining other resources (these can be textbooks, webpages, articles) and applying what you learn to the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem. (Module 6 as well as other resources). If you use other sources make sure you cite your references by using APA, Chicago, or another citation method and include a short bibliography of your references. Requirements: Include a cover page with your name and your major, include the word count. Use 12 point font and 1” margins. Include a short introductory paragraph that lists your major (2 – 3 sentences). Include a 250 to 500 words discussion of the AAFCS Professional Ethics and how they relate to your future career. Title this section: Professional Ethics For this section on AAFCS Body of Knowledge and your Major – make sure your essay includes: points 1, 2, and 3; then select to answer any 3 of #4 – 10. This entire section must be 750 to 1000 words. Title this section: AAFCS Body of Knowledge and my Major. Use titles for sections to differentiate Section 1, 2, 3 and then the section you select to discuss in 4-10. Check for correct spelling, grammar usage, and typos. Each of these are -1 per error and can greatly reduce your essay grade. The essay is worth 100 points. Your essay should include points 1, 2, and 3; then select to answer any 3 of #4 -10. Identify and discuss the Basic Human Needs as they relate to your major. Identify and discuss the ways in which your major can impact basic human needs to achieve individual well-being Identify and discuss methods by which your major can impact family strengths in at least 3 of these areas: problem solving communication, equality, spirituality, flexibility, truthfulness, hope, family hardiness, family time and routines, social support and /or health Identify and discuss the ways in which your major can facilitate healthy communities through ownership and/or participation in meeting basic human needs and caring for and about one another Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of relationships among individuals, families, and communities and their physical, human-built, and social/behavioral environment. Identify and discuss ways in which your major may provide means for individuals, families, and communities to acquire knowledge, and skills, build on assets and strengths, respect diversity, and respond effectively to change. Identify and discuss ways in which your major impacts global interdependence. Identify and discuss ways in which your major can address resource development and sustainability to include managing resources wisely, protecting the environment, promoting sustainable practices, and creating public policy from generation to generation. Identify and discuss how your major can utilize the appropriate use of technology to affect the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. Identify and discuss how your major addresses health and well-being. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.